Chapter 185 The Plan Begins

As Nana lifted the restriction on the first rated power, the flickering lightning around her disappeared, replaced by a fiery flame.

"Form transformation, Red Lotus Flame Blade!"

I saw Nana waved the imitation Heiyuan Baihua, and its shape immediately changed from a lance to a sword engraved with red lotus patterns.

This is the second form of Nana's weapon-the Red Lotus Blade, which is different from the spear form of Heiyuan Baihua. It was set by Lin Yu based on Novalu's Heitian Baiyu, but the attributes are different.Because Novalu's white feather blade is wind, and the red lotus flame blade is fire.

"The strength has increased again?"

Urandale looked at Nana who lifted the first rated power in surprise.In her perception, the intensity of the energy emitted by Nana has increased several times again, which is already enough to threaten her.

"Flame Feather Jue, one style - Flame Strike!"

Yanyu Sword Art is a set of swordsmanship specially created by Lin Yu for Nana, which also includes the shadows of Novalu's Tianyu Nine Styles and Yae Sakura's Falling Cherry Slash.

I saw Nana using the red lotus flame blade to swing multiple flames of sword energy and fly towards Youlandal.At this time, Ulandal is also tightly holding the black abyss and white flowers, and she can feel that the attack intensity of these flames is much higher than any previous attack.Therefore, she also had to show some hole cards, otherwise she must be the one who got hurt.


The flame blade hit Ulandal, but Nana could feel that Ulandal didn't suffer any damage, but its energy fluctuations were raised several levels.

"Have you finally taken out your cards?"

After the flames dissipated, Nana saw Ulandal.There was no damage on her body, as if the attack just didn't touch her at all.What has changed the most is Ulandal's pupils, which have changed from azure blue to golden.

"Did you still use this power!"

Urandale knew exactly what kind of power she had used.Although this power has not been fully utilized, it should be enough to deal with the current situation.However, this power is also limited, because it can only last for 3 minutes.

"That's right!"

Nana was also a little happy to see Ulandal showing her hole cards. After all, her task was to force out Ulandal's strength as much as possible, so as to measure the gap between herself and her.

The next moment, Nana and Yolandelle both rushed towards each other.


The crimson sword blade and the silver-white lance made an earth-shattering noise as soon as they came into contact.

Seeing that Nana had received his blow, Ulandal immediately held the black abyss and white flower tightly, and then pressed down. The terrifying power was all pressed on Nana through the weapon.

"This guy is so powerful!"

Although Nana was able to withstand this blow, the terrifying power from the Red Lotus Flame Blade made her feel pressured.After all, her body is too small, and if she fights for strength, she will definitely not be able to compete with Youlandelle.

"Yan Yu Jue, Six Forms——Flying Flame"

Relying on the advantage of her petite body, Nana reversed the Red Lotus Flame Blade with her backhand, slid along Heiyuan Baihua's gun body, and swung it directly at Youlandal.

Upon seeing this, Ulandal immediately withdrew the black abyss and white flowers, and turned sideways to avoid Nana's blow.Seeing that Ulandal had dodged her own attack, Nana immediately retreated a certain distance.

"It actually blocked the blow!"

Youlandal thought that Nana could be eliminated with the powerful blow just now, but she didn't expect that not only did she not knock down Nana, but she found the opportunity to counterattack and forced herself back.

"It's so dangerous! It's almost overwhelmed!"

Nana was also secretly glad that she had found a chance to fight back at that moment, otherwise she might have been suppressed by Youlandelle.

At this moment, Nana and Ulandal had the same idea - one move must determine the outcome!

"Wake up! Defender of Glory!"

Following Ulandal's order, the Valkyrie armor on her body burst into dazzling blue light.



I saw that the functions of the Bright Knight Moon Soul were completely released, and the phantom module summoned two unmanned weapons "self-driving phantoms" that could attack independently, holding a giant sword and a large shield respectively.

On the other hand, Nana also released all the functions of her armor.

"Show yourself! Creator of glory!"

I saw Nana's armor bursting out with ice blue light.



Nana's armor was originally created by Lin Yu after simplifying the Bright Knight Moon Soul.It's just that the system of the Moon Soul Armor is too complicated, Lin Yu only kept a few main modules, and the phantom module is one of them.

These two small self-propelled eidolons are the Prince of Thunder and the Princess of Ice, whom Nana simply calls "Prince" and "Princess".

Otto, who was far away in the temporary command room, was stunned after seeing this scene.

The armor of this doll is basically copied from Urandale's Bright Knight Moon Soul, right?
and many more!

Otto seemed to have thought of something.

"Someone did steal some information about the Godslayer Armor from the Destiny database more than a year ago, including the Bright Knight Moon Soul. That is to say, the owner of this doll is the person who invaded the Destiny database back then?"

