Chapter 186 Exchange
"This little guy is so strong!"

Ulandal forcibly stabilized her figure after retreating a certain distance.

Although the power she used was only part of it, it was also the vast majority of the power she could use at present.In her opinion, that was strong enough, but the blow just now failed to deal an effective blow to Nana.

"Is there no way to tell the winner even with the blow just now?"

Ulandal's expression at this time was also slightly serious.Because it's time for her to use that power, and the power she can use next is very limited.


Just when Ulandal was worried about how to deal with Nana's next attack, she found that the energy fluctuations around Nana were also decreasing.

"Is it time for temporary permission?"

Nana also felt that her output power was decreasing.But there is no way, after all, Lin Yu gave her permission for only 5 minutes.

Just when Nana was about to fight You Landal at the second rated power again, Lin Yu's order came.So Nana had no choice but to stop and prepare for the next plan.

"Forget it, let's do it this time! Tsubasa's plan is the most important!"

Nana also directly returned to the normal mode. After all, she doesn't need to fight anymore, so there is no need to continue to maintain the second rated power.

Afterwards, Nana's energy fluctuation dropped again and again, until it reached the level when she first appeared.After Ulandal noticed the change in Nana's energy again, her expression was also a little puzzled.

After all, in her opinion, this little thing can continue to fight.Since she didn't continue to fight, it meant that there might be a next move.

"My mission has been completed, and there is no need to continue fighting with you."

Nana withdrew the red lotus flame blade under the watchful eyes of Ulandal, then pointed to the second key of God and said to Ulandal: "Isn't it your goal? Now someone from our Feather Blade will come and have a good time with you!" Talk about it!"

Upon hearing Nana's words, Ulandal was also a little surprised.After all, the person who will appear next is very likely to be the leader of Yu Ren, and she must deal with it carefully.

"Xiaona, come back!"

Just when Ulandal was surprised, a voice suddenly came from the second God's key.

Ulandal and Rita on one side looked over in response, only to see three people had appeared on the second God's Key at some point.

These three people are naturally Novalu, Phil and Yae Rin.It's just that Nuovalu lifted the space barrier at this time, which allowed the people of destiny to see them.

"Here we come, Sister Nuonuo!"

Nana activated the thrusters of the armor in response, and flew to Novalu's side.

"Those three people are..."

Urandale looked at the three of Novalu who were standing on the second God's Key in surprise.She had met Novalu in Manila before, so she naturally knew her.It's just that she is very unfamiliar with Yae Rin and Phil. After all, the only people who met her face to face in Manila were Novalu and Higyomaru.Phil and Yae Rin retreated before she arrived.

"Master Ulandal, those people are..."

"Those people are probably Yu Ren's cadre-level figures."

Facing Rita's doubts, Ulandal gave an answer, because Nana had already said just now that someone from Feather Blade would come.

"If Destiny only sends you two S-rank Valkyries to negotiate with us, it would be a bit unsatisfactory!"

Facing the two S-rank Valkyries, Ulandal and Rita, Novalu's expression did not fluctuate at all, but instead showed the appearance of a leader.

"Your Excellency and others are Yu Ren's people?"

Although Ulandal knew that the three of Novalu were sent by Feather Blade, she still wanted to confirm again.

"If you want to know my identity, I'm afraid you have to ask the Bishop of Destiny to come forward! After all, this is related to the second key of God!"

Novalu obviously didn't want to answer Ulandal's question, so she directly called out the Catholic Bishop Otto.

"Yourandelle! Rita! Tell them, I'll be right there!"

At this moment, Otto was already on his way, because he guessed from the collision between Nana and Ulandal just now that the two of them would not be able to decide the winner for a while, so he decided to come forward and have a talk with Feather Blade himself. talk.

After receiving the news from Otto, Rita saluted the three of Novalu on the Second God's Key: "Please wait a moment, the bishop will be here soon!"

"We don't have that much time to wait for him!"

Novalu deliberately pretended to be impatient, implying that if Otto didn't come, they would leave with the second key of God.

After all, now that the Second God's Key has broken away from the space barrier, there is no need to worry about causing a sensation anymore.If it weren't for Lin Yu's plan, Novalu would have dragged it directly into the gate of space and brought it back to the void.


"Brother, Sister Nuonuo and the others have already appeared, but why didn't they negotiate with Tianming?"

Higokumaru looked at the confronting parties in the distance and was a little puzzled, because she didn't understand why Novalu insisted on Otto showing up.

"She wants to negotiate directly with Otto to ensure the smooth progress of the plan."

In Lin Yu's plan, if Otto could come forward directly, it would increase the success rate a lot.After all, Otto is bound to win the second God's Key, otherwise there would be no need to spend so much time collecting clues.

"Brother, what if the negotiation fails?"

Hiyumaru was a little worried.

"Then let's do it by force! What can we do!"

Lin Yu wanted to avoid fighting as much as possible, otherwise he would not choose to negotiate with Tianming.Of course, if Tianming has no intention of negotiating, then he really doesn't mind touching Tianming.

"Oh! This is really... huh?"

Just when Fei Yuwan was about to complain about Lin Yu s words, she suddenly noticed some changes.

