Chapter 188
"Why do you always have a bad feeling?"

Lin Yu followed Nuovalu to Tower Bridge, and the anxiety in Lin Yu's heart became more and more intense.

"Forget it! Let's investigate a little bit!"

I saw some pale golden rays of light gradually appearing in Lin Yu's pupils, which was the expression that he had used the power of the Herrscher at the core of Shen Yu.

"Huh? That's..."

After Lin Yu used the power of the Herrscher, the scene in his eyes became different.

"Don't worry! I will be careful!"

Novalu naturally didn't think that Otto would hand over the black abyss and white flowers to her so obediently, so he would definitely take some precautions.

On the way for Nuovalu to Tower Bridge, her black sky and white feather bracelet flickered a few times, and then Nuovalu's figure changed in Lin Yu's eyes.

"Ah... you are too exaggerated!"

In Lin Yu's eyes, an invisible electromagnetic barrier was attached to Nuova Lu's body, but the defense of this electromagnetic barrier is probably a bit scary.

"Aren't I just in case! What if he attacks me with Heiyuan Baihua?"

This kind of possibility does not exist, and Novalu naturally has to be fully prepared.The electromagnetic barrier on her body can defend against both physical and mental attacks. After all, this is how Novalu used to fight against the Eighth Herrscher in Honkai.

"Be careful, there's a strange energy around that guy Otto."

Otto is now a person surrounded by a faint golden light in Lin Yu's eyes, which allows Lin Yu to be 100% sure what method Otto has prepared.

"You three, be careful, the other party may make small moves, and be ready to fight at any time!"

Before arriving at Tower Bridge, Novalu spoke to the three of Phil, and then walked to Otto alone, preparing to make a deal with him.

"This is Heiyuan Baihua, I hope you can abide by the deal and give us the second key of God!"

Otto inserted the black abyss and white flowers straight on the ground, waiting for Novalu to come over, and confirmed the content of the transaction to Novalu again.

"Just take the Second God's Key. Anyway, that thing can't increase the combat effectiveness of our Feather Blade, so it's useless for us to hold it."

Novalu naturally learned some information about the Second God's Key in the space barrier of the Second God's Key.

This thing can't be used for fighting at all, it's just a tool to find a way to fight against Honkai.What's more, she also learned from Cangxuan and Danzhu that the current Second God's Key is not complete at all, and there is still a very important thing missing.As for what it is, the two of them can't remember clearly.

So instead of moving the second God's Key into the void as a display, it's better to exchange it for other God's Keys.

Not long after, Novalu walked across from Otto, ready to make a deal with Otto.

"Back back a little distance!"

Novalu was very vigilant and asked Otto to leave Heiyuan Baihua for a certain distance before she went to get Heiyuan Baihua.

"Don't you trust me, sir?"

Otto was taken aback when he heard Novalu's request, and said helplessly.

"That's right, I just don't trust you!"

This is the first time Novalu met Otto, how could she trust him?


Otto was speechless, but in his opinion, Novalu's request was quite normal, so he took a few steps back consciously.

Walking to the side of Heiyuan Baihua, Nuova Lu directly held Heiyuan Baihua.But the next moment, there was a dead fog appearing on Heiyuan Baihua, trying to corrode Novalu.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the reaction of Heiyuan Baihua, Nuova just laughed in her heart.This situation should be the autonomous reaction of the God's Key, only those who can withstand this power are eligible to use it, because even ordinary A-level Valkyries are not qualified to touch it.

This time it can only be considered as unlucky for Heiyuan Baihua, who let him meet such a stubble as Nuovalu!As a Herrscher, Nuova also possessed Heitian Baiyu, who was far more powerful than Heiyuan Baihua, would she care about Heiyuan Baihua's reaction?The answer is obviously no!
Nuovalu directly pulled out the black abyss white flower stuck on the ground, and waved it casually a few times.After that, I still complained in my heart: "What is the key of God! It's too awkward to use, and it's not as easy to use as my Black Sky and White Feather!"

Heitian Baiyu is the weapon that Novalu has been using all the time. Although Heiyuan Baihua is also a cavalry weapon, it is obviously uncomfortable for her to change the weapon suddenly.

"I'll take the black abyss and white flowers! According to the agreement, the second god's key belongs to your destiny!"

Novalu got the Heiyuan Baihua and was about to leave Tower Bridge straight away, but the moment she turned around, she saw an elusive arc on the corner of Otto's mouth.


At some point, a few pale golden feathers appeared in front of Nova Lu's eyes, but the next moment, she was stopped by the electromagnetic barrier she set up in advance.After that, Nuova Lu's mind was in a trance for a moment, but she quickly stabilized it.

It's just that during this process, Novalu remained motionless and turned his back to Otto, and Otto naturally didn't know how Novalu was doing.

"That's... the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness?"

Lin Yu in the distance figured out the power of those pale golden feathers in just a dozen seconds.What he didn't expect was that it turned out to be the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness.But the next moment he shook his head:

"That power is too weak, it doesn't reach the level of a Herrscher at all, but it is very similar to the power of a Herrscher of Consciousness."

Lin Yu also possesses the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness, so he is naturally very familiar with the power of the Herrscher.So he noticed it the moment those pale golden feathers appeared.

