The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 182 Request to dispatch

Chapter 182 Request to dispatch
"Huh? Brother, the space barrier was shattered by the Mandate of Heaven, but the Second God's Key did not appear!"

Hiyumaru's reaction was the same as Destiny's, both were puzzled by the empty barrier.

"Ah! This one!"

Lin Yu seemed to have remembered something, and explained to Fei Yuwan: "When I entered that space before, in order to prevent any accidents from happening, I arranged a larger space to cover the space where the second God's key was hidden. I did, but I forgot to cancel it when I left later.”


Hiyumaru was speechless for an instant.

No wonder Destiny couldn't see the Second God's Key!

Jackal's doubts are not without reason!

The original space was covered by Lin Yu, it is strange that Tianming and Jackal can see the second key of God!

"Brother, what should we do then? The Destiny Troops seem to be very disappointed!"

Fei Yuwan found that the people of Destiny seemed to be preparing to evacuate, so he hurriedly asked Lin Yu for countermeasures.

"Control a few mechas, let them start 'accidentally', and then detect the space where the second God's Key is located."

Lin Yu thought for a while, and then thought of a way.

"Roger that!"

Fei Yuwan was immediately ready to act according to Lin Yu s instructions.

When Tianming's mechas were about to evacuate, several mechas suddenly "faulted" and automatically turned on the ultrasonic detection again.

"Huh? What's going on here? Why did the mecha activate without authorization?"

Rita was in charge of the "faulty" mecha, so she noticed the abnormality immediately.

But the next moment, black smoke suddenly rose from those mechas, and then fell from the sky.But before they fell, they had already transmitted the detected situation to the system.

Needless to say, these mechs were all completed under the control of Higokumaru, but they were really broken by Higokumaru. After all, do you have to be real in acting?The most critical mechas are destiny, so it doesn't hurt Hiyumaru to break them.

"This is……"

Rita noticed the messages sent back by those mechas, and her expression immediately became serious.

In the temporary command room, Otto already thought his plan had failed.Just as he was about to give the order to evacuate, Rita suddenly sent a contact.

"Rita, what's the matter?"

Otto knew that Rita would not contact him at this time for no reason.Now that you've made contact, there must be something to report.

"Report to the bishop, a few mechas suddenly malfunctioned and fell down!"

"It's just a few mechas, just send someone to recover them."

Otto didn't care about the damaged mechs.

"My lord bishop, this is not the point. Those mechas started ultrasonic detection when they broke down, which is the result of the detection before they fell."

Although Rita sent Otto the results of the investigation by those "faulty" mechs, she was not sure if it was true.

"Huh? There is still a space skew point in the original position?"

Otto looked at the message from Rita and fell into thought.

If there is really a second God's Key hidden in this location, it is not impossible to set up a few more barriers to hide its traces.What's more, the possibility of the Second God's Key hiding here is obviously much higher than those space skew points detected before.

So, after some thought, Otto gave the order:

"Order all units to stand by at the designated location, ready to launch the Houkai energy beam to smash the space barrier. I want to see how many layers of protection this space skew point has!"

It seems that Otto decided to investigate the space skew point discovered this time.

After receiving the order, Rita gave Otto a slight salute, and withdrew to prepare to give Otto's order to the Destiny Force.

After hearing the news, Ulandal also returned to her position, always on guard against the World Snake that might come out to stop them.

"let's start!"

After the troops were ready, Otto gave the order again.

I saw that the previous Houkai energy turrets aimed at the previous position again, and then fired the Houkai energy beam.

clack clack...

The familiar sound of space shattering sounded again.At the same time, this voice also made Otto's heart suspend while watching all this in the command room.After all, the previous results after this sound disappointed him to the extreme.

Fortunately, just as the space barrier shattered a little this time, he saw a huge black shadow gradually revealing its shape.

"Is this the Second God's Key! It's really magnificent!"

After seeing the partially exposed Second God's Key, Ulandal couldn't help being surprised by its extremely domineering appearance.

"The Second God's Key, you finally fell into my hands!"

After seeing the huge black shadow, Otto's heart sank.

boom boom-

It's just that before they could be happy, flames suddenly rose from the Second God's Key, destroying all the Honkai power forts in an instant.Even though Urandale was aware of these attacks, it was too late.

"That is……"

Ulandal looked in the direction of the attack just now, and could only vaguely see a small figure standing there.

When the space barrier was completely shattered, the whole of the Second God's Key was revealed in front of Destiny's eyes.

