Chapter 172 We Can Meet

"Phil, what are you looking at?"

Seeing that Phil didn't pay attention to the museum where the sound of collapse was heard, Yae Rin asked curiously, but instead focused his attention elsewhere.

"Sister Lin, I saw the cat I met before running out of the museum!"

Phil pointed to the direction where the gray cat disappeared and explained to Yae Rin.

"Cat? What's the point?"

Yae Rin didn't know why Phil would care about a cat. Didn't they meet enough cats during the visit?
"Of course I wouldn't care if it was an ordinary cat. The key is that the cat has a Houkai reaction!"

"What? Is there a cat that can respond to Houkai?"

Yae Rin, who didn't take it seriously at first, was surprised when he heard what Phil said.

How could a cat have a Houkai reaction?No matter how you think about it, something is wrong!
"Let's tell Sister Danzhu and the others about these things, and let them help analyze it!"

As for analysis, Yae Rin and Phil are really not very good at it, so Cangxuan and Danzhu have to help in this kind of thing.

"Okay! Let's report what happened to Sister Cangxuan and the others!"

Phil agreed to Yae Rin's suggestion after a little thought.

So the two turned around and left, planning to report these strange things to Cang Xuan and the others, so they canceled their plan to visit the British Museum.Moreover, the museum where the accident happened just now seems to be inaccessible now.

10 minutes before the accident at the British Museum.

"Why are there cats here?"

Rita was surprised to find that the one close to her turned out to be a gray cat.

However, when Rita noticed the gray cat was approaching her, she took a few steps back very cautiously, because she didn't think that a cat would appear in the British Museum for no reason.

Suddenly, a purple-red light flashed on the collar of the gray cat near Rita, as if something had been injected into the gray cat's body.In the next instant, the gray cat's size instantly became the size of an adult, and then suddenly rushed towards Rita.


Although Rita took a few steps back in advance, she was still scratched by the transformed gray cat.

"Why do ordinary cats turn into Honkai beasts?"

Rita dodged Honkaimao's pounce, and then she saw that there seemed to be something wrong with the collar worn by Honkaimao, and immediately became suspicious:

"Is it that device?"

"Meow. ( can escape my attack.)
Meow. (Your body seems to be filled with the power of Houkai. It seems that we are the same kind. It is said that the Valkyries have their own armor. Little girl, let me see your full strength!)”

At this time, the cat-shaped Honkaimon's eyes had turned purple, just like those Honkaimon that Rita had encountered before.The only difference is that the Honkai cat is intelligent, which might be a little tricky for Rita.

"Since that's the case, the transmission of the fourth-generation armor begins——Blue Knight·Moon Soul!"

I saw that after Rita issued the transmission command, a set of blue and white Valkyrie Godslayer armor was automatically worn on her body, and a weapon was also equipped at the same time - Skadi of Eternal Frost.

If she didn't put on the Valkyrie Godslayer Armor, Rita really wouldn't be able to deal with the Honkai cat in front of her.So Rita equipped the Valkyrie armor immediately.

"Let me investigate after defeating you!"

Rita waved the Scarti of Eternal Frost and rushed towards the Honkai Cat, planning to investigate its origin after taking it down.

"Meow. (Interesting!)"

When Honkaimao saw Rita rushing towards him, he immediately began to charge his tail that had mutated into a cannon barrel.


Before Rita rushed in front of the Honkai cat, the Honkai energy beam condensed on its tail was launched towards Rita.

"Beep beep-"

After the Honkai cat hurt itself, the collar on its neck sounded an alarm, and then it turned back into a gray cat.

"Meow. (Human props are still as fragile as ever! It seems that today can only end here.)"

The gray cat glanced at the collapsed museum and ran out without looking back.

"Meow meow meow. (My name is Stan, a little human girl, we will meet later!)"

In the collapsed museum, a Honkai energy scythe split the collapsed ruins.

"I didn't expect it to have such a great destructive power, it's really careless!"

Rita jumped out from the ruins and took a look at the damaged surroundings.She never imagined that a small cat could cause so much damage after turning into a Honkai beast.

"Miss Rita, can you explain to me what's going on here?"

As soon as Catherine, who heard the sound, came here, she saw collapsed ruins everywhere, and wanted to find out from Rita what happened here.

"Don't worry, all the losses of the museum will be borne by the Mandate of Heaven."

Rita just smiled slightly, and didn't explain anything to Catherine, after all, it had nothing to do with her.

Soon after, the museum was surrounded by police cars and the collapsed area was cordoned off.


Urandale, who came over after hearing the relevant news, saw Rita sitting by the side of the scene, and went over to say hello.

"Master Ulandal, did you come here after hearing what happened here?"

Rita responded to Urandale, but the next moment she noticed the Band-Aid on Urandale's hand, and asked her:

"What happened to your hand?"

"It's okay, don't worry about it... But you were also injured. It seems that the other party must be a very powerful guy."

