Chapter 375: Three Brackets
The day before Teresa decided to enter the central church, in the feather blade base "Sumi mustard".

"Huh—finally back."

Lin Yu took Xiaona out of the space passage slowly, looking extremely relaxed.

This action was actually not within Lin Yu's plan. After all, his initial plan was to complete the reproduction of the Moonlight Throne in the base, and then modify part of its internal structure and appearance, at least to make Moonlight The original designers of the throne and everyone in St. Freya didn't know that it was the Moonlight Throne.

Unfortunately, due to a series of accidents, the Moonlight Throne that Lin Yu worked so hard to reproduce for a long time has been "bombed" twice.

"This time, the Moonlight Throne must be reproduced, definitely!!"

Lin Yu secretly made up his mind.

Anyway, the current news that Lin Yu is in Teresa and the others is in the period of being punished. He should not be able to go to St. Freya to visit Bronya in a short time.But he wasn't too worried about Bronya, after all, he used the power of death to restore her immediately after Bronya burned the biochip in her brain.

Although Lin Yu didn t have much power to use at that time, there was absolutely no problem in ensuring Bronya s safety, but the recovery time was a bit short, and there was nothing else to care about.

"By the way, we have to make another "Dragon Crystal" for Kiana. "

Lin Yu remembered that Qiyana lost the "Qianlong Crystal" earrings, and reckoned that he would have to find a time to make a new one.It's just that in terms of time, we have to wait for a while before handing it over to Kiyana, so if the Second Herrscher makes any movement during this period, Cecilia and Sirin will have no way to sneak into Kiyana's consciousness space again. help her.

"The Second Herrscher has already suffered a few times at the hands of Sirin and Cecilia, not to mention Cecilia has warned her last time, she should not come out to make trouble in a short time, right? "

Lin Yu began to think about Qiyana.

For up to five days, Lin Yu decided to give Qiyana the "Crystal of Qianlong" as soon as his "punishment" time passed.

After thinking about Qiyana, Lin Yu's expression immediately became serious, and then he looked at Xiaona, and said to her in an extremely serious tone:

"Xiaona, I have an important task for you."

"What... what mission?"

Cortana was startled.

Seeing Lin Yu's serious look, she felt that the task this time might not be too easy, otherwise Lin Yu would not have put on this look.

"Go and inform everyone in the base, as well as Xilin and the others in the academy, that no one is allowed to disturb me in the past two days unless there is news from the Herrscher. If anyone disturbs me, I will settle the score with you. "

Lin Yu said to Xiaona very seriously, as if he was talking about a very important thing.

"Ah? That's all?"

Xiaona was stunned.

Looking at Lin Yu's appearance just now, she thought it was a very important matter, but after a long time it was just such a trivial matter.

"If there is anything that can't be solved, I can find Chi Yuan. I have left a sliver of consciousness in it. Normally, I just keep her in automatic mode."

Speaking of which, Lin Yu got Chi Yuan out of the star language space, and attached a ray of his consciousness to Chi Yuan's energy core, and then explained a few words to Xiaona, and then the whole person disappeared up.

"What is Lin Yu going to do?"

Looking at Chi Yuan who was in front of Lin Yu, Xiaona's small head was full of big questions.

"Forget it, I'd better take Chi Yuan to the command room first, and then inform Sister Cangxuan and the others. If someone really disturbs Lin Yu, I will be the one who is unlucky."

Then Xiaona flew onto Chiyuan's shoulder.Then directed her to the command room.

At the same time Xiaona and Chi Yuan went to the command room, Lin Yu also came to the place where he had constructed the Moonlight Throne before, but there was no Moonlight Throne here at this time, only a pile of wreckage of warships on the ground.

That was the "result" caused by his interruptions in the previous two constructions of the Moonlight Throne.

"I've made all the preparations this time, and it's done directly during the construction together with the shape modification."

While thinking about how to transform the Moonlight Throne, Lin Yu started to dismantle these piles of "ruins".Although the battleship exploded when it was about to be completed due to interference, there are still some parts that are intact and can be used directly in subsequent constructions without the need to laboriously reproduce them.

