Chapter 111
In the star language space,
Lin Yu took Fei Yuwan to the place where he discovered the core of consciousness.

"Xiaofei, wait for me first! I'm sending Karen and the others away to deal with this core!"

It is impossible to fight with the Herrscher consciousness in the core now, otherwise it will definitely affect the consciousness light balls of Kalian and Ji Xuanyuan.So before the fight started, Lin Yu had to send them far away.

After sending the consciousness light balls of Kalian and Ji Xuanyuan away from here, Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan were ready to attack the core of consciousness.

"let's start!"

Lin Yu gestured to Fei Yuwan, and then the two released the power of erosion in this area at the same time, constructing a vast space.

"Now I'm not afraid of that Herrscher's consciousness running away!"

Fei Yuwan is ready, waiting for Lin Yu to remove the layer of mask and barrier on the golden light ball.

I saw Lin Yu summoned the golden light ball over, and then tapped the golden mask lightly with his fingers, and the mask disappeared immediately.After all, this is in the star language space, and it is very easy for Lin Yu to lift the mask formed by the power in the star language space.

Next is the space barrier attached to the surface of the core.However, this barrier is nothing to the star language that has already integrated the core of the sky.

Simply gathering a small part of the power of space, Lin Yu was about to break through that layer of space barrier.

"Little Fei, get ready!"

No one knows what will happen the next moment Lin Yu unlocks the space barrier, so Lin Yu can only throw the core into the cage made by the force of erosion prepared by Fei Yuwan the moment he unlocks the barrier.


Lin Yu turned the power of space into a spike, and broke the space barrier on the surface of the core at once.Then at the next moment, Lin Yu threw the core of consciousness into the erosion cage made by Fei Yuwan.


When flying towards the cage of erosion, the core of consciousness suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light.

"not good!"

Fortunately, Fei Yuwan's reaction was fast enough, and he immediately controlled the erosion cage to install the core of consciousness, and suppressed the golden light abruptly, preventing it from getting out of control.

After everything stabilized, Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan looked at the core, trying to get out the Herrscher consciousness inside.

"Hey! The guys inside, don't come out yet!"

Lin Yu has already untied all the shackles mentioned by the core, and Lin Yu will use coercive means if the Herrscher consciousness inside does not come out.

Following Lin Yu's cry, some golden light appeared on the core of consciousness, and then gathered into a figure under the gaze of Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan.

"You are the Eighth Herrscher?"

Hiyumaru looked at the figure formed by the golden light, with suspicion in his eyes.

The figure that appeared in front of the two of them was very clear. It looked like a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl with long, jet-black hair.However, these are all important, because no matter how ordinary her appearance is, she is still the Eighth Herrscher who once had the power to destroy an era of civilization!

"Humans! How dare you imprison me! Do you know the fate of offending the messenger of God?"

As soon as the figure came out, he yelled at Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan, feeling that Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan were completely ignored.

"Um!This feeling is exactly what I imagined for the Lawrence! 』

Lin Yu looked calmly at the Herrscher Consciousness yelling at him, and nodded silently.

No way, the Herrscher Lin Yu met before did not feel like he could destroy an era of civilization.

Although the guy who claimed to be the first Herrscher was very arrogant, Lin Yu felt that his strength was too weak, and he didn t look like a Herrscher at all.In all likelihood, it is a counterfeit. After all, if Herrscher looks like him, a hundred more will probably be able to solve it.

And the Third Lawrence!Needless to say, she has been co-existing with Mei since Changkong City caused the collapse.The last time she came out accidentally, Lin Yu felt like a foodie.After only a short while after coming out, most of the snacks on the table were wiped out.Said she is an existence that can destroy human beings?Ghosts believe it!
The only one who made Lin Yu feel a bit like a Herrscher was Xilin.It's just that Lin Yu has only fought against her in her dreams, so he doesn't know how strong she is.Judging from the records of Destiny, Sirin's power really threatened human beings, otherwise Destiny would not have paid such a high price to destroy her.

"Brother, what should we do with this guy? Just use the power of erosion to deal with it?"

Fei Yuwan looked at Lin Yu who was staring at the Herrscher's consciousness, and asked him how to deal with this Herrscher's consciousness.

"Don't rush to deal with her, I have one thing to confirm!"

Strips of pale golden light slowly appeared in Lin Yu's hands, winding towards the Herrscher consciousness in the cage of erosion.


Hiyumaru looked at those strange lights very curiously.In Fei Yuwan's perception, that kind of power was a little strange, but also a little familiar.

In fact, the power contained in those rays is the power of Xingyu to absorb the Houkai energy.It's just that among these powers, Lin Yu fused a trace of the power of the final stigmata to enhance the absorption effect.

"Human! What do you want to do?"

When the Herrscher in the cage of erosion saw those pale golden lights flying towards her, she immediately felt a strong sense of crisis from above.She had a hunch that if she let those rays of light wrap around her body, she would be in danger.

