The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 194 I'm afraid I'll kill you

Chapter 194 I'm afraid I'll kill you
Destiny Headquarters Control Room.

"Although we successfully brought back the Second God's Key this time, due to the serious damage, we have to repair it before we can carry out a series of subsequent experiments."

Otto listened to the mission report of Ulandal and Rita, and also knew the whole incident.But for the time being, he focused on the Second God's Key. As for how he thinks about the Feather Blade organization, probably only he knows!
"The Second God's Key probably won't be able to be repaired in a short period of time. Youlandelle, after you submit this mission report, you can move freely during this period, just to make up for the vacation that was promised to you last time! "

Urandale was originally on vacation in London, but was disrupted by the sudden mission of the second God's Key, causing her to have no vacation at all.Since it was promised to Ulandal, Otto will definitely make up for it, and the time for the restoration of the Second God's Key is just right.

"That's it! If there's nothing wrong, I'll go back first!"

Urandale left the control room after obtaining Otto's consent.Rita also said something to Otto and left right after Ulandal.

Before the second God's Key is repaired, as long as nothing unexpected happens, Yolandal basically won't have any missions.She can just take advantage of this time to go to St. Freya Academy and find the answer she wants there.

"Master Ulandal, do you have any plans after submitting the report?"

"Hmm! I need to get out of headquarters for a while."

"Huh? Is there something important for Master Ulandal? Do you need me to go with you?"

"Don't bother, Rita. It's just a small thing, and I can take care of it myself."

Ulandal did not tell Rita that she was going to St. Freya Academy, because Lin Yu told her through Nana that this matter should not be let others know, not even her closest Rita.

Rita didn't say much about this, after all, she still needs to deal with a lot of documents and reports on this mission.Although Ulandal is the captain of the Immortal Blade, she is not good at these, so Ulandal is mainly responsible for combat.As for the internal affairs, it was basically handled by Lita, the vice-captain.

"We have to submit the mission report as soon as possible!"

As soon as Urandale and Rita separated, she thought about finishing the task report quickly, and then went to St. Freya Academy to find the answer she wanted.

On the other side, Rita has already returned to the command room.

"Rita, what do you think of this mission of the Second God's Key?"

"Master Bishop, I think the intervention of the World Snake in this mission is within your expectation. The only thing you didn't expect is that the Second God's Key has been found by Feather Blade in advance."

Originally, Otto thought that the Second God's Key was just a bait specially released by the World Snake to trap Destiny, but what he didn't expect was that their Destiny and the World Snake had been fighting for a long time, but the Second God's Key had already fallen into another The organization has it.

"You're right! I really didn't think that the Second God's Key had been discovered by other organizations. But this Feather Blade has some skills, and was able to discover the Second God's Key hidden in the skewed point of space. It seems You need to pay more attention to this feather blade in the future."

After being cheated by Feather Blade once, Otto will definitely be careful in the future.I'm afraid that when there are similar missions in the future, he will take into account the possibility that the Yuren organization will also be involved.

"My lord, Rita guesses that the Featherblade organization has mastered space technology."

Although Rita had guessed as much as possible, she was not right at all.After all, she never thought that there was a Herrscher in Feather Blade who had mastered the power of space.

"It's not impossible. I'm afraid Feather Blade obtained some top space technology from the last era in a certain ruin."

Otto also didn't focus on the power of the Herrscher, he also thought it was the technology of the last era.After all, the technology of the last era was too developed, and many of the things of the last era in the ruins are something they cannot produce now, and the God's Key is one of them.

A few days later, in the void, the training ground.

"The attack power of the big sword is certainly strong, but the quality is too heavy, which affects the flexibility a bit!"

Lin Yu glanced at the big sword weapon in his hand, as if he was very dissatisfied with this type of weapon.

In the past few days, Lin Yu has been practicing with a big sword made of Honkai alloy, in case he does not adapt to the new form of Star Language.

"It looks like we need to adjust the data of the new form of Star Language."

If he only designed the big sword according to the normal thinking, it would definitely be difficult for Lin Yu to adapt to the big sword in the shape of Tianjie, so it is necessary for him to modify the original design of Tianjie.

After a while, Novalu and Yae Sakura came to the training ground.Both of them are masters of swordsmanship, so they often spar with each other.Of course, sometimes Novalu would also use a lance to train against Yae Sakura at the request of Yae Sakura.

"Huh? That's Xiaoyu? What is he doing?"

Before arriving at the training ground, Yae Sakura saw a large screen of light, and Lin Yu was standing there fiddling with something.

"He's working on the blueprints for Star Language!"

As soon as Novalu saw the design of the big sword on the light screen, he immediately understood what Lin Yu was doing.The third god's key is already in their hands, so Lin Yu's next step must be to copy the core of the Herrscher of Thunder and integrate it with Xingyu.

"But Lin Yu seems to be struggling with something? I'm afraid he has encountered some trouble?"

