Chapter 36 Dream

In the following period of time, Lin Yu asked Fu Hua for some suggestions on accepting tasks.And Fu Hua suggested that Lin Yu do tasks with experienced people first, and then go out alone or with people after getting familiar with them.

Lin Yu readily accepted Fu Hua's suggestion.As for who to go out with?Isn't Fuhua the best choice!
So Lin Yu went out to do missions with Fu Hua after waiting for Qiyana to pass the make-up exam safely.But what puzzled Lin Yu was that sometimes Fu Hua refused to do missions with him, and sometimes invited him to do it together.This made Lin Yu very confused, what exactly is Fu Hua doing?

Most of the missions done with Fu Hua are to destroy the Houkai Beast and escort missions.There are two A-level Valkyries teamed up, and the missions were completed smoothly.

On the weekend after more than a month, in the evening,

"Oh my god! I'm exhausted from this task!" Lin Yu fell directly on the sofa after returning to the dormitory.

In the past few days, Lin Yu and Fu Hua have been running around to eliminate Houkai beasts, and they are still in groups.It would be fine if it was just the Honkai Beast, the problem is that there are still some high-level slayers!They are all intelligent, and they often attack you suddenly when you are fighting the Houkai Beast.

"Lin Yu, welcome back!" At this time, Mei was processing ingredients and preparing dinner.

"Sorry! Mei! I have given you all the three meals for the weekend!" Because Lin Yu was doing tasks with Fu Hua, he couldn't cook with Mei Yi as before.

"It's okay!" Mei also expressed her understanding, because it's not an easy task to go out.

"I won't eat tonight! Now I just want to sleep well!" Lin Yu walked towards the room as he said.

"Well! I will tell Qiyana and the others, and I won't let them disturb you!" Seeing that Lin Yu was going to rest, Mei was going to tell Qiyana.

In Lin Yu's room,
"You have made great progress in the past few weeks!" As soon as Lin Yu was lying on the bed, Nuovalu's voice came from his mind.

"Isn't it just to collect Honkai energy!" Lin Yu's purpose in going out on missions is not only for reward, but also Honkai energy.Because he wants the weapon core of Xingyu to become a real quasi-herrscher core, which is good for the recovery of Novalu and Karen.

"Okay! Okay! I know! And I feel that the star language is not far from evolution!" Novalu can feel that the Houkai energy in the star language space is constantly improving, which means that the star language is not far from evolution .

"I see!" Lin Yu responded, and said, "Lulu, I'm going to rest! Don't disturb me!"

"Oh!" Nuovalu then cut off the communication with Lin Yu's mind.

Soon, Lin Yu went into a deep sleep state.As for daily practice?Ha ha!When the task is completed, it will be completed by the way when killing the Houkai Beast, and it is still over-completed.This also allowed Lin Yu to make rapid progress in the practice of swordsmanship and Cunxinquan.


"Hello! Xiaoyu! What are you in a daze for?" A very immature voice sounded in Lin Yu's ear.

"Huh? This voice is so familiar!" Lin Yu felt familiar after hearing this voice, but couldn't remember whose voice it was for a while.

"Bump—" just as Lin Yu slammed his fist!

Another childish voice sounded, but it was Lin Yu's own voice.

"I'll go! What's the situation?" After Lin Yu was beaten, he found that he had returned to his childhood appearance in terms of body shape and voice.

"Let's hurry up! The teacher is back today!" Lin Yu was dragged away by a little girl before he could react.

"Huh?" Lin Yu was pulled forward by the little girl.Although Lin Yu can only see the back of the little girl, Lin Yu will never forget that long pale golden hair and the familiar feeling in his hands.

"Nana?" Lin Yu accidentally called out a name.

"What's the matter? Xiao Yu!" The little girl turned her head after hearing Lin Yu's voice, and looked at Lin Yu with her blue eyes.

"No! Nothing!" Lin Yu wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

"Okay! Don't dawdle! The teacher is coming soon! Let's go!" Seeing that Lin Yu didn't say anything, Nana immediately pulled Lin Yu and ran again.

However, while Lin Yu ran with Nana, he pinched himself hard with the other hand. Although he felt it, he didn't feel any pain.

"Sure enough, is this my dream!" Lin Yu also understood at this time that these were just his dreams.Because just now he had just finished chatting with Novalu and went to sleep.But there is nothing wrong with such a dream!
After a while, Lin Yu followed Nana to the door, and saw a woman with taupe long hair and a uniform walking over from a long distance.

"Teacher Ragnar!" Before Ragnar came over, Nana ran over and threw herself into her arms.

"Bianca, long time no see!" Ragnar happily hugged Nana, and continued to walk towards Lin Yu.

"Teacher?" Lin Yu looked at the familiar and somewhat unfamiliar person in front of him, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"What's the matter? Lin Yu, haven't seen the teacher for so long, do you miss the teacher?" Ragnar walked up to Lin Yu with a smile, knelt down and looked at Lin Yu who was a little dazed, and said.

"Teacher, let me tell you, Xiao Yu has been in a daze just now!" Nana said to Ragnar after being put down by Ragnar.

"Xiao Yu, what's the matter? Can you talk to the teacher?" Ragnar squatted in front of Lin Yu, stroking Lin Yu's face with a smile, and asked.

"It's nothing!" Lin Yu finally realized it, and then said to Ragnar with a smile, "I just know that the teacher is so happy to be back!"

This dream is so rare!Although Lin Yu knew that everything in front of him was just a dream, he still let himself accept everything in front of him.

"Okay!" Ragnar took Lin Yu and Nana with his left and right hands respectively, and walked in.

