Chapter 195

Not far from the entrance of St. Freya Academy, two red-haired girls walked slowly.One of the taller girls came to the gate and stopped to watch, sighing: "It's been a long time since I went back to Saint Freya Academy!"

"Sister Chiyuan, the last time we came here was during the New Year!"

Another red-haired girl also sighed.

"Uh...Phil, I'm still not used to you calling me that, why don't you just call me Mingyi?"

That's right, the two red-haired girls who appeared at the gate of St. Freya Academy at this time were Phil and Lin Yu.It's just that the situation is a bit special.

Phil's current appearance is a new image after focusing her power on the fire core. She herself calls it the red lotus form.Her previous image has always been dominated by ice blue, which is the form of frost.After all, Phil has four cores with different attributes, so besides the red lotus and frost forms, she also has two forms, but basically they are not used.

As for the tall red-haired girl next to Phil, it was naturally Lin Yu.But this Lin Yu is not that Lin Yu, because this is the appearance of Lin Yu attaching his consciousness to Danzhu's transformed new soul steel body.To put it bluntly, this is a substitute of Lin Yu, but Dan Zhu turned it into a girlish image.

"That's not allowed. This is what Sister Danzhu said. This soul steel body can only be called Chiyuan. This is agreed by Sister Cangxuan and Sister Lulu!"

Before leaving the void, Dan Zhu specifically told her that Lin Yu in this image could only be called Chi Yuan.

"I'm really convinced by Danzhu, why do you have to change the double into this?"

Lin Yu was also speechless at this time.You know, when he first saw this substitute transformed by Danzhu, he only thought it was a toy made by Danzhu.Who would have thought that this would be a substitute for him in the future?Moreover, Lin Yu in this state can only be called Chiyuan!

"I should have taught Dan Zhu a good lesson yesterday!"

One day ago, in the weapon room between the void.

Danzhu just showed Cangxuan his favorite work, but what he got in exchange was only two "hehe" from Cangxuan.

"Sister, what do you mean? Is there any problem after my transformation?"

Danzhu didn't understand the meaning of Cangxuan's two "hehe".In her opinion, she has transformed this soul steel body to perfection!
"You'll know when you think about it!"

Cang Xuan didn't say anything more, turned around and continued to repair the third God's key.Although she has repaired the severely damaged parts, after more than 5 years of baptism, there are always some minor problems in other places.And her next task is to completely repair the third god key, but before repairing, she has to let Lin Yu copy the core of the Herrscher of Thunder inside.

"Is there really a problem? Let me take a closer look!"

After Dan Zhu heard Cangxuan's words, he really thought that there was something wrong with his transformed soul steel body, so he stood there and observed carefully.

The soul steel body that was originally blond-haired Otto has been transformed into a girlish image.

The girl closed her eyes tightly, and she had long, flame-like red hair. There were two feather ornaments swaying gently around her ears. At the end of her long hair, there was a Jingwei bird hair ornament tied to it. Together.If Lin Yu saw this hair accessory, he would be familiar with it, because it was almost exactly the same as the one Fu Hua was wearing.

The red-haired girl's costume is also designed by Danzhu in the style of Shenzhou's wings.Its color is mainly white, with gold trim and green gem ornaments, and even the legs are tied with gold ribbons as decoration.What is more noticeable is that there is a vivid phoenix pattern on the back, which is probably a masterpiece of Danzhu!

"The image of a young girl, with skin that can be broken by blowing bullets, reveals an indescribable beauty, mystery and charm from beginning to end. It is a perfect work!"

Danzhu looked up and down his masterpiece several times, but he couldn't find any problem.So she could only ask Cang Xuan for help: "Sister, what's the problem? Just tell me! It's convenient for me to change it!"

Cang Xuan, who was checking the various subtleties of the Third God's Key, was in no mood to continue after being teased by Dan Zhu.So she put down her work and said, "Even if I tell you, it's useless. Your transformation direction was wrong from the beginning, so what should I do?"

"The transformation is in the wrong direction? Isn't there something wrong with my work?"

Danzhu looked puzzled.

"Did I mention that there is something wrong with your work?"

Cangxuan never said that Danzhu's works are problematic from the beginning to the end, okay!

"Then it's okay! Lin Yu will definitely be satisfied with such a perfect work!"

After speaking, Dan Zhu went to make final adjustments to the soul steel body in the cabin.You know, the original soul steel body was bigger than it is now, so Danzhu used the extra materials to equip the transformed soul steel body with a set of weapons.

After Dan Zhu completed the final adjustment, a sword slowly appeared beside Soul Steel's body.Unlike Taidao, this sword is an authentic Shenzhou sword.The overall color of the sword is mainly red, and the hilt is red, shaped like the wings of a phoenix; there are faint red lines on the blade.

"I don't know how Lin Yu will react after seeing this?"

Cang Xuan knew that Lin Yu wanted to use this soul steel body as his substitute.But it's good now, I don t know if Lin Yu can accept it after being made into this state by Dan Zhu.

"Cangxuan! Danzhu! I'm coming in."

Just when Cang Xuan was curious, Lin Yu's voice came in from outside the door.

"Okay! The real master has arrived, and there is a good show to watch!"

