People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 754 Yuan Tiangang passed away

Chapter 754 Yuan Tiangang passed away

Li Yuan smiled and said, "Just passing by."

Li Ji also smiled, "Don't you know?"

Li Zheng looked up at the two of them, "Know what?"

Li Ji said: "Your Majesty wants to build a meritorious service platform to show off the capable officials and generals of the Tang Dynasty since the founding of the country. I thought you would be the youngest one among them."

Xun Gongtai?Showcasing the capable minister and general who founded the country, Li Zhengsi subconsciously whispered for a while: "Isn't this Lingyan Pavilion?"

"Lingyan Pavilion, a good name! This name sounds like" Li Yuan couldn't help nodding his head after hearing the name, "it sounds good, hidden and unassuming, and quite artistic, then it's called Lingyan Pavilion. I will write to you some other day." to the palace."

Li Zheng smiled bitterly and finally decided to build Lingyan Pavilion.

Li Ji went on to say: "You, Li Zheng, are well-known, and you have made a lot of contributions, even more than our generals."

Li Zheng thought about it and said: "How can I compare with the generals?"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Others don't know, how can I not know? The court and the palace are talking about you, Li Zheng, wait for the news, you probably want to go."

Li Zheng interrupted Li Yuan's words and said, "I'm still young, so let's forget about this kind of thing."

Li Ji said: "This is an honor to our ancestors. How can we forget about the important events of several lifetimes. The old man has already decided to recommend you to His Majesty."

Li Yuan also nodded, "Although you Li Zheng's reputation is not very good outside, but with your credit, it's okay to be ranked at the bottom, and the old man also recommends you."

After speaking, the two nodded together as if they had reached some kind of consensus, and then left together.

Li Zheng returned to his yard, thinking about Lingyan Pavilion.

The 24 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion are the most famous. Of course, there are more than 30 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion later, and more of them came after Zhenguan.

Only Zhenguan Dynasty is the most famous 24 heroes.

Of course, all the means used by the imperial power are to consolidate his own power.

One of the meanings of Lingyan Pavilion is to demonstrate Li Shimin's dominance.

Pour yourself a cup of tea, and feeling the warmth of the tea through the cup, Li Zheng looked up at the sky.

"Princess Fangling seems to want to deal with you."

Li Jiangshan's voice came from behind.

Li Zheng nodded and didn't respond much.

Li Jiangshan said again: "Princess Fangling is a very resourceful person."

Li Zheng took a sip of tea.

Seeing that Li Zheng didn't respond to his words, Li Jiangshan said: "This is what the queen told me, please be careful, the queen who can help will also help you."

Holding the teacup, Li Zheng said, "Then thank the queen for me."

Li Jiangshan looked towards the door outside the courtyard, "Li Chunfeng is here."

Li Zheng also looked at the door, and greeted Li Chunfeng: "Daoist Li, please come in."

Li Chunfeng just entered the door, walked up to Li Zheng and said: "Recently, I have learned a lot from geometry and mathematics."

When the maid saw the guests, she brought tea and pastries.

After sitting down, Li Chunfeng looked a little disappointed, "Daoist Yuan passed away."

The yard was quiet for a while, and it wasn't so cold when a gust of wind blew by. The midwinter season is coming to an end, and this year's year is also going to pass.

Li Zheng took another sip of tea, "So many things happened this year."

Li Chunfeng nodded, "Yesterday I received a letter, which was sent by a fellow Taoist. The letter said that Daoist Yuan has been buried in the ground. After reading this letter, I can finally be sure that he has indeed passed away."

Li is drinking tea.

Li Chunfeng's words trembled a little, "I have always treated him like a brother, but he didn't even tell me when he died or where he was buried, and asked me where to worship him."

Yuan Tiangang passed away, and no one knows when he left or where he was buried.

Maybe this old Taoist wants to take his mystery into the coffin.

Legends are legends after all, Li Zheng always feels that he is the only sober person in the world, everyone is drunk and I am sober?
I really don't like this feeling.

Li Chunfeng said to Li Zheng: "Li Zheng, you also know about pushing back pictures, right?"

Li Zheng nodded, "When I first met Daoist Li, I wanted to see the picture of Tuibei. I don't know if it is really as magical as it is in the legend."

Li Chunfeng sighed and said: "Perhaps Daoist Yuan can only understand the Tuibei picture. Although I have seen it, I don't understand its meaning. Everything on the Tuibei picture is very obscure. Yuan Daochang told Pindao back then that the world can't see it." This picture."

How can a picture that can predict the future preserve its authenticity?
Let the Tuibei map maintain a sense of mystery, but no one doubts its authenticity.

The fact that the world cannot see this picture is perhaps the best protection for the Tuibei picture.

It doesn't matter if the picture actually exists or not.

Li Chunfeng continued: "Li Zheng, I know your morality is not shallow."

Li Zheng said with emotion: "What kind of morals do I have?"

Li Chunfeng smiled, "You are still so modest."

"Li Daochang, I'm really not humble."

"Actually, Daoist Yuan is a very good person."

After Li Chunfeng finished speaking, his expression became lonely again.

Li Zheng said: "I have no malice towards Daoist Yuan."

Li Chunfeng looked at Li Zheng and said: "There are many Taoist priests in this world. I have seen those Taoist priests who seek wealth and murder. These Taoist priests are certainly hateful, and of course they are also despised by our colleagues, but Daoist Yuan has never done this."

After listening to Li Chunfeng's words, Li Zheng looked at him and said, "I now understand Daoist Li's reason for coming."

Li Chunfeng forced a smile.

Li Zheng said again: "I will not pursue the Tuibei map, and I will not smear Daoist Yuan's reputation. I don't have this intention, and I don't have any enmity with Daoist Yuan."

Li Chunfeng nodded, "So I feel relieved, and I will leave first."

"That's right." Li Zheng said to Li Chunfeng: "Cheng Chumo is going to live in Jingyang, his family is more particular about living in Jingyang."

Li Chunfeng said: "Yes."

Seeing that Li Chunfeng was about to leave, Li Zheng said again: "Arrange two rooms for him, I always feel that this old man Cheng Yaojin is going to live in Jingyang for a long time."

Li Chunfeng nodded and left.

Xu Hui and Li Lizhi also came back, and they brought a basket of wild vegetables.

Wild vegetables need to be picked and washed, and the maids at home do these things.

Li Lizhi came to the side and said, "I just saw Li Daochang leaving."

Holding the teacup, Li Zheng said, "I told you something about Daoist Yuan's death."

Li Lizhi asked curiously, "Daoist Yuan passed away."

Li Zheng nodded.

Li Lizhi's originally good mood on her face also became lonely, after all, a person she knew passed away.

Li Chunfeng's meaning is also obvious, perhaps it was Yuan Tiangang's arrangement before his death.

Holding the teacup, Li Zheng thought to himself, let Daoist Yuan just go.

What kind of push back pictures, those falsehoods, Li didn't believe it in his original intention, but maybe it can make Yuan Tiangang go better if he doesn't say it bluntly, just take it as the respect of the juniors for him, after all, he hasn't harmed anyone , and never had any ill intentions towards me.

 Sorry, Xiao Zhang just came back from the hospital after getting an injection. I will temporarily update a chapter today, and I will update it normally tomorrow.
(End of this chapter)

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