Chapter 193 Mission Report
When Lin Yu discovered that faint fluctuation of consciousness, his whole body turned into thunder and rushed towards that direction quickly.

In his perception, the wave of consciousness is too weak, and the consciousness body is probably close to dissipating.In order to prevent this from happening, he must rush there as soon as possible.

"It's okay! It's okay! I caught up!"

As soon as he reached the source of consciousness fluctuations, Lin Yu immediately protected it to prevent it from dissipating.

It's just that there is a big problem now, that is, Lin Yu is not sure whether this consciousness belongs to Cecilia.After all, it is only a weak consciousness, and there is no way to communicate with Lin Yu, which makes Lin Yu unable to determine its identity.

"Well~ Cecilia is the previous user of Heiyuan Baihua. It stands to reason that the most likely consciousness existing in this space is her."

Lin Yu analyzed the current situation, and finally came to a conclusion: this consciousness is most likely Cecilia's.

Then Lin Yu guided out part of the consciousness energy in his hand, and then fused it with the consciousness in front of him to help it recover.

After confirming that he had recovered to a certain extent, Lin Yu carefully used the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness to detect his memory.However, Lin Yu doesn't need to find out how many memories, just one picture is enough.The premise is that there is Siegfried or Kiyana in this picture, so that Lin Yu can be sure that this consciousness belongs to Cecilia.

"Huh? What's the situation?"

Lin Yu used the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness to indeed detect a picture, and the people on the picture were Siegfried and Teresa.This allowed Lin Yu to confirm that this consciousness belonged to Cecilia.It's just that the picture Lin Yu saw seemed a little strange, because Siegfried was holding a plate of dark unknown objects in the picture, and Teresa on the side vomited directly, but Cecilia was fine after eating it.

However, Lin Yu's goal had already been achieved, so he did not pursue this.

In the following time, Lin Yu absorbed all the consciousness energy collected in the palm of his hand to Cecilia's consciousness.This also made Cecilia's consciousness completely stabilized.

"You shouldn't have to worry about things like Lulu and Karen happening here, right?"

This naturally refers to the loss of memory, but Cecilia has been staying in the core of the black abyss and white flowers. It stands to reason that the memory should not disappear too much.

"I can't communicate yet, I can only recover in the star language space like Xiao Ai!"

With a move by Lin Yu, he directly took Cecilia's consciousness out of the core space of Heiyuan Baihua.

"Let's put this thing in the arsenal! No one will use it anyway. I guess it can only be used by Cecilia after she recovers."

At present, everyone in Feather Blade basically has weapons, only Cangxuan has no weapons yet, and Danzhu will definitely keep the third god key for himself after repairing the third god key.So even if the black abyss and white flowers are the key of God, they can only be thrown in the arsenal first.

"It seems that there is still a problem that needs to be solved!"

For Cecilia, it seems that there is no need for her to master the power of creation, because Hiyumaru said before that there are many clones of Cecilia in the underground church of St. Freya Academy.At that time, you only need to let Hiyumaru sneak in there quietly, and just bring one out like Novalu.

After thinking about these, Lin Yu finally finished everything.

"I don't know what time it is outside, let's go out and have a look!"

When searching for Cecilia's consciousness in the core of Heiyuan Baihua, Lin Yu had no idea how long it had passed, so he could only rely on his intuition to estimate.There must be errors, so he needs to go out and confirm it by himself.

Then Lin Yu's consciousness left the star language space directly.

"Huh? Lulu! Sakura! Why are you all here!"

As soon as he opened his eyes, Lin Yu found that there were six more people in his room.

"We saw that you got up so late today and didn't come to training, so we came over to take a look."

Novalu briefly explained to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu also understood, and also told the six people about his discovery of Cecilia's consciousness.

"Really found it?"

Nova showed surprise on his face.Although she also recovered from a state of consciousness, she is at least the herrscher of the past several epochs.As a pure human being, Cecilia's consciousness can exist in the core of Heiyuan Baihua for more than ten years, which really surprised Novalu.

"It's not in vain that Xiaoyu has spent so much effort to exchange Heiyuan Baihua."

Yae Sakura is also happy about this.

Not long after, everyone came to the command room after breakfast, preparing to report on yesterday's mission.

"This mission can be said to be very smooth. We not only got back the last two spheres from the headquarters of Destiny, but also got the third God's key from the World Snake, and used the useless second God's key to get the third one. The key of the six gods has been replaced!"

Standing in front of the big screen, Cang Xuan talked about the process of this mission from beginning to end, and he became more and more energetic as he talked.

