Chapter 192 Found it

Noelle's consciousness flew out of the ball of light, forming a young girl with black ponytail and vermilion pupils in front of Lin Yu.Lin Yu is very familiar with this figure, after all, he has seen Noelle in the consciousness space before.The only difference is that Noelle seems to be a little taller, which is very different from what he saw in the space of consciousness before.

"Huh? Is it possible that the conscious body will also grow?"

Lin Yu looked at Noelle, who was about the same size as Nova Lu, and fell into doubt.

"That...Brother Lin Yu, thank you for saving me from the Eighth Herrscher after hearing my call for help."

Although Noelle was unable to communicate with the outside world during the time when Noelle's consciousness was sleeping, Lin Yu used the core of consciousness to communicate with her, which made Noelle know some things about this era, so she told Lin Yu Not unfamiliar at all.

Of course, Lin Yu didn't tell Noelle about Nuova Lu, he didn't want her to be hit while recuperating, after all, Nuova Lu no longer remembered her sister.

"It's good that you're fine, the Eighth Herrscher has been dealt with by me and my companions, now you can take a good rest!"

Lin Yu walked up to Noelle, patted her on the head lightly and comforted her.This is also a good thing for Noelle, after all, the Eighth Herrscher has brought her too many painful memories.

"You are now an ideology, and I will take you to another place! If you work hard there, it won't take long for you to have a body and become the same as before."

Afterwards, Lin Yu briefly explained to Noelle about the stigmata space.When Lin Yu explained, Noelle was also sitting there and listening quietly.

After the explanation, Lin Yu opened a door casually, and said to Noelle: "Xiao Ai, from here is the stigmata space. I still have something to do here, so I won't accompany you there. But don't worry , I'll go there when I'm free."

"Brother Lin Yu, then I will go there first!"

Noelle also walked in that door after talking to Lin Yu.

As soon as he came to the stigmata space, Noelle was stunned by the appearance of the stigmata space.

"here it is……"

Obviously, Noelle is very unfamiliar with the stigmata space in the scenery of Yae Village.But just when she was at a loss, Lin Yu's voice came.

"Xiao Ai, this was originally where my friends lived, but they have all regained their bodies now, so they are no longer used here. You can find a room here, and I will teach you how to get out later. of."


After hearing what Lin Yu said, Noelle quickly settled down.Then he wandered around the stigmata space, preparing to get familiar with it in the shortest possible time.

"Phew~ I finally solved Xiao Ai's matter. The rest is that!"

After Lin Yu confirmed again that Noelle was fine in the stigmata space, he breathed a long sigh of relief, as if he had completed a major event.

Afterwards, with a move by Lin Yu, a silver-white lance flew over. It was the key of the sixth god-Heiyuan Baihua.It took Lin Yu a lot of thought to get it. For this reason, he also got the second key of God and fought with Tianming.

"But here also let me know that Youlandal is Nana, so it's an unexpected harvest!"

In this mission, I knew that Youlandal was the Nana I had been looking for, which Lin Yu never thought of.In his opinion, this is already the biggest gain in this mission.

Of course, it would be even better if Cecilia's consciousness remained in the black abyss and white flowers.

"I planned to take a rest, but after being disturbed by Xiao Ai, I'm completely tired, so I just search for Heiyuan Baihua by the way!"

Afterwards, Lin Yu suspended the Heiyuan Baihua in front of him, and then prepared to use the power of the Herrscher to invade the core of the Heiyuan Baihua to search.

Before Lin Yu searched, Heiyuan Baihua had been extremely quiet, and did not resist at all like Novalu got him before.This is not to say that it didn't think about resisting, but that it didn't dare to resist at all! .

When Novalu handed Heiyuan Baihua to Lin Yu, Heiyuan Baihua was preparing to resist, and the next moment it felt the suppression from several Herrscher cores.Facing that kind of terrifying suppression, Heiyuan Baihua was discouraged directly, just like the "Quiet Gem" that was once forcibly suppressed by Lin Yu.

However, the experience of "Quiet Gem" was much better than that of Heiyuan Baihua. After all, Lin Yu's Herrscher power had not yet been born at that time, only the core of Shenyu and the core of Xingyu.But now, counting the incompletely formed cores and the Shenyu core, Lin Yu already has nine Herrscher cores, plus the core of the star language fusion, Heiyuan Baihua doesn't know how miserable it is to be suppressed. Dare to have a little movement!

After the preparations were completed, Lin Yu used the power of the Herrscher to search the core of Heiyuan Baihua.

This search is not easy!Because Lin Yu needs to use the power of multiple Herrscher cores, first of all, use the power of space to form a protective barrier on the outside world, secondly use the power of erosion to invade the interior of the core of Heiyuan Baihua, and finally use the power of the core of consciousness to search Conscious presence.

