People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 779 The Assassin Comes Again

Chapter 779 The Assassin Comes Again
After speaking, Cui Fu walked out of the house.

Leaving Cui's house, Fu Cui felt the ease he had never had before. He is also in his 20s, and maybe it's time to start a family.

Thinking of this, Cui Fu met a very familiar person.

Duan Lun and Yan Qinli were walking together, talking and laughing.

It has been a long time since I left Luoyang, and I haven't seen Duan Lun for a long time. It is said that this guy has gathered some like-minded people now, and it can be seen that he has been accumulating his own strength.

Not wanting to disturb the current Duan Lun, Cui Fu walked all the way towards Chang'an Gate, thinking in his heart that the aristocratic family has reached the point where it is hard to return, it has been rotten from the root, rotten to the core.

First go back to his hometown to pay homage to his father's grave, then find a woman to start a family, Cui Fu is absolutely determined.

Li Zheng looked at the magazine sample that Li Yifu sent for the second time.

This time, the revision has been almost done, and it doesn't need to be too detailed. Everyone knows who is talking about, but they didn't name them.

"Li Zheng!" Li Tai came quickly.

Wang Ding, who was standing aside, saw Li Tai coming and bowed slightly and said, "This old servant has seen His Royal Highness King Wei."

Li Zhi smiled at Wang Ding, sat beside Li Zheng and said, "Why is he always in Jingyang?"

Li Zheng looked at Wang Ding behind him.

There was already a smile on Wang Ding's face.

"Your father asked him to keep an eye on me all the time."

Li Zheng explained to Li Tai.

Li Tai nodded slightly, "Is there something serious going on in the court?"

Li Zheng continued to flip through the magazine sample in his hand, "What happened?"

"Didn't you hear about it?" Li Tai thought again after speaking, "You probably wouldn't go to find out, what happened today can be described as a turnaround, and Cui Yue was going to sue you for arms smuggling today, who knows who will prove it?" Shi Sili retracted the confession on the spot, making Cui Yue's face pale with fright."

Li Tai held back his smile and said, "You never expected Cui Yue's face when he was escorted to Dali Temple, not to mention how ugly it is."

Li Zheng still looked at the magazine sample in his hand calmly.

Li Tai said again: "I thought you were doomed this time, but I never expected that the power to lose one's mind would do this. Now the father is asking people to investigate this matter."

After reading the magazine sample in his hand, Li Zheng said to Wang Ding: "Yes, let the printing house print it like this."

Wang Ding nodded, "Understood."

After changing his sitting position, Li Zheng looked at Li Tai, "What has His Royal Highness Wei Wang been doing these days?"

Li Tai said, "It's not that Chang'an has some things to do."

Li Zheng still stared at Li Tai, "Does His Royal Highness King Wei think that I am doomed this time, and intends to return to Chang'an so that he can draw a clear line with me?"

"Hahaha." Li Tai smiled awkwardly, "How can I, am I that kind of person? How could I hide in Chang'an at this time, it's too late for me to help you explain."

After looking at Li Tai for a while, Li Zheng asked again: "Really?"

Li Tai glanced at the kitchen and said, "I recently developed a new recipe for tea eggs, do you want to try it?"

Lying on the reclining chair, Li Zheng yawned and closed his eyes again and again, "His Royal Highness, please go ahead."

Li Tai ran to the kitchen to toss.

Li Zheng started to take a nap.

That night, Li Jiangshan walked aimlessly in Jingyang Village. It was already late at night, and Li Zheng had already fallen asleep.

I am about to send a letter to the palace about what I saw in Jingyang today, and hand it over to the guards at Xuanwu Gate, who will then hand over the letter to Empress Changsun.

Just as he was about to walk out of the village, he saw a night shaking from the corner of his eye.

Years of vigilance made Li Jiangshan pull out the horizontal knife in his hand.

Night Breeze was a little cold, staring at the surroundings, a figure suddenly burst out of the bushes.

Li Jiangshan swung the knife instinctively, and the light of the knife in the moonlight was a bit dazzling.

Even in the dark, Li Jiangshan's knife can accurately cut at the opponent's throat.

Blood spattered at the edge of the blade, hot blood spattered his face.

The other party had already fallen to the ground clutching his throat, and he would die on the spot after a while.

There are still a few figures rushing towards him in the distance, and these people are all holding knives in their hands.

Until they rushed to the front, Li Jiangshan stabbed one assassin in the chest sharply, and before the second person rushed up, he pulled out the horizontal knife again, and the light of the knife made a clean horizontal cut.

With his backhand, he stabbed the assassin who had rushed behind him with a knife, and the knife was transferred to the other side, killing him on the spot.

A few figures appeared again in the dark night, Li Jiangshan stepped back a few steps and blew a whistle, the sharp whistle was very loud in the dark night.

The night guards heard that they would be here soon.

Just as the whistle sounded, an unusually tall figure rushed out of the night.

The other party came very quickly, and it wasn't until the other party was about to rush forward that he realized that it was a Kunlun slave.

The moment it was too late to draw the knife, Li Jiangshan raised his leg and kicked the opponent's chin high.

Kunlun Nu was kicked back and fell, and the sound of his jaw bones breaking could be clearly heard.

Li Jiangshan turned around and stepped on the ground to change his legs. A piece of soil was picked up by the sole of his shoe, and he kicked the Kunlun slave in the chest with the greatest strength.

There was another sound of broken ribs, and Kunlun Nu was kicked upside down and flew more than half a meter away.

The Kunlun slave who fell on the ground could only hear blood and sobs and fell to the ground.

Several assassins standing in the distance suddenly dared not approach the figure in front of them. Such a tall Kunlun slave was kicked down by this man.

That is a Kunlun slave who cannot be beaten by more than a dozen guardsmen.

The only one who has ever defeated the Kunlun slaves is Su Dingfang.

But Su Dingfang is not in Jingyang at all, who is this figure in front of him, who can defeat Kunlun slaves so cleanly.

Xue Rengui arrived with the guards. Seeing the scene in front of him, he looked at Li Jiangshan again.

Li Jiangshan glanced at the assassin who dared not approach in the distance, and said to Xue Rengui: "I'll leave it to you, I still have things to do."

Xue Rengui nodded, "Understood."

When the day dawned, everything had calmed down, and the villagers were still living their lives in peace and contentment.

When Li Zheng got up and walked out the door, he saw Li Jiangshan standing in the yard.

Seeing the blood on her body, Li Zheng stepped forward and said, "Sister Killer, what are you?"

Li Jiangshan said blankly: "I met an assassin last night."

Li Zheng walked around Li Jiangshan, looked up and down and asked, "Are you not injured?"

Li Jiangshan shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

Looking at Li Zheng's worried eyes, isn't he worried that he is still worried about me?

Since he became sensible, he has killed many people, and he has always obeyed orders.

It's a strange feeling to be worried about.

The expression on his face unconsciously relaxed a little, Li Jiangshan said: "I'm fine, but you have to be careful, there may be more assassins who want to kill you in the future."

Looking up, Li Jiangshan saw a little haze on Li Zheng's face again.

(End of this chapter)

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