Chapter 757
Li Zheng said to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty should also pay attention to resting your eyes more, because myopia is an irreversible damage. Myopia will only get worse and cannot be relieved. If you find it hard to see after using it for a while, you need to change it." glasses."

After Li Zheng finished speaking, Li Shimin said, "Is this the only way?"

Li Zheng nodded and said: "Your Majesty can review the memorial and look at the distant scenery every half an hour for a moment, then close your eyes and rest for a while, and continue to review the memorial."

Li Shimin complied and looked at the distant scenery.

"Yes, that's it." Li Zheng nodded.

Li Shimin withdrew his gaze suspiciously and said, "What's the point of this?"

The movement of the eyeballs is difficult to explain, Li Zheng said to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, believe it or not."

Li Shimin nodded and said, "Have you met Tang Xuanzang?"

Li Zheng nodded feebly.

Sitting down at the side, Li Shimin said, "I hope Tang Xuanzang can return to vulgarity, what do you think?"

"Let Tang Xuanzang return to vulgarity?" Li Zheng was thinking, inexplicably having a very strange feeling. In history, after Tang Xuanzang returned to the Central Plains, Li Shimin wanted to make a sworn vow with Tang Xuanzang, hoping to make Tang Xuanzang return to vulgarity.

Now Tang Xuanzang's reputation in Buddhism is prominent, and there are some reasons why Buddhism deliberately touts it.

"A holy monk came out of Buddhism, and now he is the hope of Buddhism. If Tang Xuanzang returned to vulgarity, wouldn't it be a drudgery? I'm afraid those people in Buddhism will cry to death." Li Zheng couldn't stop nodding, "Your Majesty's move is really true. Vicious, I admire and admire you."

Li Shimin nodded and said, "Can you make Tang Xuanzang return to secular life?"

Li Zheng shook his head and said, "It should be unlikely."

Li Shimin said again: "I can give him a title and ten thousand yuan of money, as long as he is willing to return to vulgarity."

"Tang Xuanzang is a stubborn monk. He believes in his Buddhism. It is not a good way to persuade such a person to return to vulgarity, unless..." Li Zheng paused here and hesitated.

"Unless what?" Li Shimin asked.

"Unless he meets love." Li Zheng said melancholy.


Li Shimin was also silent for a while, "Is she a moving beauty?"

Li Zhengchang sighed and said, "Your Majesty, is there any misunderstanding about love?"

Li Shimin was stunned, "What misunderstanding?"

Li Zheng said to him: "Your Majesty, if you send a beautiful woman to Tang Xuanzang's bed, he will probably think it is a fairy jumping, and then run away."

Li Shimin was taken aback again, "What is Immortal Dance?"


This is where it takes a lot of effort to talk to the ancients. Li Zheng talked about the process before and after the fairy dance, and Li Shimin listened for a while before he understood.

After looking at Li Zheng for a long time, Li Shimin said, "This is the first time I've heard of such a thing."

"Really? There is no such thing in the Tang Dynasty?" Li Zhengchang sighed and said, "Perhaps this is the simplicity of the people."

Li Shimin nodded and said: "However, men are all attracted by beauty, and you may be the only one who will run away. Li Zheng, everyone is saying that you, Li Zheng, are not close to women."


Li Zheng sighed and said, "Your Majesty, do you have any misunderstandings about beauty and love?"

"Misunderstanding? Isn't it normal for men to love beauties?"

Li Zheng also said: "The relationship between love and beauty is actually not that big. It refers to the mutual admiration between two sentient individuals, and also refers to the feeling of love."

Li Shimin smiled disdainfully, "I think your method is good, maybe you can use this to blackmail Tang Xuanzang to return to vulgarity. This trip is worthwhile for me."

After speaking, Li Shimin looked at Li Zheng again, "I heard from Qing Que that you want to expand the production capacity of the book printing house?"

Li Zheng said: "The world's aristocratic families are against me, and I have offended the Buddhist sect. What can I do? Now I don't have many things that can fight against them. If I can use printed books to protect myself, it is the most important thing."

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "Although I used to urge you, but never persecuted you, this time you want to do it yourself."

Li Zheng still nodded.

Li Shimin added: "Once the book printing workshop expands, and once the number of books flowing into the workshop becomes uncontrollable, do you know what you will face in the end?"

"I know that Wuxing and Buddhism will fight me desperately."

Staring at Li Zheng's expression, Li Shimin said, "Are you ready?"

Li Zheng grinned and said, "Let's make the storm stronger."

Li Shimin looked at Wang Ding, "You will stay in Jingyang during this time. If you need anything, you can help Li Zheng as much as you can. If there is something urgent, you don't have to report it to me. Li Zheng can make his own decisions."

Wang Ding bowed and said, "This old slave understands."

Li Shimin said again: "Li Zheng, I now appoint you as the supervisor of the book workshop. The book workshop ranks among the six twelve temples, and you, Li Zheng, are in charge."

Li Zheng cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I have a request."

Li Shimin said: "Say."

Li Zheng thought about it for a while and said: "The current book printing business is a joint venture with the queen. If it is included in the court, will it be under the jurisdiction of the court officials, but there are so many officials with five surnames in the court now."

"You can tell Wang Ding directly, and Wang Ding will naturally report to me." Li Shimin nodded and said, "Li Zheng, movable type printing is indeed a sharp weapon for the Tang Dynasty. Hand over the sword in your hand, you and I are in the same boat, and I can rest assured only if I hand it over to you, don't shirk it."

Li Zheng smiled awkwardly, "So I have no choice?"

Li Shimin stood facing the wind with his hands behind his back and said: "I can promise you that the printing house will be independent from the imperial court.",

The interests are the same, and Li Shimin also wants to break the family's control over the scholars. Under the monopoly of the family controlling the scholars, there is no advantage to the times but only disadvantages. A long-term monopoly will inevitably lead to a kind of nepotism.

Li Zheng said to Li Shimin: "The family is nepotism, and the court is full of descendants of the family. It is inevitable that the court will fall into the hands of the family. If it gets worse, the family can even influence the national policy of the court. We know a thing or two about the expedition to Tubo." .For their own benefit, the aristocratic family will never allow the court to enter Tubo."

Looking at the peaceful Jingyang Li Shimin said, "Of course I know."

Li Zheng said to Li Shimin again: "Your Majesty, overthrowing aristocratic families and Buddhism is not just about printing books."

Li Shimin looked at Li Zheng.

Li Zheng went on to say: "The more frightening aspect of the group relationship is that it will block the channels for the lower classes to rise. Those who have no hope control the number of scholars, and even control the number of scholars in a place,"

(End of this chapter)

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