Chapter 183 Are You Stupid
The battle between the Kevin doll and Ulandal is coming to an end.Although the situation was evenly matched at the beginning, as time went by, the energy of the Kevin doll gradually failed to keep up with the output.This caused the attack intensity to drop again and again, until the Kevin puppet was crushed and beaten by Ulandal.

"After all, the energy core of this little puppet is very ordinary, and its attack strength is too high. Even if it has full energy, it can't support its squandering like this!"

Lin Yu was also a little speechless about the Kevin doll.

You know, it doesn't have many cores made by Lin Yu to provide energy for itself like Nana, so it definitely can't fight a protracted war.

"Nonuo, little four, little nine. Someone will take over for that little one to fight with Youlandal later. You guys are going to take back this little one."

Lin Yu also hurriedly notified the three Novalu who were standing on the second God's Key to watch the battle, but they were hidden in the space barrier and no one could see them, but this was of no use to Lin Yu.

"Someone will take over? Who is it?"

In Novalu's view, the strength of the most powerful Valkyrie, Ulandal, is extraordinary.If the person who comes is Kalian or Ji Lin, they may not be able to beat them, after all, they are still a little away from their full state.

"Haven't you always wanted to meet her?"

Lin Yu played a charade.

"Ah! Brother, is it the armed doll you made that came to support you?"

Lin Yu's riddle didn't help, and Phil guessed who Lin Yu was talking about all at once.

"Is that the armed puppet you made mysteriously before? Then I'm really curious!"

Novalu has never seen the Nana doll so far, so she is naturally full of curiosity about it. After all, Lin Yu has been hiding it until the production is completed, and no one has ever seen this armed doll.

"I'm looking forward to it too!"

Yae Rin is also looking forward to Nana's arrival.

"Nana has already met other people, but the three of you haven't seen each other so far. No, I agree with her coming here!"

In the Void Room, except for the three of Nuo Valu, everyone was already present, so Nana was the only one who had never seen Nuo Valu and the other three.Lin Yu also took this opportunity to let Novalu and the others get to know Nana, and by the way test the gap between Nana and the so-called strongest Valkyrie.

"Nana? Is that the name of that armed puppet?"

Novalu naturally knew the origin of the name Nana, so she probably guessed the appearance of the armed doll who was about to come. After all, she had seen the photo that Lin Yu had always treasured.

"Okay! Let's not talk about this for now, that little one can't hold it anymore. If Nana doesn't arrive in time, you still have to make a move."

Anyway, the Kevin doll can be [-]/[-] with Youlandelle in a state of full energy. How could Lin Yu let it fall into the hands of Tianming?It must be taken back!
At that time, as long as Cangxuan and Danzhu change its core, it will be able to maintain high-intensity battles for a longer period of time.

above the Thames.

"Are you almost out of energy?"

Ulandal had noticed that the attack strength of the Kevin doll was gradually decreasing, and guessed that the doll was powered by an energy core, so she had been waiting for its energy consumption to be almost the same.


Kevin saw that he was not the opponent of Ulandal by chance, and immediately prepared to execute the final procedure.I saw that it immediately stopped fighting with Ulandal, turned around and rushed towards the second key of God.


Urandale was directly puzzled by the action of the Kevin puppet.

"How did I forget that there is such a 'self-destruct' program!"

Seeing the Kevin puppet rushing towards the second god key, Lin Yu knew what it was going to do.

It wants to use the imitation sky fire in its hand to activate the second god key, and let itself and the second god key sink into the quantum sea!
"Nonuo, prepare to stop this little guy. I forgot that it has a 'self-destruct' program!"

Judging from the current situation, Ulandal really can't catch up with the Kevin puppet rushing towards the second God's Key, so it is really necessary for Nova to show his hand to stop it.

"What 'self-destruct' program?"

Nova showed doubts on her face, but there was nothing she could do about it, after all, she didn't know about the settings of the Kevin doll.

"There's no time to explain! You stop it first!"

Lin Yu has no time to explain this to Novalu now, because the Kevin doll is about to rush to the activation device of the second god key.

"Okay! I'll stop it!"

Although Nuovalu didn't know what the Kevin doll was going to do, but Lin Yu said so, so he must stop it!

"Sister Nuonuo, don't make a move, I'm here!"

Just when Nuovalu was about to release the surrounding space barrier, a petite voice sounded from her communicator.

"Are you... Nana?"

Except for Nana that Lin Yu just mentioned, there will be no one else who can rush over at this time.So Novalu immediately guessed who the voice belonged to.

"That's right! Sister Nuonuo, I'm Nana! Please leave the next thing to me!"

"This... alright! I leave it to you!"

Although Nuovalu was a little worried, she still handed over the situation to Nana who was about to arrive.After all, Nana knew Lin Yu s plan, and she must know what to do next.

When the Kevin puppet was only a dozen meters away from the trigger of the Second God's Key, a blue light beam fell from the sky and directly enveloped it.

