Chapter 187 Pressure
Urandale is very puzzled by Nuovalu's behavior, should she be exchanged for the second God's key?What is the logic?

"Ahem! Master Ulandal, they are referring to the black abyss and white flowers in your hands!"

Rita was also a little convinced by Youlandelle's strange brain circuit, so she subconsciously coughed twice, and explained what the other party meant.

"Do you want us to exchange the sixth God's key for the second God's key?"

Otto's expression became serious again.It has to be said that Feather Blade's appetite is so great that he actually wants to exchange the God's Key with their Destiny.Should it be said that they are excessively arrogant, or that they have the foundation of self-confidence?What's more, how could something as important as the God's Key be traded casually.He had to think carefully about the other party's request.

"That's right, because apart from the Sixth God's Key, Heiyuan Baihua, you have nothing else that we can admire."

The implication of Novalu is that the things that can be exchanged with the God's Key must also be the God's Key, otherwise it is impossible to exchange them at equal value!
"Can't you open another condition? After all, the God's Key is also very important to our destiny, and it cannot be exchanged at will."

Apparently, Otto was reluctant to exchange Heiyuan Baihua and Novalu for the Second God's Key, but he could consider it if it was something else.

"Sorry! We only accept Heiyuan Baihua, if you refuse, then we have no choice but to leave with the second key of God!"

Of course, it is impossible for Nuovalu and the others to leave with the second God's Key. After all, Lin Yu asked them to complete the exchange of the God's Key as much as possible.So Novalu just used this to provoke Otto, trying to force him to accept the deal.


"Brother, the negotiations over there don't seem to be going well?"

Hiyumaru has always kept an eye on the Second God's Key, and also knows the situation on Novalu's side very well.

"Heiyuanbaihua is a strategic weapon anyway, how could the destiny agree to exchange it so easily! It's impossible not to put some pressure on them."

Lin Yu didn't believe that Otto would be unwilling to this exchange. After all, Otto had spent a lot of time trying to find the Second God's Key, but now that the Second God's Key is in front of him, how could he just let it go .

"I hope this Otto will not take any radical measures! Otherwise, I don't mind destroying his body!"

Lin Yu didn t want to make things so troublesome, but if fate asked for it, there was nothing he could do.The worst case scenario is to let Yuren and Destiny fight, at worst, forcefully snatch Heiyuan Baihua over, anyway, with Yuren's current combat power, he is not afraid of Destiny at all.

The current power of Destiny is dominated by Rita and Ulandal, supplemented by other troops.Lin Yu only needs to let Novalu and Nana stop the two of them, and the rest can be handed over to Phil and Yae Rin, and at worst, Hiyumaru will also be dispatched.

"Brother, why don't we use the World Snake to put pressure on Destiny?"

Fei Yuwan thought for a while, as if he had thought of some ghost idea.

"By using the world snake to put pressure on destiny?"

Lin Yu didn t understand what Fei Yuwan meant.

"Since we are going to exchange the second God Key for other God Keys, it can be said that we can also trade with the World Snake! Didn't Destiny already know that the Third God Key is in the hands of the World Snake? It can make the World Snake not suspect that our Third God Key was robbed by us, and it can also force Tianming to make a quick decision!"

Fei Yuwan briefly explained to Lin Yu the idea he had just thought of.

"That's a good idea! Kill two birds with one stone!"

Lin Yu was very satisfied with Fei Yuwan's idea.Because Tianming knew that the World Snake had the Third God's Key, but they didn't know that it had been snatched by them, so they could use this to put pressure on Tianming!And this can temporarily dispel the possibility that World Snake has already guessed that they are on Yu Ren's head, and the idea of ​​killing two birds with one stone, why not do it?

Then Lin Yu asked Hiyumaru to tell Novalu and the others about this idea, and asked them to do it to see how Otto reacted.


"What a great idea!"

After receiving the news of Hiyumaru, Novalu was also a little impressed.She didn't expect that little brain of Fei Yuwan could come up with such a good idea!
"I just don't know how the world snake will react when it finds out!"

Even if Nuovalu and the others want to trade with the World Snake, that is impossible!After all, the Third God's Key is no longer in the hands of World Snake, how could they get it out?
"Will the world snake be pissed off when it finds out?"

Phil was also speechless after hearing Hiyumaru's plan.After all, even if the World Snake wanted to exchange, they would not be able to get the third key of God!

"I have to say, this idea is great!"

Even Yae Rin applauded Higokumaru's idea repeatedly.

After getting the news of Hiyumaru, Novalu began to urge Otto, saying: "Bishop Otto, you can say whether to exchange or not. If not, we don't mind talking to the World Snake. I remember that they also have a God Key in their hands, presumably they should be happy to exchange the second God Key left behind by their lord!"

