The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 282 Preparing for the Party

Chapter 282 Preparing for the Party
Destiny Headquarters, Floating Island.

Ulandal, Rita, and several members of the Immortal Blade team slowly got off the battleship.

"Master Ulandal, it looks like we have wasted our time on this mission."

After getting off the battleship, Rita said to Ulandal with some regret.

Although Rita had people inspect the frozen land of Berenas several times, they still didn't find any traces left by the feather blades, which made Rita puzzled:
"What are Yu Ren and these people here for?"

"In a sense, it's not a waste of time..."

For Rita and the others, there may be nothing to gain, but for Ulandal, her trip to the Siberian Snowfield is a surefire profit.

"Rita, I have the video of Feather Blade's retreat here, please hand it to the bishop for me."

As soon as Urandale spoke, she sent a document to Rita's communicator, asking her to hand it over to Otto when she reported to Otto.

Why did Youlandelle dare to hand over Lin Yu's retreat records to Rita with such confidence?That was all because Lin Yu said "It doesn't matter".

As for why Lin Yu said that, probably only he knows.

"Understood, Master Ulandal."

After receiving the documents, Rita gave a slight salute to Yolandelle and left first.

"Why isn't Xiao Yu worried about being exposed?"

Although Ulandal just submitted the battle records according to the usual normal process, but this time she always felt that something was wrong.

So, Ulandal clicked on the video of the battle record with these doubts.

"This... this... what is this!!"

In "Sumi Mustard", the feather blade base.

The appearance of Sirin completely shocked Cecilia. After all, Sirin, like her, had already died from the second Houkai fission bomb.

But there is one thing Cecilia forgot, that is, since she can be "resurrected" by Lin Yu, why can't Xilin?


Seeing Cecilia, Sirin's expression was also very complicated.

"Let me declare in advance that the person who is appearing in front of you now is Sirin, and has nothing to do with the Second Herrscher."

When Cecilia was stunned, Lin Yu deliberately emphasized Xilin's identity.

You know, Sirin is a complete person now, and the Herrscher consciousness in her consciousness has long been separated by Lin Yu. It is estimated that she is still seriously injured and weak in Qiyana.

After all, when Lin Yu separated Xilin and Herrscher's consciousness, Xilin's consciousness was specially protected by Lin Yu, and Qiyana's consciousness also had the replacement of consciousness energy, so Lin Yu never considered Herrscher when separating The feeling of the consciousness does not care how much it will be injured.

"I don't need you to tell me this."

Novalu looked like she knew everything.

But she does have the capital to say that, after all, among all the people present, except for Lin Yu, no one knows the power of Xingyu better than her.

"Xiao Yu, hurry up and let Xilin come over, don't let her stand there all the time."

Seeing that Lin Yu had been slow to let Xilin come over, Yae Sakura reminded him.

"Sirin, go to the side of the person you want to see the most!"

Lin Yu walked to Xi Lin's side and motioned for her.

No need to think about it, Lin Yu meant to let Xilin go to Cecilia's side. After all, Cecilia had recovered at this time, and was looking at Xilin with extremely gentle eyes. It's like a mother looking at her daughter she hasn't seen for a long time.

So, Sirin also walked slowly to Cecilia's side, but she seemed a little afraid to look directly at Cecilia.


The two standing together didn't know what to say to each other for a while.


Ji Lin glanced at the two people beside him, and shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, okay, in order to celebrate Sirin joining us, let's hold a welcome party today to celebrate."

Seeing the awkward atmosphere between Sirin and Cecilia, Yae Sakura took the initiative to break the situation.

"Don't worry, I have everything ready, and I can start preparing at any time."

Lin Yu raised his right hand and gestured to Yae Sakura for the astrology bracelet on his wrist.

Since Lin Yu is going to let Xilin join, he must have been prepared a long time ago, so he has already put the things for the welcome party in the star language.

"Oye! Ready to party!"

Cangxuan and Danzhu were the happiest when they heard that a party was going to be held.

"Brother (Lin Yu), we are also here to help."

Hiyumaru, Phil and Yae Rin also offered to help.

"Ji Lin, let's go help too. Lian, you come here too."

Yae Sakura took Ji Lin and Karen, two "outsiders" who didn't fit the scene, away from the scene, and prepared to go together to prepare for the party.

"Let them talk alone. I think they have a lot to say to each other."

After all, Lin Yu has seen some of Cecilia and Xilin's memories, so he naturally knows the wonderful relationship between them.In this embarrassing situation, no one can help them, and they can only decide what to do next.

So, everyone left the courtyard, leaving only Cecilia and Sirin standing there.

"Sirin, let's sit down and have a good chat."

Seeing that Sirin was still refusing to face her directly or speak, Cecilia could only break the deadlock first.


Sirin also accepted Cecilia's suggestion, nodded lightly, and followed Cecilia to the table and sat down.

On the other side, the destiny headquarters, the command room.

"This is……"

When Otto watched the battle recording video sent by Rita, he didn't know what to say.

Because the picture of the entire video is either blurred or unreadable, there are not many pictures that can be seen clearly.

"Amber, can these pictures be restored?"

"Reporting to my lord bishop, Lord Ulandal's battle recorder may have been interfered by outsiders. Most of the recorded images have been destroyed, and there is basically no possibility of restoration."

Amber told Otto the conclusion of the combat record.

"That's it."

Otto didn't say anything after seeing this.

"However, there are several identifiable images in the video that have been processed by the technical department, which should be helpful to you."

"Oh? Call up those few screens."

Originally thought that there was no useful information, but suddenly there was again, which surprised Otto.

The next moment, the processed pictures were sent over, and then a clear figure appeared on the light screen.

"This person is..."

Seeing the person on the light screen, Otto couldn't remember who it was for a while.After a short thought, he finally remembered.

"I remember that this person is a student of St. Freya Academy, and it seems to be Lin Yu."

"Yes, Lord Bishop. This person is Lord Teresa's student, and he was also one of the victims after encountering the trial-level Houkai Beast Phoenix in Siberia two years ago."

While speaking, Amber had already pulled out the information about Lin Yu.

In the Valkyrie dormitory, looking at the blurry picture on her screen, Youlandal finally knew why Lin Yu didn t care about this matter.

Who can see this kind of picture clearly!
 At the beginning, no one should have guessed what the content of the battle record was, right? PS: There is no battle scene in the back, it is just some daily life, paving the way for the game plot.

(End of this chapter)

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