Chapter 37 Procurement
In the early morning of Monday, St. Freya College, Lin Yu's room,

"Huh? Is it really a dream?" Lin Yu woke up from his sleep, a little dazed.On the cabinet in front of the bed stood his most important photo.

But as soon as Lin Yu saw this photo, he recalled the dream he had last night.Although the dream was already blurred, I could never forget the blond girl named Nana crouching in the corner and crying bitterly.

"Strange! What's wrong with me?" Thinking of the dream last night, Lin Yu felt endless sadness in his heart.Although he didn't want to cry, the tears couldn't help but flow down.



After that, Lin Yu asked Teresa to help him find out all the information about his childhood in a French orphanage, including the list of adopted people.What Lin Yu didn't expect was that the name Bianca Atagena was not on that list, and his own name was not on it.

"Lin Yu, did you remember the orphanage wrong? You and the name Bianca are not on the list of this orphanage!" Teresa said looking at the information about the orphanage that Lin Yu said in her hand .

"Impossible! I still remember the name of the director of the orphanage, how could I remember the name of the orphanage wrong!" Lin Yu looked at the information in his hand that was exactly the same as Theresa, and said with certainty.

That's right!Even Teresa felt very strange.Because Lin Yu can call out the names of several teachers in the orphanage, there should be no possibility of misremembering.

"Wait!" Teresa seemed to think of something, and said, "I remember the name Ragnar Lodbrok. That's the name of the captain of the Valkyrie charge team that Jizi belonged to before!"

"Great! I'll go ask Sister Ji Zi right now!" Lin Yu didn't stay in Teresa's office for a second as soon as he heard the clue, and ran out directly.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Teresa wanted to call Lin Yu to stop, but Lin Yu had already ran out.Teresa looked at the unclosed door, and said to herself: "That experience is not a good memory for Jizi!"

In Jizi's office,
"Yo! Lin Yu! A rare visitor! Why are you free to come to me Ji Zi was very surprised to see Lin Yu come to his office, because Lin Yu never came to her office on his own initiative.Although I have been here a few times, it was always to call him to help.

"Mr. Jizi, I want to ask you something!" Lin Yu didn t say much, and went straight to the topic.

"What's the matter? Let's see if I can help you!" Ji Zi stopped what he was doing as soon as Lin Yu asked her something.

Seeing that Ji Zi didn't reject him, Lin Yu was very happy, so he asked Ji Zi directly: "Mr. Ji Zi, do you know Ragnar Lodbrok?"

"!!!" Upon hearing the name Ragnar, Ji Zi's expression changed instantly.The originally serious face suddenly became a little sad.

Teacher Jizi, what's the matter with you Lin Yu also found that when he said the name Ragnar, Jizi's expression changed.

really!This name is very important to Jizi, but it also represents a past that he does not want to recall.

A few winters ago, the Valkyrie assault team led by Ragnar accepted a mission to destroy the Houkai beast.However, due to the wrong assessment of the task by the headquarters, the task that was originally only A-level difficulty became an S-level task.This negligence caused Jizi's assault team to be completely wiped out. When the rescue arrived, only Jizi was found dying, and the rest were all dead.Even Ragnar, the top A-rank Valkyrie, was sacrificed.

"I don't want to talk about her!" Ji Zi didn't talk too much to Lin Yu, afraid that he would think of more sad memories.

Lin Yu also knows how to look at the situation, he knows that he seems a little too radical.Finding Nana is not something that can be done in a day or two.

"I'm sorry! Teacher Jizi! I'm going out first!" Lin Yu bowed to Jizi apologetically and left.

In the corridor outside Jizi's office,
"Really! How could I be so impulsive!" Lin Yu punched himself in the head twice.

If Lin Yu could think about it more, he would have thought that since Ragnar is the captain of Jizi's team, her death must have dealt a big blow to Jizi!Among all the team members, Ji Zi survived, which must have been a lot of torture for Ji Zi.

"Huh~~" Lin Yu became more awake after patting his head a few times.

"Now I should work hard to improve my strength! Only in this way can I protect the people around me!" Now Lin Yu is much more awake, and he no longer has to look for clues about Nana.

Lin Yu took out a pendant from his pocket, and then opened the lid of the pendant. There was a reduced photo inside, which was the one in front of Lin Yu's bed.

"Don't worry! I will definitely find you!" Lin Yu held the pendant tightly, his eyes full of determination.


Another new weekend,
Lin Yu did not go out to do missions with Fu Hua this weekend, so he was relatively free this time.

"Lin Yu, the ingredients at home are almost running out! Can you accompany me to buy some?" Mei looked at the refrigerator after packing up, and said to Lin Yu.

"Yes! Let's go together!" Lin Yu's answer made Mei very happy.

