The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 372 More Exciting Chapters

Chapter 372 A More Exciting Show
Ten minutes ago, when Lin Yu and the others had just entered the laboratory on the third floor, Novalu's figure quietly appeared from the top floor of the ME club building.

"According to the information fed back by "Alseus", Lin Yu came to ME Club this time mainly to save people, so I won't interfere, let's see what the anti-entropy Cocolia is doing! "

Following Nova Lu's thoughts, her whole body was covered by the invisible barrier of imaginary numbers, and then she quietly started to walk upstairs.

Although Lin Yu would subconsciously not use too much power of the Herrscher when he acted, he did so in order not to reveal his identity.And Nuovalu doesn't need to think about this, anyway, her current appearance is not the usual one, but the one she fought with the Destiny Headquarters in London before.

That was the appearance of Nuonuo, the No. [-] cadre of Feather Blade, Space Blade.

"Huh? There is..."

When Novalu went down a few floors, he found a weak Herrscher energy response from a certain laboratory in the corridor.

Following the energy reaction, Novalu quickly found the laboratory that emitted the energy reaction.

"Well—this is..."

The moment she entered the laboratory, Novalu was frightened by the somewhat bloody figure lying on the laboratory table.

The person lying on the experimental table was none other than the Fourth Herrscher Wendy who was defeated by the mecha before, but she was completely different from her previous appearance now.Her body was covered with scars, but these were not what Novalu cared about. What she cared about was Wendy's leg...

Although the wound had been treated, the treatment was too sloppy, and there was still blood oozing from the bandaged place.Wendy's breath is getting weaker and weaker. If this continues, she may die in a short time.

"These anti-entropy guys really don't treat Herrscher as a human being!"

Seeing Wendy like this, Novalu could almost imagine what she had experienced before.

Then she walked to Wendy's side, and then took out a crystal emitting a faint white halo from the space of the black sky and white feathers, and gently placed it on Wendy's wound.The moment the crystal was placed on the wound, the crystal instantly burst and turned into a ball of white light that merged into the wound.

Afterwards, Wendy's aura stopped falling, and even showed a slight tendency to recover slowly. At the same time, the wounds on her body were also gradually recovering.

"Using a high-quality recovery crystal can't restore her legs?"

When Novalu saw that the radiance of crystallization only helped Wendy recover from the wound, but did not let her leg recover, she was a little disappointed, but she came back to her senses the next moment, and said:
"However, I did my best to save her life."

Novalu is not good at treatment at all, and the white crystal she used just now was also the product of Lin Yu's accidental birth when he was training himself the power of the Herrscher.

Those recovery crystals are actually Honkai crystals that contain a little power of creation, but the Honkai in the crystals can be almost separated by Lin Yu, so only the power of creation for healing is left in it.

It's just that the more power of creation contained in those crystals, the more difficult it is to make, and the crystal that Novalu used for Wendy just now already contains the most power of creation.It is reasonable to say that even a ruptured artery can heal in the shortest time with that level of crystallization, but even so, it couldn't restore her leg.

"Should I ask Lin Yu or Bella to help her recover later? Otherwise, she will have to be a disabled person in the future."

Seeing Wendy who had almost recovered from her injuries, Novalu thought about whether to take her away and let Lin Yu or Bella help her treat her. After all, only the two of them have the power of death.

"I'd better save her first, otherwise she will die sooner or later here at Anti-Entropy."

After seeing Wendy's previous tragedy, Novalu could imagine what it would be like to keep her here, so in order to avoid that from happening, she decided to take her away before making any plans.


On a certain high-rise building, Novalu watched with relish the ME agency headquarters building, which was constantly hearing explosions not far away.

"Anyway, I have already told Xiaona about saving people, so let her and Lin Yu have a big fight next! Just teach that guy Cocolia a lesson, and see if she dares to attack Mei and the others in the future. "

While watching, Nuova took out some food from the space of Heitian Baiyu. Her appearance gave people the feeling that she was watching a movie in a cinema.

boom boom-

The sound of explosions from the ME club building kept ringing, and mechas kept coming to support them, but they were blasted to pieces by two figures, one red and one silver, before they arrived.

"What are those two things? Why do I feel that they are more destructive than me?"

Looking at the red and white figures constantly moving at high speed in the building, Ji Zi couldn't help sighing.

You know, the current Jizi can say that she is not much inferior to the S-rank Valkyrie at the Destiny Headquarters in terms of various statistics, but she feels that she is not as good as the two things released by Xiaona.

"You really exceeded my expectations. The more than 100 mechas in the entire building failed to stop you. This actually made me more interested in the next program."

When all the mecha troops were wiped out, Lin Yu's voice came from Cocolia's communicator again. Judging from her tone, it seemed that there were more difficult things waiting for them.

"Release anything quickly, I haven't hit enough yet!"

After Xiaona recruited "Little Honghong" and "Xiaolonglong" to her side, she said to Cocolia very arrogantly.

"Uh...why is this little thing so belligerent?"

After hearing Xiaona's insane tone, Teresa and the others suddenly felt that her words seemed to be seriously inconsistent with her petite appearance!
"Forget it, it just so happens that the "Gem of Desire" has already been obtained, so I will use you to try my new work. "

"Cocolia, what do you mean by that?"

Teresa had a bad feeling after hearing Cocolia's words.

"Oops! Didn't I tell you? I've taken the "Gem of Desire" out of the Fourth Herrscher's body and combined it with the mecha. "

Cocolia's voice at this time seemed extremely proud.

"What? You actually..."

Kiana and Mei were shocked.

They have heard before that once the "Gem of Desire" is taken out of Wendy's body, she will most likely...

"You killed the Fourth Herrscher?"

Lin Yu planned to rescue Wendy in this operation, but he didn't expect the result...

"That...Lin Yu, actually..."

Xiaona was about to say something at this time, but a huge mechanical arm suddenly broke through the wall and interrupted what she was about to say.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely huge robot broke through the wall and came in front of Teresa and the others.

"Anti-entropy technology can actually make such a huge robot start?"

Teresa looked in disbelief.

In her impression, even the Tianming headquarters does not have enough technology to drive such a huge robot.

"Goodbye, you guys can play with my new work "MSR-7 Heavenly Father" for a while! "

Judging by Cocolia's tone, she seems to be evacuating the ME agency headquarters building, and this huge Heavenly Father robot is used to hold Teresa and the others.

"Xiaona, let Chi Yuan do her best, I have to dismantle this thing today."

Lin Yu saw that Cocolia was ready to do the real thing after dispatching the huge Heavenly Father Mecha, so he quietly asked Xiaona to give Chi Yuan an order.

At this time, Lin Yu had only one thought in his heart, that is, to dismantle this "MSR-7 Heavenly Father" robot, and it was the kind that was dismantled without any left.

"Roger that!"

After receiving the order from Lin Yu, Xiaona immediately gave an attack order to Chi Yuan who had been on standby on the roof for a long time.

At the same time, Chi Yuan, who was on standby at the top of the signal tower of the ME headquarters building, slowly drew out the Jingwei sword after receiving the attack order.

"Huh? The next show seems to be even more exciting!"

Feeling the energy fluctuations coming from the top of the ME club headquarters building, Novalu couldn't help but look forward to the "show" that will be staged next.

 The countdown to the blooming of the Heavenly Father brand fireworks has entered, five...four... PS: Someone is going to start trouble again, who do you think it will be? (Hint: related to Chiyuan)

(End of this chapter)

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