Chapter 130
Ten o'clock, Destiny Headquarters,

"Amber, what's the situation now?"

Bishop Otto came to the command room of the headquarters and asked Amber about the situation.

He was still playing "Karen Fantasy" in his office just now!Seeing that the record was about to be broken, the sudden sound of the alarm made him lose his concentration, and he made a mistake in his operation, causing the final score to be a few points lower than the record, which made him very angry.

"Master Bishop, there is a strong Honkai beast energy fluctuation coming from the depths of the Siberian snow field, and the reaction intensity has surpassed the emperor-level Honkai beast, and it has been confirmed as a judgment-level Honkai beast!"

Amber reported to Otto verbatim the news she had just received.

"A judgment-level Honkai beast?"

"Yes! Your Excellency, please look at the pictures from the satellite!"

Amber then projected the map of the Siberian Snowfield onto the screen in the command room.It's just that the blizzard there was so violent that it was impossible to see the specific situation there, and the image of the Houkai Beast was just a vague outline.However, the shape of the Houkai beast can be seen from the outline.

"Oh? Is this Honkai Beast a bird?"

Otto looked at the huge blurry figure on the screen and couldn't help being curious.

"Yes! My Lord Bishop, it has been confirmed that the appearance of the Judgment-level Honkai Beast is similar to the phoenix recorded in ancient China, and its code name is Phoenix!"

While explaining the situation of the Houkai beast to Otto, Kohaku put the prepared materials on the big screen for Otto to view.

"Has anything unusual happened in the Siberian Snowfield recently?"

Although Otto knew that Siberia was the place where Destiny fought the Second Herrscher Sirin, more than ten years had passed since then.No matter how high the concentration of Houkai energy is, it is only a small part of the normal value. How could it give birth to a judgment-level Houkai beast?Otto was puzzled by this.

"Reporting to the Bishop, the intensity of the Houkai energy in the Siberian Snowfield has always been stable. It was only a few minutes ago that the intensity increased suddenly, that is, at that time, the energy response of the judgment-level Houkai beast was detected."

The Siberian snowfield is the place after the battle with Herrscher, and Destiny has been paying close attention to the changes in the Houkai power there.Otherwise, it would not have detected the Honkai Beast as soon as it appeared.

"Notify all branches, prepare to go to the Siberian Snowfield!"

"Yes! My lord bishop!"

As soon as Otto's order was received, Amber sent an urgent notice to all branches.

"That's right! Where are Rita and Ulandal now?"

"My lord, Valkyrie Rita and Ulandal went to the Far Eastern branch last night, and they are probably here now!"

"Oh! That's right! I forgot about this! Then inform them and let them go to the Siberian Snow Field!"

Otto had already forgotten what happened last night. If Amber hadn't reminded him for a while, he wouldn't be able to remember it. Maybe he forgot it because he played a game before!


After Amber sent an urgent notice to each branch, she sent a separate notice to Rita and Ulandal.

Otto looked at the satellite image of the Siberian snow field uploaded on the screen. The image was completely covered by the blizzard. Except for the blurred figure of the Houkai beast, he couldn't see anything else at all.

"The Judgment-level Honkai Beast was not born casually. Something must have happened? What exactly is it?"

Otto looked at the screen, lost in thought.


In the depths of the Siberian snow field,

"Phil, well done!"

Lin Yu looked at the blue-haired girl kneeling on one knee in front of him, and praised him.

"By the way! Phil, no one was hurt, right?"

Although Lin Yu asked Phil to make a big fuss, he didn't let her hurt anyone. At most, she allowed her to freeze people, which could delay their arrival here.

"Reporting to the master, only a dozen Valkyries who wanted to get close to here were frozen within a radius of ten kilometers!"

Phil told Lin Yu what happened in the air before.Hearing that no one was injured, this made Lin Yu feel more at ease, after all, he didn t want anyone to be injured because of him.

"Lin Yu, your interests are really special! Let your family members call you master, what do you want to do?"

After Phil transformed into a human form, Novalu heard the voice of the master on the left and the master on the right.This made her wonder if Lin Yu had some evil intentions!

"Eh... I didn't let her call me that! She wanted to call me that!"

Lin Yu didn t know anything about Phil calling him master in advance!Before Phil was still in the form of the Honkai Beast, he could only convey some simple emotions to him in the space where he was born, and he couldn't speak like he is now.So it was entirely her decision to call Lin Yu the master after she came out, and she had nothing to do with Lin Yu, okay?
"Who knows!"


Facing Novalun's suspicious eyes, Lin Yu didn t know how to explain it.

"Forget it! Phil, get up first!" Lin Yu stretched out his hand and pulled Phil up in front of him, and then warned: "Phil, remember! Don't call me master in the future!"

"Huh? What should Phil be called?"