"Is this the Second God's Key? It's such a majestic device!"

After seeing the whole of the Second God's Key, Rita sighed.

"What a bold engine!"

Ulandal was also surprised by the second God's Key in train form.But soon, she turned her gaze to the small figure on the top of the train.

I saw a little man with short white hair, holding a big red sword, and wearing a black cloak standing there.

"Huh? It was the one that sent the attack just now? Isn't it a little too small?"

It was difficult for Ulandal to connect the powerful attack just now with this little guy.

On the other side, Jackal also saw the armed puppet on the Second God's Key.

"It turns out that the lord left one percent of his power on the armed puppet, and let it guard the key of God."

Before that, the jackal only knew that their lord used one percent of his power to make a fake body, but he didn't know what it looked like.It was not until Destiny shattered the container of the Second God's Key that the Jackals saw for the first time this false form of their Lord.

"Bright Knight Moon Soul! Start teleporting!"

Although Ulandal didn't believe that the little guy in front of her would be so powerful, her intuition told her that this was a very powerful enemy.So she activated the armor transfer program without hesitation.

The next moment, Ulandal put on her all-purpose armor in all domains——Bright Knight·Moon Soul.

"That's... an armed doll?"

Otto, who was in the temporary command room, immediately recognized the origin of the little guy.You know, Destiny has found many relics of the last era, and obtained some information from them, including the mention of armed dolls.

"Intruders! Clear!"

I saw the armed doll raised the imitation sky fire and waved a flame towards Youlandal not far away.

"It seems that this time I have to use all my strength!"

Ulandal could feel from this attack that if she had reservations, it would be difficult to take the Second God's Key from this little guy.


The command room between the void.

"That's... an armed doll based on Kevin? How did it appear there?"

Cangxuan and Danzhu also saw the appearance of the armed puppet through the monitor of Tianming.It's just that they screamed when they saw the appearance of that little doll.

"Kevin? Who is that?"

On one side, Ji Lin and Yae Sakura looked puzzled.Only Kallen looked at the little puppet on the screen in surprise.

Kevin?Kevin Kaslana?Isn't that the ancestor of their Kaslana family?

"Kevin? The strongest fusion fighter from the last era?"

Lin Yu also knew some information about the last era, so he was naturally a little familiar with the name Kevin.It's just that he didn't expect that the little guy he met was actually made based on such a powerful character.

"How about the combat system of this puppet?"

Lin Yu asked Cang Xuan about the combat system of the Kevin doll.He wanted to confirm whether the system was very powerful.

"This doll was made for Kevin by Dr. MEI himself! All the systems inside were the most advanced at the time, what do you think?"

Cangxuan said a lot about the greatness of the Kevin puppet, but she noticed something the next moment, and asked Lin Yu: "Wait! Lin Yu, the system you gave Nana will not come from this puppet. Did you get it?"

"Yes! It's just that even the Cangxuan Book couldn't invade its system at that time, so I had to use the power of erosion to force it in."

Just kidding, Dr. MEI was the top scientist in the last era, how could the system she made be invaded by a small Cangxuan Book.This is also thanks to Lin Yu's corrosive power, otherwise the Nana doll would not be so powerful.


Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu were also speechless.It is estimated that only Lin Yu and Fei Yuwan can do this in this era!After all, eroding Herrscher's ability is no joke.

"Yi! That puppet seems to be a bit unable to hold on. I want to fight that Valkyrie in the past, can I?"

At this moment, Nana realized that the Kevin doll was not a match for Ulandal, so she proposed to go there by herself.

"Go if you want! It just so happens that Scarlet Fox and the others are also at the Second God's Key!"

Facing Nana's request, Lin Yu quickly agreed.It just so happened that he also wanted to see how powerful Ulandal, who is known as the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny, was. .

For this reason, Lin Yu allowed Nana to release the first rated power according to the situation, but there was a time limit, after all, this could not affect his future plans.

"Great! I'll go there!"

Nana cheered happily, then accelerated, flew out of the command room in an instant, and went straight to the portal.

"Eh... In case that Youlandal is the person Lin Yu is looking for, will Lin Yu be embarrassed afterwards?"

Cangxuan and Danzhu looked at Nana's flying figure and wondered secretly.

 Orchid Goose VS Nana doll, the scene must be very interesting!How will destiny react?乛乛PS: The protagonist's plan will be revealed in two chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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