Chapter 171 Cats

Under the leadership of Rita, Ulandle visited many famous buildings and scenic spots such as Sherlock Holmes Museum, Big Ben, Tower Bridge and Borough Square.

In an open-air restaurant.


Ulandal is using a fork to deliver food to her mouth.

"How is it? What do you think of the taste of this restaurant?"

Rita was writing something in a notebook with a pen while asking Ulandal about the taste of the food in this store.

"It's okay, it will definitely taste better if you cook it, Rita!"

At this time, Ulandal has completely lost the appearance of the so-called strongest Valkyrie, and looks like a foodie, because there are still a lot of food crumbs left in the corners of her mouth.

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Although Rita was very happy with Urandale's compliment, she still couldn't help but say in her heart, "This is a little disrespectful to this store."

When Urandale had almost eaten, Rita handed her a notebook, which was exactly the notebook she had been writing just now.

"Master Ulandal, I have sorted out all the places of interest around you, and I hope I can give you some reference."

Urandale took the notebook handed over by Rita
"Then I'll just go shopping by myself first. Rita, finish the mission early, I'm still waiting for you to be my tour guide!"


On the bench beside the grass where Rita and Yolandelle met before, there were two girls sitting at this moment, one with cherry-colored long hair and the other with ice-blue long hair.

"Phil, when do you think Sister Novalu will come over?"

Sitting on the bench are Yae Rin and Phil who came to London to carry out the mission, but their mission at this time is waiting for Nova to come and meet.

"No one can say for sure, after all, Sister Lulu is more casual." Phil shrugged helplessly, expressing that he didn't know when Novalu would come, and then said, "But Sister Lulu said, We are free to visit here until she comes."

"Then let's go! Brother Lin Yu and I visited some scenic spots last time, but there are still many places we haven't visited!"

Yae Rin still remembers the last time Lin Yu took her to visit Tower Bridge in London, so she was also very interested in scenic spots in other places in London.

So, Yae Rin and Phil started this trip to London together.Yae Rin was basically leading the way this time, after all, she had been here once and was a little more familiar with it than Phil.Phil also followed Yae Rin to visit scenic spots one after another.

"I visited here! I visited here too! Let me see where our next goal is?"

Yae Rin opened the map in his hand, ready to see where the next destination is.And Phil was playing with a group of cats by the side of the square.

"Huh? Why does this cat look different from other cats?"

When Phil was teasing a few cats, he found a light gray cat silently walking past her, completely unattracted by her teasing movements.

More importantly, this light gray cat has some purple-red lines on its body, and these lines give Phil the feeling that they are somewhat similar to the lines on those Houkai beasts.

"Little kitten, come here!"

Phil waved a cat teaser in front of the light gray cat, trying to attract it.


The cat gave Phil a blank look, completely ignored the cat teasing grass swinging in front of it, and continued to walk forward, as if it had something to do.


Phil also noticed the gray cat's expression, and was speechless for a moment.She never thought that the cat had such a personality, so she ran to the cat again, trying to tease it again.


It's just that before Phil waved the teaser grass in front of him, the gray cat swung his paw over.


The cat's sharp claws scratched Phil's glove, making a scratching sound, leaving a shallow claw mark.

Although Phil's gloves seem to be no different from ordinary gloves, they are made by Phil with the Houkai energy, and they only respond to the Houkai energy, even if the reaction is extremely weak.Therefore, this paw of the gray cat completely caught Phil's attention.

"Honkai can react?"

Phil looked at the scratches left on the glove, and was taken aback for a moment.But she reacted immediately.

Can an ordinary cat have a Honkai reaction?No matter how you think about it, it feels wrong!

Seeing that Phil turned his gaze to the gray cat in front of him, his aura suddenly changed, and his pupils also turned crimson. He stared at the gray cat closely, and said:

"Little cat, what's the matter with you? Why do you have a Houkai reaction?"

"Meow meow……"

For some unknown reason, the gray cat that dared to wave its claws at Phil just now trembled, and kept moving back, as if it had encountered something terrifying.

While Phil was staring at the gray cat, Yae Rin's voice suddenly came from behind her:
"Phil, I have found the next place to visit! Let's go to the open-air restaurant to eat together! The open-air restaurant here is very famous!"

Yae Rin searched for a long time before ruling out some distant attractions, and then decided to go to the open-air restaurant with Phil.

"Sister Lin, come here!"

After hearing Yae Rin's voice, Phil immediately withdrew his momentum, turned around and replied.


Seeing that Phil turned around, the gray cat immediately felt the pressure drop, and immediately ran away without looking back, as if being targeted by Phil again.

"not good!"

