People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 791 Li Xiaogong, the sharpening knife

Chapter 791 Li Xiaogong, the sharpening knife
On the third day, Li Junxian returned to Chang'an City. Xu Jingzong, who was sitting at the gate of the city and eating soup cakes, watched Li Junxian come back. He went out in a hurry yesterday and only came back now. What did Li Junxian do?

Looking at the direction Li Junxian came back from, it should be in the direction of Luoyang.

Recruiting the horse dealer who came to the side, Xu Jingzong pointed to the direction where Li Junxian came, and said to him: "Arrange a few people to find out which direction Li Junxian went to, where he went, and what he was doing."

The horse dealer glanced at Li Junxian's horse tied at the gate of the city, then looked at the horseshoe prints and said: "Understood, the villain has sold horses for more than ten years, these horseshoe prints can be recognized at a glance, Xu Tou can rest assured." .”

Throwing a small piece of silver cake to the horse dealer, Xu Jingzong said: "Don't be too obvious."

The horse dealer put away the silver cake and said, "Don't worry."

After speaking, the horse dealer got on his horse and headed towards the direction where Li Junxian came.

Although Li Junxian is considered one of his own, His Majesty is also one of his own.

Keep everything handy.

This is what Chang'an Ling taught himself.

What should be guarded against is still to be guarded against, even if it is His Majesty today.

Xu Jingzong glanced in the direction of Chengtian Gate.

Li Junxian went all the way into Chengtian Gate and didn't come out until noon.

Xu Jingzong has been watching it all the time.

Afterwards Li Xiaogong also entered Chengtianmen, holding the booklet he gave him yesterday, he should report to His Majesty today.

In the afternoon, Li Xiaogong came out from Chengtian Gate, together with Su Dingfang and Zuo Wuwei's troops, they brought all the monks out of Pingkangfang.

Under the escort of officers and soldiers from all walks of life, they were all taken to their household registration.

Xu Jingzong witnessed the development of these things from beginning to end, and after recording them, he also left Chang'an City before dark.

It was still very cold on the Tubo Plateau at this time of year. Daniel and Wang Xuance were resting beside a stream wearing thick animal skins.

Wang Xuance asked in a low voice: "Are these things sent by Chang'an Order really useful?"

Daniel kept loading the gunpowder in his hands and feet, "There should be no mistakes after so many experiments. According to the teacher's letter, this is how it is used."

Wang Xuance looked at the things in Daniel's hands, and still felt a little apprehensive. He had personally seen such things made by Daniel, which could easily disembowel a yak.

Eating hard-to-chew Tubo beef jerky, the Daxue Mountain is in the distance. It should be spring in the Central Plains at this time.

But the weather on the plateau is still so cold.

The foothills in the distance were covered with very thick snow.

Songtsan Gampo has been cleaning up the Western Turks left in Tubo these days, and the guards have always been under this snow mountain.

There is an aisle under the snow-capped mountain, and this aisle is only the big cannibals. Recently, more and more big cannibals will enter Tubo through that canyon.

The guards have fought against them several times. These big cannibals have no rules and are very barbaric.

"Report!" A guard scout came to report: "There is a large group of big cannibals gathering behind the foot of the mountain."

Wang Xuance asked nervously, "How many people are there?"

The scouts reported back: "There are about [-] or more."

After speaking, the scout returned the telescope to Daniel.

Daniel didn't take the telescope, "Take it, I don't need it for now, it's better for you to hold it."

"Here!" The scout nodded.

Wang Xuance looked solemn: "[-] soldiers and horses are quite a lot."

Daniel grinned, "The teacher often said that the mountain people have their own tricks."

Wang Xuance looked at Daniel suspiciously, "What trick do you have?"

Daniu packed up the explosives he had prepared, took a long breath, and turned into a cloud of white mist in the cold air.

Looking back at the big snow mountain behind him, Daniel said, "Brother Wang, how thick is the snow on the snow mountain?"

Wang Xuance glanced at the snow mountain, "The snow should be quite thick, it has been snowing for the past few days."

Daniel stood up and said, "That snow is our magic weapon!"

After speaking, Daniel said to the guards: "Team one, come with me!"

"Here!" A team of twenty members stood up and followed Daniel.

Some don't understand what Daniel is going to do?
Wang Xuance said to the rest of the people: "Everyone is ready, the big cannibals are about to attack, defending here is defending Tubo!"


All guard members responded in unison.

Wang Xuance looked back at Daxue Mountain again, and saw that Daniel had already led his people to Daxue Mountain.

Daniu led the people all the way up the snow-capped mountain. After climbing for half an hour, the cold air made people want to shiver.

Holding a stick in his hand, Da Niu was testing the thickness of the snow, and fell under a cliff, and Da Niu took out the rope again: "Tie them all up, we are all tied up, we must tie them tightly."

Daniel took down the backpack made of cowhide again, took out explosives made of clay pots one by one, and said, "Bury these explosives under the snow, be careful, don't break these fuses."


The members of the guard team started to do it.

Daniel looked at the direction in the distance. On the other side of the foothills, he could vaguely see a large crowd from here. They were cannibals who were preparing to attack.

"It's buried." The member of the guard replied.

Daniel inspected one side and confirmed that there was no problem, and took the other end of the lead wire and led the people to hide under a rock in the mountain.

This place was discovered when investigating the movement of the big cannibal before.

That's when the avalanche happened.

Fortunately, the scout hid under this rock and was not washed down by the avalanche.

The horn sounded, and the big cannibals began to attack.

At the exit of the canyon, Wang Xuance also set up an ambush. At the exit of the canyon, there were refusal horses and horse-tripping locks.

Sensing the movement on the ground, the man-eating warhorse was getting closer and closer.

While listening, I suddenly heard a muffled sound from the snow-capped mountains above.

Wang Xuance looked up subconsciously, and a very frightening scene appeared in front of him. The slope of the whole mountain seemed to be collapsing, and heavy snow was pouring down.

Looking at the big cannibal rushing in front of him, in just a few breaths, the avalanche arrived in the canyon.

The heavy snow poured down, and the big cannibal who rushed to the front was immediately buried alive by the snow.

There was another muffled sound on the top of the mountain, and a more spectacular scene appeared.

The entire top of the mountain seemed to be alive, and the vast expanse of snow gushed down like a waterfall.

Daniu hiding under the rock glanced at the top of the mountain and immediately retracted his head, followed by snow falling like a waterfall. Even if all the guards were tied with ropes, everyone instinctively grabbed each other tightly.

It seemed that everything was quiet except for the sound of the avalanche rushing down.

I was careless, but I didn't expect the gunpowder explosion on the mountainside to cause an avalanche on the top of the mountain.

After all the movement stopped, Daniu slowly stood up and looked towards the top of the mountain. There was no snow on the side of the top of the mountain.

Looking down, the canyon that originally provided for the march was almost filled with heavy snow. After the avalanche, the snow accumulated like a huge wall separating the east and west sides of the canyon.

Daniu looked at the big cannibals on the other side who hadn't rushed into the canyon, and they were already in chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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