Therefore, during the dismantling process, Lin Yu conceived the design of the transformed warship in his mind by the way.At this time, the battleship was no longer the Moonlight Throne, and Lin Yu gave it a new name, Ragnarok Twilight.

"It's time to get started."

After confirming that the modified design drawings were correct, Lin Yu relieved his mood, and then began to construct the battleship.

On the other hand, after Novalu took Wendy to the orphanage and briefly explained the situation to the dean, the dean also agreed to let Wendy stay in the orphanage to recuperate for a period of time.

"Let her rest for a while. When she wakes up, I have to explain the situation to her."

Take the fact that Wendy became a Herrscher, Destiny and Anti-Entropy will not let go of such a living "research material".If they knew the news that she was still alive, then Noir could imagine what would happen to her.

Novalu sat by the bed and thought for a while, then glanced at Wendy who was still in a coma on the bed, and left the room.

"Wenwen, when you are playing here, if you see that sister inside wakes up, go over there and let me know."

After Nuovalu walked out of the room, she saw Chen Wenwen who was playing with other children outside and said to her.

She needs to inform Lin Yu to get him ready to come to the orphanage, otherwise it seems a bit late to notify after Wendy wakes up.

"Okay, sister Lulu."

Chen Wenwen replied very obediently.

Then Novalu walked aside to contact Lin Yu to make him ready to come to the orphanage at any time.

"I don't know what Lin Yu was doing after returning to the base? He seemed to be fine after rescuing Mei and the others. Contacting him at this time shouldn't disturb him, right?"

Novalu thought carefully before contacting Lin Yu.

"Forget it, anyway, Lin Yu is either practicing using the power of the Herrscher when he is free, or he has gone somewhere to be lazy, and it will be fine to contact him."

After repeated consideration, Novalu finally decided to contact Lin Yu.

At the same time, Lin Yu's structure of the battleship gradually entered a good stage in the process of reappearing and transforming.

Although Lin Yu's previous experience in reproduction would make Lin Yu's structure easier this time, but the addition of the transformation made the workload even greater. After all, the technology contained in the Moonlight Throne can be regarded as the best today.Lin Yu will not do any complicated modifications to this, he just removes some things that are useless to Yu Ren, and then replaces them with more advanced ones.

To put it bluntly, the technology of pre-civilization is more powerful than it is now.

"For the power room, use the dual-core Houkai reactor recorded in the "Alseus" database. "

As Lin Yu spoke, he recalled what he saw in the "Alseus" database about the dual-core Houkai energy reactor in pre-civilization technology. That's it.

"The reactor is starting to be constructed."

Then Lin Yu began to concentrate on constructing the reactor.

Constructing a reaction furnace is a delicate job, and there is no room for mistakes. After all, this is the most important part of the entire battleship.Once a mistake is made, it is estimated that the entire battleship will be scrapped.

beep beep-

However, just when the construction of the reactor was halfway through, the communicator on Lin Yu's body suddenly rang.

Lin Yu's highly concentrated mind was instantly broken by the sound of the communicator, and because of this moment, the reactor under construction suddenly became extremely unstable.

"Did you make a mistake! Come again?"

After Lin Yu noticed that there was a problem with the reactor, he immediately felt that the scene seemed to be familiar.


Then, a loud noise came from the outer shell of the completed battleship, and then a sky-high flame burst out from the center of the entire battleship.The huge power of the reaction furnace explosion directly blew up the entire battleship in half.

Looking at the wreckage of the warship that was blown in half and fell from the sky with billowing smoke, Lin Yu's expression seemed to be wearing a mask of pain.

The next moment, he looked up to the sky and sighed, saying:
"I just want to build a battleship. Is it so difficult? This is the third time..."

 Guess when the protagonist will be able to build the battleship? PS: I have basically thought about the plot of the next article, and I can start after writing a few more chapters to pave the way.I hope you can give a lot of comments and recommendations to look forward to.


(End of this chapter)

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