Chapter 790 Big Avalanche

Xu Jingzong looked at Li Zheng's expression, he didn't expect Li Zheng to be so insightful at a young age, but he was used to Li Zheng always saying such words that didn't fit his age.

"The words of Chang'an Ling made me enlightened. If we took their money, it might really make everything we have done so far fall short." Xu Jingzong said with emotion.

Li Zheng looked at Xu Jingzong's expression, he was a very careful person, if he made a mistake, he wouldn't make any big mistakes.

Xu Jingzong said again: "Chang'an Order, are we just rejecting it like this?"

Li Zheng shook his fan and said, "Otherwise?"

Xu Jingzong nodded again, and said again: "Those monks have already entered Pingkangfang, and our people are watching, but I don't think too many monks will return to vulgarity because of this, and Pingkangfang also has unwritten rules, girls I don’t like to see these monks too much, it’s a bit unlucky for monks and nuns to enter such a place.”

"It's just the arrangement of the court. They don't want to talk about it. Let's deal with the affairs of the court." Xu Jingzong said in a low voice.

These monks can be ready-made population and ready-made labor force.

In order for these monks to return to vulgarity, as long as these monks are also vulgar, the influence of future temples in the world will be weakened a lot.

What Li Shimin wants is such a result, and this result is not only what he needs now, but also to disintegrate the Buddhist forces.

Buddhism can exist, but it cannot be too strong, nor can it become a force.

Anyway, in Li Shimin's eyes, your Buddhism can't become bigger and stronger. If all the young people in the world become monks, the country will be ruined.

Li Zheng said: "Let the government take care of the household registration of these monks, arrange for people to send them back to their hometowns, and let them go to see their parents and family members. Even if they have no family members, let them go to see their hometowns." .”

"Then the state capitals from all over the country will come to the counties to resettle and inquire about the situation of these monks after they arrive in their hometown, and report to the court. As for whether they continue to become monks or just land and re-root, it is up to them themselves."

Xu Jingzong nodded, "I understand, first let the monks go to Pingkang Square to experience scenes they have never experienced before, see the scenes in the world, and rekindle the worldly emotions in their hearts. They have no reaction in front of those girls. Unless these monks are not men."

"Then let them go back to their hometown to meet their parents, and use family affection to make these monks never want to leave home again, and take root from then on. Chang'an Ling's tandem arrangement made them willing to return to vulgarity, which is really high."

Listening to Xu Jingzong's flattery, this guy's flattering skills are much better, "Family love is the strongest emotion in this world, if it is not a last resort, who will abandon the family and children."

Xu Jingzong said again: "I will make arrangements here."

During the two days and two nights in Pingkangfang, these monks were very disciplined at the beginning, and some people wavered.

The beauty of wine and meat comes first, and it's okay for a while.

For two days and two nights, he had to eat and drink.

The old monk who was sitting in meditation kept chanting the Buddha's name, and occasionally murmured, "I will never surrender to you."

Glancing at the beautiful woman in front of him, and the big fish and meat in front of him, the old monk swallowed, "Li Zheng, you are really vicious."

There are also some monks who can't take it anymore, and simply return to the vulgar on the spot and stop being a monk.

Seeing some of the original guests of Pingkang Fang, they were also amazed.

Xu Jingzong came to Pingkang Fang to take a look at the situation here, and there are already many monks who have indulged in the beauty of wine, meat and sex.

All normal men understand that Xu Jingzong left in a hurry.

Walk out of Pingkangfang and walk along Zhuque Street to Zongzheng Temple.

Before arriving at Zongzheng Temple, Xu Jingzong said to the guards here: "Xu Jingzong comes to see Zongzheng Temple Minister."

The guard glanced at Xu Jingzong and said, "Wait."

Watching the guards go in to report, Xu Jingzong waited for a while in front of the door and waited until someone came out again before he could go in.

Walking into Zongzheng Temple, it looks busy here, seeing Li Xiaogong sharpening a knife, he was a little curious, Xu Jingzong asked: "Why does the Prince of Hejian sharpen his knife?"

Li Xiaogong frowned and glanced at the newly sharpened knife edge and said: "I have nothing to do, I want to kill someone for fun."

Xu Jingzong smiled awkwardly, "The hobbies of the Prince of Hejian are really rare."

Li Xiaogong continued to sharpen the knife and said: "Pingkangfang costs too much, so much that the old man wants to sharpen the knife, [-] guan a day! Tell me, do you need so much money for a few monks to visit Pingkangfang?"

Xu Jingzong wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and looked up at the sky.

Li Xiaogong said again: "Xu Jingzong, do you think the old man wants to ask you to try the sword?"

Taking two steps back, Xu Jingzong looked around, trying to find a weapon to defend himself.

Seeing his distressed appearance, Li Xiaogong said: "I'm kidding, it scares you."

Xu Jingzong smiled awkwardly again.

Li Xiaogong said again: "Besides, this old man wouldn't be so stupid as to kill people in broad daylight, would he?"

Xu Jingzong nodded quickly, still wary of the knife in Li Xiaogong's hand.

Putting the knife aside, Li Xiaogong tidied up and said, "Tell me, did Li Zheng ask you to bring a message?"

Xu Jingzong bowed slightly, took out a booklet and said, "This is the next strategy of the Chang'an Order."

After receiving Xu Jingzong's brochure, Li Xiaogong read it, and said aloud while reading, "Let those monks go back to their hometowns?"

Xu Jingzong nodded, "I have seen that even in Pingkangfang, some monks are very calm, and we can't press their heads to make them relapse."

Li Xiaogong frowned and thought.

Seeing that Li Xiaogong really wanted to do this, Xu Jingzong said again: "If you really do this, it would be too rude, and it wouldn't sound good if you couldn't say it, after all, it was an errand arranged by His Majesty."

Li Xiaogong nodded in thought again, "That's right."

Xu Jingzong also said: "The specific methods and methods are all written in the booklet. The king of Hejian County can follow the above methods. Family affection is a great weakness of human nature. If a person abandons family affection, there is no need to force it."

Li Xiaogong put away the booklet and said: "What a ruthless person would abandon family ties. Li Zheng's method is very good. I think His Majesty will adopt it, and it doesn't cost the old man."

Xu Jingzong nodded again, "If there is nothing wrong, then I will take my leave first."

Li Xiaogong continued to sharpen the knife.

Xu Jingzong hurriedly left Zongzheng Temple.

Not far from Zongzheng Temple, Xu Jingzong bumped into Li Junxian.

"What is General Li going to do in such a hurry?"

Li Junxian glanced at Xu Jingzong and said, "Go to work."

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Standing on Zhuque Street, Xu Jingzong felt strange when he saw Li Junxian holding a knife in his hand.

 Sorry, the two chapters seem to be reversed.

(End of this chapter)

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