The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 180 Playing with the destiny

Chapter 180 Playing with the destiny

between the void.

"Cangxuan, we're back! There's nothing wrong with London, right?"

As soon as Lin Yu entered the command room, he asked Cang Xuan and the others about the situation of Novalu in London.

"There's nothing going on over there, we haven't even seen the shadow of Destiny."

Cang Xuan watched the situation of Tower Bridge in London displayed on the big screen, and then reported to Lin Yuhui.

"It's estimated that Destiny hasn't got much information about the Second God's Key! How could it be possible to deduce its location so quickly?"

Danzhu made an analysis based on the information obtained by Yaerin and the others from monitoring Tianming, and believed that Tianming did not get many clues about the second God's key, so there will be no people from Tianming appearing on the London Tower Bridge.

"There shouldn't be any problem with Lulu over there!"

Lin Yu lifted Fei Yuwan in the"pet" form from his shoulders and placed it on the table aside.Then he looked around again, and he didn't seem to see what he was looking for, so he asked Cang Xuan and the others:

"Oh? Isn't Nana here? Why didn't you see her?"

"She just went out and said she was going to meet Yae Sakura and Kallen who just came back."

Cang Xuan told Nana's whereabouts.

"Forget it! That's right! Cangxuan, Danzhu! Take a look at this thing, is there any way to change the appearance! I might need it in the future."

Speaking of which, Lin Yu made something from the Xingyu space, and placed it in front of several people.


Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu were stunned when they saw what Lin Yu took out.

Because what Lin Yu took out was the soul steel body obtained from the personal warehouse of the Catholic Bishop Otto!It's just that Lin Yu used the power of erosion to delete all the data in the body when he took it away.

"This is really a surprise..."

Cangxuan and Danzhu looked at "Otto" standing in front of them, and were suddenly speechless.

In fact, there is also a set of injection devices that match the soul steel body, which can make the soul steel body change into someone's appearance at will.It's just that the time in Tianming was a little tight, and Lin Yu didn't have so much time to find it, so he just stuffed the entire soul steel body into the star language space.

"How? Can this thing change its appearance?"

Lin Yu asked Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu again.

"This shouldn't be a big problem, but what do you want to transform it into?"

Dan Zhu said that this kind of thing is very simple, so he asked Lin Yu if he had any requirements for appearance.

"It's fine for you to figure it out. Anyway, I just want to use the core of my consciousness to control this thing. This way I can avoid a lot of trouble in the future!"

Lin Yu seems to have a preliminary plan for using this soul steel body, but he has to wait for Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu to transform it before it can be implemented.

"Okay then! I'll take the time to remodel it after this mission is over."

Anyway, Danzhu was doing small things when he was free, so he agreed, after all, she was very familiar with things from the pre-civilization era like soul steel.

"Master, Tianming suddenly sent a large number of mechas to the London area, and those mechas are also equipped with ultrasonic devices."

On the screen, the spirit of Danzhu, who was paying attention to the movements of Tianming, immediately reported the situation of Tianming to Danzhu.

"It seems that the Catholic Church has found a way to determine the location of the Second God's Key."

As soon as Cangxuan heard Danzhu's report, he knew what Ao Tuo was thinking.

"Huh? How are you sure? Isn't the Second God's Key covered by a space barrier?"

Lin Yu didn t seem to know what method Destiny was going to take to confirm the location of the second god key.

Then Cang Xuan explained to Lin Yu the principle of using ultrasonic waves to detect the position of the Second God's Key.

After listening to Cang Xuan's explanation, Lin Yu suddenly realized.But at the next moment, he seemed to think of something, and the whole person was "blackened".

", do you have any other ideas?"

Fei Yuwan, who was sitting on the table eating snacks, knew that Lin Yu wanted to make trouble again after seeing Lin Yu's "terrified" expression.

"I just want to build a few more small spaces in London. I think Destiny will be happy to find these spaces!"


Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu were speechless after hearing what Lin Yu said.They knew that Lin Yu was going to cheat fate once!

Do a few small spaces in the London area, won't it be detected by the destiny?With Destiny's determination to find the Second God's Key, he probably needs to investigate one by one!
This is basically "slipping" fate!

"Xiao Fei, invade those mechas in a while, and delete the real location coordinates of the Second God's Key!"

"no problem!"

"Uh...Lin Yu, you..."

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu knew about it.

This is Lin Yu's rhythm to give the destiny to the end!
Afterwards, Lin Yu directly opened a door of space, and walked in with Fei Yuwan.


"What's going on?"

Otto was also a little overwhelmed by the results after seeing the ultrasonic detection.

Isn't there only one second key of God?How could there be so many skewed spaces?
"My lord, what shall we do next?"

Urandale and Rita asked Otto about the next plan. After all, they looked at the crooked spaces all over London and didn't know what to do next.

