Chapter 112 Noelle


"Brother, wake up!"

While his consciousness was dim, Lin Yu heard Fei Yuwan's voice kept ringing in his ears, which made him gradually open his eyes.

"Huh? Xiaofei, where is this place?"

As soon as Lin Yu woke up, he found himself lying on a huge rock, and Fei Yuwan was sitting next to him, calling himself constantly.After getting up, Lin Yu looked at the surrounding environment, and found that it was very desolate, so he asked Fei Yuwan what was going on.

"Brother, I don't know anything?"

Hiyumaru shook his head helplessly.She just woke up a little earlier than Lin Yu, how could she know where this place is!

"Have you never seen this place before?"

There are ruins all around Lin Yu, and the land is extremely desolate, it feels like the traces left after the explosion.It's just that he and Fei Yuwan were still fighting against the Herrscher consciousness before, why did they come to this inexplicable place now?This made Lin Yu very puzzled.

"Brother, is your connection with Xingyu still in this place?"

Star language is Lin Yu's exclusive weapon, which is bound to Lin Yu's consciousness.They were still fighting against the Herrscher consciousness in the astronomical space before, so is this still in the astronomical space?Fei Yuwan immediately wanted Lin Yu to verify his conjecture.

"Yes! I'll try!"

Lin Yu carefully felt the mysterious connection between him and Xingyu.

After a while, Lin Yu felt his connection with Xingyu, but it was very weak, but this also showed that he and Fei Yuwan were still in the Xingyu space.It's just that this place is in the star language space, but it doesn't belong to the star language space!

Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan analyzed for a long time before they roughly figured out what was going on.

The Herrscher consciousness blew up his own consciousness when he finally wanted to die with them, causing Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan to be overwhelmed by the consciousness shock generated by the self-destruction.In other words, this place is actually the consciousness space of that Herrscher.

"Is there any mistake! There is still a space in the star language space!"

Yes!This space of consciousness is inside the space of astrology, that is to say, it is a space within a space.This made Lin Yu really speechless.

"Brother, how do we get out?"

Compared with knowing this place better, Hiyumaru wants to leave this place as soon as possible.

"It is estimated that this place is supported by the core of the Herrscher! As long as we find the core of the Herrscher, we can leave here!"

It's just that it's easy to say, but hard to do!After all, who knows where the Herrscher core is located in this space?
"Let's take a look at what's in this space first? Just collect some information!"

This is the fifth time Lin Yu has run into this strange space, and he is almost used to it, so he is not panicked at all.

"Okay! I'll listen to my brother!"

Fei Yuwan had no experience in this, so she followed Lin Yu's arrangements in everything.

It has to be said that this space is very similar to reality.Whether it is temperature, light or even air, it is exactly the same as reality.If he hadn't known it in advance, it would be absolutely impossible for Lin Yu to think that this was a false space.


Just as Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan were walking on the desolate land, a black monster rushed towards them.

"There are creatures in this space?"

Lin Yu looked at the black monster rushing towards him with doubts on his face.

"This monster is... Honkai Beast?"

Before the monster rushed over, Hiyumaru threw a ball of erosion flames and burned it until there was no ashes left.During the attack, Hiyumaru found that the monster gave her a very similar feeling to the Honkai Beast in the real world.Apart from the fact that the appearance is different from the real Honkai Beast, there is no difference in other aspects.

"Indeed! This monster is Honkai Beast!"

Lin Yu also felt that the monster was no different from the Honkai Beast.It's just that Honkai Beast looks like this?It can't be a species unique to this space!
Immediately afterwards, before Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan left, a car with a strange shape came not far from them.


Lin Yu would not think that the car moved by itself, there must be someone driving it.

After the car stopped, several people walked out of it as Lin Yu expected, and they were still fully armed.They stopped Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan as soon as they got off the car, which made them very confused.

"Several, what do you mean?"

Lin Yu looked at the several "female soldiers" in front of him who were pointing guns at him in a daze.

"Who are you? Why did you appear in the second-level collapse area?"

The leader pushed up the goggles he was wearing, and looked at Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan with a serious face.

" sister and I just walked here by accident! Now we are looking for the way back!"

"Yes! Yes! My brother and I got lost here and are trying to find a way to get back!"

It has to be said that Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan not only responded quickly, but also cooperated very well.

"This is an area with high Honkai energy! How are you going to be okay?"

Maybe Lin Yu and the others didn t notice that the concentration of Honkai energy was not low where they were.And they don't wear protective clothing like these people, so it's strange if they don't arouse their suspicion.

"The two of you give them a test to see if there is anything abnormal!"

The leader spoke to the two people on one side, and after receiving the instructions, the two immediately took out an instrument for inspection.

"Xiaofei, restrain all the Houkai energy, don't let them check it out!"

Lin Yu immediately guessed what the instruments in their hands were used for, and immediately communicated with his heart to let Fei Yuwan take corresponding countermeasures.