For some reason, Cang Xuan was inexplicably looking forward to Lin Yu's next reaction.Fortunately, she forcibly suppressed her expression, and then said to Lin Yu:
"Lin Yu, you came just in time. The Third God's Key has basically been repaired, you can copy the Herrscher core inside first. I will carry out the next maintenance later."

"No problem, it's just a matter of 1 minute!"

As Lin Yu became more familiar with the power of his Herrscher, it only took him a minute to copy the core of his Herrscher.And it only takes a dozen seconds to forcibly extract the energy in the core to re-form the Herrscher's core.

One minute later, a purple core of the Herrscher of Thunder appeared in Lin Yu's hands. After all, he already had a core of thunder in his body.Although it is not complete, as time goes by, it will only be a matter of time.

"Okay! Next, I should go and see how the double that Dan Zhu helped me get is doing well?"

Lin Yu casually put the core of thunder into the star language space, and then prepared to walk towards Danzhu.

"That... be gentle on Danzhu later!"


Lin Yu didn t understand why Cang Xuan would say such a thing suddenly, as if he was going to hit Dan Zhu after a while.

On the other side, Ji Lin had just finished training and was about to go to the weapon room to see the situation of Cangxuan and Danzhu.

"Danzhu, stop! I promise I won't beat you to death!"

"Help! I didn't do it on purpose. It's okay if I'm wrong!"

Before reaching the weapon room, Ji Lin saw Dan Zhu fleeing from the weapon room in a panic, and the person chasing her was Lin Yu.

"What did Danzhu do to make Lin Yu so angry?"

Ji Lin, who didn't know what happened at all, was also stunned, but she was sure that Danzhu must have done something unusual to offend Lin Yu. After all, Lin Yu didn't seem to be angry with anyone so far .

After seeing Ji Lin, Dan Zhu seemed to see a savior, and shouted: "Xuanyuan, save me quickly! Lin Yu is going to kill me!"

Of course, this is Danzhu's exaggeration.No matter what, Lin Yu wouldn't do that!
Dan Zhu quickly hid behind Ji Lin, using Ji Lin as a shield.

"Danzhu, stop for me!"

Lin Yu rushed over aggressively, but Dan Zhu kept hiding behind Ji Lin and could not come out.

"Stop, stop, stop! What the hell is going on?"

Ji Lin, who had been used by Dan Zhu to block Lin Yu, couldn t stand it anymore, so he forcibly called the two of them back.

"You can ask Danzhu what good things this guy has done!"

Lin Yu's anger did not decrease at all, which shows how ruthlessly Danzhu made him angry!

"Danzhu, what have you done?"

Ji Lin asked Dan Zhu who was hiding behind him why.

"I just transformed the substitute that Lin Yu was going to use into the appearance of Chi Yuan."

Dan Zhu struggled for a long time, and finally told the reason for Lin Yu's anger.

"What does Chiyuan look like?"

Ji Lin's face was full of doubts.

"You told me that this is what the monitor looks like? Who would believe it?"

I saw Lin Yu snapped his fingers with a "snap", and a red-haired girl slowly walked out of the weapon room.

"Huh? Who is this?"

Ji Lin was dumbfounded when he saw the red-haired girl.This is red kite?She doesn't know this guy at all, okay?
"This is the red kite that Danzhu was talking about!"

Lin Yu told the truth.

"Uh... let me explain this matter!"

Cang Xuan also came out of the weapon room.She was afraid that if she didn t come out again, Dan Zhu would really be beaten up by Lin Yu!

It turns out that more than 5000 years ago, Danzhu deliberately beautified her image in order to better publicize the deeds of Fu Hua, who was then known as the Chiyuan Immortal, to the world.That is the image of the red-haired girl in front of the three of them.

"You told me it was just cosmetic? Are you sure?"

Lin Yu looked carefully at the "Chi Yuan" in front of him, and then recalled Fu Hua's appearance.

What should I say!The Fu Hua in Lin Yu's impression definitely did not have the temperament of Chi Yuan in front of him.So he doesn't believe what he says, this is a beautified Fu Hua.

"At that time, Chi Yuan's reaction was the same as yours. She also felt that Dan Zhu seemed to be overly prettified."

In fact, not only Fu Hua, but even Cang Xuan felt that Dan Zhu had overly beautified Chi Yuan.

"Didn't I want Chi Yuan to think of something after seeing this?"

In fact, Dan Zhu never forgot that this substitute was for Lin Yu, but she had her own plan for transforming it into this appearance, which was to stimulate Fu Hua to think of her past memories.Otherwise, she wouldn't fail to understand Cang Xuan's meaning.

"I really got you!"

Lin Yu was also speechless.Danzhu realized her idea, but he was the one who got tricked!
"It looks like I have to delay Dan Zhu's plan to simulate the core!"

Standing on the gate of St. Freya Academy, Lin Yu became angry when he remembered what happened yesterday.He had to punish Danzhu well, otherwise the anger in his heart would be difficult to dispel.

"Sister Chiyuan, we've been standing here for a while, should we go in?"

Just when Lin Yu was recalling what happened yesterday, Phil saw that she hadn't moved, so he called Lin Yu again by that name.


Lin Yu didn't want to say anything more about this.

Now that I have used this substitute, let's treat myself as Chi Yuan for the time being!
 The next chapter, Goose will be on the stage, and the protagonist and Goose finally "meet"! PS: Guess what will happen next?乛乛

(End of this chapter)

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