Hearing the gray cat's cry, Phil noticed that it ran away the moment he responded to Rin Yae.

"Forget it! It's just a cat, maybe it just encountered something related to the Houkai energy."

When he turned around and found that the shadow of the gray cat was gone, Phil didn't look for it anymore, and ran directly to Yae Rin's side, ready to move towards the next goal.

"Ah! How many cats!"

Not long after Phil and Yae Rin left, Ulandal came here, and immediately saw the cats that Phil was teasing just now.So she also ran over and started teasing the cat.


In the British Museum, Rita was waiting for the key figures of this mission in the lobby.

"I've kept you waiting, my lady!"

After waiting for a long time, finally a person appeared behind Rita.

"I am the current curator of the British Museum, Catherine. Are you the Valkyrie of Destiny?"

The person who came was a woman with long brown hair. While introducing herself, she wanted to confirm Rita's identity.

"Hi, just call me Rita. I'm sure you already know the purpose of my visit."

While Rita said her name, she showed her ID to Catherine.

"Of course, Miss Rita. Please come with me!"

Catherine had known for a long time that Destiny would send someone over to get some information from her, so she was ready.

"The British Museum preserves historical and cultural treasures from all over the world. The cultural relics you applied for investigation this time belong to the UK itself, but its value is not inferior to other exhibits."

Led by Catherine, Rita came to a huge stone tablet mural carved with various patterns.

"It's a Celtic scroll that has survived around the sixth century AD, and it contains an ancient story."

Catherine stood in front of the mural on the stele and began to introduce related stories to Rita.

"A young man named Arthur pulled out the sword in the stone with the help of the great wizard Merlin and became the king of Britain. After he ascended the throne, King Arthur founded the powerful Knights of the Round Table and made an oath to jointly defend Britain. Under the fighting of the king and his knights, Britain drove away countless invaders and ushered in unity and strength, and King Arthur's deeds have also been sung to this day, becoming a well-known story in England."

After introducing the story recorded on the mural on the stele, Catherine asked Rita, "So Miss Rita, is there any special message hidden in this mural?"

"It's a secret!"

Rita just smiled and didn't say much.After all, this is the secret of this mission.

"Ah, I'm sorry! I'm just out of academic curiosity." Catherine quickly apologized when she saw this, and then continued, "Then I won't bother you with your investigation. If you need anything, please feel free to contact me."

"Okay, thank you curator!"

After Catherine left, Rita concentrated on looking at the murals on the stele, trying to find some clues about the Second God's Key from it.

"The clues to the God's Key should be hidden on this mural. The only objects that can be linked are "Sword in the Stone" and "Round Table"..."

However, just as Rita was thinking carefully about the clues she got from the mural, a black shadow approached her quietly.


Sensing something approaching her, Rita suddenly turned her head, only to find that the one approaching her was...


In the open-air restaurant, Phil and Yae Rin just had a full meal.

"The food here tastes really good! Don't you think so, Phil?"

Yae Rin still looked a little unsatisfied after eating.

"I think the taste is not bad! Sister Ying and brother should make it more delicious!"

To be honest, Phil didn't feel how delicious the food in this open-air restaurant was.Instead, she felt that the daily meals and snacks made by Yae Sakura and Lin Yu were more delicious.

"It makes sense for you to say that! Then let my sister and brother Lin Yu do it next time."

It seems that after returning from this mission, Yae Sakura and Lin Yu will add a few more dishes to the daily menu in the future.

"Sister Lin, where are we going next? I just finished eating, and I don't want to run too far."

"Don't worry! I've planned it a long time ago! Let's not go to places where we need to go around, let's go to the British Museum!"

In fact, Yae Rin didn't want to walk around too much after dinner, so she decided to go to the British Museum with Phil to admire the cultural relics on display to kill time.

Soon after, the two came to the path near the British Museum.

"I wonder if there are any interesting exhibits in this museum?"

Before entering the British Museum, Phil became interested in the cultural relics exhibited inside.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go in!"

Yae Rin took Phil and ran towards the British Museum.

boom boom-

Before the two could reach the gate of the British Museum, there was a loud sound of building collapse from the British Museum.

"What's the situation? We haven't gone in yet!"

The two stood in a daze in the distance of the British Museum, staring blankly at the British Museum which heard the sound of collapse.


Phil noticed a familiar, small gray figure running out of the collapsing British Museum.

"Is that... the cat I met before?"

 The next chapter, World Snake will officially debut. As for whether the protagonist group will engage them, that is a secret! <( ̄3 ̄)> PS: Book friends who have not joined the group can join the group. Recently, I am a little stuck in my thoughts. I hope I can chat with you in the group to expand my thinking. (ー_ー)!!
(End of this chapter)

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