Fortunately, the two people's control over the Houkai energy is very subtle, which prevented them from detecting it with instruments.

"Report to the captain! Nothing abnormal!"

After the test, the two reported to the woman who was the leader.After confirming that Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan were normal, they put down the guns aimed at them.

"Okay! You have passed the test! Don't come to such a dangerous place in the future. There might be a Houkai monster here."

The captain of this team's attitude towards Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan is obviously better than before.Probably because I was too vigilant before!
"Well... can I take a ride? Otherwise, I don't know when my sister and I will go!"

Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan are unfamiliar with the place where they live here, and they don t know the way at all!If these people are not allowed to lead the way, who knows when they will go!
Fortunately, this team was only performing inspection tasks, and it was almost time to go back at this time, so Lin Yu s request was not rejected.

Along the way in the car, Lin Yu saw that this land was desolate besides being desolate.Relying on Lin Yu's intuition, he was sure that something must have happened here.

"Don't look! This area has been destroyed by the Seventh Herrscher! Except for the Houkai monster, it is a desolation, and there is no other thing at all!"

A member of the team found that Lin Yu had been looking at the scenery outside the car, so he said something.

What the hell?The Seventh Herrscher?
As soon as he heard the four words Seventh Herrscher, Lin Yu was frightened all of a sudden.Later, under Lin Yu's ingenious inquiry, he finally understood some information about this space.

At present, it can basically be confirmed that this space is the memory space constructed by the Eighth Herrscher based on the memory of himself and the original human host.If Lin Yu's guess is correct, this space should record events before and after the birth of the Eighth Herrscher.

"After so long, I finally figured out the situation here!"

But even if he understands it, Lin Yu still has no way to leave this space!It is estimated that the eighth Herrscher in this space is born, and then Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan are wiped out before leaving here.

But, when will the Eighth Herrscher come out?
Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan can't stay here for too long, otherwise everyone in the dormitory will definitely worry about them!

About an hour later, Lin Yu and the others, led by this inspection team, came to a city, which is called one of the last destinations of human beings-Cangyu City.

After simply thanking the inspection team, Lin Yu took Fei Yuwan for a stroll around the city.Of course, the most important thing is to collect the information here.

After some collection, Lin Yu learned that this is one of the only nine cities left by humans since the outbreak of the Houkai.And only a few months have passed since the last Honkai eruption, and the Herrscher who was born is the seventh Herrscher——the Herrscher of Flame.But fortunately, the Seventh Herrscher was dealt with under the vigorous counterattack of human beings.

"Brother, how can we get out of here?"

Hiyumaru obviously wanted to go out early.Because no matter how real this place is, it is just a space constructed from memory, and it is meaningless to stay here.


Without paying attention, Hiyumaru accidentally collided with a girl who suddenly ran over on the street.

"It's okay!"

Lin Yu carefully helped Fei Yuwan and the girl up.

"I'm sorry! I was too anxious!"

As soon as she got up, the girl kept bowing and apologizing to Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan.

"Be careful next time!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yu was shocked by the appearance of the girl in front of him.

The long black hair tied into double ponytails, and the vermilion eyes reminded Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan of a person at the same time-Nova Lu.It's just that she seems to be a little younger than Novalu, about twelve or thirteen years old.

"Lulu, why are you here?"

Lin Yu yelled as soon as he didn't pay attention.

"Huh? Big brother, who is Lulu you're talking about?"

The girl looked at Lin Yu curiously, not knowing what he meant.

"Sorry! I just recognized you as a friend of mine!"

Only then did Lin Yu react, and realized that the girl in front of him was not Nuovalu.Because Novalu didn't come in with them at all!

"Big brother, did you recognize me as my older sister?" The girl seemed to understand something, and said, "Many people mistake me for my older sister!"

"What's your name?"

Hiyumaru feels that this girl has something to do with Novalu, otherwise she wouldn't look so much like her!

"My name is Noelle!"

The girl politely said her name.

"Uh... no way!"

Lin Yuhe and Fei Yuwan immediately had a guess when they heard the name, but they didn't dare to confirm it, so they continued to ask the girl.

"Then what's your sister's name?"


Noelle suddenly widened her eyes, looked at the two seriously, and said, "My sister is amazing, and she's also famous in the army! You don't even know her name?"


Lin Yu and Hiyumaru didn't know why Noelle became like this when she mentioned her sister.

"She is the guardian of human beings, the great hero Novalu who dealt with the Seventh Herrscher!"


Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan suddenly stood there motionless as if struck by lightning.Because they feel that they have discovered a big thing!
 How about it?No one thought of this new character!However, the identities of the new characters have been revealed, and it is estimated that the following plot will be almost guessed by you! PS: But don't be complacent, maybe I will modify the plot a little bit to make it beyond your expectations! <( ̄3 ̄)>Hmph!
(End of this chapter)

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