Chapter 38 Unusual Stigma

In the infirmary, Teresa was lying quietly on the bed at this time.

"What? You said Teresa passed out?" Kiyana's scream came from the bed in the infirmary.

"Please keep quiet in the infirmary, idiot Qiyana!" the three-no girl Bronya complained.

"Although the quarrel is Kiyana's fault, I am more concerned about the situation of the headmaster. Bronia, explain it quickly!"

"Bump—" Lin Yu knocked Qiyana on the head a few times unceremoniously, calming her down.Then Lin Yu looked at Bronya, waiting for Bronya's explanation.

As for why Teresa was lying on the bed, it had to start in the morning.

When Lin Yu returned to the dormitory to prepare for dinner after practice, he found that there was one person missing as soon as he sat at the table.None other than Teresa.

So Lin Yu went to her room and knocked on the door, but there was no response.Lin Yu immediately felt that something was wrong, and immediately forcibly broke in, and found Teresa lying on the ground.

Without any hesitation, after Lin Yu talked to everyone who was still eating, he picked up Teresa and hurried to the infirmary.

The staff in the infirmary did a series of checks on Teresa immediately after she was sent over, but they didn't even find out what was wrong with Teresa.

As soon as Teresa's situation was not found out, Lin Yu couldn't help but want to complain about the level of the college's medical institutions.

The above is the reason why Teresa was lying in the infirmary and why the four of Lin Yu appeared in the infirmary.

Bronya took out the handheld computer and began to analyze: "Principal Teresa was found passed out in the bedroom this morning, and there is no sign of waking up so far. After analysis, Bronya deduced that the reason was behind her. stigmata."

"Stigmata!" Lin Yu was startled.Because the stigmata behind Teresa was transformed by Yae Sakura, and Yae Sakura's soul is still sleeping inside!
"The stigmata are essentially a database that records a large amount of genetic information. However, an abnormal flow of information has been detected in the stigmata on the back of the dean, which will not only cause the host body to malfunction, but even affect her consciousness. It has had an impact!" Bronya continued to stare at the data on the handheld computer, explaining while analyzing.

"Never heard of such a thing?" Kiyana shouted, holding her head.

"Be quiet!" Lin Yu tapped Qiyana's head again.

"The artificial stigmata of the Destiny organization will be adjusted according to the physical fitness of the host, which rarely happens. However, the natural stigmata on Theresa's body do not seem to be hers. As far as the current situation is concerned, the head of Deliza's academy His consciousness has been swallowed into the stigmata space."

Lin Yu looked at the three-curved jade-shaped stigmata on Teresa's back, and once again thought of the scene where Yae Sakura rescued Teresa in Changkong City.

"Sakura, will you still protect her this time?"

Looking at Teresa sleeping soundly, Lin Yu said silently in his heart.

"What... Could it be that Teresa can't wake up again?" Kiyana went completely crazy.

"Is there any way to wake up the dean?" Mei asked Bronya while pulling Kiana away from the bed.

"Bronya is not absolutely sure, I can only try my best!" Bronya began to search for something from his schoolbag.Afterwards, Bronya took out a Houm-like helmet similar to the one he had sneaked into the Destiny database from before.

"Bronya, what is this?" Lin Yu asked, pointing to the helmet in her hand.

"This is a submerged thinking reality connection device modified by Bronia, which can connect the wearer's consciousness with the stigmata behind Teresa. This will allow you to enter the stigmata space and find out what happened inside!"

"Then leave it to me!" Lin Yu took the helmet from Bronya.There is Sakura's soul in this stigmata space, so Lin Yu has to go there himself.And more importantly, Lin Yu can let Novalu bring Sakura's soul out of the stigmata space.

"Bronya, I remember you have several helmets! Give me one too!" Mei is also going to ask Bronya for a helmet to enter with Lin Yu.

"Then I'll go with Mei too!" Kiyana immediately hugged Mei.

"Mei! Kiyana! This is not a spring outing. I don't know what danger is in the stigmata space! Leave it to me!" Lin Yu is a little confident in his own strength, because if the strength of Yai and Kiyana Lin Yu would be worried if he entered.

"Brother Lin Yu is right, we just take care of brother Lin Yu when we enter the stigmata space here!" Bronya didn't take out his helmet anymore, turned around and said to Lin Yu, "Brother Lin Yu, Brony Ya will use the central computer to keep in touch with you. The most urgent task is to find the consciousness of Teresa who was involved in the stigmata!"