In order to figure out the source of Otto's power, Lin Yu used a little more power of the Herrscher.The next moment, Otto's power was completely understood by Lin Yu.

That turned out to be the power of mimicry, that is, the power of the first God's key—Void Ten Thousand Zang.

"This Otto actually holds the power of the First God's Key!"

Lin Yu was surprised by the information he found.In the data of God's Key, Void Wanzang, the first God's Key, has no fixed form. Lin Yu only knows from the data of the last era that its initial form was a golden regular hexahedron.It can give the user the power of mimicry, but it can simulate anything that the user can understand the construction principle.Even the God's Key is fine, but its power is far inferior to the real God's Key.

"I didn't expect Tianming to have so many God's Keys in his hands!"

Lin Yu is also somewhat convinced of the background of Destiny.

The No.11 God's Key Void Wanzang, the sixth God's Key Heiyuan Baihua, the No.[-] God's Key Judah's Oath, and the tenth God's Key Taixu's Grip in Fu Hua's hands. Judge, that fate is a super organization with five keys of God.You know, there are only thirteen God's Keys in total!One Destiny accounts for five, and this is only on the surface.Maybe there are more in the dark!
"No, I have to take a good look at how many God's Keys Destiny has after this mission is over."

If you can't figure this out, what if this becomes a variable in their confrontation between Feather Blade and Destiny in the future?
On the other side, after discovering the light golden feather, Nuo Valu's progress stopped.She turned around slowly, looked at Otto with a terrifying look, and asked, "Hey! Bishop Otto, do you want to go back on your word?"


Otto's expression was very gloomy at this time, because he didn't expect Novalu to have no reaction to the power of his mimic Yu Duchen.

You know, his attack is almost impossible to prevent in advance.In this case, no one has ever been completely immune to his attack, not even the S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny.

"You brought it on yourself!"

Speaking of which, Novalu directly raised Heiyuan Baihua, and as black mist appeared on the surface of the gun, Novalu threw Heiyuan Baihua directly at Otto.

"You actually..."

Seeing Novalu's operation, Otto was stunned.He couldn't imagine how Novalu, who just got the Heiyuan White Flower, could stimulate its power.


Heiyuan Baihua directly pierced Otto without mercy, and the black mist left on his body was constantly eroding his soul steel body. After all, things from the last era can only be dealt with from the last era. , just like the world snake dealt with Otto.

"Since you have already started, then we can't be idle!"

Novalu looked at Otto, whose body was pierced by the black abyss and white flowers, without any change in expression.Anyway, she already knew that Otto was just a stand-in, so she didn't hesitate at all when it was destroyed.Then she said to Phil: "Phoenix, attack the Second God's Key. It will be troublesome to get that thing back to the base, let's make some damage and let Destiny repair it slowly!"

"Roger that!"

As soon as Phil heard Novalu's words, he went straight to the Second God's Key, and equipped it with the Phoenix Claw. It seemed that he was ready to "entertain" the Second God's Key.

"Your Excellency Nuonuo, I said it was a misunderstanding, do you believe it?"

Otto couldn't watch Phil destroy the second.After all, that thing is the crystallization of the technology of the last era. Once it is damaged, their destiny does not know how much effort it will take to repair it!

"I believe in a ghost! Do it!"

After taking back the black abyss and white flowers, Novalu completely ignored Otto's words and asked Phil to do it.

boom boom-

After equipping the Phoenix Claw, Phil went straight to the action.Even if the Second God's Key is the technology of the last era, it can't stand Phil's weapon strengthened by the power of space!
"Yurandal! Rita! Stop them from destroying the Second God's Key!"

Otto was eroded to the point where only half of his body was left. He was afraid that Phil would abolish the Second God's Key if he didn't let Ulandal and Rita do anything at this time.

"Stop them!"

As soon as Novalu waved her hand, the Nana and Kevin dolls flew out.The two S-rank Valkyries who stopped Tianming, they didn't need to make a move at all.

On Phil's side, the Second God's Key is already full of cracks.But these are only superficial damages, because Lin Yu said just now that she should not damage the inside of the Second God Key.

"Brother, the consciousness transmission program in Otto's body has been activated. He wants to transmit the information in this double back to the destiny headquarters."

Hiyumaru discovered a mysterious information flow when Otto's body was about to be completely eroded by the black mist, and reported it to Lin Yu.After all, the information in the entire London area is under the monitoring of her Herrscher power, and she can detect any troubles.

"Stop him, intercept the information and destroy it directly!"

As soon as Lin Yu finished speaking, Fei Yuwan just followed suit.It can be said that it is impossible for the information in Otto's double to be sent back to the headquarters of Destiny.

"Okay! Next is the second round of fighting against Tianming!"

Lin Yu looked at the battlefield on the other side of the Second God's Key.There, the S-rank Valkyrie Ulandal and Rita have already fought with Nana and Little Kevin.

 cough cough! ! !It's not over yet!There will be the plot that you are looking forward to next.As for what it is, please leave a message in the comment area! <( ̄3 ̄)> PS: It’s been a long time since a new book friend has joined the group, so let’s talk about the group number here: 1136694052!

(End of this chapter)

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