The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 179 What's the situation

Chapter 179 What's the situation

Inside the destiny headquarters.

"Brother, where do you want to go?"

Fei Yuwan was very curious about the place Lin Yu was interested in.After all, she can find all the information in Tianming, so as long as Lin Yu tells the location, she can know what is there.

"It's the hiding places of several fates, and one seems to be Otto's personal warehouse."

Lin Yu explained to Fei Yuwan where he was going.

"A few places that are not marked on the map?"

Fei Yuwan immediately knew where Lin Yu was talking about.But she didn't check what was there, after all, there were too many information in the Destiny database, and she couldn't read it in a while!
"I looked it up and there seemed to be something really interesting in there."

Fei Yuwan could tell from Lin Yu's tone that he seemed to be able to guess what was in those places, and he was very attractive to Lin Yu.

"Could it be that 'Plague Gem'?its not right!It is not in the place my brother said at all!What is it? "

Higokumaru, who fell into curiosity, began to search the database for information about that place, to see if he could find anything.


Tower Bridge, London, on top of a tall building.

"Sister Nuonuo, what's the matter here?"

As soon as Phil and Yae Rin arrived at Novaru's side, they asked her if anything happened.

"No! You can't even see the shadow of destiny here, it's boring!"

Nuo Valu answered the two of them while holding a comic book by the tall building and reading it leisurely.

What could happen to her here?Destiny didn't even find many clues to the Second God's Key, so how could it be found here?

"Anyway, I'm bored now, why don't we go into the space where the Second God's Key is located?"

Novalu pointed to the river on the west side of Tower Bridge.Although others couldn't see what was there, she could see a huge space suspended above the river.She thought that instead of being bored here, it would be better to go into that space and have a look.

"I advise you not to enter at will!"

Just when Novalu wanted to take Yae Rin and Phil into that space, Lin Yu's voice suddenly came from the communicator.

"Huh? Why?"

Novalu asked Lin Yu the reason for not letting go.

" should I put it! There is a particularly dangerous little guy inside."

The little armed doll inside is still there!Although Lin Yu has modified its internal program, it will still attack anyone except Lin Yu!

If Nuovalu and the others entered, that little guy would definitely attack them immediately!

You know, that little guy is no longer the puppet with little energy that he fought with Lin Yu, but an armed puppet at its peak!After all, Lin Yu filled its energy core when he left.

"Especially dangerous? Little guy?"

Yae Rin and Felton were puzzled for a while.

They didn't seem to have heard Lin Yu mention what else was inside before!Could it be that he made another puppet?
"It's boring to stay here, why not go in and fight that dangerous thing!"

After hearing what Lin Yu said, Nova Lu not only did not give up the idea of ​​entering that space, but instead became interested in the so-called particularly dangerous little guy.

"Uh... Forget it! I'll send you the hibernation program, and you can just let it stay still after you go in."

Lin Yu saw that Nuovalu still did not give up entering.So he was going to send her the program to make that little doll stop fighting, so that they can safely enter the space where the second God's key is located.

"OK then!"

Then Nuovalu received a special program from Lin Yu.

It is a temporary program that can control the startup and shutdown of a certain system.


Destiny headquarters.

"Brother, why did you take those few things from the personal warehouse of the Catholic Bishop?"

Fei Yuwan really didn t understand why Lin Yu would do this. Could it be that he had some plan?
"These three things are of great use."

Lin Yu put the things he got from the warehouse into the star language space, and then said to Fei Yuwan:
"Crimson Fox, remember to delete the records of these three things from the database, don't let destiny find out."

"Don't worry! It has been deleted!"

There is no need for Lin Yu to remind, Fei Yuwan has deleted all those data long ago, after all, it is impossible for them to leave a little trace here.

"I've seen it here too, there's nothing interesting about it! Scarlet Fox, let's go back!"

After looking through this personal warehouse, Lin Yu directly opened a door of space.And Fei Yuwan also broke away from the Destiny system at this time, turned into a "pet" form and sat on Lin Yu's shoulders, preparing to leave here with him.

As for the destiny system, it will return to normal a few minutes after Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan leave.And it's still exactly the same as before, with no trace of Lin Yu and the others at all.

After returning to the void.