Novalu deliberately pretended that she didn't know that the God's Key in the World Snake's hand was the third God's Key, and directly used the name of the World's Snake Lord.Although she doesn't know who the Lord of the World Snake is.

"Your Excellency is going to trade with the World Snake?"

Otto was shocked.He didn't expect Novalu to have such a hand, but he also knew what Novalu meant.In his view, Novalu is saying, "We, Yuren, don't worry about your fate being unwilling, at worst, we can trade with another company."

Thinking of this, Otto began to worry, if he didn't want to, would Feather Blade really go to the World Snake to trade the Second God's Key?Or go to anti-entropy to make a deal, after all, anti-entropy also has the key of God!
"Does Your Excellency really want us to exchange Heiyuan Baihua?"

"We are not interested in anything other than God's Key!"

Facing Otto's question, Novalu has already made it very clear - except for exchanging Heiyuan Baihua, you don't want to get the Second God's Key easily.

"Is there no other possibility of negotiation?"

Otto still wanted to make a final struggle.


Novalu was categorical and decisive, her attitude was very firm, and there was no room for negotiation at all.


Otto fell silent.

He doesn't know what to do?You know, every God's Key is a key weapon against Honkai, and they don't have many Destiny Keys!He was the one who calculated others before, but he didn't expect to be calculated by others this time.

"Otto, why are you so hesitant? You can definitely snatch the Second God's Key from them! There are only three of them, can they stop all of you?"

Just when Otto was silent, a mysterious voice came from his mind.

"You don't need to teach me these things!"

Otto scolded the mysterious voice in his heart.How could he not have thought of the idea of ​​grabbing the Second God's Key, but are those three people really that easy to deal with?

Thinking of this in his heart, Otto looked at the three Nuova who stood on the second key of God.

Although there are only three of them, the puppet just now can compete with their destiny's strongest Valkyrie, Ulandal, so how powerful should these three people be as Feather Blades?
"Sister Nuonuo, I feel that Otto is thinking of something bad!"

Yae Rin also saw Otto looking at this side, and immediately felt that he had bad intentions.

"Me too!"

Phil felt the same way as Rin Yae.

"I guess this Otto is thinking about snatching the Second God's Key from us! It's just that he doesn't know how strong we are, so he can't do it rashly!"

Novalu immediately saw through Otto's intentions.You know, Novalu experienced many things a few epochs ago.Although she lost a lot of memory, she never lost her intuition and fighting skills, so it was easy to guess Otto's intentions.


I saw Otto let out a deep breath, as if he had made a decision, and said, "Your Excellency won! I agree to this deal!"

After much thought, Otto finally made a decision.In his opinion, although Heiyuan Baihua can help Tianming relieve some pressure in the fight against Honkai, it cannot help him achieve his wish.If he was asked to choose between the possibility of realizing his wish and the key of God, he would choose to realize the possibility he wanted without hesitation.

"Bishop Otto, you should be thankful for yourself for making this decision. If you had put your thought into action just now, what awaits you will be a disaster!"

Novalu directly expressed what he had guessed about Otto's little thoughts, and at the same time warned Tianming and the others with a threatening word.

If Otto thought that he could snatch the Second God Key from them with those mechas and energy cannons, then he was really wishful thinking!In the face of Hiyumaru's ability, those mechas and turrets will never hit the three of Novalu, and the unlucky one will only be Tianming himself.

"Your Excellency thinks too much, I am sincerely willing to trade with Your Excellency!"

As Otto spoke, he talked to Urandale and Rita beside him, and then the three of Novalu saw Urandale hand over the black abyss and white flowers to Otto.

"Don't be careless, what if this is Otto's trap!"

Just when the three of Nuovalu thought the deal was about to be concluded, Lin Yu's voice came from the communicator.

"Don't worry! We will be careful!"

As long as Novalu has not obtained the Black Abyss White Flower, she will not let down her vigilance. After all, they are facing the bishop who has been in charge of the Mandate of Heaven for more than 500 years.

"How do you want to trade?"

Otto asked Novalu with the black abyss and white flowers.Because he needs to hand over the black abyss and white flowers to the other party to complete the transaction.

"You go to Tower Bridge alone, and we will leave the Second God's Key to make a deal with you!"

Novalu explained the method of transaction.

"Just do what you say!"

As he said that, Otto walked towards the Tower Bridge alone under the watchful eyes of Yolandelle and Rita.The three of Nuovalu also left the Second God's Key and walked towards Tower Bridge.

Lin Yu in the distance was also a little relieved after knowing that Otto agreed to the deal.However, he still remained vigilant. After all, what if this fellow Otto might be planning some kind of conspiracy in his heart?

This point, he has to guard against!
 Will the deal go well?Will something else happen?The next chapter is revealed! ! PS: I also hope that all book lovers who like this book can recommend this book to their friends!

(End of this chapter)

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