The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 376 Dual Core Formation

Chapter 376 Dual Core Formation
Lin Yu sat on the ground weakly, looking at the wreckage of the battleship that fell on the ground, his whole body seemed to have turned gray.

He just wanted to get a battleship for the base while practicing using the power of the Herrscher, so that they could have a bit of ostentation when they dispatched in the future. Why is it so difficult?
Take a look at the Valkyrie troops dispatched by the Destiny Headquarters, see Teresa from St. Freya Academy, and even Cocolia from Anti-Entropy. Which one of them did not have a battleship when they dispatched?
Look at the appearance of Feather Blade when it is dispatched. At most, it uses the space channel to quickly reach the destination. There is no ostentation, it seems a bit... low?

When Lin Yu came back to his senses, the whole person slowly recovered, and then he remembered that there was still a communicator.

"Lulu, you better have something important to say? Otherwise, we will never forgive you when you come back!"

Lin Yu took out the communicator and took a look, and immediately became angry when he found that the communicator was Nuovalu.

I told her before to let her handle Wendy by herself, but in the end she came to find me.It’s fine if you find yourself when you have nothing to do, but this time the price is the Yublade exclusive battleship that is about to be completed!
"Huh? Did I disturb you?"

Nuovalu was taken aback when she heard Lin Yu s angry words, and she suddenly felt that this scene seemed familiar.

The next moment, Novalu reacted.

Isn't this the scene where Cang Xuan asked Lin Yu to help when he was on a mission?However, because the incident involved Herrscher and Meiyi, Lin Yu did not pursue it later.

I better have to explain to him this time.

"I'm using the power of reason to build a battleship! The whole battleship was blown up after your communication!"

Lin Yu directly told Novalu that he was building a warship.

"Build a battleship? Blow it up?"

Novalu immediately realized that something was wrong.

It seems that I really caused trouble this time.

"Yeah... it exploded, the whole thing exploded. So you better find me for some serious matter, otherwise you should think about the consequences yourself."

Lin Yu's indifferent tone seemed to be "threatening" Novalu.

"What else can I do here, isn't it Wendy's business? I have found a place for her to recuperate, but considering that if she wakes up and wants to go back to Destiny Headquarters or go to St. Freya Academy to find De Li Sarah and the others, then my identity may be exposed, so you can't help seal the relevant memories?"

Novalu explained the importance of the matter to Lin Yu.

In fact, Nuovalu can also go to Noelle. After all, she also has the power of knowledge, but considering the degree of control, in order to prevent Noelle from making Wendy an idiot by mistake, she finally decided to come to Lin Yu .


St. Freya Academy.

"Ah chirp-"

Noelle, who was studying seriously in the classroom, sneezed inexplicably, and then said with a puzzled face:
"Could it be that my sister misses me?"


"Hmm - I don't seem to have considered this point."

At that time, Lin Yu just left Wendy's affairs to Nuo Valu to handle by himself, and didn't think much about it at all.Now that I think about it carefully, I really overlooked a lot of things.

"If you want to seal the memory, you have to wait for her to wake up. You should explain the situation to her clearly. If she insists on going back to Destiny or St. Freya, then I will go there as the leader of Featherblade to seal her memory." Seal. If she is willing to hide her identity temporarily, let her stay there for a while, and send her back to St. Freya Academy when she has a chance later."

No matter what, Wendy absolutely can't go back to the Destiny Headquarters. After all, she is a pastor, and the Destiny Headquarters will definitely not let her go easily.But St. Freya Academy is different. Teresa was Wendy's teacher before, and this alone is enough to ensure her safety.

"Then I'll hang up first, and I'll let you know after Wendy wakes up and makes a decision."

As soon as Novalu heard that Lin Yu had made a decision, she was about to hang up the communication.

"Lulu, don't think you can get away with it this time, I'm sure when you come back..."

Before Lin Yu could finish speaking, Nuovalu disconnected the communication, which can be said to be just right.

"I'll have to punish you severely when Luluhe comes back."

Lin Yu looked at the communicator in his hand speechlessly, but he had already thought about how to punish Novalu in the future.

Afterwards, Lin Yu began to clean up the wreckage of the battleship, and at the same time split the whole battleship into multiple parts in his mind.

This time Lin Yu intends to construct each part of the battleship one by one and then assemble it into a complete battleship.Every time a part is constructed, Lin Yu wraps it with the power of space, and at the same time uses the power of the rock to control gravity to make it float in the air waiting for the final assembly.

As soon as the two parts of the battleship were restructured, Lin Yu found that his rock core seemed to be fully formed just now.

"Uh... I estimated the molding time is November! It's only October?"

Lin Yu was very surprised by the sudden formation of the core of the rock, after all, it was different from the time he expected.

"The core of the Herrscher was born at the same time, and the core of the rock has been formed. Looking at the core of reason, the progress is... eh? How come it is almost formed?"

Lin Yu just wanted to complain about the turtle-like forming speed of the core of reason, but he was surprised after perceiving it.

Three months ago, the core of perception time and reason was less than one-tenth, but now its forming speed has almost caught up with the core of rock?

What exactly is going on?

Lin Yu originally thought that it was because he had practiced using the power of reason for a long time recently that the speed of core formation was accelerated, but even if he had been practicing day and night for the past few months, according to the previous speed of formation, he would not reach this level what!

After Lin Yu carefully perceived the situation of the core of reason, he noticed that it absorbed energy from Shen Yu's core several times faster than before.It's no wonder that its forming speed exceeded Lin Yu's expectations.

"These five complete cores don't give me any feeling, but your core of truth, which is about to take shape, gives me an inexplicable feeling."

Lin Yu looked at the projection of the core of truth in his hand, and an inexplicable feeling was born in his heart.

Lin Yu was a little unclear about that feeling. It was a bit similar to the previous six cores before they were about to turn into the Herrscher halo, but it gave him a different feeling.

"It seems that I have to deliberately control the forming speed of the core of reason, otherwise I will be caught off guard like last time."

As Lin Yu said, he controlled Shen Yu's core to reduce the energy supply of the core of reasoning, so as to reduce its forming speed.

"Even if it is deliberately suppressed, it is estimated that the core of reason will take shape within ten days. It seems that after giving the things to Qiyana, you have to stay in the base and let the core of reason take shape."

After a short rest, Lin Yu started the construction of various parts of the battleship again, while also paying attention to the news of Novalu.

However, just after Lin Yu withdrew his perception of the core of reason, the core of reason had quietly formed by relying on the energy absorbed before.

The moment the core of reason was formed, a mysterious power suddenly appeared from the mysterious "stigmata" to cover it, and then transformed its interior, as if to sublimate its power and become a higher-level power.

 I will arrange Wendy later and prepare to start a new plot. Can you guys guess which plot I will start in the game? PS: Not many people guessed it, right? (* ̄rǒ ̄)
(End of this chapter)

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