The next moment, the Herrscher of Consciousness burst out with a strong Honkai energy, trying to break through the cage of erosion.However, Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan would not let her break free easily, so while she broke out the Honkai energy, they also strengthened the power of the erosion cage.

"Damn! Human, let me go!"

Herrscher, who couldn't break free from the cage of erosion, was helped solidly by those pale golden rays of light.No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free from the shackles of light.

"The next step is to verify my conjecture!"

Lin Yu snapped his fingers lightly, and the absorption power contained in the light burst out all at once.And with the power increase of the final stigmata, the power is even stronger.


Having absorbed the Honkai energy, the Herrscher immediately cried out in pain.

"! Didn't you say you won't deal with her for the time being? Why did you take action?"

Seeing Lin Yu's actions, Fei Yuwan was dumbfounded.Lin Yu clearly told her not to do it just now, why did he do it himself now?
Then Lin Yu briefly explained to Fei Yuwan.In fact, he wanted to confirm the voice he heard before, because Lin Yu believed that there might still be a consciousness in the core of Herrscher, just like the Feiyuwan and Feiyuwan in the previous Yae Sakura stigmata space.

And if you want to avoid harming the consciousness that may exist, only the unique power of Xingyu can do it.

"Then we'll just wait for the Honkai to be eliminated!"

Lin Yu sat down not far from the erosion cage, and started chatting with Fei Yuwan.As for the Herrscher consciousness, just let the power of Xingyu slowly resolve it.


In Lin Yu's room,

Novalu was sitting at the desk looking at comic books boredly.

"Ah~~ Why hasn't it been solved? The two of them can't even solve a Herrscher's consciousness with little power!"

Novalu yawned sleepily.She finished reading a comic book, but Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan hadn't finished their work yet.

During this period, in addition to reading comic books, Nuova also chatted with Cang Xuan and the others in the Stigmata Space for a while.It's just that it was a little late later, and they also had a rest, so she had to continue reading comic books.

"Although the Herrscher of Consciousness can control the consciousness of others, it's nothing to them who are protected by the power of erosion!"

The eighth Herrscher of Novalu's era is called the Herrscher of Consciousness, whose ability is to control the consciousness of others and make it his own puppet.That's why Novalu once called her the Doll Herrscher, who made her ability to treat people like dolls!

It's just that when he recalled the key points, Novalu's memory suddenly went blank again, and he couldn't remember anything.

"Damn! What is the missing memory?"

Novalu always felt that the part of her memory that she had forgotten was very important, but helplessly, those memories were completely lost along with her lost part of consciousness, and it was impossible to get them back.

"I really can't remember!"

I tried to recall it again, but the result was the same as before, the memory always had gaps in key places.Immediately after that was the memory picture of her personally destroying the Eighth Herrscher.

"Strange! The Eighth Herrscher was indeed killed by me! What relationship can there be between me and her?"

After recalling it several times, Novalu's memory of the Eighth Herrscher only stays in the picture of him piercing her with the black sky and white feathers.Other memory images are blurred and useless at all.

"Wait! What is this?"

In the picture of memories, Novalu seems to have noticed some details.

When she pierced the body of the Herrscher with Black Sky and White Feather's lance, she found that the Herrscher was smiling when he died, and seemed to have said something to her.

"What did the Eighth Herrscher say to me at the end? Why can't I remember anything?"

Novalu felt that the last words of the Eighth Herrscher were very important, but she couldn't remember what she said.


In the astronomical space, the Herrscher is struggling.She also wanted to control the consciousness of Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan many times, but every time her power approached them, she would be swallowed up by a strange power, which made her power useless against them at all.

"Hehe! Still want to control our consciousness?"

Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan looked at the Herrscher Consciousness with disdain.They are all Herrschers who can control the power of erosion, right?The power of erosion can already affect the consciousness, how could her insignificant power of consciousness break through the defense composed of the power of erosion!

"In that case! Then let us die together!"

It was probably angered by the disdainful eyes of Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan, or maybe he was forced to desperation, and a strong golden light suddenly emitted from the Herrscher Consciousness.

"Not good! Brother, that guy wants to blow up his own consciousness!"

Hiyumaru immediately sensed what she was going to do, and immediately strengthened the power of erosion, trying to prevent Herrscher from self-destruction.But how could a Herrscher who wanted to blow himself up be easily stopped, even if the Herrscher only had consciousness left.

In the next moment, the impact caused by the self-explosion of Herrscher's consciousness rushed towards Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan overwhelmingly.

"Brother! This is a consciousness shock!"

That's right!The impact of this Herrscher's self-destructive consciousness is not the Houkai energy, but the power that directly acts on the consciousness level.

"This time it seems to be a joke!"

Before he had time to use the power of erosion to strengthen the defense of his consciousness, the shock of consciousness completely submerged Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan.

 Next is a new chapter!It's a memoir!It's about Novalu!It is also related to the Eighth Herrscher! PS: The relationship between Novalu and the Eighth Herrscher will be revealed!New characters are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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