"Well! I see! Then I'm off!" Lin Yu sat on a chair and put on the submerged thinking reality connection device.

After a few seconds of darkness, Lin Yu could see the scene in the stigmata space.

A sea of ​​fire, the earth is burning, and a dilapidated shrine is also burning.

"Is this the scene engraved in the space of the stigmata? It's so desolate!" Lin Yu said to himself looking at the scene in front of him.

"Brother Lin Yu, I didn't find Teresa's reaction in the space you are in, it's time to go to the next space! Please follow Bronya's instructions!" A voice came from a special earphone on Lin Yu's ear Bronya's voice.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Yu seemed to have discovered something, looking for something all the way forward.After walking a few steps, Lin Yu found a nun covered in scars lying there dying.

"How is it possible?" Lin Yu looked at the nun in front of him with surprise on his face.Because the nun in front of her was none other than Karen whom she had seen in the Destiny database before.

"Lulu, are you there? Respond to me!" Lin Yu called Nuova Lu in his heart.

"What's wrong?" Novalu's voice came again.It's just a mind exchange, and Bronya outside can't hear it.

"You come out to see the situation first!" In Lin Yu's view, this stigmata space is no different from the database space, because he sneaked in by consciousness.

After briefly explaining to Novalu, Novalu understood, and immediately appeared beside Lin Yu in a phantom.

"Didn't you meet this person in the database?" Novalu was also shocked when she saw Karen, because Karen's consciousness was still recovering in the star language.

"Hello, if you meet a sakura-colored long-haired maiden sure to give this to her..." As soon as Lin Yu helped Kallen up, Kallen put the cross necklace in her hand in his hands.Then Karen fainted, and her figure began to slowly fade away, as if slowly disappearing.

"Lulu, let's see if this Kallen is ideological, if so, bring her back to the astronomical language to recover!" Lin Yu passed a message to Novalu.After all, Bronya is still in contact with Lin Yu through headphones, so it is impossible for Bronya to think that Lin Yu is talking to him.

"No problem!" Novalu said, gathering a silver-white ball of light in her hand, trying to put the part of Kallen gradually disappearing into it.

To the surprise of the two of them, this is really possible, and all the light spots produced by Karen's virtualization are collected by Novalu into the light ball.This shows that if these consciousnesses are fused with Kallen's before, Kallen's consciousness will recover faster.

"I'll go back and send Kallen's consciousness back first!" Novalu nodded to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu also understood, and nodded in response.

Brother Lin Yu, the space you are in is about to collapse, leave quickly Bronya's anxious voice came from the headset.

In the next second, Lin Yu was swallowed by the collapsed space.

"The connection with brother Lin Yu is broken..." Bronya looked at the computer in his hand in disbelief from the outside world.

"Little one, what's going on?" Kiyana became anxious immediately after hearing Bronya's words.

"Bronya, what will happen to Lin Yu?" Mei is also very worried about Lin Yu.

"If brother Lin Yu's consciousness is lost in the space of stigmata, he will also fall into a deep sleep like Teresa!" Bronya's face began to darken.


Somewhere, Teresa slowly opened her eyes.

"Where is this place?" Teresa looked around and found that her clothes had changed into a red and white witch costume.

"Why am I in the woods? What's the matter with this dress?" Teresa looked at herself, very puzzled.

"Help!" Just when Theresa was puzzled, a person who was being chased by a huge monster desperately shouted for help.Before running very far, the man fell down.Looking at the monster approaching him, the man looked terrified.

"Honkai beast? It's quite an ancient type!" Teresa picked up the stone spear dropped by the man, and looked at the bear-shaped Honkai beast in front of her.

"If you underestimate me, I will suffer a lot. Let me show you the power of an S-rank Valkyrie...Huh?" Theresa just picked up the stone spear and stabbed at the Houkai Beast, but found that there was a slash on the Houkai Beast's body. No marks appeared.

"Roar—" The Honkai Beast seemed to be irritated, and the tail behind it directly tied Theresa and hung it up.

The tail became tighter and tighter, making Teresa unable to breathe.

rustling --

As the breeze blew, a girl with cherry-colored long hair and a beautiful maiden costume came over.The sword at the waist was pulled out lightly, and the tail that bound Teresa was cut off in the next second.Teresa also fell from a height.

With a sound of "Shua--", the witch jumped up and caught Teresa.

"Are you OK?"

(End of this chapter)

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