The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 13: The Pseudo-Herscher

Chapter 13: The Pseudo-Herscher

The next day, Lin Yu got up early.The only difference is that he is no longer as sad as yesterday, because Lin Yu dreamed of Yae Sakura last night, Yae Sakura told her not to be sad, she did not disappear completely, but attached to Theresa to protect her.

"Since you have said that, I can't keep falling!" Looking at Ying Chuixue, Lin Yu's eyes were no longer confused, but extremely firm.yes!If you fall down, you will only lose more, and only by becoming stronger can you protect everything.

Then Lin Yu regained his mood and started practicing the swordsmanship "Luo Ying Slash".After the practice was over, she was going to go back to make breakfast, and Teresa hadn't woken up yet!

"You still say that you are an S-rank Valkyrie?" Seeing Teresa sleeping soundly, no one would associate such a child with an S-rank Valkyrie.

"Could it be true what she said?No way!No matter how you look at her, she is still a child! Lin Yu was cooking while thinking about what Teresa said last night.Teresa was obviously very confident when she said those words last night, it didn't feel like she was bragging!But if she is an S-rank Valkyrie, even she is beaten like that by the Pseudo-Herserscher, how strong would the Pseudo-Herserscher be!

"Forget it! Don't think so much!" Lin Yu who had cooked put all the food on the table, and then went to De Lisa's room to wake her up.

"Get up quickly! Theresa, it's time to eat!"

"Huh? No! I'm going to sleep for a while!" Teresa said coquettishly on the bed without opening her eyes.

"Yes! If you don't get up, you won't have food!" Lin Yu leaned against the wall with his hands crossed.

"What? No food! No way! Teresa has to eat breakfast!" Teresa jumped up from the bed with a "swish" and got dressed in a few clicks.

This speed directly stunned Lin Yu!what's the situation?Did I miss a few minutes just now?When it comes to having nothing to eat, it becomes so efficient.When Teresa stood in front of Lin Yu and stared straight at her when everything was ready, Lin Yu directly replied, "What are you looking at? Why don't you hurry up and wash and eat!" and then walked out.

Got it Teresa followed Lin Yu out.

After a while, at the dinner table,
"By the way? I'm going to get the weapon back and settle accounts with that guy today. Are you going?" De Lisa said while looking at Lin Yu while eating.

"It's still settled? That's a pseudo-herrscher! You're afraid you haven't woken up!" Lin Yu had finished his meal at this time, and when he heard that De Lisa was going to seek revenge from the pseudo-herrscher, he gave her a blank look.

"I've said it before, I'm the S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny! Not a child!" Lin Yu didn't believe Teresa after seeing it several times, she suddenly felt full of anger, and sat there angrily, He stared straight at Lin Yu.

"Uh..." Seeing Teresa's angry look, Lin Yu couldn't help laughing, and said, "Look at you! You look like an S-rank Valkyrie!"

"Huh!" Seeing that Lin Yu didn't believe it, Teresa had no choice but to show her strength.She clenched her fist with her right hand and slammed it down on the table.

With a bang, the table no longer existed.

"I'll go! What's the situation?" The scene in front of him shocked Lin Yu, and then Lin Yu reacted.After a long time, Teresa is not joking!She is really a Valkyrie!But I don't know if it's not S-class.

"Okay, okay! I don't believe it!" Lin Yu replied hurriedly.

"I'll go as soon as I'm ready, what about you? Will you be with me?" At this time Teresa has not calmed down, but as soon as Lin Yu accepted her identity, she directly stated her plan.

and many more!Lin Yu seemed to have remembered something.Isn't the guy who hurt Theresa the guy who made Yae Sakura sacrifice herself to detoxify?Thinking of this, Lin Yu did not hesitate, and directly agreed to Teresa.

At this time, on the playground of Qianyu Academy, a girl who had turned into a Pseudo-Herserscher was standing in front of a huge cross.In her opinion, the owner of this weapon has been poisoned by her, and he is basically dead.But this weapon is very dazzling here.

"Damn it! What a nuisance!" The girl made a move, and dozens of vines quickly stabbed at the cross, but they were only bounced away after sparking.Seeing that the attack was fruitless, the girl cursed secretly.

"It's useless! The "Oath of Judas" is made of a metal called soul steel, and its purpose is to deal with Herrscher!You, a quasi-hersers, can't even leave traces on it! "Speaking of these words, Teresa walked over step by step.

"Yo! It turned out to be the defeat of your subordinates! Although I don't know how you unraveled my poison, but you finally recovered your life, is it okay to come here to die now?" The girl who resembled a Herrscher mocked He looked at Teresa who was walking over.

"I was just careless last time! Guy like you, as long as I get serious, I can handle it easily." Teresa, who was poked in the sore spot by the pseudo-hersher, suddenly became anxious.

"It seems that after you brought a person back this time, your tone was a lot louder! I wonder if your strength can keep up with your tone!" The girl glanced at Lin Yu standing far away from De Lisa, and then Immediately urged the vines to stab Theresa, completely ignoring Lin Yu.

Teresa jumped up suddenly, relying on her petite body to avoid the attack of the vines.Then he kicked the Herrscher imitatively, kicked her flying, and knocked down a wall.

"Slow to death! As long as you don't get hit by your vines, your poison is useless!" After kicking the Mimic Herrscher into the air, Teresa sat on the cross "Oath of Judas" and taunted the Mimic Herrscher. law-like.

