Chapter 34 Leaving
"Sister Kallen, your body is so weak, leave it to us!" A figure appeared after rescuing Karen, killing the Honkai Beast directly.

The two people who showed up were none other than Lin Yu and Nuova Lu.The division of labor between the two is very clear, Novalu rescued people, and Lin Yu killed the Honkai Beast.

"Who are you?" Kallen, who was rescued by Nuovalu, was taken aback because she didn't know these two people.

"Great! Sister Kallen is fine!" At this time, Qiyana also got rid of the Honkai Beast and ran over.

"Thank you very much for saving Miss Kallen!" Mei thanked the two of them.

"No thanks! We are also members of the Kaslana family!" Lin Yu finally figured out with Novalu why the knights in the church respected him so much.

It turns out that the image of the two of them is exactly one of the big families in this area - the typical characteristics of the Kaslana family: silver-white hair, blue pupils.Although Novalu's pupils were black, the knights did not suspect anything because of Lin Yu. After all, Novalu had been calling Brother Lin Yu.

So now Lin Yu and Novalu simply appeared as the Kaslana family.

"Bang bang bang!" Lin Yu continued to shoot at the Houkai Beast with two guns, killing one after another.No way, according to Lin Yu's understanding, the Kaslana family is best at gun fighting. It is impossible for him to kill the Houkai beast with a Taidao as the Kaslana family.So Lin Yu and Novalu made two double guns from the weapon information early: Water Goblin II and Fire Goblin II.

"Please take care of Sister Kallen, both of you!" Novalu handed Kallen to Kiana and Mei, and then took the Water Fairy II to deal with Houkai Beast.

"Sister Kalian, the two of them are..." Qiyana was a little puzzled watching Lin Yu and Novalu continue to kill the Honkai Beast.

"I don't know either! They say they are members of the Kaslana family, but I've never seen them!" Karen said, looking at the backs of the two fighting.

On the square, Lin Yu and Nova dew back to back, each holding a pair of guns.

"Lulu, how is it? Have you checked Kalian's situation?" Lin Yu asked while dealing with the Honkai Beast.

"I've checked it, and she doesn't feel like a virtual personality to me!" Novalu replied.

"That means it is possible?" Lin Yu seemed a little happy after hearing what Nuovalu said.

"Hmm! It seems that she is a ray of consciousness that was inadvertently retained, and then stayed in this area!"

"Can it be taken away?" Lin Yu had the idea of ​​taking away Kalian's data in this area before, not to mention that Kalian is not data at all, but a ray of consciousness.Then he can ask Novalu to take Karen to the star language, just like Novalu, and slowly recover inside.One day, Kallen's consciousness will return.

"I'm sure! But I need to spend some time!" Nuo Valu has not done such a thing as bringing other people's consciousness into the astrology language, but Nuo Valu is still quite sure.

"No problem, leave the Honkai Beast here to me, you go there first!" Lin Yu walked away after speaking, and led the Honkai Beast to the other side.

After Lin Yu lured the Honkai Beast away, Novalu came to the side of Kalian and the others.

"I'm sorry! Sister Kallen, my brother has already led the Honkai Beast away. Now I will take you out of here." Novalu continued to act.

"Who are you? Why did you save me?" Karen was sure that she had never seen those two people in Kaslana's family.

"Oh? My name is Nuonuo Kaslana! What's the matter? Sister Karen, do you have any questions?" Anyway, no matter how doubtful Karen was, Nuovalu was just acting and even made up a name for herself.

"No! It's nothing!" Kallen heard that Novalu reported her name, and with the way she went to save people before, after careful consideration, she did have the demeanor of the Kaslana family, but she always felt that something was wrong. .

"Then please leave here with me!" Novalu helped Karen up, and then said to Kiana and Mei, "You guys also leave here quickly! This place is dangerous!"

"Ah? Oh oh oh!" Kiyana was still immersed in the figure of Novalu and Lin Yu solving the Honkai Beast just now, and it was only after Novalu said this that she realized it.

"Excuse me, where are you going to take Miss Kallen?" Seeing that Novalu was going to take Kallen away, Yai asked.

"Of course it's a safe place!" Nuo Valu helped Kallen to a place where there was no Honkai Beast.

"By the way! There was a little girl with two ponytails looking at you upstairs just now. She must be your friend! Take her away quickly!" Nuova Lu remembered something after walking a few steps, and pointed A building not far away said to Mei.What she was talking about was naturally Bronya, she and Lin Yu had been watching the three of them.

"Not good! It's Bronya! We have to help her quickly!" Mei thought that Bronya didn't have any means of attack, so she immediately pulled Qiyana and ran over.

"Who over there, you must take good care of Sister Kallen!" Kiyana still reminded Novalu after being dragged away by Mei.