"Is this the orphanage where I was a child?" Lin Yu kept looking around while following Ragnar.He found that all of these are so familiar, whether it is people or things.

Not far away, several little girls around seven or eight years old ran over, some threw themselves into Ragnar's arms, some kept calling Ragnar "teacher", and some stood still. Beside Ragnar.

"Okay! Children! It's cold outside, let's go in!" As he spoke, Ragnar entered the hall of the orphanage surrounded by a group of children.

"How about it, children? Is there anything interesting to share with the teacher?" Ragnar's current appearance did not match her uniform at all.

"Yes, yes! Bianca has been criticized by other teachers as an idiot again!"

"Yes! Several teachers said that!"

As soon as they heard that Ragnar wanted to know something interesting, the group of children all turned to Nana.

"Pfft——" Lin Yu couldn't help laughing.He thought that other people would have something interesting to share, but he didn't expect that those little girls thought it was funny to be criticized by the teacher for being a big fool.

"Bianca, what's going on?" Ragnar didn't have any tone of blame in his voice, just asked with concern.

"No... nothing! It's just that I can't remember what the other teachers taught!" As soon as Ragnar asked, Nana immediately flustered a little, and her ten fingers kept tangling together.

"That's it! It's okay!" Ragnar patted Nana's head to comfort him, and then said to Lin Yu, "If you don't know anything, Xiao Yu can teach you, he learns things faster!"

"Ah!!!" Lin Yu was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't think of this incident in the orphanage for a while.

Nana has the worst learning ability in the orphanage, but the strange thing is that she can remember things taught by Ragnar immediately.It will be different once she changes to other teachers, she can't remember anything.Lin Yu was just the opposite of Nana. He could remember what other teachers taught, but he couldn't remember what Teacher Ragnar taught.But Ragnar taught very little, so this had no effect on Lin Yu.More importantly, what Ragnar taught them was not about book knowledge, but about gardening, which made Lin Yu very speechless. Can he be blamed for this?
Afterwards, Ragnar took them around the orphanage.For the next few days, Ragnar stayed with them.Lin Yu was also completely immersed in this dream, and even forgot that it was a dream.

In the past few days, Lin Yu also figured out why he was the only one who called the little girl with pale blond hair Nana, while everyone else called her Bianca.This is purely Lin Yu's personal reasons.

Nana's full name is Bianca Atagena, which is totally a typical foreign name.As a native of China, Lin Yu must be a little disgusted with such a long name, so he called her Nana directly.As for the others, they were all used to calling her Bianca.Over time, Nana became Lin Yu's exclusive nickname for Bianca Atagena, and she herself got used to it.

A few days later, Ragnar was leaving again.

"Mr. Ragnar, you must come back before Christmas! You promised us to choose gifts together!" Nana kept shaking Ragnar's arm.

"Got it! When did the teacher never fulfill what the teacher said!" Ragnar stretched out his hand and patted Nana's head with a smile on his face.

"Hehe! You know how to act like a baby!" Lin Yu complained from the side.

"Xiao Yu, do you want to be beaten again?" Nana showed her little fist.

"Eh..." Lin Yu was so frightened that he quickly hugged Ragnar's hand tightly.In the past few days, he has experienced Nana's fist several times.I have to say that Nana's brain is not very bright, but her physical fitness is very good. Although her fist is small, it hurts a lot.

"Okay! You two know how to make a fuss, stop it!" Ragnar looked at the two and said with a smile, "Bianca, don't bully Xiaoyu while I'm away!"

"Hmph! As long as he doesn't mess with me, I won't bully him!" Nana snorted lightly.

Ragnar didn t say much when he saw this, and left after saying goodbye to Lin Yu and Nana.When she came back again, she didn't know when it was.

A long time later, it was almost Christmas, and Lin Yu and the others still hadn't received any news that Teacher Ragnar was coming back.Until one day, some mysterious people came from the orphanage and brought news that made Lin Yu and the others very desperate: Ragnar, the captain of the Valkyrie assault team, unfortunately died in the battle with the Houkai Beast.

It was like a thunderbolt hitting the hearts of the children.On that day, the world of Lin Yu and Nana seemed to collapse.

"Mr. Ragnar, you are a big liar! We promised to come back before Christmas!" Nana squatted helplessly in the corner, her big watery eyes were also red from crying.

Lin Yu was next to her, and he felt very sad, but he always remembered what Ragnar taught him: No matter what difficulties you encounter, you must face them bravely.

Looking at Nana who was crying, Lin Yu could feel her uneasiness and deep helplessness.

A few days later, Lin Yu was adopted by a family.It is said that this was arranged by Ragnar before going to the task, as if she knew she would not be able to complete the task.As for what happened to Nana later, Lin Yu didn't know at all.His memory only stayed at the scene of saying goodbye to Nana in the orphanage.


"You liar! You made a promise with me to become a better person than Teacher Ragnar! Where did you go?" Somewhere, Nana was crying helplessly.

I don't know how long later, she also looked for Lin Yu's whereabouts, but when she found that place, the people who originally lived there had moved away.Once again she lost track of him.

It wasn't until she learned that Lin Yu was picked up by Ragnar during a certain mission that she completely understood that she had completely lost the clue to find him, and there was no way to find him again.


Destiny Headquarters, in a certain dormitory,

At 04:30 in the morning, the S-rank Valkyrie Ulandal woke up.

"Huh? These are... tears!!" Youlandelle noticed something flowing down her face, and wiped it lightly with her hand, only to find that it was tears.

"Is it because of that dream?" Ulandelle stared blankly at a photo frame on the bedside cabinet. There was a photo in it: a photo of a little girl with light blonde long hair and a little boy with long brown hair.


(End of this chapter)

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