"I have to say, you are really strong. It seems that you can't defeat you without relying on a sneak attack yesterday!" The Herrscher slowly stood up from the ruins of the collapsed wall, and at the same time, blood-red flowers began to appear on the vines around her. start to bloom.At this time, her eyes began to turn red, she stared at Teresa and said, "But today is different! Yesterday I felt another Herrscher's fluctuations interfering with my absorption of Houkai energy, which made me unable to become stronger. Strong! But I don’t know why the Herrscher disappeared last night, and now I have already absorbed the Houkai energy in this area! I have become stronger! Didn’t you realize that you were poisoned just now?”

Upon hearing these words, Teresa seemed to have noticed something, immediately covered her mouth and nose, and said, "Could it be that the fragrance of flowers I smelled just now is..."

Before Theresa finished speaking, a few vines suddenly appeared and tied Theresa up, pulling her in front of the Herrscher.Looking at Teresa who was poisoned again, the Herrscher seemed very proud, and said, "As I said, you are only looking for death when you come back. My poison has covered the entire playground through blooming flowers. This time , you can’t run away.”

"Whoosh—" An arc of sword energy instantly cut off the vines binding Theresa, and the Herrscher was startled, and immediately jumped back to hide.At this moment, a figure hugged Teresa, and while retreating, swung a few sword qi at the pseudo-Herserscher.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to be able to move within the range of my poisonous gas!" The pseudo-herrscher manipulated vines to block the sword gas, and then looked at Lin Yu who rescued Theresa.

That's right, it was Lin Yu who "watched the battle" by the side before who rescued Teresa at the critical moment.It's just that Lin Yu's eyes have turned one blue and one red at this time, which is the performance of Lin Yu urging the stigmata.It is also because of the power of Danzhu's stigmata that Lin Yu can temporarily not be affected by the poison gas of the pseudo-herser.

Lin Yu ignored the words of the Pseudo-Herrscher, and put Teresa behind the "Judas' Oath", and then held a Taidao in each hand, with Sakura Blowing Snow in his left hand and Star Language in his right, and turned to look at the Pseudo-Herrscher.

"Oh? Are you planning to fight me?" The contempt on the face of the pseudo-herser seemed to ignore Lin Yu at all.

What responded to her was Lin Yu's dozen sword qi.

"Humph! It seems that you are looking for death!" The pseudo-hersers manipulated vines to meet Lin Yu's sword energy.

Although the vines blocked Lin Yu's sword energy, there was not much left.It seems that the Herrscher really underestimated Lin Yu s sword aura.Seeing this, the Herrscher was very angry. He didn't expect his attack to be resolved by an ordinary person.Then, with a move of her hand, nearly a hundred vines rushed towards Lin Yu.

"Huh~ This is the interest of you hurting Teresa!" Lin Yu withdrew the star language, inserted Ying Chuixue back into the scabbard, and assumed an attacking posture.

"Luoying Slash-Dazzling Blade!" Just when the vine was about to hit Lin Yu, Lin Yu suddenly pulled out Sakura Chuixue, and in an instant the overwhelming sword energy swept in, smashing the vine to pieces.

"Impossible! How could ordinary weapons cut off my vines!" The pseudo-herrscher screamed in fright at Lin Yu's burst of sword energy!
However, Lin Yu didn't pay attention to her cry.

"Luoying Zhan-Sanhua!" After clearing the vines, Lin Yu kicked his feet vigorously, and rushed directly towards the pseudo-herser.

"Damn ants!" The pseudo-herrscher seemed to become crazier, and the overwhelming vines began to stab Lin Yu.

Ying Chuixue kept waving in Lin Yu's hands, and the Houkai energy sword energy radiated cut off the vines one by one, which made Lin Yu keep approaching the Pseudo Herrscher.Although a few vines stabbed Lin Yu, Lin Yu ignored those wounds.For now, with the help of the stigmata, the poison on the vines has not had much effect on Lin Yu.

Don't come over The Herrscher looked at Lin Yu who was constantly approaching him, and seemed a little panicked, and then a spear composed of multiple vines entwined appeared beside her, stabbing Lin Yu quickly.

"Luoying Slash-Crazy Flower Blooming Cracking!" Looking at the huge vine spear piercing towards him, Lin Yu did not hesitate, and the surface of Sakura Chuixue's blade was immediately covered with a layer of pink brilliance.Immediately Lin Yu swung forcefully, and a huge arc of sword energy slashed towards the vine gun.

"Boom—" The two attacks collided and made a loud noise.

Looking at the smoke and dust produced by the explosion, the Herrscher felt that he had won, and shouted with a smile: "Hahaha! See, this is what happens when you fight against the messenger of God!"

"Oh? What's the end?" Just as the Herrscher laughed, Lin Yu's voice sounded beside her.

"Why..." Before the Pseudo-Herserscher could react, one of her arms had been severed.When she looked back, Lin Yu was facing her back with injuries all over her body, and the Sakura Chuixue in her hand had been replaced by Xingyu at some point, and her severed scorpion was lying at Lin Yu's feet. broken arm.

 In order to write the move of "Sakura Slash", I went to the game and looked at the skill list of the Goddess Priestess!But please don't judge the content of this chapter by the skill effects in the game! PS: This chapter is hard to write, please give some recommendations and comments!

(End of this chapter)

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