Chapter 371 Art is Explosion
After walking through the passage and solving a few mechas on the road, Lin Yu and Teresa came to the laboratory and saw Mei who was trapped and Bronya with blank eyes guarding in front of her.

"Give me back Mei Yi!"

As soon as she saw Mei who was trapped, Qiyana couldn t help but rushed forward to save her, but Lin Yu stopped her in time.

"Qiana, don't be so reckless."

Lin Yu stopped Qiyana and pulled her behind, then looked at a camera not far away and said:
"Cocolia, I really don't understand what you are doing all this for?"

"Hmph! You don't understand the true value of Herrscher at all. As long as you know how Herrscher manipulates natural forces, the level of human technology will increase by leaps and bounds."

Cocolia stated the purpose of what she did, and then she ordered Bronya:
"Bronya, stop them for me."

The next moment, the reloaded bunny behind Bronya began to move slowly, as if to attack Qiyana and the others.

"Bronya, wake up quickly, don't be controlled anymore."

Seeing that Bronya wanted to do something to them, Kiyana immediately yelled at her, trying to wake Bronya up.

However, although the reloading bunny moved slowly, there was no other movement after that. Bronya still stood where she was and said:
"When Bronya was young, her parents passed away. In Bronya's heart, Cocolia was like her mother, but Bronya met sister Mei. Sister Mei was very kind to Bronya, and Buronya Lonya doesn't want to hurt Sister Mei, so Bronya won't fight either. Qiyana, brother Lin Yu, take Sister Mei away quickly. Bronya has already burned the biochip. "

right at bronya
"Are you kidding? The biochip is implanted in your brain. If it burns out, do you mean you want to commit suicide?"

Cocolia did not expect that Bronya would dare to make such a desperate move.

"Bronya feels that sister Mei is more important than her own life. Bronya will no longer accept any order to hurt sister Mei."

When Bronya said this, she slowly turned around and glanced at Mei, her eyes full of reluctance.

"Goodbye, sister Mei."

However, at this moment, a warm palm was placed on Bronya's head.

"Bronya, it's not such a desperate time yet, don't give up hope!"

The person who said this was Lin Yu.

"But the biochip in Bronya's brain has been burned, and Bronya will..."

Before Bronya could continue speaking, Lin Yu interrupted her and said:
"Don't worry, you'll just take a little nap and wake up soon. When you wake up, everything will be fine."

When Lin Yu said these words, a faint white halo quietly appeared in the palm of his hand placed on Bronya's head, and those white halos were slowly blending into Bronya's body.

These white halos are the power of creation transformed from the power of death.With these creative powers, even if Bronya's brain is damaged due to the burning of the biochip, it will slowly recover.Although it will take some time, it will eventually allow Bronya to fully recover.

"Well, Bronya believes in Brother Lin Yu."

After saying this, Bronya slowly closed her eyes and fell into a severe coma.

What Lin Yu said has never disappointed Bronya, so she still chose to believe Lin Yu this time.

"Sister Jizi, please take care of Bronya. Kiyana, go and save Mei."

Lin Yu picked up the unconscious Bronya and walked to Jizi and handed it to Jizi, while asking Qiyana to rescue the trapped Mei.

After hearing what Lin Yu said, Qiyana rushed over without saying a word and rescued Mei.

"Mei, Mei, wake up."

After rescuing Mei, Kiyana kept calling her name, trying to wake Mei up.

"Where is... where? Kiyana?"

After being called by Kiyana, Mei was really woken up by her, but the state seemed to be a little confused.

"Great, Mei, you're finally awake."

Seeing Mei wake up, Kiyana immediately hugged Mei happily.

"Why is Bronya unconscious?"

Mei looked around and saw the unconscious Bronya being hugged by Himeko.

"It's nothing, Bronya is just sleeping, she will wake up soon."

Without Qiyana answering, Lin Yu said it first.

Although Lin Yu looked extremely calm at this time, everyone could feel the terrifying anger hidden under that calm appearance.

"I always feel that something big is going to happen here soon."

Xiaona, who was in an invisible state, couldn t help having a bad feeling after seeing Lin Yu s appearance, but at this moment, she suddenly received a communication request.

"Huh? Who would contact me at this time? It turned out to be..."

Xiaona was taken aback when she saw the name of the person requesting communication.

"You don't have to worry. Although Bronya's brain has been damaged, as long as she is taken back to St. Freya Academy for treatment in time, there is still hope of recovery."

Teresa's words also made Qiyana and the others feel a little relieved about Bronya's situation.

"Now we have to get out of here quickly."

Ji Zi hurriedly urged.

"Do you think I'll let you leave here so easily—!! Anyway, the Fourth Herrscher is still in my hands, so I'll speed up the progress of the experiment."

Cocolia's angry voice came over.

"Hey, what are you going to do to Miss Wendy?"

Only then did Kiyana realize that it was not only Mei and Bronya who were caught by Cocolia, but also Wendy!
"Hey——have you said enough! I seem to have said before that if something happens to Mei and Bronya, I will ask you to settle the score, right?"

Lin Yu stared fixedly at the camera not far away, his eyes full of anger towards Cocolia.Even Cocolia, who was sitting on the top floor, could feel the extent of Lin Yu's anger towards him through the screen.

"Next, I will tear down this building layer by layer until I catch you. I hope your toys don't let me down!"

"Yeah! Let's make a fuss!"

At this time, Xiaona knew what Lin Yu was going to do next as soon as she heard what Lin Yu said, so she simply let go of her hands and feet and prepared for a "fight".

"Second rated power, release!"

"Xiao Longlong, Xiao Honghong, demolish this place."

Xiaona, who lifted the second restriction, directly manifested two "phantoms"-the silver dragon of the sky and the phoenix of flame.

You must know that apart from a few people in the base, this level of "entertainment" has only been seen by You Landal of the Destiny Headquarters, so Xiaona's treatment of Cocolia this time can be regarded as "special treatment".


Afterwards, there were bursts of explosions in the headquarters building of ME Agency.

At the same time, on the roof next to the ME club headquarters building, a figure quietly walked out of the space passage with an unconscious person in his arms.

At this time, there is no other person who has the power of space and can act so freely except Nuovalu.

"I wanted to sneak behind Lin Yu to see the situation, but I didn't expect those people from Anti Entropy to do such a cruel thing. Fortunately, I happened to pass by, otherwise this person would really be dead."

Putting the unconscious Wendy by her side, Novalu sat on the roof and quietly admired the art-filled scenes in the ME headquarters building.

That's right!

Art is a blast!

 hey-hey!Wendy doesn't have a G, I said before that the knife was just a joke (乛乛) PS: Do you want to set off fireworks to celebrate after a few chapters?Does anyone know what this fireworks is?

(End of this chapter)

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