"Damn! It must be a good thing done by the world snake! I didn't expect them to keep a hand."

Otto already considered this incident to be the work of the World Snake, after all, they have been preventing Destiny from finding the Second God's Key.

"First expand the search range and determine all the space skew points that appear. The location of the second God's key must be hidden in it."

Otto was also speechless with so many coordinates appearing on the screen.

Apart from searching all these skewed points in space, what else can they do?
"World Snake, right? You really belong!"

Otto's face was completely gloomy.

Meanwhile, something is happening at the World Snake Base in the London area.

"Raven! What's going on here? Where's the third God's Key?"

The jackal threw an imitation gun to the ground angrily, and it fell into pieces.

"This... this... I don't know what's going on? I've clearly carried the Third God's Key with me all the time and haven't taken it off!"

Raven also looked at the fake gun that was thrown to pieces by the jackal with a dazed expression on his face.

What about the third key of God?Didn't I carry it with me all the time?How did it become an imitation gun?

"Jackal, calm down first! Let's listen to Raven explain the whole process before we talk about it."

A black figure wearing a mechanical mask suddenly appeared beside the two of them.

This person is also one of the cadres of World Snake, a Gray Snake who specializes in collecting intelligence.

Therefore, Raven told the two of them in detail about the situation after he evacuated from Glaston Castle.

"Huh? You said you saw glowing 'dust'?"

Gray Snake immediately grasped the key points Raven spoke about.

"I feel like it's my hallucination, but other than that, I can't think of anything else unusual."

Raven also recalled the process of her return many times in her mind. Except for the abnormality in this place, she really couldn't find any other abnormalities.

"I'm afraid that wasn't some kind of illusion, and the Third God's Key was transferred at that time."

Gray Snake was basically certain that the third god key on Raven was transferred by someone at that time.

It's just who that person is, but they have no way of knowing.

"That's an important weapon that the lord gave us. Let's see how you explain it to the lord when the lord returns!"

The jackal glanced at the raven angrily, and then left.After all, this incident was mainly Raven's fault, and she had to take responsibility for it.

As for Jackal, she still needs to keep an eye on the situation of the Second God's Key to prevent being found by destiny.

"Huh? What's the matter with destiny? Why are you wandering around London like a headless chicken?"

When the jackal traced Tianming's whereabouts, he was immediately puzzled.

Because she saw that although the people of Destiny sent out many mechas, none of them could determine the location of the Second God's Key.

"What's the situation? What is the destiny doing?"

When Gray Snake saw the action of destiny, he was also a little confused, because he couldn't understand the purpose of this action of destiny.

It's strange that Gray Snake can understand it, after all, none of the places that Destiny goes to is close to the real location of the Second God's Key.This also made them breathe a sigh of relief.

"Just in case, I'd better take a look nearby!"

After speaking, the jackal left the base, ready to see what Tianming was doing.


On the top of a tall building closest to Tower Bridge in London, Lin Yu was reading some information with the Book of Cangxuan.

"Brother, the people of Destiny have expanded the detection range, and none of the coordinates they detected belong to the second key of God."

After disrupting Tianming's plan, Fei Yuwan returned to Lin Yu's side and reported to him.

"Well! Let's wait and see what plans Tianming has after this."

Lin Yu really wanted to see Tian Ming's expression after finding all the space skew points but not finding the second god key.However, this will have to wait for a while, after all, it will take some time for Tianming to detect all the space skew points.

And Lin Yu!He was in a state of having nothing to do until the end of the destiny detection, so he started to look through the massive information obtained from the destiny database in his spare time.

Of course, Lin Yu would not read some meaningless information.What he looked at was mainly some historical materials about the destiny's fight against Honkai and some materials about Herrscher.

After all, their Feather Blade will continue to fight against the Honkai and the Herrscher in the future.And in this process, they also need to pay attention to organizations such as the Mandate of Heaven and the World Snake.

In short, the task is very heavy, so it is better to know more about relevant information.

"Huh? This is..."

Lin Yu was stunned suddenly when he saw a certain information, and then seemed to think of something, and then fell into deep thought.


I don't know how long it took, but Tianming finally finished detecting the detected space skew points.

"Damn! Why is there nothing!"

Otto hammered the table hard, looking very angry.

He obviously obtained information about the location of the Second God's Key from the jackal, but he couldn't determine its location no matter what.This made Otto very angry, and always gave him a feeling that all the previous plans were in vain.

On the other hand, the jackal also witnessed the whole action of Tianming.It's just that she is also very puzzled by this!

"Otto can't be stupid! Why did he run around and didn't come to Tower Bridge?"

 Things will not end so simply! PS: Recently, both the number of recommendation votes and the number of comments are very small! (; '⌒`)

(End of this chapter)

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