"What a pity, if only I could get the "Plague Gem"! "

Lin Yu knew that there is also a Herrscher core in the headquarters of Destiny-the gem of disease, which is the core of flame.However, there are too many Valkyries guarding it, and it is impossible to lure them all away, so there is no hope of getting it at all.

"Brother, we still have a chance in the future!"

Fei Yuwan knew that the core of the flame was one of the five cores that Lin Yu did not have, so they would definitely get the core of the flame if they had a chance in the future.

However, if Lin Yu really wanted to get it this time, he could get it, but he would definitely be discovered by the Valkyrie of Destiny, and he would have to go through a battle before he could leave Destiny.And Lin Yu didn't want to be so troublesome, so he naturally gave up this idea.

"Okay, let's not talk about this."

Anyway, he couldn t get the "Plague Gem" anymore, so Lin Yu didn t go to these anymore.Then he walked towards the command room with Hiyumaru, saying:
"Karen and the others have returned, let's go to the command room to join them!"


"Although the other party's leader was not caught in this plan, we still got some valuable information from that woman named Jackal.

Judging from Jackal's words, the Second God's Key should be hidden in the distorted space, which not only isolates the space, but also blocks all means of physical contact, so we have been unable to detect it. "

Little Otto did some analysis based on the information he got from the jackal when he was disguised as Catherine, and Rita on the side also brought him a stool.

"Then don't we have a way to determine its location?"

After listening to Little Otto's analysis, Urandale said.There is no way to contact with physical means, so how can you determine the location?
"It is said that the position of the Second God's Key has not been moved for thousands of years."

Little Otto climbed up the stool that Rita brought him, and explained: "If it is really impossible to reach, then there is no need for the Jackal to stop us so painstakingly. She will not hesitate to design such a trap to transfer us away from London." , presumably this second key of God is hidden in this city. And the jackal has already said that the second key of God is in the most conspicuous place, so the scope of our investigation will be greatly narrowed."

"My lord, what should we do?"

Rita knew that since Otto said so, he must have a plan, so she asked Otto about the next plan. .

"I have sent special mechs equipped with ultrasonic generators to these locations." Little Otto stood on a stool and pointed to an area on the light screen map, and continued: "The ultrasonic waves released by these mechas will affect the entire The area is covered and scanned, and the emitted sound waves will be captured by the receiver on the other side. What we have to do is to measure the time for each segment of sound waves to reach the receiver. If there is another folded space in the area, then the penetration The sound waves in this space will take less time.

In this way, we can determine the location of the God's Key! "

Otto was very satisfied with his plan, and he felt that he would be able to find the Second God Key this time.

"However, if we make such a big move, the enemy will definitely notice it. That jackal will definitely not let it go."

Ulandal could guess that the World Snake would not let them get the second God's Key so easily.

"You're right. Now that the enemy is out in the dark, we can only focus on the most likely places for defense. The next step depends on your choice."

Obviously, Otto let Yolandail and Rita choose to occupy the most favorable place to observe the entire area, in case the world snake interfered with his plan.

Ulandal and Rita didn't hesitate at all, and went out to find the most favorable position, waiting for the start of the plan.

Not long after, two S-rank Valkyries and multiple mechas were ready.

"Attention all units - the battle begins!"

Otto used the communicator to issue an order to all combat units to start the plan.

The next moment, multiple mechs emitted ultrasonic waves to scan the entire area.

"Show your true posture! The second key of God!"

Otto seems to have seen his plan succeed.

"The magnetic field device has detected spatial skew!"

As soon as the plan started, the ultrasound scanned the abnormal places in space.

"How? Where is the God's Key?"

Otto couldn't wait to know the location of the Second God Key.

"Eh... Lord Bishop, all units have detected the space skew point, it's just..."

Urandale looked at the test result with a puzzled expression.

"Just what?"

"It's just that there are more than 20 spatial skew points detected! Moreover, some spatial skew points are only detected locally, and some of them are estimated to be outside the scanning range."

Ulandal told Otto the results of the ultrasound scan, and Otto was stunned after learning the news.

"This...this...what's the situation?"

 The protagonist group said that they were very happy to skin it, and let Tianming slowly screen it! PS: Things are not as simple as you think!乛乛

(End of this chapter)

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