Chapter 778
Everyone looked at the bruises on Zhishenli's body, and the discussion became louder for a while.

"In this way, it seems that there should be no falsehood in what he said."

"Could it be that the arms trading business is really not done by Li Zheng?"

"I didn't expect that the power to lose one's mind was actually threatened."


Hearing the discussion behind him, Cui Yue's expression became even uglier, and at this moment, he even wanted to tear up his mindless power on the spot.

Li Shimin looked at the wound on Zhishenli's body, and looked at Cui Yue.

Noticing Li Shimin's eyes, Cui Yue bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty! I have never beaten him, nor threatened him."

Li Shimin nodded and said: "I lost my mind, do you know that Cui Yue is my counselor at Yushitai."

As soon as Li Shimin spoke, the court fell silent again.

Zhi Shili said loudly: "The guilty minister knows, but the guilty minister just doesn't want anyone to deceive Tian Khan."

Li Shimin's expression flashed for a moment with a playful smile, he stared at Cui Yue and said, "What else do you have to say."

"Chen..." Cui Yue stood on the ground with a pale face. Didn't this obsessed with Li Zheng have enmity?Why did he retract his confession!
Looking at the expression of Zhishenli, Cui Yue said loudly: "Zhishenli, how much money did Li Zheng take!"

Zhi lost his mind and still knelt on the ground, "Khan, the guilty minister has not received any money from Li Zheng, but this admonishing doctor, his son said that he can give me a lot of money after things are done."

Li Shimin stood up and said: "Whether it is Cui Yue's threat or Li Zheng's bribe, let me take both of them into Dali Temple, and Dali Temple will thoroughly investigate the reason! Retire!"

Another court meeting ended hastily, and everyone watched Cui Yue and Zhi Shili being detained, and discussed again for a while.

Cheng Yaojin walked all the way and said to Niu Jinda: "Old Niu, I think this is not right."

Niu Jinda also nodded, "Cui Yue is also a gentleman in doing this, if he is not fully sure, he will not do such a thing."

Cheng Yaojin nodded seriously, "The water in Chang'an City is really muddy."

Niu Jinda smiled wryly. If Chang'an Ling lived the most muddled life, it would be someone else who is as good as gold.

This guy is the smartest one every time he seems aimless.

Li Shimin returned to Ganlu Hall, where Li Junxian had been waiting for a long time.

After sitting down, Li Shimin said, "Did Li Zheng do all of this?"

Li Junxian bowed and said: "Yes, yesterday I thought that Li Zheng was going to kill someone to silence him, but Li Zheng left behind his life of paralysis."

Li Shimin took a sip of tea, "Then, can this obsession remain?"

Li Junxian said in a low voice: "Li Zheng and Zhi Shili talked a lot, including the business between His Majesty and Li Zheng."

After taking another sip of tea, Li Shimin put down the teacup in his hand, "So this time, Zhishili gave me a step down. Do you think I should thank Li Zhenghe Zhishili?"

Li Junxian quickly said again: "If you want to kill people to silence your mouth, then you will kill them and lose your mind."

Li Shimin smiled helplessly, "No need, since Li Zheng saved his life, let him live better in the dungeon of Dali Temple and protect him."

"I will understand at the end."

Looking at the warm tea in the tea bowl, Li Shimin said in a low voice, "How about the thing I asked you to check?"

Li Junxian replied: "Your Majesty, the instigators behind the scenes have found out some clues, including Princess Fangling, people from the Cui family, and Fan Yang Lu family. As for the rest of the power The date should be clear."

Li Shimin nodded and said: "You go back first."


Li Junxian walked out of Ganlu Hall, took two steps and glanced at the direction of Taiji Hall, many courtiers were also leaving in twos and threes.

Stopping in his footsteps, Li Junxian turned around and changed direction, avoiding the sight of these people, and left from Xuanwu Gate.

The other side of Chang'an.

Several Cui family children sat together to discuss matters with embarrassing expressions.

No one expected that this time, the confession would be retracted on the spot.

"There must be something wrong with the obsession to sneak out last night."

"Yes! I think Li Zheng bought him last night."


Listening to their discussion, Cui Fu, who is also a child of the Cui family, remembered his father's last words before his death, that Li Zheng should not be easily offended, and the only way to really deal with Li Zheng is to consider the day when the imperial power changes.

Li Zheng was the new Duke of the county, and Li Shimin's first son-in-law.

Unless the emperor changes, the imperial power changes.

Imperial power is a very sensitive thing, and it is also a very contradictory thing. Whoever is the next emperor will determine the fate of Li Zheng. If the next emperor cannot maintain the relationship between the royal family and Li Zheng like Li Shimin, then he will say no to the future. All right.

Cui Fu still listened to their chatter, took a sip of tea and said, "I said earlier, you can't deal with Li Zheng like this."

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding discussions stopped immediately.

Cui Fu continued: "You don't know Li Zheng at all, it's best not to act rashly against an opponent you don't know."

"Could it be like your father Cui Lin, who was teased by Li Zheng all the way, hoping that Li Zheng would die of illness, but he didn't expect him to die now!"

I don't know who said something, and everyone present cast a playful look.

Cui Fu put down the tea bowl in his hand and said in a low voice: "My father fought against Li Zheng when he was there, and he told me some experiences."

"Experience?" A child of the Cui family sitting at the top said coldly: "Cui Fu, your father Cui Lin was the patriarch of our Cui family back then, but now that your father has passed away, your uncle is in charge of the family, and I Father! Back then we all looked at your face, but now you are not qualified to point fingers at us!"

"Everyone is the Cui family, don't be so aggressive, kindness is important." Someone smiled awkwardly to smooth things over.

All the children of Cui's family present here are simmering with anger.

Seeing Cui Fu's indifferent expression, everyone became even more angry.

Cui Fu stood up, straightened his clothes, and walked to the door.

He snatched the long knife from Bu Qu's hand at the door with one hand, turned around and walked into the house again.

Everyone looked nervous as Cui Fu came in with a knife.

Cui Fu said in a low voice: "If the future Cui family is still your group, then the Cui family will either be defeated by Li Zheng or be destroyed by your own hands. How stupid and self-righteous you are."

"Cui Fu, what do you want to do!"

"Cui Fu, how dare you!"

Someone shouted loudly.

Cui Fu looked at the long knife in his hand, swung it down and cut off his robe.

Under everyone's astonished eyes, Cui Fu cut off another lock of his hair, and said to everyone: "From now on, I will have nothing to do with your Cui family."

Turning around to leave, Cui Fu said again: "One more thing, I advise you to leave Chang'an as soon as possible. This is my last piece of advice to the Cui family."

(End of this chapter)

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