In the temporary command room of destiny.

"what is that?"

Otto also saw the sudden blue light beam through the monitor.Although he didn't know what it was, he had a very unsettling feeling.

"Rita! Ulandal! Be alert, this might be done by the world snake!"

Otto has been on guard for the world snake that might appear!

"Yes! My lord bishop!"

After being reminded by Otto, the two also raised their vigilance. After all, the world snake is not so easy to deal with.

At the same time, Jackal also saw what happened on the Second God's Key.

"What is that blue light beam? Is it also the arrangement of the Lord?"

The jackal only knew that their lord only left a fake body to guard the second God's key, and there should be no other arrangements other than that!
After the blue beam dissipated, a frozen statue was revealed.The statue is none other than a depleted Kevin doll.

"That little thing is frozen? What's the situation?"

Tianming is a little confused about the current situation.


A small figure descended from the sky and landed beside the ice sculpture.

This small figure was Nana who rushed over, but at this time she was also wearing a small blue mask to cover up her appearance.

"Yi's plan was almost disrupted by you!"

Nana tapped the ice sculpture turned into a Kevin doll with the small black and white lance in her hand, and kept talking.

The lance Nana is holding is naturally the imitation Heiyuan Baihua made by Cangxuan and Danzhu for her, but its power is not the power of the Herrscher of Death, but composed of flames and lightning.

"Another little thing?"

Seeing Nana knocking on the ice sculpture, Ulandal immediately didn't know what to do next.

She just finished fighting the Kevin doll, and here's another one?And the puppet was frozen?
The three Nuovalu in the space barrier.

"Brother's armed puppet is so powerful! It froze that Kevin puppet in no time!"

Seeing that Nana took out the Kevin doll with one move, Phil immediately felt that she was too powerful.Although there is a reason for the lack of energy of the Kevin doll.

"Can Brother Yi's armed puppet beat that Youlandelle?"

Yae Rin was a little worried.

Who made the previously so powerful Kevin doll be suppressed by Ulandal!

"No need to fight, Lin Yu has his own plan!"

Although Nuovalu didn't know Lin Yu's plan very well, she should be able to guess that Lin Yu didn't want to confront Tianming head-on.

"Ahem! Nuonuo! Pay attention to the address!"

As soon as she heard Nuova Lu call her original name directly, Lin Yu reminded her specially.After all, as I said before, they will always call each other by the name of the action during the mission.

"Ah... sorry! I'm still a little unaccustomed!"

Novalu said slightly embarrassed.

"Be careful next time, or it will be bad to say it in front of Tianming!"

Lin Yu didn t want Tianming to know their real names, otherwise it would cause a lot of trouble.

"Got it! Got it! I'll pay attention!"

Novalu was also careless this time, and will be more careful in the future.

"Okay! You may need to play for a while, and cooperate with Nana to complete the plan."

"no problem!"

The three of Novalu replied.

Then Lin Yu told the three of his plans in detail so that they could prepare.

On the other side, Nana has come to the opposite of Ulandal.

"Are you the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny?"

As soon as Nana saw Youlandelle, she asked her directly.

"You can talk?"

Ulandal was very surprised that Nana was able to communicate with her normally, after all, the puppet just said "Intruder! Clear!".

"Master Ulandal, this..."

Rita also came to the side of Ulandal at this time.Obviously, this puppet that suddenly appeared was somewhat unexpected.

"I'm not like that thing!"

Nana is naturally referring to the Kevin doll. After all, her system is not as rigid as the Kevin doll, and her thinking process is basically the same as that of a human.

"However, you also don't want to snatch the Second God's Key from my hands."

Afterwards, the lance in Nana's hand began to flicker with lightning, obviously ready to fight.

"Rita, let my voice out!"

At this moment, Rita received an order from Otto.In Otto's view, since the other party can communicate, unnecessary battles can be avoided.

"Yes! My lord bishop!"

Rita then called in an aircraft to broadcast Otto's voice.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Nana was a little puzzled when she saw that Rita transferred an aircraft, after all, she couldn't guess what Rita was going to do.

"Can you hear me?"

Otto's voice came from the device on the aircraft.

"You are the Catholic Bishop Otto?"

Nana immediately guessed the source of the voice, after all, there were not many people who could order Rita.

"Yes! I wonder if your Excellency was sent by the World Snake?"

Otto immediately wanted to confirm Nana's origin.

"Huh? Are you stupid? What does the World Snake have to do with our Feather Blades!"

Nana looked at the aircraft in front of her with mentally retarded eyes.She knew that Otto must be able to see her eyes at this moment.


After hearing Nana's words, whether it was Otto in the temporary command room, or Yolandelle and Rita opposite Nana, they were all stunned.

what's the situation?Isn't it the snake of the world?How did it become a feather blade?

 Uh... the battle between Goose and Nana will not start until the next chapter.At the same time, the protagonist group is about to officially face the destiny! PS: The protagonist's plan will be revealed soon!

(End of this chapter)

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