The next moment Nuova Lu noticed Lin Yu who was adjusting the design drawing with anxiety on his face, as if he was a little dissatisfied with the design drawing, so he leaned over to take a look.

"No! In this case, the catastrophe is still too heavy, and it needs to be adjusted!"

Lin Yu restored the design drawing that had just been modified, and prepared to re-modify it again.

"Lin Yu, after a long time, are you struggling with the weight of the weapon?"

After figuring out what Lin Yu was struggling with, Novalu was speechless immediately.

"?? Lulu? Don't scare me!"

Because he focused on the design drawings in the past, Lin Yu didn't notice that Novalu and Yae Sakura were here.

"Xiao Yu, we've been watching you here for a while before you realized it!"

Yae Sakura was also speechless.She didn't expect that Lin Yu, who is usually extremely cautious, would not pay attention to his surroundings, but she also knew that this was mostly because of being in the void. It is estimated that Lin Yu would only relax his vigilance here!
"Sorry! I was struggling with the issue of Heavenly Tribulation, so I didn't pay attention to you!"

"I really don't know what you are struggling with? Go on!"

Novalu went directly to the weapon storage next to the training ground, where there were various types of weapons to choose from.I saw Nuova Lu casually took a cavalry weapon and threw it to Lin Yu.


Lin Yu looked puzzled after catching the lance, he didn't know what Nova Lu meant.

"Catch this again!"

I saw Nuovalu took out the black sky and white feathers, and then threw it to Lin Yu, saying: "Try to compare the difference between the two and see if you want to modify it!"


With a face full of doubts, Lin Yu caught Hei Tian Bai Yu again.The next moment, he noticed the difference in the weapons in his hands.

"Heitian Baiyu is obviously bigger than this training lance, but lighter than it?"

"That's right! Soul steel is a special metal that has both lightness and strength. It must be much lighter than weapons made of Honkai alloy!"

After explaining to Lin Yu, Nuova took back the black sky and white feathers, and then continued: "Besides, I specifically asked Cangxuan and the others to make the training a little harder with the second weapon, so that we can use the second weapon in the training. More flexible when using your own weapons."


After listening to Nuova Lu's words, he was stunned.So, what is he struggling with?
But this is not to blame Novalu, who made Lin Yu use his weapons all the time during training!These few days are the first time he has used these second weapons for training, it is strange to notice the difference before.

"I've been worrying about it for a long time!"

After understanding, Lin Yu directly turned off the light screen in front of him.This is the most satisfying Heavenly Tribulation that he has spent a lot of time designing before. If he really wants to modify it, he is really reluctant!
"By the way, when we came here before, Cangxuan said that the Third God's Key is about to be repaired! Danzhu also said that the matter you asked her to do is finished, let you go there!"

"That would be great. I'll be right there!"

As soon as Lin Yu heard Nuova Lu say that Danzhu called him, he realized what was going on and ran towards the weapon room immediately.

"What's wrong, Xiaoyu?"

Yae Sakura looked at Lin Yu's leaving back with a suspicious expression.

"Who knows! Let's start training!"

Novalu didn't care about Lin Yu any more, and went to the storage place for training weapons and took two katanas, one for Yae Sakura and one for herself.

"Well, let's train!"

Yae Sakura took over the sword and was ready to start combat training with Novalu.

This is already a part of their daily life!
Destiny Headquarters, Valkyrie Lounge.

"The mission report has finally been submitted, what a hassle!"

Who made Ulandal not good at this kind of thing!
After submitting the report, Yolandelle began to prepare for St. Freya Academy.In fact, she didn't need to make too many preparations, just a word from Rita.

"I hope the answer from St. Freya Academy can satisfy me!"

Between the void, the weapons room.

"The third god's key isn't damaged too badly! It looks like the world snake doesn't know how to repair it!"

After a lot of hard work, Cang Xuan finally repaired the Third God's Key, and it will no longer break after a few shots like before.

"I'm done here too!"

Dan Zhu, who was at the other console, also shouted happily.Danzhu looked at his successfully transformed soul steel body and nodded in satisfaction.

"Danzhu, what is this? A large figure you made?"

Cangxuan was stunned when he came over and saw Danzhu's transformed soul steel body.

"What a large figure! Lin Yu asked me to change the soul steel body before, and I changed it according to my own ideas!"

Dan Zhu looked at his transformed soul steel body, and proudly said to Cangxuan with his hands on his hips, "How is it, sister? Isn't it perfect?"

"Ha ha!"

Regarding Danzhu's complacent look, Cangxuan only heheed twice, but didn't say anything.Then she looked at the soul steel body in front of her, and said silently in her heart:

"I guess Lin Yu will kill you when he comes over and sees this! He asked you to help change the appearance, but you made this for him!"

 Everyone, guess what Danzhu transformed the soul steel body into? PS: Goose is coming to the academy soon! "New" characters are also coming!ヾ(▽`;)ゝ

(End of this chapter)

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