The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 22 Grade Determination

Chapter 22 Grade Determination
When Fu Hua and Lin Yu arrived at the test site, they found that Ji Zi and others had already arrived.

"Sorry! We're late!"

"It's okay!" Ji Zi responded to Lin Yu and Fu Hua, while adjusting the machine around him, and said, "The content of the measurement is still being designed, and the formal measurement has not yet started!"

The test procedure of the machine was still being adjusted, so Lin Yu went to Mei and the others and chatted with them for a while.

"Do you want to go first during the test?" Lin Yu asked the three of them.

"Of course Miss Ben came first! I can't wait!" As she said that, Qiyana took out the pulse pistol that Lin Yu had given her, and swung it around a few times in her hand.

"Okay! You go first! I want to see which level you can be positioned at?" Lin Yu was very interested in the test results of Qiyana who was clamoring every day to become an S-level Valkyrie. Let's take a look at her Whether the strength can match her level.

"Then let me do it after Kiyana is over!" Mei was also unwilling to show weakness, wanting to know her own strength.At this time, she was wearing the Liuye Taidao that Lin Yu gave her on her waist.

"Then Bronya is right behind Sister Mei!" Bronya's test probably won't require weapons, and her heavy armored bunny is a big killer.

After Lin Yu asked, the order of the three people's measurements was decided.Originally, Lin Yu thought that if they didn t want to come first, he would go first.I didn't expect them to be more active than the other.

"Okay! Okay! I'm the last! Ladies first!" Lin Yu walked aside helplessly, waiting for the test to start.

The debugging of the machine took about ten minutes to get it done.

"OK! The machine has been debugged! You can come here!" Ji Zi beckoned to the four of Lin Yu and asked them to come over.

"Look! This is the machine that measures your level!" Teresa stood next to a machine, slapping her hands and introducing to Lin Yu and the others, "This is a combat simulation device, which can simulate the level of battles from ordinary dead soldiers to emperors." Super Honkai Beast. But don’t worry, you can fight with your hands free, if there is any danger, we will shut down the machine outside!”

"Which one of you will test first?" Ji Zi asked while standing by the console.

"Miss, come first!" Kiyana was the first to stand up, after all, it was discussed just now.

Afterwards, Qiyana entered the test field, and the surrounding walls were raised at this time.On the field, Qiyana was ready with guns in both hands.

"Come on! Come on! Let Miss Ben show her strength!" Qiyana, who was ready, looked very confident.

The first test species released were ordinary dead soldiers, and the number was not many, only four.This is too easy for Qiyana who has a pulse pistol, just a few shots.Then the test species was upgraded and became an advanced Honkai Beast and an ordinary dead soldier.

"This won't trouble Miss Ben!" Kiyana directly shot and killed the dead man while avoiding the charge of the advanced Honkai Beast.Then turn around and deal with the Honkai Beast. This time it took Kiyana a little time, but it was still solved.

"I feel that Qiyana will be reluctant to deal with the chariot-level Honkai Beast?" Lin Yu, who was watching from the console, looked at Qiyana who was testing.Lin Yu watched Qiyana's way of dealing with the advance level Honkai beast and judged that she might not be able to deal with the tank level one, even if she did, she would probably be exhausted.

The test results did not exceed Lin Yu's expectations. Qiyana did solve the chariot-level Honkai Beast, but there was no way to continue the test.

"Such strength!" Teresa looked at Qiyana's test results, analyzed them a bit, and said, "Barely reach the B-level standard!"

"It's not bad! But compared with the normal B Valkyrie, she is almost too much!" Ji Zi also commented on Qiyana's performance.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh——" Qiyana stepped out of the test machine, "If it wasn't for the wheel fight, I would definitely be able to get rid of that big guy!"

"Student Qiyana, when dealing with the Houkai Beast, the real Valkyries face more numbers than this!" Fu Hua said to Qiyana very seriously after pushing his eyes.

That is for sure!In a real battle, the Houkai Beasts wouldn't just attack one by one foolishly, they were all in groups!
Who is next Ji Zi clicked on the operating table a few times, and then asked the remaining three people, Mei, Lin Yu, and Bronya.

"It's me!" Mei walked towards the tester.

"Behave well!" Lin Yu made a cheering gesture to Mei.Mei Yi smiled and nodded to Lin Yu after seeing it.

"Why don't you just start with ordinary dead soldiers? Teresa, do you think it's okay?" Ji Zi asked Teresa who was next to him with only one head exposed on the console.

"Mei should be fine, yes!" Teresa looked at Mei on the field, but she didn't notice the way Jizi looked at her.Seeing that Teresa agreed, Ji Zi directly skipped the test of ordinary dead soldiers.

On the field, Mei held the willowed sword in her hand, ready to attack at any time.When the ordinary slayers and the advance-level Honkai beast appeared, Mei was not surprised at all, and rushed over directly.

