The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 248 I'm sorry, I don't want to

Chapter 248 I'm sorry, I don't want to

With the opening of the door, the warm sunlight shone on the bride's pale golden hair, making it the most eye-catching presence in the audience.

"I should have guessed it earlier."

Looking at the "shining" bride standing in front of the gate, Lin Yu couldn t help but smiled helplessly.

The bride was wearing a pure white and beautiful wedding dress, and the white rose-like hem behind her gradually turned into a trail of not too thick or thin layers of gauze.And although the nearly transparent veil made it impossible for everyone to see the bride's appearance clearly, it also set off a kind of hazy beauty.

With the change of the rhythm of "Wedding March", the petals all over the sky fell one after another.The bride also stepped onto the red carpet slowly under the background of the petal rain, and the tail of her wedding dress also slid gently along the red carpet.

The bride walked along the red carpet to the host stage where Lin Yu was, and the eyes of all the guests on both sides were attracted by the beautiful figure of the bride.

"The bride is so beautiful!"

When the bride walked past where Kallen and Otto were sitting, Kallen couldn't help praising her.

"No matter how beautiful she is, she is not as beautiful as you! You were the most beautiful in my eyes when you were wearing a wedding dress."

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this sentence is most suitable for Otto.

Walking through the long red carpet, the bride came to the host stage and stood opposite Lin Yu.

"Xiaoyu, are you nervous now?"

Through the veil, the bride smiled and looked at Lin Yu in front of her, and asked him.

"Nana, aren't you nervous at such an important moment?"


The bride is none other than Youlandelle.

Lin Yu was also shocked when he saw Youlandelle in a white wedding dress appearing in front of the gate.

Fortunately, Lin Yu knew that this was actually a dream, so he quickly recovered.

It's just that even if this is just a dream, the appearance of this Ulandal is exactly the same as that in reality.Not to mention Youlandelle in her wedding dress, she looked absolutely stunning.

Reality, in "Sumi Mustard Seed".


At this time, Su looked at the wedding of Lin Yu and You Landal on the light screen and was speechless.

What the Eighth Herrscher was doing in that dream! The "groom" himself is standing behind him now!

"The Eighth Herrscher, you did a great job!"

Looking at the wedding between himself and Youlandal in the dream, Lin Yu couldn t help but praise the Eighth Herrscher in the dream.

In reality, the possibility of this scene appearing is almost zero. After all, Youlandal and Lin Yu in reality belong to the two camps of Destiny and Yuren respectively, and more importantly, these two camps are still in a state of opposition.

You can't see Youlandal in a wedding dress in reality, but Lin Yu is feasting your eyes on Youlandal in a wedding dress in a dream.

"Book of Cangxuan, has this scene been recorded?"

That's right!How could Lin Yu not record such a meaningful picture and keep it for collection!

"Master, all the images have been recording since you gave the order."

Cangxuanzhishu reported the video recording status to Lin Yu.

"By the way, record the previous images about Otto and the images about Otto at the wedding separately."

How could Otto, an eyesore, appear on the wedding screen between himself and Youlandelle?
Lin Yu would not allow it no matter what!
Of course, Karen and the shrunken version of Teresa can still stay in the video, so Otto is the only one who is kicked out of the screen.

"Yes, Master!"

After receiving Lin Yu's order, Cangxuanzhishu also immediately began to process the previous images about Otto and the scene of Otto appearing in the wedding.

For a supercomputer of its level, this kind of operation can be done in a few minutes.

"Uh... Lin Yu, what are you doing recording these pictures?"

When Xiaona finished eating the last bit of snacks in the snack bag, she happened to hear the conversation between Lin Yu and Cangxuan Zhishu, and her little face was suddenly full of doubts.

Do these images have any significance?

"There is no special use, it is purely for collection."

You know, it is impossible to see Youlandelle wearing a wedding dress in reality, let alone one that appears in the wedding hall.

If this kind of scene is not recorded properly now, there will be no next time. Wouldn't it be a pity!

"Is there any collection value for such a picture?"

Xiaona took a few more glances at the scene of "Lin Yu" and Youlandelle standing in the church holding a wedding on the light screen, and looked at it very carefully, as if she wanted to see the collection value of this scene from above.

But she shouldn't be able to see anything, after all, the collection value of this picture is only for Lin Yu alone.

"It's almost time to end! I don't believe that I will accept that kind of fake wedding!"

Looking at the wedding going on on the light screen, Lin Yu secretly guessed in his heart.

The "Lin Yu" in the dream was transformed by a strand of his own consciousness, so he must have the same personality as the main body!So Lin Yu probably guessed that he should almost break this beautiful false dream.

In the dream, at this time Lin Yu and You Landal were standing side by side facing the priest in front of the presiding stage.

Because this is an important part for the priest to read the marriage testimony and give blessings to the bride and groom, and it is also the last part of the wedding.

"Bride, are you willing to marry the groom and swear that you will always love him, respect him, and care for him regardless of health or disease, wealth or poverty?"

The priest began to read the marriage testimony, and asked the bride Yolandail a question.

"Yes I do!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ulandelle answered the priest's question.

After seeing that the bride had finished answering without hesitation, the priest turned his attention to Lin Yu as the groom, and then asked him similar questions as before.

"Groom, are you willing to take the bride as your wife and swear that you will always love her, care for her, and care for her no matter how rich or poor, whether you are healthy or sick?"

Facing the same question as Youlandelle, Lin Yu did not answer immediately, but fell into silence.

Afterwards, he took Yolandal's hand and turned around and looked at all the guests present.

Among these guests were many familiar faces, such as Ragnar, Kallen, the miniature version of Theresa, and so on.

"Huh? Xiaoyu, what's the matter with you? It's time for you to answer what the priest said."

You Landal didn't understand why Lin Yu did this suddenly. Shouldn't he answer the priest's question?
"Nana, you are so beautiful now!"

Lin Yu let go of Youlandelle's hand, then slowly raised his hand, and gently touched Youlandelle's cheek through the veil.

"If all this is true, I would answer 'I do' without hesitation, what a pity!"

Lin Yu regretted silently in his heart.

Then he turned to look at the priest as if he had made up his mind, and asked with an extremely serious expression:

"Father, did you just ask me if I would marry the bride?"

"Yes, please answer, groom!"

Although the priest didn't understand why Lin Yu asked such a serious face, he still answered Lin Yu's question.

However, Lin Yu's next answer shocked everyone present, including Youlandelle.

Because Lin Yu's answer was:

"Sorry, I don't want to!"

 Due to personal reasons, starting from this week, it will be changed to three times a week, and it will be updated on February [-] (no change tomorrow). If there is any situation, it will be notified in the group. PS: I couldn't update yesterday due to special reasons, I hope you will forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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