Chapter 21
After the happy lunch party was over, Lin Yu and Mei Yi cleared the table.Fu Hua went back to his dormitory to organize his things and prepare to move in. Kiyana was given special counseling by Ji Zi. Teresa just sat on the sofa and read comics. Bronya was still the same.

"Theresa, the class in the afternoon seems to be a practical class. Is it possible that we should learn from each other?" Lin Yu recalled the course, a little unclear what the practical class was about, so he asked Theresa.

"Actual combat class in the afternoon? You don't need to go to it. Jizi and I will test your Valkyrie level!" Teresa laughed while reading the comics, and answered Lin Yu.

"Grade determination? How do you measure it?" Mei also didn't understand.

"Oh! Don't ask me for now! You will know this afternoon! Don't disturb me reading comics!" In Teresa's eyes, reading comics after dinner is a very enjoyable thing, and you can't be disturbed.

Just read comics!Lin Yu has never seen such a Valkyrie, and she is also one of the strongest S-rank Valkyrie.Could it be that the other two S-rank Valkyries are also so "special"!

At the same time, the Destiny Headquarters,

"Ah chirp—" the two S-rank Valkyrie in the gym sneezed inexplicably.

"Huh? What's going on?" A Valkyrie who was exercising was wearing a black vest, a black and white short skirt, and a light golden wavy single ponytail.As an S-rank Valkyrie, her physical fitness can be very high, there is no reason to sneeze.

"Master Ulandal, it looks like you should take a break! Your body protested just now!" On the other side, a Valkyrie with short gray-blonde hair and wearing a black silk maid outfit spoke to Youlandai who was still exercising. Er said.

"Understood! Rita!" Urandale stopped exercising after saying that, took a towel to wipe off her sweat and hung it aside.

"Then, let's sit down and have a rest, and have a cup of tea!" Rita smiled at Yolandelle.

Ulandal didn't refuse, but chose the place to drink tea in the yard outside the gym.

"Master Ulandal, the tea is ready!" Rita walked over with a set of tea sets.Then he poured a cup of tea for Ulandal.

After receiving the tea poured by Rita, Ulandal finally sat down at the table and drank it leisurely.Rita poured herself a cup after pouring tea for Urandale, and sat down with Urandale to drink tea.

"Master Ulandal, have you heard? Master Teresa has completed her mission and returned to the academy last night."

"Is Theresa?" After taking a few sips of tea, Ulandal put down the cup and asked, "Has she completed the mission in Changkong City?"

"Master Teresa's strength is of course no problem! Although there are pseudo-Hersersrsrschers, they were all solved by Master Teresa!" Rita seemed to have great confidence in Teresa.

If Lin Yu heard Rita's words, he would probably ask her a few words.What does it mean that there is no problem with Teresa's strength?If Yae Sakura hadn't saved her, she would have died long ago.What happened to the Pseudo-Herserscher being solved by Teresa?Obviously he worked so hard that he almost lost his life to solve it!Why is it all on Teresa's head!

All right!Lin Yu had no idea how Delisa reported to the Tianming headquarters.If he knew, Lin Yu had to have a good talk with Teresa.

"The bishop must be very happy!" Urandale continued to drink tea after taking a break.

"The bishop is really happy! He even approved a sum of money for St. Freya College!"

"St. Freya College?" When the name was mentioned, Ulandal seemed to recall the past.

When she signed up for the Valkyrie special training at the Destiny Headquarters, she also considered entering St. Freya Academy.But after seeing Teresa's lazy character and the relaxed academic system of St. Freya College, she gave up the idea of ​​entering St. Freya College and entered the headquarters of Destiny instead.But now, she far exceeds Teresa in terms of ability and position.As the youngest A-level Valkyrie in the history of Destiny, and the strongest active-duty S-level Valkyrie, Ulandal's strength is beyond doubt.

"Master Teresa not only completed the mission, but also rescued a few survivors from Changkong City!" Rita has been praising Teresa's record since just now.If Lin Yu was present, he would definitely argue with Rita.Obviously he was the one who saved Teresa, okay?
"To be able to survive the collapse of Changkong City, they must have high resistance to collapse. Have they all entered St. Freya College?"

"Yes! Lady Teresa directly brought them back to St. Freya Academy, and offered to keep them in the academy!"

"Their aptitudes are good, can we really teach them well in that kind of teaching environment?" Ulandal was very disgusted with the teaching method of St. Freya College.In her opinion, no powerful Valkyrie would be taught under that loose teaching system.Even if you have good qualifications, you are afraid that you will be delayed.

"There is no way! The bishop has already agreed! In his opinion, whether or not there are those few people will not affect the fighting power of the destiny! After all, there are you and you, Mr. Ulandal!" Rita said. Holding the teacup, he smiled at Youlandelle.