At present, the communication in this area is controlled by her, and she will find out immediately if there is any situation.Just now, Hiyumaru noticed that the people of the World Snake forcibly invaded a certain monitoring in this area, and were monitoring the confronting Novalu and Tianming.

"Brother, the world snake has made another small move, do you need to stop it?"

"No need, as long as they don't come to make trouble."

Lin Yu probably guessed what the little trick Fei Yuwan was talking about, so he didn't pay much attention to it.


In the void, Cang Xuan and the others were watching the situation at the Second God's Key.

"I don't know if Novalu and the others can negotiate with Tianming successfully?"

Cang Xuan was a little worried.

"I hope it will succeed! Otherwise, Lin Yu's plan will be in vain."

Dan Zhu knew very well how much Lin Yu attached importance to this plan.If the negotiations really fail, he might directly start a war with Tianming.

"Speaking of which, can the God's Key really preserve human consciousness? You know, I sacrificed myself to the Xuanyuan Sword to allow consciousness to enter the God's Key because of the reason for sealing Chi You. My situation is completely different from Lin Yu's guess It's different!"

Ji Lin questioned the plan Lin Yu had said before.

According to their understanding, when Lin Yu saw the consciousness of Sirin contained in the hollow core of the Sirin plan in the Destiny database, Lin Yu made a guess-the key of God also has the core of the Herrscher, whether it can preserve the consciousness of the deceased user Woolen cloth?
For this reason, Lin Yu formulated a plan to let Nuovalu and the others use the second God's key as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the destiny in exchange for the sixth God's key, Heiyuan Baihua.

Lin Yu wanted to confirm whether the sixth god's key, Heiyuan Baihua, retained the consciousness of the user at the time of the second Houkai outbreak, that is, the mother of the previous strongest Valkyrie of Destiny, stupid Qiyana-Caisi Leah's consciousness.

When Lin Yu told Cang Xuan and the others about this guess, they all said that the possibility was too low, but Lin Yu insisted on trying it.Seeing that Lin Yu was so persistent, and it was not a loss to exchange keys for keys, everyone was naturally willing to accompany Lin Yu in such a mess.Otherwise, they would have let Novalu forcefully take away the God's Key when Destiny smashed the space barrier of the second God's Key.


"Your Excellency has been waiting for a long time! This is Otto, Bishop of Destiny."

A few minutes later, Otto arrived at Tower Bridge, also preparing to deal with the three of Novalu head-on.It's just that Otto at this time is still the child he was before.

"Huh? The Catholic Bishop is a child?"

Novalu and the others were a little puzzled after seeing Otto like this, but because of the mask, the man of destiny couldn't see it.

"That's just his soul steel body, not his real body. I also moved one back from the headquarters of Destiny before, and you can take a look when you go back!"

Lin Yu told the Novalu and the others that Otto was not the main body, and only then did the three understand.After all, if Otto really looked like this, it would be a bit too amazing.

"I don't need to declare my family name! You should already know my name before."

Novalu announced his code name and name of his operation as early as when the collapse occurred in Manila.However, Phil and Yae Rin hadn't confirmed it at the time, so they didn't say it.

"The No. [-] member of Feather Blade, Blade of Space—Your Excellency Nuonuo?"

Otto had also received the report before, so he naturally knew the code name and name of Novalu's operation.Then he looked at Phil and Yae Rin beside Novalu, and asked, "Who are the two beside you?"

"Member No. [-], Sakura Blade—Rinne!"

"Member No. [-], Blade of Judgment—Phoenix!"

Phil and Yae Rin also reported their respective operation code names and operation names.This was something they had thought about for a long time before deciding, and it sounded much better than Xiao Jiu and Xiao Si.

"Eh... why did you two change your names?"

Novalu asked Phil and Yae Rin through the communication of mind. They obviously used the two action names Xiao Jiu and Xiao Si before, why did they suddenly change it?

"Hey! We felt that the name of the previous operation was too hasty, so we thought of one."

Phil and Yae Rin explained the reason to Novalu. After all, the name of the operation is an external name, so it is natural to reconsider it carefully.

"Forget it! Follow you!"

It seems that Nuovalu has to pay attention again, and don't name the actions of Phil and Yae Rin wrongly.

"Okay! We don't want to say anything useless. Our leader said that if you want to get the Second God Key, you have to exchange it for something!"

Aside from other questions, Nuo Valu didn't bother to waste time with the fate, so she just went straight to the topic.

"Then what do you want us to exchange?"

As soon as Novalu said that the second God's key needs to be exchanged with something, Otto's expression instantly became very serious.After all, the God's Key was the top technology in the last era, and he really didn't know what he could use to get it.

"It's very simple, use that instead!"

Novalu pointed directly at Yolandelle.Facing Novalu's sudden request, Yolandelle didn't react and was stunned.

"Huh? Me?"

 Isn't the idea of ​​Dull Goose very interesting, exchange yourself for the second key of God?ヾ(≧O≦)〃She is willing to guess that Otto is not willing! PS: Everyone, guess if the transaction will go well?Will the protagonist group fight with Tianming?
(End of this chapter)

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