The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 131 "Bad News"

Chapter 131 "Bad News"

When Nuovalu entered the gate of space, what caught her eyes was a small village with beautiful mountains and clear waters, which was very familiar to her.

The scenery here is completely similar to Lin Yu's stigmata space!It's just another stigmata space!It's just that the space of the stigmata cannot enter the living body, and the energy body of Fei Yuwan can enter and exit at will.So although this place seems to have the same layout as the stigmata space, Novalu can be sure that this is definitely not the stigmata space.

"Lin Yu, what's going on?"

As soon as Lin Yu came in, Nuovalu grabbed him and asked.

"Here is an independent space created by using the power of the star language and my empty core! Because the time is relatively tight, I copied the layout of the stigmata space when I created it!"

Lin Yu started preparing for this space as early as Cang Xuan proposed to him the plan to leave St. Freya Academy.Although this space is not as large as the stigmata space, it still consumes nearly half of the energy of Lin Yu and Xingyu's Herrscher of the Sky core.And because of the short time, Lin Yu didn t have time to design the layout of this space, which made it basically the same as the stigmata space.

"You don't plan to use this place as a base, do you?"

Nova Lu boldly guessed.

You must know that Lin Yu is planning to create an organization, and the forces of destiny and anti-entropy are all over the world, which makes it difficult for Lin Yu to find a suitable place as a base.What she didn't expect was that Lin Yu simply stopped looking for a base in reality, and directly used the core power of the Herrscher of the Sky to open up an independent space as a base.

This is really beyond her imagination!
"Of course! Let's go to the shrine to rest for a while! Then wait for Cangxuan and the others to fuse their bodies!"

Now what Lin Yu had to do was over, so there was nothing else to do.So the next thing is to wait for Cangxuan and the others to fuse their bodies, otherwise there is no way to continue the following things.

"Lin Yu, how big is this space?"

Novalu once explored the stigmata space, which is basically a space with a radius of about [-] kilometers.Now that she encountered a space with a similar layout, she naturally wanted to find out.

"The space here is not as big as the stigmata, and the radius is only ten kilometers, which should be enough!"

After Lin Yu explained to Novalu, he took out a box of snacks from the Xingyu space, took a few pieces and handed them to Novalu and Phil.


Phil took the snacks Lin Yu handed her with a dazed expression.On the other hand, Nuovalu took the snacks and put them in her mouth, not polite at all.

"That's right! Lulu, if you go out in the future, you have to change your image!"


In the plan made before, she, Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan should have been "dead"!As for how she "died", she had no idea at all, after all, the "death" was arranged by Lin Yu.

This also caused Lin Yu and the others to change their image if they wanted not to be discovered by the people of destiny after they went out.

"That's right! Lulu, I'm here for you! If you use this as the core of Hei Tian Bai Yu, Hei Tian Bai Yu should be stronger than Heiyuan Bai Hua!"

Lin Yu took out something and threw it to Novalu.Then Novalu caught it, opened his hand and saw it was a black diamond-shaped gemstone.

"Lin Yu, this won't be..."

Novalu probably just realized what this gem is, and just wanted to ask Lin Yu to confirm.

"Just like you thought, this is the "Serenity" gem, which is the core of the Herrscher of Death! "

The gem Lin Yu gave Novalu was none other than the "Quiet" gem he got in Singapore before.

Although he did leave the "Quiet" gem to Fu Hua at the time, the gem in Nuovalu's hand is indeed real now.

"Eh... isn't that already left for Fu Hua to bring back to the headquarters of Destiny! Why is it still here with you?"

Novalu remembered that when Lin Yu was on a mission in Singapore, Lin Yu s Herrscher power had not been restored!It stands to reason that there is no way to copy the "Quiet" gem!
"It's different from copying! I just took away [-]% of the power of the "Serenity" gem and re-formed a core!Otherwise, do you think you can defeat Sirin so easily? "

After preparing to destroy the Honkai Reactor in the basement of the Singapore hotel, Lin Yu drained [-]% of the power of the "Quiet" gem.Therefore, Sirin, who will fight Novalu later, can use only [-]% of the power of the gemstone.Otherwise, Lin Yu was really worried about handing Xilin over to Novalu to deal with!

"That's fine too!"

Novalu has a new understanding of Lin Yu's power.At first, she thought that what was left for Fu Hua was just a pseudo-herrscher core!After working for a long time, it is true!It is estimated that apart from Lin Yu, there is no other person who can draw out the power in the core of Herrscher!
"It's just that I can't copy the core of the power that has been removed!"

This can be regarded as a disadvantage!However, doing so did not consume much power for Lin Yu, after all, he did not use the power of the Herrscher.

"Forget it! If you can really copy it again, how many Herrscher cores do you have!"