"Cangxuan, what's the situation with the third god's key? I think it can't be used after that raven fired a shot."

If the third God's Key can only fire one shot, and it still breaks after one use, then this God's Key is too useless.So Lin Yu needs to figure out what is going on at the first time.

"The bullets of the Third God's Key are made of pure Honkai energy, and ordinary people can't bear it. Like the raven, you can carry at most one at a time, and she will be eroded by Honkai energy. As for the first The reason why the Three Gods Key broke after firing a single shot is probably because it has not been repaired for too long and the function has been damaged!"

You must know that all God's Keys are the crystallization of the most advanced technology of the last era.If they were a little damaged, people in this era would have to spend a lot of effort to repair them.Just like the World Snake, the Third God's Key has to be repaired once fired, otherwise it will be completely useless.

But in the hands of Cangxuan and Danzhu, it's different.They were researchers who participated in the production of God's Key with MEI in the last era.Although they can't make the God's Key, maintenance is just a piece of cake for them.

"Then I'll copy the core after you repair the third God's Key. It just so happens that I've already designed the next form of the Star Language!"

As for the form of Xingyu fused with the core of thunder, Lin Yu had already decided, that is the form of the great sword, which Lin Yu called "Heavenly Tribulation".

What Tianjie pursues is the ultimate attack power, just like the Heavenly Fire Great Sword, but with different attributes.

"Got it! Got it! I'll let you know when the Third God's Key is repaired."

Dan Zhu knew that Lin Yu went to intercept the raven to snatch the key of the third god just for the next form of Xingyu.

"By the way! Cangxuan, Danzhu! How long can the two fake spheres you made last?"

Karen asked the two of them.

You know, the two spheres that were replaced were only made of alloy.Although the appearance is exactly the same as the real sphere, as long as the people of destiny touch it, it will definitely reveal its secrets!
"Hmph! Don't worry! We have replaced the original sealing circle with a flame trap that explodes at the touch of a touch! We will never give people of destiny a chance to touch them!"

Cangxuan and Danzhu looked very proud, as if they were very satisfied with the surprise they left for Tianming.


Everyone was immediately speechless.

After working for a long time, the two of them also want to cheat the destiny!It is estimated that this time, Destiny will also be severely cheated by Cangxuan and Danzhu.

After the task report was over, everyone left the command room to do their own things.

"Xiaofei, are you free next?"

Just when Fei Yuwan was about to go out for a walk with Phil and Yae Rin when they left the void, Lin Yu's voice came from her mind.

"We are going to go out for a while in the past two days, and we should have time later. Brother, what's the matter with you?"

So Lin Yu told Fei Yuwan about Cecilia.After hearing this, Higokumaru readily agreed. Anyway, it was very easy for her to invade the underground church of St. Freya Academy, and it would be no problem to get another clone back.

In the armory, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu are preparing to repair the third God's key.

"Lin Yu, why are you following us here? Tell me if you have anything to say!"

The two of them did not believe that Lin Yu would follow them to the arsenal for no reason.

"Is there anything you can do with this? I might use this later!"

Lin Yu looked at the "Otto version" soul steel body that was put aside.He could use this body at any time, but he couldn't accept the thought of using Otto's appearance, so he still wanted to change the appearance of Soul Steel's body.

"Just leave it to me! I'll help you get it when my sister and I have almost repaired the Third God's Key."

Danzhu is good at humanoid things, as can be seen from the spirit of Danzhu she made and a room full of self-made figures.

"Then thank you very much! After the third God's Key is repaired, I will also prepare a pseudo-thunder core for you!"

Asking Danzhu to help Lin Yu must be a gesture, and the imitation of Leihe must be the highest gift in return.At that time, when Dan Zhu uses the Third God's Key, there is no need to make special bullets at all, and he can just use the power of the Herrscher.

Then Lin Yu left the arsenal after overhauling Nana.

"Although I have already told Urandale to go to St. Freya Academy to find the answer, but her mission is just over, and it will take a few days to pass! I will also take advantage of these few days to prepare!"

When Youlandal went to St. Freya Academy, Lin Yu would definitely go there too, but the way of going was a bit special.

In the arsenal, Cang Xuan was inspecting the Third God's Key.They need to identify what's wrong before they can fix it.On the other hand, Dan Zhu was looking at the "Otto version" soul steel body, and seemed to have some thoughts in his heart.

"Yes! This thing must be very suitable for transformation!"

 What will Danzhu transform the soul steel into?Those who have played the plot of the game should be able to guess it!perfect
(End of this chapter)

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