Chapter 758 The Trickiest Enemy

"People can't see hope, they can't see the opportunity to get ahead, they will pin their hope on more illusory illusions, this kind of illusion is likely to be Buddhism, but the interests between Buddhism and the nobles of the family have always been unclear. There has always been contact, whether it is Buddhism or studying, they cannot escape the control of the family, this is the most terrifying."

Li Zheng also said: "Because their interests are the present and the present, never the future."

After finishing speaking, Li Zheng said loudly: "Your Majesty will be Zhenguan for ten years next month. Can the imperial examination be reopened, and the imperial examination system should be re-established. The bad habit of submitting papers should also change."

Li Shimin recalled that Li Zheng handed over a letter scolding the court, "I remember you said in the letter back then that the bad habit of submitting papers will only lead to corruption?"

Li Zhengfan asked, "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Li Shimin nodded and said, "I will think about it carefully."

"Since the matter of making the bookstore has been settled, and I am the supervisor of the bookmaking workshop, should the matter of salary be calculated, and the previous salary has not been paid for several years."

Li Shimin's eyes, which were originally filled with blood, suddenly turned cold.

Li Zheng said again: "Let's talk about it, the money must always be given in place, right?"

Li Shimin turned and left with a disdainful smile.

It is indeed a very sad thing that the emperor owes money and does not pay it, it is too sad.

How can you be an emperor like this? It's so unkind.

Looking at Wang Ding at the side, Wang Ding bowed and smiled.

"Eunuch Wang, do you think His Majesty will pay back the money?"

Wang Ding said in a low voice: "This old servant dare not speculate on the Holy Will."


Wang Ding added: "Since we want to expand our book printing business, what is Chang'an Ling going to do first?"

Li Zheng said to Wang Ding: "There is still an open space in the south of Jingyang. We can expand the printing workshop along the river. If we leave ten hectares, we should be able to expand the size of our current printing workshop by about five times."

Wang Ding pondered in his mind and said, "Old slave understands, do you need manpower? This old slave can go to the Ministry of Industry to recruit manpower."

Li Zheng shook his head, "We can't mobilize people from the court this time, we in Jingyang can do it ourselves."

Wang Ding nodded and said: "If there is anything that needs to be done by this old slave, Chang'an Ling just let me know."

Li Zheng said to Wang Ding: "When I expand the printing workshop, it is tantamount to launching a war against the five surnames. Can more Longwu soldiers be dispatched to guard Jingyang?"

Wang Ding nodded, "The old slave will do it now."

Li Zheng lifted the fishing rod again, the earthworms on the hook had been eaten up, and the fish had already escaped from the hook.

"Fishing is getting more and more difficult these days." Li Zheng went home with a bamboo basket and fishing rod.

In Chang'an, Princess Fangling got a case file, which was written by Bian Ji.

Bianji wrote down all the conversations between Tang Xuanzang and Li Zheng.

Looking at the words on the case file, "What people worship is not Buddha but their own desires."

Seeing these words, Princess Fangling frowned and pointed at the vital point of Buddhism.

This sentence can completely destroy the piety that Buddhism has always upheld.

What's wrong with what Li Zheng said?
Why do people worship Buddha? Buddhism claims that the six roots are pure, and what can be given is desire.

Is such a Buddhist gate still pure?
Such contradictions can even ruin the reputation of Buddhism.

Murder is just that.

Princess Fangling read the following words again, opened up the wisdom of the people, and expanded the number of printed books. When people become more and more aware of the importance of reading, fewer and fewer people go to temples.

Barbarians who have no culture, no science, and no knowledge are more likely to be bewitched by Buddhism, so they stop studying and working, and devote themselves to Buddha.

Such barbarians are more easily manipulated.

One word reveals the weakness of Buddhism.

Princess Fangling took a deep breath, put down the file in her hand, looked at the flickering candlelight in front of her, and whispered, "Li Zheng is going to destroy Buddhism!"

The monks on the side looked a little flustered, "Your Highness, what should we do?"

Princess Fangling nodded and said, "Li Zheng is a very strong opponent. He has no self-discipline in life and is not feminine. The strongest opponent in this world is one who has no weaknesses."

After finishing speaking, Princess Fangling fell silent again, looked at the night outside the window and said, "It's been so many years, I've seen countless men, and this is the first time I've seen someone like Li Zheng."

The monk at the side said with a cold expression, "Should we send killers to kill Li Zheng? It will be settled once and for all."

Princess Fangling looked at several monks beside her.

Those monks immediately lowered their heads facing Princess Fangling, not daring to look directly at her.

"Li Zheng wants to deal with Buddhism, but Li Shimin is behind him. Li Shimin even wants to control Buddhism. Back then, Li Shimin made a decree to support Taoism and control monks' letters. You can see that Li Shimin also wants to curb Buddhism."

"His Majesty has long since disliked us."

Princess Fangling smiled self-deprecatingly after finishing speaking, "It's Lizhi who doesn't know how to cultivate her luck in her previous life to marry a smart person like Li Zheng. As an aunt, I am very happy for Lizhi."

Looking at these self-proclaimed noble monks, Princess Fangling knew exactly what they were.

They are too far away from Li Zheng.

A feeling of powerlessness rose in my heart. I met Li Zheng twice, once in front of Zongzheng Temple. When I saw Li Zheng at that time, I could feel that the child's eyes were very clear, and he was not at all moved by his beauty.

Even if you make a little move on weekdays, many men will look at you.

The thoughts of those men will make them lose their minds and thus control them well.

The second time I saw Li was when the prince got married.

At that time, Li Zheng still looked at himself with clear eyes, without the coveting in the eyes of other men.

Once he can't control Li Zheng, he will become his most difficult enemy.

Everything that happened right now confirmed what I thought at the beginning.

Princess Fangling said to the monk at the side: "This palace should write a letter to Lizhi, anyway, I am also Lizhi's aunt."

A few days later, Tang Xuanzang left Da Ci'en Temple and came outside Jingyang Village again.

After wandering outside the village for a long time, Tang Xuanzang and the guards here explained their intentions.

Li Yifu personally went to report to Li Zheng.

Li Zheng, who was eating tea eggs with Li Tai, was also a little surprised when he heard that Tang Xuanzang was coming.

Li Tai asked curiously, "What else is he here for?"

Li Yifu replied: "I didn't say anything."

Li Zheng sighed helplessly, "Let him go to the stables."


After eating a tea egg, Li Zheng said, "His Royal Highness, would you like to come with me?"

Li Tai said: "No, I'm going back to Chang'an. On the first day of the new year, envoys from all over the world will come. As the prince, I also want to be present."

"Then His Royal Highness King Wei, please go ahead."

(End of this chapter)

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