As the successor of Beichen's one-sword style, although Mei's skills can't be said to be very powerful, it is more than enough to deal with these things.Compared with Kiana, Mei's speed is much faster.Until the chariot-level Honkai beast appeared, Mei's performance has been very stable.

"It seems that her result should be better than that of Kiyana." Ji Zi looked at Mei's performance, which was obviously better than that of Kiyana.

Facing this chariot-level Honkai beast that chased her for several streets, Mei didn't hesitate.At that time, she didn't have the weapons to fight against the Houkai beast, but now it's different.With the Houkai weapon, it is still possible to deal with these.Although it took a little time, Mei still solved the chariot-level Honkai Beast.

"It can be stopped!" Ji Zi did not continue to test Mei, "It seems that she can reach the standard of a B-level Valkyrie, but it is only average. If she has the Valkyrie armor, she should be able to reach the B-level intermediate level!"

"It's really good! You can consider configuring a set of armor!" Teresa is also very satisfied with Mei's performance.

After Mei came out, Bronya entered the test site without saying anything.

"Mei, you did a good job! You performed much better than someone!" Lin Yu gave Mei Yi a thumbs up.

"It's still a lot worse than you!" Mei knew Lin Yu's strength, and it was much easier than them to deal with the chariot-level Honkai beast.

You stinky Lin Yu, what did you say just now A certain Kiyana's reaction seemed to be delayed, and only then did she realize that the person Lin Yu was talking about was her.

"I didn't say my name, you took the seat yourself!" Lin Yu did not say her name, but it was obviously Qiyana.

"Ahhh - I'm fighting with you!" Seeing that Qiyana was about to rush over, fortunately she was stopped by Mei.

"Qiana, stop messing around, Bronya is still testing!"

"Hmph! For Mei's sake, I won't bother with you!" Kiyana turned her head away as if she was awkward, and snorted softly.Then I watched Bronya's test with Mei.

"Sister Jizi!" Lin Yu walked to the console, wanting to change the test on Bronya, and said, "I think the test on Bronya can start directly from the chariot-level Honkai beast!"

"Why?" Ji Zi didn't understand Lin Yu's suggestion.

"You'll know if you try it! Right? Mei!" After Lin Yu finished speaking, he turned back and asked Mei Yi.

No problem, Sister Ji Zi Mei also agreed with Lin Yu's suggestion.

It is estimated that Qiyana is going to be autistic, why does she have to start from scratch when she takes the test?But Kiyana didn't seem to feel this, she was still holding Mei's hand, looking at Bronya in the test field.

"Okay! Since you all said that, I will do it too!" Ji Zilai, Lin Yu and Mei Yi both said that, and agreed.After all, they are the most familiar.

Bronya on the field looked at the chariot-level Honkai beast, without any change on his face.In the next second, the reloaded Xiaotu 19C appeared directly, the artillery charged up, fired, and then...then it was over.It was very simple and rude, and within a few seconds, the chariot-level Honkai beast was dealt with.

"How is it? Sister Jizi, my suggestion is correct!" Lin Yu looked at Jizi who was startled by Bronya.

"What happened to that robot just now? Why didn't it appear before?" Jizi's surprise was not Bronya's performance, but the sudden appearance of the reinstalled Xiaotu 19C robot.

"It's up to Bronya to explain this to you! I don't know the details!" Lin Yu doesn't know much about Bronya's heavy-duty bunny 19C, he only knows that it can be blurred and manifested at any time, that's all .

"Bronya's performance with the robot should be considered good in the B-level!" Ji Zi simply commented on Bronia's test.

"Bronya relies on the advantage of weapons. If Qiyana and Mei have armor, they should be about the same!" Lin Yu analyzed secretly in his heart.Kiana and Mei don't have as powerful weapons as Bronya, so it's normal for them to perform poorly.

Teresa didn't say much about the performance of the three of Mei.When it was time for Lin Yu to play, Teresa didn t seem to cheer up a little bit, and she started to get a little serious.

"Jizi, Lin Yu will directly use the temple level test in the test later!" Teresa said quietly after approaching Jizi.

"Huh? You're not kidding, are you?" Ji Zi lowered his voice a lot after seeing Teresa approaching.

"It's okay! I understand Lin Yu's strength!" Teresa was full of confidence in Lin Yu's name, thinking: He also defeated the person who resembled the Herrscher anyway, and it is not trivial to solve a temple-level Houkai beast .

"You are the head of the school, so you have the final say!" Although Ji Zi didn't understand Teresa's suggestion, she knew that Teresa would not do this for no reason, and there must be her reasons.

"Okay! It's my turn!" Lin Yu geared up and seemed to be looking forward to the next test.

 The one update and two chapters agreed the day before yesterday will be delivered today!It will be done around eleven o'clock!Please be patient! PS: I received the news that the signing conditions have been met today!Don't say anything!I am happy, tomorrow will be one more chapter and two!Please use comments and recommendation votes to wake up me who is so happy!

(End of this chapter)

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