As Lin Yu's perception gradually covered the core of Heiyuan Baihua's forehead, its internal space was gradually perceived by Lin Yu one by one.But this is a very time-consuming task, because Lin Yu can't let go of any corner of the core, otherwise he may miss Cecilia's consciousness.


On the second day, between the void, Yae Courtyard.

The Yae sisters, Novalu and Ji Lin are all doing daily sword training.

"Strange! Why didn't Lin Yu come to train today?"

The training of several people is over, and Nuo Walu suddenly felt strange seeing that Lin Yu hadn't come yet.You know, when there is no mission, Lin Yu has never been short of training, and he will come very early.

"Why didn't Xiaoyu come to training for no reason?"

Even Yae Sakura felt that things were weird.Yae Rin and Ji Lin also felt that something was wrong.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Several people always felt that something must have happened to Lin Yu to prevent him from coming to training, so they unanimously agreed to see what happened to Lin Yu.

So, the four of them came to the door of Lin Yu's room. Just as Novalu was about to knock on the door, Hiyumaru and Phil also came out.

The two of them didn't get up as early as Nuovalu and the others, but they still haven't missed the daily training.

"Huh? Sister Lulu, what are you doing here? What's the matter?"

Higokumaru and Phil rubbed their sleepy eyes, as if they hadn't woken up yet.

"Lin Yu didn't come to train today, let's see what's going on!"

Novalu explained the reason to the two.

"Will my brother not go to training? This is too strange!"

Even Phil and Fei Yuwan knew that Lin Yu would not miss training without other reasons.So after being told by Nuovalu, most of the sleepiness of the two of them disappeared immediately.

"Huh? Space barrier?"

Just when Nuovalu was about to knock on the door, she noticed that Lin Yu s door had been set up with a space barrier, and she was shocked.

Under what circumstances do you need to use a space barrier?

In the Void, apart from the need to use the space barrier in the simulated battle in the battle area, it is not used in other places at all!Therefore, the appearance of a space barrier in Lin Yu's room will definitely arouse everyone's speculation.

"what happened?"

"Did something happen, Kohane?"

"What's wrong with brother?"

After knowing that Lin Yu had set up a space barrier in his room, several people hurriedly asked Novalu about the situation.After all, she is the Herrscher of Space, the only person other than Lin Yu who has mastered the power of space.

"I guess Lin Yu was doing something very noisy, and he didn't want to disturb us so he did it!"

Novalu made some guesses about the current situation, but her guess was almost correct, because Lin Yu used three kinds of power to search Cecilia's consciousness.

"Let me untie the space barrier!"

For this kind of space barrier that is only used to isolate energy fluctuations, Novalu can untie it at will, and it will not alarm Lin Yu.

After Nuovalu unlocked the space barrier, several people gently pushed open the door of Lin Yu's room.

"Huh? Lin Yu is..."

As soon as they opened the door, a few people saw Lin Yu lying on the bed, but they would not think that Lin Yu was just sleeping, because Lin Yu's body had a strong Houkai energy fluctuation.

"Brother used the power of erosion?"

Fei Yuwan is naturally very familiar with the power of eroding herrscher that he has mastered, so he felt the fluctuation of eroding power in Lin Yu as soon as he entered the door.

"I'm afraid Lin Yu used more than just the power of erosion! I also felt the power of space and another kind of power from him."

After being said by Novalu and Feiyuwan, they became more and more curious, what is Lin Yu doing?Three kinds of power will be used!

Inside the core of the black abyss and white flowers.

"How long have I been looking for this? Why haven't I found Cecilia's consciousness yet?"

Lin Yu himself didn't know how long he had been in this dark space, anyway, according to his estimation, it had been at least a few hours.

However, in these few hours, Lin Yu only encountered a few consciousnesses that completely lost their vitality.In these consciousnesses, the thinking that belongs to human beings has completely disappeared, turning into a mass of pure consciousness energy.

"Won't Cecilia become like this too?"

Lin Yu glanced at the consciousness energy collected along the way in his hands, and couldn't help feeling a little doubt about the hope he held in his heart.

"No! Sirin's consciousness can exist in the core for so long, there is no reason why Cecilia can't do it!"

Lin Yu would not draw conclusions at will until he had searched the entire core space.

After that, it was another period of searching, and the space in the core was basically about to be searched by Lin Yu, but he hadn't discovered Cecilia's consciousness yet, and he collected a few more copies of consciousness energy.

"Won't it really become consciousness energy?"

Just when Lin Yu looked at the consciousness energy in his hand with some worry, his perception finally felt a faint fluctuation of consciousness in a corner of the core space.

"found it!"

The moment Lin Yu felt this fluctuation, Lin Yu determined its location, and then rushed over there quickly.

 Cecilia is a human being after all, guess if her consciousness will be incomplete? PS: When Siegfried meets the "reborn" Cecilia in the future, what kind of reaction will they have?乛乛

(End of this chapter)

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