The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 12 Sakura's Farewell

Chapter 12 Sakura's Farewell
Just as Yae Sakura was talking to herself, the phantom of the black fox appeared again.

"Give up! There is no cure for being poisoned by Herrscher!" The black fox phantom kept saying in Yae Sakura's ear.

"Why waste time saving her? It won't take 500 years for you to forget that you were a demon who killed countless people! Or is it because she smells like Kallen Kaslana? Don't lie to yourself Oh, that woman died hundreds of years ago, it is impossible for human beings to live as long as we do! The only one who can always be with you is me! Let me bite off this girl's neck to free her !"

Saying that, the black fox phantom was about to bite the little girl's neck.

"Get out!" Yae Sakura uttered a word coldly, and the fox phantom disappeared immediately.Obviously, this fox phantom is still unable to escape Yae Sakura's control.

After the phantom dissipated, Yae Sakura was still looking at the little girl lying on the bed.When she was about to touch the little girl's face again, the little girl slowly opened her eyes, stretched out her little hand to Yae Sakura's face, and said "I...I will...will protect you...".Then passed out again.It seems that the little girl had a dream while she was in a coma, and she seemed to regard Yae Sakura as the person she wanted to protect.

After hearing what the little girl said, Yae Sakura couldn't calm down for a long time.Because someone had said the same thing to her a long time ago.Looking at the little girl, Yae Sakura seemed to recall a lot of memories about herself and Karen.

"This girl is finally doomed, and you don't need to waste time on her. There is no cure for Herrscher's poison." The black fox's voice sounded in Yae Sakura's ear.

"No, there is another way!"

"How could there be a way? Only the core of the Herrscher can suppress the poison of the Herrscher." As soon as he said this, the black fox seemed to have thought of something, and Higokumaru's roar immediately sounded in Yae Sakura's ear, "Are you crazy?" Is it? Do you want to give her our core, so that we will all disappear! Why are you doing this?"

Yae Sakura held the little girl's hand, her eyes were full of tenderness, and said, "Because she still has someone she wants to protect."

The next morning, Lin Yu got up early because he was worried about the little girl's situation, and came to the room where Yae Sakura was.But when he arrived at Yae Sakura's room, Lin Yu didn't see Yae Sakura, only the little girl was lying quietly on the bed, and she seemed to have recovered.There is no Yae Sakura anywhere in the room, which makes Lin Yu very puzzled, isn't it just a house, where can people hide?
But Lin Yu never found Yae Sakura, and he couldn't help feeling a sense of uneasiness in his heart.Until Lin Yu saw Yae Sakura's saber and a letter underneath by the little girl's bed.Lin Yu walked over, opened the envelope, and took out the letter inside.

"Xiao Yu, forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye! If you were by my side, I might not be able to make such a decision. But when this child said that he would protect me, I seemed to see the love of my most important person—Karen. shadow.

Maybe this child is Kallen's offspring, and I will be satisfied if I can do something for her.Moreover, it is basically impossible to remove the poison of the pseudo-Herserscher level.No one can unlock it except my core of the same level.Forgive me for concealing my identity as a Pseudo-Herserscher from you.

However, I have no other choice.Please forgive me for leaving, Sakura Fubuki will protect you instead of me, I hope you protect your important people!
I had a great time these days, thank you!Kohane. "

"Sakura, you idiot!" After reading the letter left by Yae Sakura, Lin Yu burst into tears at some point.Silently put away Yae Sakura's letter, Lin Yu picked up Yae Sakura's saber Sakura Fubuki.Pulling out part of the sheath, the crimson blade came into view.

"Hey!" Ying Chuixue let out a slight sword cry, but the sound was full of sadness.

"Are you thinking about your master too?" Hearing Ying Chuixue's mournful cry, Lin Yu was also very sad.

However, Lin Yu was not immersed in sadness for too long, and soon his eyes were full of determination.Then he pulled out Sakura Chuixue completely, pointing the blade straight out of the window, Lin Yu looked at the crimson blade, and said: "I will work hard to become stronger from now on, and I will never let this happen again! Take this sword as proof, Make this oath!"

Just when Lin Yu made his oath, there was some movement behind him.Then he turned around and saw the little girl getting up slowly.

"Oh! I'm so dizzy! I feel like I had a dream!" The little girl held her forehead, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Lin Yu holding Sakura Chuixue. She panicked and shouted, "Are you Who? What are you trying to do with a knife? I warn you not to come over!"

After the little girl yelled, Lin Yu realized that he forgot to take back Sakura Chuixue, and immediately put it in the scabbard, and then said to the little girl: "This is my companion's relic!"

"Companion? Is that the big sister with pink fox ears?" The little girl thought carefully.

"That's right! It's her! Please also remember that her name is Yae Sakura, and she bought your life with her own!" Lin Yu said every word of this sentence very seriously.

"In exchange for her life? Why did she do that?" The little girl looked incredible. She didn't expect that the price of saving her would be so high, let alone that a person she hadn't met would sacrifice herself to save her.

