Chapter 777
Especially now that his face was covered with bruises from beatings, his smile was even more twisted.

"I don't care about your testimonials. Those testimonies pose no threat to me. Who do you think is in the arms business? Who do you think can have such a huge source of weapons to sell to Tubo and the Western Regions, and can do so for so long over the years? ?”

Hearing Li Zheng's words, a name immediately appeared in Zhi Shili's mind, if it was really the one in the palace, then everything would make sense.

It was another cold war, and his complexion was pale when he lost his mind.

Li Zheng said in a low voice again: "Zhi Shili, who do you think you are accusing? Do you think your testimony is useful? As for the title of East Turkic Khan, do you think the herdsmen of East Turkic will recognize you?" ?"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he lost his mind and said in a low voice: "What should the villain do?"

Li Zheng shook the fan in his hand and said, "Do you still know what you just said?"

Zhi lost his mind and nodded.

Li Zheng looked at his expression, "Then you know what to do now?"

Zhi Shi Si Li quickly said: "The villain knows what to do."

Li Zheng smiled and nodded, "General Li Junxian."

Li Junxian bowed and said, "The end is here."

Looking up at the night, Li Zheng said: "Send him back, the other party should be able to fool him now."

Li Junxian nodded, "Here!"

After speaking, he left without thinking.

Watching this group of people disappear into the night, Li Zheng glanced at Wang Ding beside him, "How did you find him?"

Wang Ding said with a smile: "The old slave naturally has his own way of doing things."

Walking all the way back to the village, Li Zheng said again: "Is it true that all the troubles around Chang'an and Chang'an are in the eyes of His Majesty?"

Wang Ding still smiled strangely.

It was almost dawn, and Li Junxian and others threw him near Bashang by Li Junxian and others.

The rope on his body has been untied, and he endured the severe pain and lost his mind to stand up and look in the direction of Jingyang.

With the sound of horseshoes coming from behind, a group of people and horses are coming here.

Dozens of people riding horses immediately surrounded Zhi Shili.

Zhi Shili looked at the person and said, "Don't force me, I'll show you to death."

The visitor smiled and said, "It's just for you to say a few words in the hall. Not only can you get money, but you can also get back your title of Turkic Khan."

Zhi Sisi took a step back, "The blood of the Eastern Turkic royal family is Ashina, and my name is not right."

"So you want to escape? You can't escape from our palms, and you dare to stun our people. If there is another time, you will definitely be killed."

Zhi Shili said again: "I don't want to fight against Li Zheng, please let me go."

The visitor still had a sinister smile on his face, "I can't help you."

While speaking, he was tied up again by these people.

"What's the matter with the wound on your face?" the person asked.

"I fell it myself." Zhi Shili replied.

"Why do I look like I was beaten by someone?"

There is not much explanation for the loss of mind.

The other party didn't ask any more questions, they only had some sarcasm in their eyes.

This time, they brought themselves a change of clothes and dressed up.

was taken to a house.

Zhi Shili faced the closed door and was about to push the door in when he was stopped by them.

"Do you know what to say in court?"

There was a voice in the room, and it sounded like an old man's voice.

Zhi Shili said in a low voice: "Will you restore the title of Eastern Turkic Khan to me?"

"That's natural." The voice came from inside the room again.

"The little man understands."

Zhi Shili let them lead him out of the house, all the way to Chang'an City, accompanied by more than a dozen guards, but they seemed to be escorts, but in Zhi Shili's eyes, they were more like escorts.

All the way to the front of Chengtianmen, Zhishili was standing here.

The weather has already entered spring, and it has only just entered spring, and today's weather is extremely hot.

Wiping off the sweat from his forehead, at this time the Tai Chi Hall is still in the morning, and he doesn't know when he will be summoned.

It was almost noon, when I lost my mind and saw a guard come out and take a look, the final gaze stayed on me.

"You just lost your mind?" the guard asked.

"I'm right here." Zhi lost his mind and saluted slightly.

The guard looked him up and down again and said, "Go in, Your Majesty has summoned you."

Following the guards into the Chengtian Gate, he lost his mind and glanced at the people who followed him behind him.

Looking at the Tai Chi Hall not far away, he took a deep breath and quickened his pace.

When I came to the front of the hall, I saw a group of ministers and generals in the Taiji Hall.

Seeing this, Zhishen understood the strength of Datang, and for some reason, he understood what Ashina said.

The current Turks will not be the opponents of the Central Plains, and these capable ministers and generals in the Taiji Hall are also demonstrating the strength of the Tang Dynasty.

Walking into the hall with slippers, he walked all the way to the front of the court, saluted and said: "The guilty minister pays homage to Heaven Khan."

Li Shimin nodded and asked: "Cui Yue said that you want to testify against Li Zheng, is there such a thing?"

Zhi Shili didn't know Cui Yue, and when he saw the confident official on his face, he must be him.

Looking at Li Shimin's expression again, he couldn't see any joy or anger.

"I'm asking you, is there such a thing?"

Li Shimin's question came again.

This Cui Yue was also looking at him.

Zhi Shili bowed again and said, "There is indeed such a thing."

Li Shimin asked again: "You want to testify against Li Zheng for smuggling weapons?"

Zhi lost his mind and said loudly: "It is indeed so."

As soon as these words came out, the court was in an uproar.

With a plop, he knelt down in the hall and said loudly: "Khan, the guilty minister is an exiled prisoner. This Cui Yue and his children threatened me and asked me to testify against Li Zheng. If I don't If they do, they will kill the criminals."

"What did you say!" Li Shimin's face was dark, and the words almost came out of his teeth.

Cui Yue looked at Zhishen with astonishment, "The old man has never threatened you!"

Zhi Shili sneered and said: "Don't pretend, I don't have any evidence, and I don't know that Li is smuggling weapons, and I haven't heard of it. All of this is because you blackmail me, coerce me, I know that I am not of the blood of the Eastern Turkic royal family, and I don’t want to be the Khan of the Eastern Turkic family anymore, I just want to live, but you want me to do this kind of thing.”

"You are lying! You are framing!" Cui Yue said loudly.

There was another uproar in the court, and the witness turned his back on the spot.

Didn't expect to be blackmailed.

Zhi Shi Si Li gritted his teeth and said again: "Dear God Khan, I swear by my name, Zhi Shi Si Li, what I said is not half false, they only want to get rid of Li Zheng for the benefit of Buddhism, and that's why they threatened me. "

"You fart!" Cui Yue jumped and cursed, at this time he couldn't even care about being gentle.

Zhi Shisili tore off his shirt, pointed to the wounds on his body and said, "These are the scars from when they beat me and threatened me!"

(End of this chapter)

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