Thinking of this, Otto seemed to have the appearance that Lin Yu used to disguise in the Destiny Database-long silver hair and blue eyes.

"Could it be that he is the leader of Feather Blade?"

Otto quickly sorted out this series of information and made a guess.

"This is……"

Ulandal stared closely at the two phantoms that appeared next to Nana, which were basically miniature versions of her "king" and "queen"!
"Final blow!"

The flame blade in Nana's hand was also burning with fiery flames again, ready to launch a final attack on Ulandal, after all, the time limit for her first rated power was approaching.

In fact, Nana's armor also has a self-driving phantom, but that is a function of the zeroth rated power, and she cannot summon it now.

"Whether you can stop it this time or not, this is also my last blow!"

The time for Ulandal to use that power is also approaching, so like Nana, this is also the last blow.

The next blow was Nana's full strength, and also her nirvana;

The next blow was Ulandal's full strength, and it was also her nirvana.


"The battle is finally over!"

Lin Yu in the distance knew what kind of attack she was going to launch when he saw Nana summoning the self-driving phantom. After all, he had fought Nana countless times in the void.So he knew all Nana's tricks very well.

"Hey, hey! Yi, what's going on? The energy fluctuations of Youlandal and your puppet are too strong!"

Novalu's surprise came from Lin Yu's communicator.

But this is also very normal. After all, Novalu has never fought against Nana, so naturally she doesn't know how strong Nana is.

In Nuovalu's view now, if the current Nana fights with her, she must do her best without using the power of the Herrscher, and she is not absolutely sure that she can win.

"Nana has used the power of the quasi-core. If you don't use the power of the Herrscher, you really may not be able to beat it!"

Even Lin Yu is not absolutely sure if he wants to beat Nana at the first rated power without using the power of the Herrscher.According to his previous battle records, in this case, the outcome is at most four or six, with six for him and four for Nana.

"Brother, your puppet is too strong!"

Phil was also impressed by Nana's fighting power.However, if the same number of cores are used, Phil can completely crush Nana. After all, Phil is a real pseudo-herrscher—a pseudo-herrscher with four cores controlled by the pseudo-dominant core.

"I'm probably going to be beaten by Nana now!"

Yae Rin also clearly realized his current strength after watching the battle between Nana and Ulandal.Now she is probably at most competing against Nana with the second rated power. Once Nana uses the first rated power, she has no chance of winning.

"Rin, you are different from Nana, you have a lot of room for growth, and Nana's strength is basically like this, there is no way to improve it."

You know, as an armed doll, Nana has a growth limit, and Yae Rin, as a human herrscher, has a lot of room for growth, and she can completely surpass Nana!
"Brother! The battle over there is coming to an end!"

Just as Lin Yu and Nuova Lu were communicating, Fei Yuwan and his voice suddenly appeared.

So, everyone turned their attention to the battlefield between Nana and Ulandal again.


With a loud bang resounding through the sky, a small mushroom cloud rose over the Thames.This was caused by the intense confrontation between Nana and Ulandal.

I saw two figures flying upside down from both sides of the mushroom cloud.Ulandal quickly stabilized her figure, while Nana was in a more miserable situation, because when she was flying upside down, she still turned a few somersaults in the air in embarrassment.Obviously, in this confrontation, Ulandal had the upper hand.

"The strongest Valkyrie of Destiny is really powerful!"

Nana also thoroughly understood the power of the strongest Valkyrie.Although she doesn't know if Ulandal has tried her best, Nana knows that it is impossible for the first rated power to beat Ulandal.

"Nana, it's done! There's no need to fight anymore. I probably understand the current strength of Ulandal."

Lin Yu paid attention to the whole battle process, and he could naturally feel how strong Youlandal was.According to his speculation, without using the power of the Herrscher, there are probably only four people who can fight Yolandal with Feather Blade - Yae Sakura, Ji Lin, Novalu and himself.

As for Higokumaru, without the power of Herrscher, even Rin Yae could fight her on equal terms.It's a different matter if you use the power of the Herrscher.

And now Kallen is going to fight Ulandal, it is probably too much, after all, she is the strongest Valkyrie ever, and Ulandal is the current strongest Valkyrie.If Kallen also has the Valkyrie Armor and the God Key, that would be a different story.

"Nana, the plan begins! Nuonuo, it's time for you guys to appear!"

After Lin Yu gave Nana the order, he signaled to Novalu and the three that it was time to appear.

"No problem! Can't wait!"

Novalu had wanted to have a formal encounter with Destiny for a long time, after all, they just showed their faces in Manila, and had not formally communicated with Destiny.

But this time, they will face the destiny directly!
 The protagonist's plan will be revealed next, and I hope you all look forward to it! PS: As for why the double update today, there is an explanation in the group!
(End of this chapter)

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