Chapter 281 Is It Really You

"Everyone, are you at the base?"

In order to call everyone conveniently, Lin Yu directly used the power of consciousness to transmit his voice to the minds of everyone in the base.

"I'm here."

"I am also here."

The responses from Cang Xuan, Ji Lin and others continued to enter Lin Yu's mind.

"Everyone come to the shrine, I have something to say."

Compared with the serious conference room, Lin Yu felt that it would be more appropriate to introduce Xilin to everyone at the shrine.

"Lin Yu, why are you in such a hurry? Phil, Xiaoai and I are still soaking in the hot spring!"

Nuo Hualu and the others were enjoying the hot spring bath at this time, if it wasn't for something important, she really didn't want to leave the hot spring hut right away.

"Hurry up, I'll give you 10 more minutes."

In Lin Yu's view, 10 minutes is completely enough for Nuovalu who has the power of space. After all, it only takes a few seconds for her to get here, and it doesn't take a few seconds.

"Got it, I'll be there in a while."

Novalu reluctantly agreed to Lin Yu, after all, she also needed to tell Lin Yu about the "God Killing Spear".

After informing everyone, Lin Yu cut off contact with other people, and only kept contact with Feiyuwan and Xilin.

"Xiao Fei, take Sirin to prepare, and you will come out after everyone else is here."

Xilin is the protagonist this time, and Lin Yu must arrange her to appear at the end, otherwise there will be no surprises to speak of.

After doing all this, Lin Yu sat down, eating the snacks on the table, while waiting for everyone to arrive.

hot spring cabin
"My brother suddenly summoned everyone, what will be announced?"

Phil is also not "going with the tide" in the hot spring at this time, but is about to get up and leave.

"Who knows! Wait..."

Nuo Valu had already put on a bath towel, and when she was about to leave, she seemed to think of something suddenly, and turned her head to the two people who were still in the hot spring and said:

"Hurry up, you two, this time we are going to welcome new members."

"New member? Who is it?"

Noelle's little head was full of big question marks.

Under the cherry tree, Yae Sakura and Karen just finished their mind communication and were sitting quietly on the grass.

"Why did Lin Yu look for us at this time?"

Kalian couldn t guess what Lin Yu wanted to do.

"It's been so long, Xiao Yu asked us to gather at this time, I guess it's for that matter."

After all, Yae Sakura was also one of the members who participated in the mission of "attacking" St. Freya, and now that so long has passed, she can roughly guess what Lin Yu is going to do next.

"That thing? What kind of thing is it?"

Although Karen also participated in that mission, she didn't seem to have guessed the relationship between the two based on her IQ.

In the training ground, Ji Lin and Cecilia were preparing to go to the shrine.

"It should be about the same time, right?"

Ji Lin also seemed to have guessed what Lin Yu was going to do next.

"Time? What time?"

Cecilia couldn't understand the meaning of Ji Lin's words, and she immediately looked puzzled.

"Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with you!"

While talking, Ji Lin glanced at Cecilia meaningfully.

"Is it related to me??"

Ji Lin's enigmatic behavior and enigmatic words made Cecilia even more confused.

in the command room,

"I've done everything that needs to be done, let 'Arseus' take care of the rest automatically."

Cang Xuan also sorted out the data collected at hand, and the rest only needs to be dealt with by "Alseus" separately.

"Xiaona, Xiaoling, let's go."

Before leaving the command room, Cangxuan called Danzhu Zhiling and Xiaona.

Dan Zhu Zhiling has been helping the two in the command room to sort out the information. Xiaona has been staying in the command room since she returned to the base and saw that Lin Yu hadn't come back.

"Sister, what do you think Lin Yu is going to do this time?"

Although Dan Zhu didn t guess what Lin Yu was going to do, every time Lin Yu summoned them, he wanted to do big things, and this time there is probably no exception.

"Do you think I can guess it?"

Cangxuan gave Danzhu an angry look.

"I guess we can only wait until he says it himself."

If he didn t say what Lin Yu was going to do, few people would guess it.

Ten minutes later, Yae Sakura, Ji Lin, Cang Xuan, and Nuova Lu all came to the shrine courtyard one after another.

"Everyone is here, so let me talk about the purpose of calling everyone here this time."

Seeing that everyone was here, Lin Yu was ready to explain the situation to everyone.But just as he was about to speak, Phil stood up and interrupted him.

"Brother, Miss Xiaofei hasn't come yet!"

"Eh...Xiaofei is related to the next thing, I asked her to come back later."

Hiyumaru wanted to bring Sirin out from the main entrance of the shrine, so of course it was impossible to come here.

"Lin Yu, just tell me quickly. I guess a few people here have already guessed what you are going to do."

Ji Lin winked at Lin Yu.

Seeing this, Lin Yu glanced at the people sitting at the table, and he found that Yae Sakura and Novalu were a little different from the others, because they didn t have any doubts, but looked a little expectant.

"It's boring for you to play like this!"

Lin Yu felt very helpless about this.

The next plan has been revealed, so what surprises are there to talk about!

"Cangxuan, Danzhu, listen to me, you two..."

Ji Lin quietly approached Cangxuan and Danzhu and said something in their ears.


After hearing Ji Lin's words, the two nodded in understanding, then got up and walked to the entrance of the shrine, as if they were going to do something.

"Xiaofei, come out with her."

Watching Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu walk to the gate of the shrine, Lin Yu knew what the two of them wanted to do next without even thinking about it, so he just ignored it and let Fei Yuwan and Xilin come out together.

"Here we come, brother."

As soon as Fei Yuwan heard Lin Yu's words, he couldn't wait to pull Xilin out.

"Hiyumaru, don't go so fast, slow down."

Although Hiyumaru had already introduced everyone in Feather Blade to Sirin in the stigmata space, but now that she really wanted to meet them, especially with Cecilia present, Sirin was inevitably a little nervous.

boom! boom! boom!
Cangxuan and Danzhu, who were prepared at the gate of the shrine, took out fireworks from nowhere, and released them as soon as they saw Xilin coming out.

"She is……"

Noelle and Yae Rin looked at this strange purple long-haired girl who came out of the shrine with Higyomaru, their small faces were filled with doubts.

"Cecilia, how is it? Let me tell you that this incident has something to do with you."

Ji Lin patted Cecilia's shoulder lightly to explain to her the meaning of what she said before, and the next moment she found that Cecilia had froze for some time.

Cecilia couldn't believe her eyes, stood up slowly, and said with a slightly trembling voice:
"Si... Sirin, is... really you?"

 Sirin officially joined the protagonist group, and this article will end after writing a few more chapters later.At the same time, it will also fall into a long-term suspension state. PS: It's not that I won't update it, but because of my personal reasons, I need to suspend it for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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