"What! What! Going out shopping? I'm going too!" Kiyana rushed out as soon as she heard that Mei was going out, and wanted to go out with the two of them.

"Yes! Go and change!" Lin Yu said looking at Qiyana in her pajamas.

"Oh oh oh!" Kiyana returned to the room to change clothes immediately after being reminded by Lin Yu.

"Wait for me! I'm going to change my clothes too!" Mei said and returned to the room.

"Uh... Should I also change?" Lin Yu also had this idea when he saw that both of them went back to change.

After a while, the three of them changed their clothes.Mei changed into a very cool summer dress and wore knee-high black stockings.As for Lin Yu and Qiyana, they are not as cool as Mei: Kiyana is wearing a set of sports and leisure clothes, and Lin Yu is similar.

"Mei, it's beautiful!" Lin Yu gave Mei Yi a thumbs up and praised.

"What does Mei's beauty have to do with you? Let me tell you, Mei is mine!" Upon hearing Lin Yu's words, Qiyana immediately hugged Mei's arm, and cast a vicious look at Lin Yu, as if He was warning Lin Yu not to get close to Mei.

"Ha ha!" Lin Yu laughed awkwardly.

"Let's go!" Mei pulled Qiyana, and then said to Lin Yu.

He said he was going out to buy things, but he was actually still in St. Freya College.Because St. Freya College is very large, it is divided into many areas, but the dormitory area and the teaching area occupy a relatively large area.But the other areas add up to a lot.For example, the training area where Lin Yu often went, the leisure and entertainment area where the squad leader and Bronya went together, and the food street where Kiyana and Mei went.There are also research areas, planting areas, and more.In short, St. Freya College has everything that meets the needs of life.

Lin Yu followed behind Qiyana and Mei, looking at the surrounding scene casually.Since he often goes to the training area, he doesn't come here many times, and even if he comes, he just passes by and basically doesn't pay much attention to it.

However, there are not as many people on the block as expected, probably because many people are still in bed on weekends!

"It's classmate Lin Yu!"

"I heard that classmate Lin Yu lived with classmate Mei and the others?"

"Isn't that cohabitation?"

As a panda-level figure in the college, Lin Yu aroused many discussions as soon as he appeared in the block.What can be done about this?The students in the whole study are all girls, and he is the only boy, can he not cause a topic?
However, Kiana and Mei were still chatting happily, as if they didn't hear the girls around at all.But Lin Yu's perception is relatively strong, and he heard it without paying attention to control.

"Alas!" Lin Yu could only sigh at the girl's remarks.No way, what they said is the truth, and Lin Yu can't justify it!
"Lin Yu, do you want something to eat?" Mei suddenly turned back and asked Lin Yu.

"Yes! What to eat? I'll buy it!" Lin Yu didn't refuse either.

"I want ice cream!" Before Mei could answer, Kiyana said what she wanted to eat.

"Then let me eat ice cream too!" Mei followed Kiana's request.

Then Lin Yu went to the ice cream shop next to him and bought a large ice cream for the two of them.Because Lin Yu often went out to do missions, he had a lot of money in his hands.Of course, this is not specific money, because everything in Saint Freya Academy is purchased with points.If you want to convert the points into currency, it's fine, but the ratio will be a little loss.

"By the way, Lin Yu! You have often gone out to do missions during this time, so you must have been paid a lot, right?" Kiyana took the ice cream that Lin Yu handed over, as if thinking of something.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yu was asked by Qiyana, and he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Can you lend me some?" Kiyana unceremoniously borrowed money from Lin Yu.

As a student, the points are fixed every month, and the better the grades, the more points the student gets.As for Qiyana, needless to say, her points are pitifully low. If she didn't live with everyone, her points would definitely not be enough.What's more, she often plays games with Fu Hua, and it's still krypton gold.

"Yes!" Lin Yu agreed without hesitation.

"Really! Lin Yu, you are so kind!" Qiyana jumped up happily.

"However," Lin Yu's tone changed, "I can only lend it to you if you pass your exam!"

"Ah~" Kiyana, who was still happy just now, immediately became depressed when she heard this.It was too difficult for her to pass the exam.

"Okay! Let's go shopping!" Seeing that the two chatted about other topics and forgot about shopping, Mei urged.

"Understood!" Kiyana replied dejectedly.

"Okay!" Lin Yu replied.

Afterwards, the three of them made a big purchase in the block and prepared to go back.On the way back, Lin Yu kept following Qiyana and Mei with several large bags of things.

As for why?Of course, women are responsible for shopping, and men are responsible for carrying things!
 Today is 520, a special chapter is added!This is different from the compensation mentioned yesterday!However, it will be a little late to post the new chapter, so please forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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