Chapter 33 Chaos
Outside the church, Lin Yu saw the three of Bronya, but he didn t go to meet them.This is also helpless, now Lin Yu looks like Qiyana and the others don t know each other at all.

"Just watch them from the side first!" Lin Yu took Nuo Valu and followed them far behind.

"Those three little girls are your partners?" Nuovalu didn't know when there were more food in her hand.

"Yes! It's just that it's inconvenient for me to meet them now!" Lin Yu said.

"Just now I took a brief look at the information on this area!" Nova dew opened a few pages, and began to explain to Lin Yu, "This area is from the late fifteenth century, and we are now in the European headquarters of Destiny in this era!"

"Are there any major figures in this area?" Lin Yu believes that since it is an area of ​​historical events, there must be core figures here.

"Yes! Look!" Nuova Lu flipped a few pages in front of Lin Yu.

"This is!!!" Lin Yu was stunned as he looked at the introduction in front of him.

In a certain alley, Bronya found out all the information about Karen and showed it to Kiana and Mei.

Karen Kaslana was born in 1453, the eldest daughter of Francis, No.20's ninth generation owner.Kallen is the most outstanding warrior in the family.At the age of 16, Kallen passed the test and became the captain of Destiny's anti-Honkai force—the Valkyrie Force.

For the next eight years, she has been on the front line against Honkai.There are more than a thousand Honkai beasts sealed by her.In recognition of her achievements, Destiny made the "Oath of Judas", a weapon that only she can use.

Until 1477, Kallen stole the Honkai energy crystal in the study of Destiny, fled to the Far East, and fell in love with the pseudo-hersher "Yae Sakura" who was infected by the Honkai energy crystal.In the same year, due to unknown reasons, the Pseudo-Herrscher and the Houkai Energy Crystal disappeared together, which caused a huge obstacle to the study of Destiny.

Seriously injured, Kallen was captured by Mandate's intelligence forces and brought back to the European headquarters for trial.At the council, Karen declared that "the girl who became a Herrscher is innocent, and I have fallen in love with that girl." Karen's words made the council think she was crazy.The council finally sentenced her and hanged her, and she was executed not long after.

"Falling in love with Herrscher? Herrscher is also a human being! Herrscher's heart has been corroded by the Houkai energy, not a monster! Is it wrong to fall in love with Herrscher?" After reading these materials, Qiyana held her hands tightly. Clenching his fists, he seemed to be thinking of something.

"Qiana..." Mei looked at Kiana, wanted to say something but didn't say it.

On the other side, Lin Yu also finished reading the information about Kalian, and he was also very shocked.Because this information mentioned "Yae Sakura", and he was saved by Yae Sakura.

"It turns out that the Kallen that Sakura was chanting in her dream is her!" Lin Yu remembered the name that Yae Sakura held her arm in her sleep and chanted.

"Lin Yu, do you know this person named Kalian?" Nova Lu asked Lin Yu stunned after reading the information.

"I don't know her. But I heard this name from Sakura! She said it was the name of someone very important to her!" Lin Yu explained to Novalu.

"The Yae Sakura mentioned in the information is the one who saved you?"


"I can't believe it! She can live for more than 500 years!"

The direction Novalu cares about is obviously wrong, okay?And Yae Sakura is a quasi-herrscher, so it can't be judged by human common sense at all.It is normal for lawyers to live hundreds of years.What's more, Novalu himself is a person from several epochs ago, a person who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years.Although it's just consciousness, she doesn't seem qualified to say that about Yae Sakura!
"Novalu, I have an idea!" After reading the materials, Lin Yu had a bold idea and wanted to discuss it with Novalu.

"What's your idea? Let's hear it!" Nova Lu seemed a little interested in Lin Yu's thoughts.

"I think……"


"Bronya, tell me the time and place of the execution. These people are too much, we are going to save her!" Kiyana was very angry after knowing that Kallen was executed, and wanted to rescue her.

"Save her? Impossible!" Bronya shook the small umbrella in his hand and said, "This is just a virtual world constructed by data. The real Karen died 538 years ago!"

"I don't care! Even if it's virtual, I can't just watch her die like this!" At this time, Qiyana's expression was very serious, completely different from before.

"Yes! Bronya, let's help Miss Karen! Even if this is a virtual world!" Mei also begged Bronya.

"Oh... I really can't do anything about you!" Bronya sighed helplessly, accepted Kiana and Mei's suggestion, and said, "But Bronya needs to plan carefully, after all, we are in this world Without weapons!"

"Yeah!" Kiyana jumped up happily.Mei also nodded with a smile.


"Hello! Lin Yu, are you joking?" After hearing Lin Yu's thoughts, Nuova felt that Lin Yu's ideas were too bold.

"Let's confirm it first! If you can, do it! After all, this is Sakura's most important person!" Lin Yu's eyes were very firm.

"Okay! Just try as you said!" Novalu also shrugged helplessly.

Outside the dungeon of the church,

"Are you ready?" A man in a purple dress with dazzling golden hair asked a cloaked man next to him.

"Everything is ready, Master Otto!" replied the cloaked man.

"I won't let you die, my favorite Karen!" Otto said while looking at Karen in the dungeon not far away.

Soon after, on the execution platform in the square, Karen was kneeling on the platform with her hands tied.Under the stage, there are many onlookers.