"Since the bishop has agreed, I won't say anything more!" Urandale drank the tea in the cup, then stood up and said to Rita, "Rita, come out for a walk with me!"

Rita did not reject Ulandal's suggestion, but nodded, cleaned up the tea set on the table, and walked out with Ulandelle.

St. Freya College,

At this time, Lin Yu was helping Fu Hua move her luggage to her room.Although there are not many boxes, each one is surprisingly heavy.Lin Yu even wanted to open it to see what was inside.This is of course impossible, and Lin Yu still knows this basic courtesy.

"Okay! Thank you, Lin Yu! Everything has been moved!" After moving the luggage, Fu Hua thanked Lin Yu.

"It's okay! It's just a little thing!" Probably due to the influence of the stigmata, Lin Yu's physical fitness is improving every day. Although the luggage is heavy, he can't be tired by this alone.

"It's still some time before the afternoon test, Lin Yu, why don't you go to the training ground to practice with me first!" After moving the luggage, there was nothing to do, so Fu Hua suggested going to the training ground first.

"Yes! No problem! Just ask the monitor for advice!" Lin Yu also agreed without any hesitation.He was also very curious about this person who could become the monitor, so it happened to see what she was capable of this time.

After notifying Mei Yi who was accompanying Qiyana in tutoring (just to accompany, based on Mei's learning ability, she didn't need tutoring), Lin Yu followed Fu Hua to the training ground.

After arriving at the training ground, Fu Hua took Lin Yu to a training room, and inserted his student ID in it.

"Ding! Hello! A-level Valkyrie Fu Hua, welcome to the fighting training room!"

"Er... the monitor is actually the same as Teacher Ji Zi, both are A-level Valkyries!" Lin Yu was startled in his heart, obviously Fu Hua's level scared him, but fortunately, his performance was still calm and he did not show surprise expression.

"Huh? Lin Yu didn't seem surprised to hear that I was an A-level Valkyrie!" Fu Hua glanced at the calm Lin Yu.

"Even Teresa can become an S-rank Valkyrie, what else can I not accept?" Compared with Teresa who is an S-rank Valkyrie, the fact that Fu Hua is an A-rank Valkyrie obviously does not count. what.

"That's right! I asked too much!" Then Fu Hua entered the training room and introduced Lin Yu to the martial arts he had mastered.

What Fu Hua practiced was Cunxin Boxing. Although it was boxing, it also included body skills.The basic moves of Cun Xin Boxing mainly include Cun Jin·Yan Po, Cun Jin·Yun Lan, Cun Jin·Luan Lei and Cun Jin·Pili.And after mastering the more profound boxing techniques, you can use the more powerful Cunjin·Landeng, Cunjin·Open Sky and Cunjinji·Pili.The body move is Suzaku Treading Clouds, which can be quickly dodged in a very short time after mastering it.

"I'll go! This is too powerful!" Lin Yu was stunned seeing the huge Taiji-like air waves generated between Fu Hua's hands during the demonstration and the air flow generated during extreme speed dodge.

"How about it? How much can you remember after I demonstrate it once? Try typing it once!"

Lin Yu didn't expect Fu Hua to let him demonstrate, so he quickly recalled Fu Hua's actions just now in his mind, and then started the demonstration.

But how could Lin Yu, who had only watched it once, remember such complicated moves!After one pass, Fu Hua pointed out no fewer than ten mistakes.

"As far as beginners are concerned, you are already pretty good! Anyway, you have memorized the general moves, but you are not sure about many details!" Fu Hua is not satisfied with Lin Yu's performance, but it is not Poor, it can only be said to be average.

"This set of moves almost exhausted me!" As soon as the demonstration was over, Lin Yu was so tired that he was out of breath.Anyway, Lin Yu's body was also strengthened by the stigmata. If it was changed to what it was before the outbreak of Honkai, Lin Yu would probably be exhausted before he finished training.I really don't know how Fu Hua can remain so calm after demonstrating a set.

"It's good to get used to it! If you can practice every day, it will also have a lot of benefits in strengthening your body!" Fu Hua said looking at Lin Yu lying on the ground tired.Indeed, after such a tiring set, the exercise for the body is not a star.

"It seems that you can try to practice this boxing technique after practicing fencing in the future!" Although Lin Yu was paralyzed on the ground, he was thinking about the direction of future training in his mind.

"Okay! Just take a break! The principal and the others should go to the testing room, so let's go too!" Fu Hua looked at the time and found that it was getting late.

"Understood! Let's go!" Lin Yu, who had recovered a little, got up all of a sudden, and walked to the test site not far away with Fu Hua.There, Lin Yu will get his own strength level.

"I just want to know how strong I am now! Don't let me down!"

(End of this chapter)

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