Phil looked puzzled, calling Lin Yu the master was an idea that was born independently after she had a mind.If she wasn't called Lin Yu's master, she really didn't know what to call Lin Yu.

"You should still call me brother like Hiyumaru! It's a bit embarrassing to call me master!"

After some thinking, Lin Yu decided to let Phil call him brother like Fei Yuwan.Anyway, Phil can already become a human, so Lin Yu is not going to treat Phil as a Honkai beast, just treat him as if he has another sister!

"Yes! Brother!"

Hearing Lin Yu's order, Phil agreed without hesitation.Even if she is called Brother Lin Yu, in her cognition, she will still obey Lin Yu's orders.After all, she was born because of Lin Yu, so calling Lin Yu brother or master makes no difference to her.


Even if Phil called him brother, Lin Yu still felt a little awkward. He always felt that Phil still thought that she and him were in a master-servant relationship.

"never mind!It's hard to get her to change for a while, let's talk about it later! 』

"Book of Cangxuan, detect how many people are approaching here!"

It may take a while to change Phil's perception, and there is no time now, so let's talk about this matter later.Lin Yu asked Cangxuanzhishu to detect the surrounding situation again, so as to facilitate the next action.

"Report Master, many people have entered the five-kilometer range in small groups!"

Cangxuanzhishu told Lin Yu what was detected.Obviously, they've been here too long.

"Hey! Lin Yu, hurry up and find a way to get out of here! Otherwise, the man of destiny will come!"

Novalu was not afraid of destiny, but felt that it would be troublesome to be discovered by destiny, so she urged Lin Yu to leave here quickly.

"OK! Let's go now!"

As soon as Lin Yu finished speaking, a space door appeared beside Nuovalu.

"Huh? Where does this space door lead to?"

Looking at the door of space that popped up suddenly, Nuova Lu did not enter immediately, but asked Lin Yu where the other side of the door of space was.

"Lulu, don't worry! Go in quickly!"

Since Lin Yu dared to use this space door, the other side of the door must be safe!I really don't know what Novalu is worried about.

"All right!"

After hesitating for a while, Nuova finally walked into the space door.

"Phil! As I said before, come in when you're ready!"

With such a big commotion, if there were no traces left, it would definitely arouse Tianming's suspicion.Lin Yu naturally thought of this point a long time ago.


With a move from Phil, several frost tornadoes appeared not far from her, and they were still expanding.

After completing these, Phil followed Lin Yu into the gate of space.When the figures of Lin Yu and Phil disappeared, the gate of space disappeared.And the traces left by Lin Yu and the others were also erased by the blizzard, leaving nothing behind.


"Report to the captain, the strength of the Houkai ahead is decreasing rapidly!"

"Report to the captain, there are multiple snow tornadoes ahead!"

Two members of the Valkyrie team who were heading deep into the Siberian snow field reported to their captain.

"What's the situation? Why did the value drop so fast? If it continues like this, it will return to the usual value soon!"

The captain of the Valkyrie team glanced at the Honkai energy intensity detector in her hand, and found that the value on it was dropping rapidly, which shocked her.

You know, the notification from the headquarters said that a trial-level Honkai beast appeared in the depths!It stands to reason that the intensity of the Honkai energy should be ridiculously high, why is it not increasing but decreasing now?
"Report the situation here to the headquarters first, and wait for the instructions from the headquarters!"

They are just here to investigate the situation here, and they need to report to the headquarters first if they encounter any situation.Then let the headquarters make the decision, they don't have such power.


Destiny Headquarters, Command Room,

Otto also saw the figure of the Houkai beast on the screen disappear suddenly, but the strength of the Houkai energy still did not decrease.He could only think that Phoenix had lowered its flying altitude, and the blizzard completely covered it.

It didn't take long before the detected strength of the Houkai Beast began to drop significantly.

"what happened?"

Seeing the sudden drop in the value of the Houkai energy, Otto was startled.Because he couldn't figure out what happened.

At this moment, Amber received a message from the Siberia Snow Field Reconnaissance Team.

"Master Bishop! The investigation team has sent the latest news!"

Amber immediately put the message on the screen for Otto to check.

"Huh? Didn't find anything?"

Otto looked at the content of the news, and it roughly said that the investigation team had already approached the energy reaction center. As for the figure of the judgment-level Honkai Beast, they hadn't found it at all, okay?

After reading the news, Otto had a gloomy expression on his face.

"Why do I feel like I was tricked by that judgment-level Honkai beast!"

There is no problem with the detectors at the Destiny Headquarters, because the energy response of the Judgment-level Houkai Beast does not appear randomly, nor can it be imitated casually.So Otto can be sure that Phoenix has indeed appeared, but what is going on with their destiny's strong sense of playfulness.

 Destiny was obviously played by the main character and the protagonist, what will they do next?

(End of this chapter)

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