Afterwards, Novalu took Karen to a very hidden alley.

"Don't worry! It's safe here!" Novalu sat Karen on a wooden box, and then started preparations to take Karen away.

"Thank you for saving me!" Kallen thanked Novalu.

"You don't need to care about these, anyway, this place will collapse soon!" Nova dew opened the operation page, completely ignoring Karen next to her.

"Yeah! This place is about to collapse, and a new cycle is about to start!" Karen leaned against the wall and said weakly.

"Huh? You knew this place would collapse?" Novalu was a little surprised when she heard Karen's words.

"Yeah! When did it start? I found that people around me were performing scripts that had been set long ago." Kallen looked up at the sky, with a sad look in her eyes, "I am in this script no matter what. They will all be killed by those monsters. When I woke up again, I found that it was back to the day before. After countless cycles, I realized that I was also an actor in this show. I also wanted to escape from here, but failed in the end ! It wasn’t until I met those children who fell from the sky just now that this show changed..."

"This Kallen is really not as simple as a virtual personality! 』Novalu also understood that this Karen can find that the events in this area are happening in a loop, which shows that she is not a simple virtual personality, but does have such a ray of consciousness.

"Can you tell me how long Kallen has been dead in reality?" Kallen asked.

"It's been more than 500 years!" Novalu talked about the facts, and said what he had seen from the documents before.

"Miss, although I don't know where you are from, you should be able to leave this virtual world, right?"

"Yes!" Novalu did not deny this fact.

"I am a personality reconstructed from Kallen's memory. In her memory, she sealed a person she loved deeply before she died." Kallen was completely unaware of the difference between herself and other people in this area, still Thinking that she is just a virtual personality, "Yae Sakura, who has become a Herrscher, will not die even after more than 500 years! If she can lift the seal, there should be no one she knows in this world. Lonely!"

"Ha ha!You think too much, that kid Lin Yu knows Yae Sakura! ’Novalu complained in her heart.

"I didn't realize the meaning of my birth until I met Yae Sakura. Miss, I can't leave this world, so if you have a chance to meet Yae Sakura, please help Karen Kaslana with a word ! This sentence has been buried in her heart for more than 500 years!"

"Sorry! I refuse!" Novalu refused when she heard that Kallen wanted to speak for herself.Are you kidding me, Novalu is also an ideology!Let her speak?how is this possible!

"Why? Can't you even help me with this small request?" Kallen's expression was very disappointed.

"It's up to you to tell Yae Sakura by yourself!" Novalu pointed out directly, and now her operation can almost bring Karen out of this virtual world.

"What do you mean?" Caroline didn't understand!
"It's nothing interesting, it's just the literal meaning!" Nuovalu completely completed the operation at this time, "I will take you out of this world, as for what you want to say to Yae Sakura, you can say it yourself! She is now in reality. The world is not dead!"

"Really? You can really take me out of this world to meet Sakura?" Kallen couldn't believe what Novalu said.

"Don't worry! Maybe you don't even realize that you are not a virtual personality, but a ray of consciousness of Kallen's body!" After Novalu finished the operation, a silver-white light ball appeared on her hands.

"How come?" Caroline was completely stunned.

"Okay! I will bring you into a space to regain consciousness. Before that, it is impossible for you to meet Yae Sakura. Can you accept it?" Novalu said to Kallen with the ball of light in her right hand.

"I accept! Sakura has been waiting for me for more than 500 years, I can wait for this little time!" Karen's face was full of determination at this time.

"That's good! I'll take your consciousness here first, and then take it out!"


Afterwards, Karen gradually turned into light spots and all entered the light ball in Novalu's hand.

"That's it!" Nuova Lu moved her right hand, and the ball of light merged into her right hand.After that, as long as she goes out, Kallen will be taken out.

"Strange! Why hasn't Lin Yu come yet? Didn't you agree to meet here?" After waiting for a long time, Nuova Lu didn't see Lin Yu coming to meet her.

Afterwards, she prepared to communicate with Lin Yu with her mind.She and Lin Yu are connected through Xingyu. As long as Xingyu is in Lin Yu's hands, she can communicate with Lin Yu's consciousness by consuming some Honkai energy.

"Lin Yu, what's going on? Why don't you come here yet? This area is about to collapse!"

I know, I have encountered some trouble here too Lin Yu on the other side seemed to have encountered something, and his tone was a little different at this time.

"Lulu, that Otto we saw just now, he is not an avatar!"

 How about it?You book friends didn't expect this development!Isn't it subverting the plot of the comics!I've said before that I don't like sad stories. Since Yae Sakura is alive, I will definitely let Karen live too! (>ω<*)PS: Up to now, the ratio of starting point tickets to other platforms is 8:6.

(End of this chapter)

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