Chapter 249 The final test
Everyone in the church was stunned the moment they heard Lin Yu's sentence "Sorry, I don't want to".

The groom doesn't want to?How is this going?

"Xiao Yu, isn't marrying Bianca what you've always wanted to achieve? Why don't you want to?"

Ragnar, who was sitting in the first row, came back to his senses first, and immediately asked Lin Yu, who had his back turned to her, the reason.

"The reason? I don't need to tell you, you should all know it!"

Lin Yu turned around slowly, without the slightest intention to answer Ragnar's question.

But those who heard Lin Yu's words were stunned immediately, because they didn't understand what it meant.Only Ragnar's expression changed slightly.

At the same time, a long sword exuding a faint golden light quietly appeared in Lin Yu's right hand.

This is the weapon he condensed with the last remaining power of consciousness, and it is also the key for him to break through this dream.

Just when Lin Yu was about to swing the pale golden long sword in his hand, the whole space suddenly turned gray, and no one except Lin Yu and Ragnar could move.

"Did you finally show your true colors?"

Lin Yu didn't feel the slightest surprise about this change. After all, he had already noticed that something was wrong with Ragnar when he gathered his strength, but he didn't say it.

"Why? Why are you unwilling to accept this dream? Isn't it good to live forever in the dream like this?"

At this time, Ragnar exuded a thick black air, and roared at Lin Yu very angrily.

This is already obvious.

This "Ragnar" is what the Eighth Herrscher turned into, and it is it that is manipulating this dream.

"You really like to touch my nilin again and again! It seems that when I hit you just now, I hit you a little lightly!"

Looking at the "Ragnar" exuding black air in front of him, Lin Yu's eyes became extremely sharp.

Although it was said that Lin Yu fell into its dream as a result of the fight between Lin Yu and the Eighth Herrscher before, but Lin Yu did not suffer any damage during the battle. Instead, the Eighth Herrscher was beaten by Lin Yu.

"This is my domain, what can you do as a human being?"


Lin Yu clenched the pale golden long sword in his hand, and assumed a fighting posture.Then Lin Yu waved lightly at Ragnar horizontally.

With Lin Yu's light wave, a small pale golden sword light flew out from the blade.

"Xuanyuan swordsmanship, three moves—opening the world!"

This tiny sword light that seemed to be waved gently brought endless threats to "Ragnar".What's more, at such a close distance, the Eighth Herrscher didn't have any time to react.


Jian Guang mercilessly hit the Eighth Herrscher, causing it to dissipate into black air while screaming in pain.

This blow not only severely damaged its body, but also its spirit.

As the Eighth Herrscher was repelled by Lin Yu, the entire space disappeared silently.


When Lin Yu opened his eyes again, he was already in the hatch of the observation hub.

At the same time, Youlandal, the observation hub beside Lin Yu, also slowly opened his eyes.

"Observations No. 26 and 27 have awakened. The position of "it" has been successfully located. "

When the two heard the news, before they could say anything, they saw Dr. Otto covered in blood not far away.

"Bianca, Lin Yu, well done! Unfortunately, I can no longer fulfill my promise to celebrate with you."

With all his last effort, Otto finally waited until Lin Yu and Youlandal woke up, but this was his limit.

The next moment, Otto leaned weakly against the console, motionless.

In reality, "Sumi Mustard Seed".

"It seems that I want to congratulate Miss Bianca, she has also passed the test of "reporting herself"."

SU looked at the light screen and Yolandelle woke up and said to himself.

"I really don't know what's the point of these tests? It looks boring!"

Lin Yu didn t know the significance of SU setting these tests for Youlandelle.If it weren't for these tests that didn't harm Ulandal, he would have woken Ulandelle up long ago.

"Through these trials, I have gradually approached Miss Bianca's heart. I have seen her justice and those who are most important to her. So it is time for this final step."

Simply explained to Lin Yu the significance of his test for Youlandelle, and Su began to prepare for the final test.

"Huh? The test is not over yet?"

Lin Yu was shocked after hearing this sentence.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin Yu. This is the final test, and it is also a test for Youlandelle alone."

As soon as this sentence came out, Lin Yu was relieved a lot, but it also made him have a question.

"Does that mean there is no chance for me to appear?"


SU didn't know what to say.

Could it be that if there are other people, are you going to mix it up?

"It seems that there is no more, then I will stop here!"

With that said, a faint golden thread of light quietly merged into Lin Yu's body.

This is exactly the ray of consciousness that Lin Yu had sneaked into the Youlandal trial before, and at this time he also returned to his body with the experience in the dream.

"Just stop here? Could it be that you have been inside before?"

"That's right! But I didn't affect Nana's trial."


SU was completely speechless.

He has been monitoring the entire trial dream, and has not found any trace of intrusion!
"Hurry up and finish the last step. I have something to do here, so I won't bother you."

That ray of consciousness contains a lot of memories, and Lin Yu has to digest them now.

However, Lin Yu left a little power of consciousness for Xiaona, and asked her to watch the situation during the trial with the Cangxuan Book. In case of accidents, she can protect Youlandal as soon as possible .

"Uh... ok."

At this point, SU can only let Lin Yu act freely.

No idea!He couldn't beat Lin Yu, and he didn't even know that Lin Yu had entered the trial space.

Besides ignoring Lin Yu, what else could he do?
"Hurry up and complete Miss Bianca's final test!"

SU walked to the side of Youlandelle under the big tree, stretched out his hand and tapped her forehead gently.

"In this final test of 'responsibility', I will engrave the key to saving the world into the depths of your consciousness. Don't let me down, Miss Bianca."

Following that light touch of SU, the picture on the light screen suddenly changed.

A tree appeared in the picture, and there were two people under the tree—Rita and Ulandal, and Rita was holding the Skyfire Great Sword in her hand.

"Oh? What's the situation? Why does it feel like I skipped so much all at once!"

When Xiaona saw the light screen that changed the scene, her face was full of doubts.

"I have already transmitted the necessary information to Miss Bianca from the consciousness level, so don't be surprised."

SU explained after seeing Xiaona who looked puzzled.

He didn't want Xiaona to call Lin Yu because of this incident. After all, there were only two people in the final trial scene-Youlandelle and Rita, and there was no need for a third person.

"Miss Bianca, you already know my story. Now it's your turn to be put to the test!"

As SU's voice fell, Rita in the trial space slowly walked towards Ulandal, and the Skyfire Great Sword in her hand also burned.

 After writing for so long, it's finally time for the scene you've been looking forward to—the scene where the protagonist and the goose recognize each other. PS: Due to personal reasons, the current update speed is already the limit, please understand! .·`(>▂<)`·.
(End of this chapter)

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