Novalu gave Lin Yu a supercilious look.If there is no such restriction, it is estimated that Lin Yu will become a humanoid Herrscher core production machine, that would be against the sky!
"That's right!"

Lin Yu lay on the floor in front of the shrine and thought for a while, and what Nuovalu said made sense.It would be terrible if one's abilities were really what one thought.


The Siberian snowfield, where Phil appeared.

"Captain, I found nothing here except a lot of giant ice cubes!"

The scouting team that arrived here first had scoured the area, but found nothing except a large area of ​​battle traces and multiple huge ice blocks.

"Re-investigate the area where the battle took place!"

The captain of the scouting team gave the order.

In front of her were cut down trees and huge snow pits. She couldn't believe that there were no traces left in such a large battle area.

After a while, a member of the reconnaissance team came back with something in his hand.

"Captain, I found something!"

The member handed over what he found to the captain.

"Huh? A communicator?"

The captain of the reconnaissance team took what was handed over and found that it was a communicator.


After a few more hours, people from several branches who received the notification from the headquarters arrived one after another.

"What's going on? Why is it halfway there, why did the Honkai Beast's reaction disappear?"

Teresa has been whining since she got off the Huberian.

About an hour after they set off from St. Freya Academy, the headquarters sent another message saying that the reaction of the judge-level Honkai beast had disappeared.But let them continue to the Siberian Snowfield to continue their investigation.

"It feels like I have to come here for nothing!"

After Jizi got off the Hyperion, he also noticed any changes here, and the strength of the Houkai energy did not feel any change.

"Master Ulandal! Lord Teresa! Let's ask the investigation team here first about the situation!"

Rita suggested.

"Okay! Let's go there first!"

After speaking, Ulandal walked directly to where the scouting team was.

"Okay! Now that we're here, let's understand the situation first!"

They have already arrived, and Teresa naturally wants to know the situation here, otherwise she will not know how to write the report to the headquarters.

"It seems that there has been a fierce battle here!"

Fu Hua glanced at the surrounding situation, and noticed that there were many battle marks left on the nearby trees that hadn't fallen down, so he thought that there had been a big battle here.

"Squad leader, did you find anything?"

Seeing that Fu Hua was checking the traces on the tree, Yai walked over and asked.

"Student Mei, what do you think these marks are left by?"

Fu Hua pointed to a trace on the tree and asked Mei.


Mei looked carefully at the traces on the tree, thought for a while, and finally came to the result.

"Squad leader, these seem to be sword marks!"

As she said that, Mei pulled out the Taidao from her waist, and slashed at the tree, leaving a mark that was almost the same as the original mark on the tree.

"Hmm! Same as I thought!"

The first time Fu Hua saw those traces, he felt that those traces were sword marks.And after looking at the traces Mei left on the tree, she became even more certain.

"Sister Mei! Class monitor! There seems to be something discovered by the head of the school! Let's go and have a look!"

Bronya's voice came through, telling Mei and Fu Hua to go to Teresa.

"Got it! Let's go!"

Hearing Bronya's voice, Mei and Fu Hua responded and rushed towards Teresa.

After a while, the two came to Theresa.She seemed to be communicating with the investigation team here, and the two could only wait aside.

"Principal (Theresa)! What's the matter?"

Seeing that Teresa had finished talking, Fu Hua and Mei asked her what they had learned.It's just that when Teresa turned around, she found that Teresa's expression was unusually solemn.

"Hey! Teresa, are you sure?"

Ji Zi's expression was also very solemn, which made Mei and Fu Hua feel that something bad was about to happen.

"Mei! Contact Lin Yu!"

For some reason, Teresa did not answer Jizi's question, but asked Mei to contact Lin Yu.

"Principal, why do you want to contact Lin Yu at this time?"

Mei was very puzzled by Teresa's request, but contacted Lin Yu according to her request.

"Beep beep-"

After Mei dialed Lin Yu's number, the voice of the communicator came from Teresa's hand.

"how come?"

Teresa looked at the communicator in her hand with a look of horror. It was given to her by the investigation team here just now. It is said that there are some very tragic things in the place where it was discovered.

"Theresa! Why is Lin Yu's communicator in your hand?"

When Mei saw the communicator page in Teresa's hand, she panicked.

"This is what the investigation team discovered, and it was also discovered..."

Teresa has been silent at this point, and it is estimated that everyone else has guessed what she is going to say next.

"Hey! Teresa, what you said is not true, is it?"

After hearing what Teresa said, Yolandelle's expression changed immediately.

Only then did she know that the Xiaoyu she was looking for was Lin Yu, and before she had time to meet, it became a farewell?
 Uh... Isn't the plot a bit too cruel? PS: Things can't just look at the surface, there are follow-ups! (* ̄3 ̄)
(End of this chapter)

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