"No reason, it's just that she thinks you have the aura of someone important to her." Lin Yu simply pointed out the reason.

"A person's breath is very important?" The little girl carefully recalled the information about the name Yae Sakura.Yae Sakura, this is a name recorded with the ancestor Karen, there is no detailed introduction in it, only a name and the identity of a witch are recorded.

"I'll go out and have a look first! Your poison has just been unraveled, so take a good rest!" Lin Yu didn't say much, just gave a few instructions, and then went out with Sakura Chuixue.

Seeing Lin Yu who walked out a little sadly, the little girl wanted to get out of bed and chase after her, but her weak body refused her to do so.Helpless, she could only weakly hammer the hammer bed, and said to herself: "You are obviously a brat, and you dare to pretend to be an adult in front of me! I am the destiny S Valkyrie Teresa!"

It is estimated that no one would have imagined that such a little girl would be one of the strongest Valkyries against the largest organization against Honkai today--Tianming.

Outside the house, Lin Yu silently watched Ying Chuixue, recalling the swordsmanship that Ying had taught.

"Sakura, don't worry, I will definitely use the swordsmanship you taught me to protect everything!" Then Lin Yu began to practice "Sakura Slash" tirelessly using Sakura Blowing Snow.

A long time passed, and Lin Yu had been practicing swordsmanship, and he did not rest until he had no strength, and continued to practice after resting.No idea how many times this process was repeated.

It wasn't until the sky began to darken that Lin Yu realized that he had been practicing for a long time.After a short rest, Lin Yu walked back to the room.

"Ah! You're back! I haven't been back all day, and I'm almost starving!" At this time, Teresa was able to get out of bed and move around.Seeing Lin Yu coming back, he immediately looked at him with aggrieved expression, but he looked very cute.However, Lin Yu didn't care about these, and simply replied "Got it" and walked into the kitchen.

"Hmph! You don't appreciate my kindness and cuteness to help you out of your sorrow!" Teresa said secretly in her heart.

Lin Yu was not in the mood to eat, so he casually prepared a little for Teresa and returned to the room, watching Ying Chuixue in a daze.

"Hello! Do you want to go back to St. Freya College with me?" Teresa entered Lin Yu's room without knocking on the door.Although she knew that the big sister Yae Sakura was very important to Lin Yu, Lin Yu must be very sad now.But sister Yae Sakura must not want to see Lin Yu's current appearance, so she wanted to take Lin Yu back to her academy to take care of her.

"What is a little kid talking about? Hurry up and go back to rest!" Lin Yu looked at the little girl in front of him, waved his hand, and fell on the bed to rest.

"I'm not called a little kid, I have a name, and my name is Teresa Apocalypse." Hearing Lin Yu call her a little kid, Teresa frowned, and said angrily. Looking at Lin Yu and said.

"Understood! Miss Teresa, hurry up and listen to Brother Lin Yu's words and go back to sleep Lin Yu didn't get up at all, but just answered Teresa casually.

Teresa felt very upset when she saw Lin Yu perfunctory herself.But when I thought about the reason, I couldn't get angry.So Teresa said to Lin Yu: "Lin Yu, I will leave here tomorrow morning! What are you going to do?"

"Huh? Leave?" Lin Yu got up from the bed as soon as Teresa was leaving, looked at Teresa, and asked, "Why did you leave? I promised Sakura to take care of you!"

"Hmph! I'm going to seek revenge on the guy who hurt me!" Teresa became very angry when she thought of the guy who hurt her.

"Is it the quasi-herser?" Lin Yu asked directly what the problem was.

"That's right! What's the matter? Let me tell you, I was only injured yesterday by accident, and I will never do it again next time." Teresa looked unhappy when she thought about yesterday's experience.

"No!" Lin Yu directly vetoed Theresa's decision.Are you kidding me, Yae Sakura managed to save you, and now you are going to die again.

"What's wrong! Tell you, I'm an S-rank Valkyrie." Teresa directly reported her identity.

"Huh? S-rank Valkyrie? Just like you?" Seeing Teresa like this, Lin Yu was speechless.You're still an S-rank Valkyrie like you, you're probably dreaming.

"Let me tell you, don't... Alas! What are you doing? Let me down quickly!" Before Teresa finished speaking, Lin Yu picked up Teresa and walked to another room.

Without saying a word, Lin Yu put Teresa on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and said to Teresa with a serious face: "Tell you! Give me a good rest! Let's talk tomorrow if there is anything!"

After speaking, Lin Yu left, leaving an angry Teresa curled up under the quilt.

"Hmph! Disrespectful fellow!"

 Yae Sakura is gone!Is it a sad ending?Let me tell you, it's impossible!I don't like sad stories, you know that?If you know it, don’t forget to give a recommendation! PS: Please leave a comment at the end of the chapter after reading it. If you can’t see the comment, I’m so panicked!


(End of this chapter)

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