The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 258 "Offensive" Plan

Chapter 258 "Offensive" plan (double update today!)
"I hope Lulu can take it easy."

In fact, the only time Lin Yu was angry was when he saw Phil and Fei Yuwan's overwhelming offensive.When Lin Yu blocked those attacks with the flaming chain blade, Lin Yu had already noticed that they were joking, but Nuovalu, who was in a rage, didn t seem to think so.

And the seemingly serious but no big deal "scars" on Feiyuwan were basically electrified by Novalu's thunder arrows. Lin Yu's ice arrows shattered as soon as they touched Feiyuwan, which made her feel at most It's just itchy.

As for why Lin Yu told Novalu where Phil was?It was purely to add a bit of fun to this ordinary day.

Then Lin Yu sat down, then took out some snacks for Fei Yuwan, and comforted her a few words.

"I can feel Sister Lulu's 'killing intent' from those attacks, while those attacks of yours, brother, are basically broken at the touch of a touch, and can't affect me at all."

Hiyumaru, who had turned into a "pet" form, sat on the table and talked over and over again while holding a snack that was almost half her size and started to eat it.

"Before you started, Lulu was already annoyed by me, but in the end, you added fuel to the fire. These injuries of yours are considered minor."

Lin Yu stuffed a quick snack into his mouth, and then told the situation before the two arrived.

"Brother, so the culprit is you!"

After figuring out the ins and outs of the matter, Fei Yuwan immediately glared at Lin Yu with a small face, but this angry look had no deterrent power at all in her "pet" form, but looked even more cute.

"After this lesson, let's see if you dare to do anything again."

After Yae Sakura finished speaking, she took a sip of tea silently.

"Oh, yes! I suddenly remembered something."

Speaking of which, Lin Yu opened the communication interface and contacted Ji Lin and Kalian at the same time.

"Huh? Lin Yu, what's the matter?"

Ji Lin, who was accompanying Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu in the central control room, was also a little surprised when he suddenly received Lin Yu's contact.

"Ji Lin, what's the matter with you now? If there's nothing else, I want you to accompany me on a mission."

Lin Yu also stated the purpose of contacting her.

"What mission?"

Of course Ji Lin had to figure out what the task was, otherwise it would be difficult to prepare.

"Wait a minute, I also contacted Karen, come over and let me explain together."

While Lin Yu and Ji Lin were talking, Kalian's voice came from the other end of the communication.

"What's up?"

"Karen, are you free? If you are free, accompany me to perform a mission."

"Will Sakura participate in this mission?"

Kallen is "bound" to Yae Sakura when she goes out normally, so she has to ask in advance whether Yae Sakura is there or not compared to the task content.

"Karen, stop making trouble. Xiaoyu has business to see you."

Yae Sakura was also a little speechless after hearing what Kallen said.

After all this time, Kallen has gotten into the habit of being with her in almost everything.

"It's okay, Sakura. Anyway, I originally asked you to participate in my plan."

Yae Sakura was sitting next to Lin Yu, there was no need for Lin Yu to contact her specifically, okay.After all, Yae Sakura could also listen to him when he explained the mission content to Karen and Ji Lin.

"Since Sakura is participating, then I will also participate."

Yae Sakura has participated in the mission, so Karen will definitely participate.

"Okay then. You all come to the courtyard in a while, and I will tell you about the mission."

After the communication ended, Lin Yu, Yae Sakura, and Hiyumaru waited for Karen and Ji Lin in the courtyard.

"Brother, what are you going to do?"

In Fei Yuwan's view, Lin Yu generally would not look for tasks to do.Once done, it must be some kind of "earth-shattering" big task.

"I read some records of the second collapse in the database before, and then asked Cecilia to find out some information. There are some things in it that I am very concerned about."

The data about this era in Yuren's database is basically copied from Tianming, but Lin Yu will not completely believe those superficial records.

And Cecilia is the experiencer of the second Honkai event.

After reading those records, Lin Yu immediately asked Cecilia to find out some real situations. He found that [-]% of the two were similar, and only [-]% were completely different.

What is the destiny to prevent the second collapse?What does it mean that the destiny gave the Second Herrscher the final blow?
This information doesn't match what Cecilia said, right?

According to the information Lin Yu got from Cecilia, in the final battle of the second Honkai, only Cecilia, Theresa and Siegfried were the ones who really fought to the last moment people only.The person who gave the Second Herrscher the final blow was Siegfried, the person who prevented the second Honkai from spreading to the entire Eurasian continent was Cecilia, and Otto, who stayed in the destiny, only did one thing. The thing is, it ordered the launch of the Honkai fission bomb towards the place where Cecilia and Siegfried were, destroying everything.

"That guy Otto really dares to do it!"

In his heart, Lin Yu didn't know how many times he complained about Otto's "villain" behavior.

Obviously, someone could be sent to rescue the two of them immediately, but in the end...

Lin Yu dare not say that Destiny has no credit at all. After all, if there is no Destiny, all human beings will be wiped out by the Second Herrscher.But Lin Yu really couldn't bear this practice of taking almost all the credit on himself.

A few minutes later, Karen and Ji Lin came to the courtyard.After seeing that everyone was here, Lin Yu began to explain to them the parts they were responsible for in the mission.

"Lin Yu, are you sure you want to do this?"

Ji Lin was startled after hearing the mission content.

"Xiaoyu, are you kidding me?"

Yae Sakura was also very surprised by Lin Yu's plan, she never thought that Lin Yu would do this.

As for why Ji Lin and Yae Sakura were surprised, it was entirely because of the name of this mission - "Attack" St. Freya Academy.

"I also care a little about my juniors, and it just so happens that I can meet them this time."

Kallen is different from those two people, she has a little expectation for this mission, after all, she doesn't believe that Lin Yu will really attack Saint Freya.

"Of course I won't be serious! Don't be too aggressive, try to avoid damaging the academy, as long as you can hold them back, leave the rest to me."

How could it be possible for Lin Yu to let them, people with combat strength above S level, really attack St. Freya Academy!
There must be another purpose in doing so.

"Go back and make preparations, and gather here in half an hour."

Lin Yu also signaled a few people to go back and prepare first, after all, they could not expose themselves during the mission.

Especially Yae Sakura's Sakura Fubuki, that was the weapon Lin Yu had been using when he was in St. Freya Academy, and Teresa and the others would recognize it at a glance, so she must change her weapon.As for what weapon to change, Yae Rin's Sakura Luoxue and Noelle's Moyuan are in the weapon room, and it doesn't matter which one you use.

"Okay then. Let's go back and prepare first, see you later."

Ji Lin and the others also went back to prepare.

As for Lin Yu, he doesn't need to prepare anything at all, he just needs to wait here for Yae Sakura and the others, after all, Xingyu is in his hands.

"Sirin, let me see your real appearance this time!"

 Surprise or surprise, surprise or surprise!Today is April Fool's Day, and the double change is just a joke.Happy April Fool's Day! PS: It has been said before that the two-four-six update, one update at a time, will not change.

(End of this chapter)

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