"How could Lord Karen commit such a crime?"

"Is there something wrong?"

"Master Karen saved our village from monsters two years ago!"

Seeing Karen who was about to be executed on the stage, the crowd below talked a lot.

"Don't doubt the bishop's verdict, let me hear your doubts again, just wait to be arrested!" A cloaked man standing next to Karen shouted down.

"Master Arthur, it's getting late!" Another cloak said humanely.

"Alas..." Arthur sighed deeply, full of helplessness, and said, "Get ready for execution!"

In a small building not far from the execution platform, two people in brown cloaks were watching, it was Kiana and Mei.

Just before, they had already discussed how to rescue Karen.Bronya made an improvised bomb to cause chaos in the square, and then Kiana and Mei defeated the cloaked man to save Karen.

The two were waiting for the signal from Bronya to drop the bomb, and they would act as soon as the bomb exploded.

Just when the cloaked man was about to wrap the rope around Kallen's neck, with a bang, Bronya dropped the bomb.

"Mei, let's go!" Kiyana jumped down from the small building, kicking the cloaked man beside Karen to the ground.

"Miss Kallen, let's go!" Mei quickly broke the rope that bound Kallen, and helped Kallen up.

"Who are you?" Kallen looked surprised, she didn't expect that someone would come to rescue her at this time.

"I just need to beat you from now on, I won't be careless this time!" Kiyana put on a stance, ready to fight Arthur in front of her.

However, Arthur didn't intend to fight Kiyana. He pointed to an alley next to him and said, "Take Miss Carlin with you! There is a trail over there, and you can walk to the port by following it. I have the boat ready!"

"Grandpa, I didn't expect you to be a good person!" Seeing that Arthur did not fight her, but pointed out the escape route for them, Qiyana immediately had no plans to fight.

"Grandpa Arthur, if you let me go, you will..." Karen supported Mei and looked worriedly at Arthur.

"It's okay! I'm already at this age, and I don't have any regrets even if I'm punished!" Arthur didn't worry about the consequences he would bear in the future, "Please protect Miss Kallen!"

"Don't worry, we will!" Mei replied.After that, they helped Kallen off the execution platform.

"Boom—" Kiana and Mei took Karen a few steps before there was a loud noise behind them.The three of them looked back immediately, and saw several monsters crawling out from the ground, slaughtering the people in the square.

"There are monsters!"


For a while, the square became even more chaotic than before.

"How did the Honkai Beast appear here? There is a strict security net outside the city!" Arthur looked at what happened in disbelief.

At this moment, a man came out slowly.

"Hehehe! Of course it's because of my young master's plan!"

"Otto, why are you here?" Karen recognized the man in front of her at a glance.

"My Kallen! I'm here to welcome you! So I released the Houkai Beast under the church to create this chaos! Now there is no one from the Heavenly Mandate Organization to stop us! Leave with me! I Karen!" Otto didn't care about those Houkai beasts at all, he only had Karen in his eyes.

"How many innocent people you will hurt by doing this!" Callen called Otto.

"Ah? Don't be kidding! The combined lives of those people can't compare to a single hair of yours! My Kallen, finally we can't stop us from being together! Let's forget about our destiny and go on a trip together! Location I've made all the arrangements, so let's go to the place you miss the most in the Far East!"

"Crack!" Karen slapped Otto to the ground.

"Stop insulting me, Otto! Kaslana is the guardian of the people, the shield of the people. I will not run away regardless of the safety of the people!" Karen's tone became stronger and stronger, "You save me!" Me, thank you very much! But your method is completely wrong, I will not go with you!"

"Miss Karen, what do you want to do with that weak body?" Arthur suddenly looked at Karen, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

"I'm going to distract the Honkai Beast and protect my people!" Kallen's attitude was very firm!

"I'm here to help you too!" Kiyana seemed to feel her blood boil after hearing Karen's words.This probably belongs to the blood of the Kaslana family!
"That's right! It's better to have help than no one!" Mei also planned to join.

"Thank you! Kiana! Mei!"

On a high place, Bronya was hiding there watching the chaotic scene in the square.

"Why are there so many Honkai beasts?" Bronya didn't understand what happened.Now she just wants to quickly decipher some weapon information in this area to help Qiyana and Mei.

Suddenly, a page popped up while Bronya was operating.

"Wait! There are hidden information in this area..." Bronya clicked on the pop-up page.

[Record Data No. 858] During the execution, a Honkai Beast of unknown origin appeared near the square. In the process of rescuing civilians, the weak Karen Kaslana was killed by the Honkai Beast.

"How come?" Bronya hurriedly looked for Karen in the square.

At this time, Karen was blocking a Honkai beast attacking civilians with both hands.But the weak Kallen had already tried his best just to stop the Honkai Beast, and there was no way to deal with the Honkai Beast.

At this moment, a bone spur suddenly appeared from the hand of the Honkai Beast, stabbing at the immobile Kallen.

"Sister Kallen, it's dangerous!" Qiyana was dragged by the Honkai Beast at this time, and there was no way to escape.The same is true for Mei.

"Crack——" Just as the bone spur was about to hit Karen, a bullet shattered it directly.At the same time, a figure suddenly appeared and rescued Kallen.

"Oh! Sister Karen, you can't get hurt here!"

(End of this chapter)

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