Ulandal did not explain to Rita the origin of the Band-Aid in her hand, but instead became interested in Rita's opponent.

"It all started with a cat..."

While looking at the wound left by the cat on her hand, Rita was about to explain the ins and outs of the whole thing to Ulandal.

"Cat...don't say it, I understand."

Before Rita could speak, Ulandelle patted her on the shoulder, as if she knew why Rita was hurt.


Rita was very puzzled by this, she hadn't said anything yet, why did Urandale seem to know?
"The Houkai beast that attacked the museum this time is a man-made product, so someone must be behind it. The other party's goal is the destiny. As long as I continue to investigate, they will definitely come to the door."

Rita seems to have some ideas about the investigation that will follow.

"Can you handle it alone? How about I help you too?"

Urandale was worried that Rita would be in danger if she performed this task alone, so she wanted to help her.Anyway, this time Rita's mission location and her vacation place are both in London, so she doesn't care about it.

"Master Ulandal just enjoy the holiday, don't worry about these little things."

Rita didn't want to delay Yolandelle's vacation because of such a trivial matter.


Seeing that Rita didn't need her help, Urandelle didn't say much, stood up and said, "If that's the case, then I'll listen to you, and if there's anything else, please let me know immediately."

"As ordered."


Between the void, the weapons and equipment library.

"Nana's examination will be over in a few minutes, and it's time for me to prepare!"

Lin Yu glanced at Nana who was overhauling automatically in the maintenance cabin, and closed the weapon design drawings that had just been completed on hand.

These design drawings are planning and design drawings for the various forms of Xingyu in the future, and there are some minor adjustments for the existing three forms.

"Currently, besides Shenyu's core, I still have five complete cores and three unformed cores, which means I still have five cores that I haven't obtained yet!"

Lin Yu opened his hand, and projected the image in the Herrscher's light sphere in his body in the palm of his hand.

In this ball of light, a pale golden core is in the center, which is Lin Yu's own Shen Yu core.And around it, there are eight gems slowly rotating around it. These cores have been copied by Lin Yu so far with his own Herrscher power.

It's just that among the eight cores, only five are complete, and three are obviously not yet fully formed.These three unformed cores are the dominance core, the lightning core, and the storm core.

The dominating core was copied by Lin Yu from Xuanyuan Sword, and the storm core and thunderbolt core were also copied by Lin Yu from the Herrscher fragments contained in Novalu's Black Sky White Feather.

In fact, for the two Herrscher core fragments contained in Heitian Baiyu, Lin Yu just had an attitude of trying at first, but he didn't expect it to succeed.Although the core formed by duplication is also incomplete, they can gradually grow into a complete Herrscher core just like the dominant core.

At present, the completion degree of the dominant core has exceeded [-]%, and the completion of the storm core and lightning core has also exceeded [-]%.It is estimated that Lin Yu will have six complete herrscher cores in a short time.

"How do I feel that something will happen after the dominant core is formed?"

Lin Yu looked at the projection of the dominating core in a near-complete form, and a strange feeling came out of nowhere in his heart.

click -

The hatch of the maintenance cabin opened, and the Nana doll jumped out of it.

"Tsuba, I've finished my inspection. Can I meet everyone now?"

This was what Lin Yu had promised her before, so Nana had been looking forward to it for a long time.

"of course can!"

Seeing that Nana had finished the inspection, Lin Yu dispersed the projection in his hand, turned around and said to Nana:
"However, only Cangxuan and Danzhu are in the void, and everyone else has gone out to perform tasks. I'm afraid you won't be able to see everyone at once!"

"It's okay! I'll pass right away!"

Nana didn't care about these, as long as she could meet other people, it didn't matter even if she knew each other.

Seeing Nana jumping out, Lin Yu couldn't help but fell into deep thought:
"Nana, where is the real you now?"

At the same time, on a certain street in London.

"Ah sneeze!"

The Valkyrie Ulandal, who had just separated from Rita and was about to go to the next attraction, sneezed inexplicably.

"Strange! Is Rita talking about me?"

Ulandal didn't understand why she sneezed for no reason, she thought that someone must be talking about her.

It's just that besides Rita, is there anyone else who can talk about herself?

Between the void, the command room.

"What does Lin Yu think? Why don't you let us go out to perform tasks?"

Cang Xuan sat on the chair and slid back and forth boredly.

"We are not combatants, we just need to be responsible for the rear support, just like we used to do with Chiyuan."

Dan Zhu is different from Cang Xuan, she doesn't dislike how boring it is to support in the rear.

"Sister Cangxuan! Sister Danzhu!"

At this moment, a petite voice suddenly came in from the door of the command room.


Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu were very unfamiliar with this voice.But that voice called them that. It stands to reason that they should be someone who knows them, so the two turned their heads and looked towards the door. When they saw the petite figure at the door, they screamed:

 The Nana doll has officially met with the protagonist team, and it won't be long before... PS: Everyone can guess what will happen after the protagonist has six cores! (ˊvˋ*)
(End of this chapter)

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