Chapter 259 The Plan Begins

St. Freya Academy, school time at noon.

"When summer arrives, even the sun becomes poisonous."

Kiyana, who had just finished school, began to complain about the sun-bathing sun as soon as she walked out of the teaching building.

"It's only summer and it's only going to be hotter than it is now."

Mei also followed Qiyana out of the teaching building.Compared with Kiana, Mei didn't care much about the temperature change.

"Bronya thinks the temperature is just right today, only a fool like Kiyana who can't calm down will feel hot."

Bronya took a look at the bright weather outside with her beige Houm backpack on her back, and then began to complain about Qiyana on a daily basis.

It's too hot in such a good weather, as expected, only an idiot Kiyana would think so.

While the three of them were chatting happily, Teresa's incessant complaints suddenly came from a distance.

"I've told you several times, Lin Yu hasn't contacted me at all during this time, and don't bother me every week, okay?"

Even though the three of Mei were far away, they could still feel the strong impatience emanating from Teresa.

"How many times has it been this week?"

Kiana looked at Teresa who was walking towards them, and asked Mei.

"From what I've heard, this is the third time this week."

"Bronya has heard it four times."

The answers given by Mei and Bronya are obviously different, probably because Mei missed it once.

"If he contacts us, I will notify you as soon as possible, okay?"

After holding the communicator and complaining for a while, Teresa hung up the communication impatiently, and then walked to the side of Mei three.

"I really admire Youlandelle. Since more than a month ago, I have been contacting me almost every day, either sending messages or calling, and every time I ask if Lin Yu has come here."

On the way back to the dormitory, Teresa kept complaining about Yolandelle, after all, she had been "harassed" by her for more than a month.

"Didn't Youlandelle say that Lin Yu had met Lin Yu and gave her contact information at the beginning? Why does she keep contacting you, the principal?"

Mei was also extremely puzzled by this.

Youlandal obviously has Lin Yu's contact information, so just contact him directly, why keep "harassing" Teresa?
"Isn't it because Lin Yu said'I will go to the academy when I have time' when he separated from Youlandal, which made Youlandal think that Lin Yu would come here recently."

Teresa also revealed the reason why Ulandal had been "harassing" her during this time.

"Lin Yu (brother) will come back soon?"

The three of Mei were shocked.

You must know that the last time Lin Yu returned to the academy was on New Year's Eve more than three months ago, did he have time to come back again?

"That guy Lin Yu just said he would come back, but didn't say the specific time, otherwise, would Youlandal have to 'harass' me all the time?"

Teresa was furious at the mention of this matter.

If you want to come back, you should give me an approximate time.Or make an agreement to notify the other party when you come back.

The result is good, you only gave an ambiguous sentence, and let the other party guess the rest, who can guess when you will come back?

"This is also good news. After all, Lin Yu is a member of Yuren, so he shouldn't have so much free time, right? If he is free, he will definitely come back."

Mei also made some guesses about this.

"For example, Mr. Jizi works every day and can't go out freely?"

For some reason, Bronya suddenly thought of Ji Zi, because in her opinion, both Ji Zi and Lin Yu should belong to the managed class, and if they want to do anything, they must be approved by the leaders above.


I don't know if it was her own illusion, but Teresa suddenly had the feeling that Bronya was saying that she was a black-hearted manager.

On the other side, Lin Yu had quietly brought Yae Sakura, Ji Lin and Karen to the back mountain of the academy.

"Remember not to accidentally expose our true identities after the plan starts."

Lin Yu began to explain to the three people the precautions when performing tasks.In fact, Lin Yu is still very at ease with Ji Lin and Yae Sakura, but he is a little worried about Kallen.

Who doesn't often play cards according to the routine!
"Just in case I'll take another hint."

Lin Yu was still a little worried after putting on the mask, so he decided that the last insurance was more reliable.

The so-called suggestion actually uses the power of the core of consciousness to temporarily change the cognition of certain things, preventing them from calling their real names directly during the mission, and instead calling each other by action codes.

In order to complete the task perfectly, several people also agreed to accept Lin Yu's hint.Moreover, Lin Yu didn t even let him go, and he also hinted at himself.After all, if something unexpected happens, Lin Yu will call Yae Sakura and the others by their real names if they don t pay attention.

"According to the plan, you will lure Teresa and the others away, and I will deal with Qiyana alone, and I will retreat as soon as it is over."

Lin Yu's "attack" on St. Freya Academy this time has only one purpose, and that is to activate the second Herrscher core on Kiyana, and then use this to extract the power from the core to copy the core, and at the same time take away the share of the core in the core. It belongs to Sirin's consciousness.

As for how to separate Xilin's consciousness from the core, it is up to Lin Yu to use the power of consciousness to do it.After all, the core of the Second Herrscher has two consciousnesses, Xilin and the Second Herrscher, and what Lin Yu has to do is to bring it out of the core while avoiding hurting Xilin's consciousness as much as possible.

As for the consciousness of the Second Herrscher, because it is not fully awakened and has a certain connection with Qiyana's consciousness, if you do anything to it, it may also hurt Kiyana, so Lin Yu will not move it for the time being, only Let it fall into a deep sleep.

If one day it fully awakens, Lin Yu will not be polite.

"Yi, did we adapt to the situation in the process of fighting Teresa and the others?"

Ji Lin asked Lin while putting on a disguise mask.

"That's right! Anyway, there is an original S-rank Valkyrie stationed here, and together with Judas, the key of God, the power should not be underestimated."

When Kallen expressed her doubts, she also put on the night crow mask that was exclusive to the strange thief.

After all, they didn't fight for real when they fought, but Teresa and the others did for real!If they really can't stop them, they also need to show some real skills.And once they showed their true skills, they might hurt Teresa and the others.

"I can only say try not to hurt them, and I will make a quick decision on my side."

Lin Yu didn t want to see anyone injured on both sides, so he could only complete his task as quickly as possible after the plan started, and then lead everyone to retreat.

"Okay then! Let's try not to hurt them."

Yae Sakura also put on her own cherry blossom mask after understanding what Lin Yu meant.

"Then, the plan begins!"

 Can you guys guess those people in the protagonist group versus those people? PS: The length of this article about the battle should not be too large, after all, it is a quick battle.

(End of this chapter)

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