The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 377 Wendy's Choice

Chapter 377 Wendy's Choice
When Lin Yu was halfway through the construction of the battleship, Novalu's communication followed.Fortunately, Lin Yu had already prepared in advance, so this time Novalu's communication had no effect on the construction work.

Lin Yu was ready to go to her when he connected to Novalu's communication, but he was surprised by the result.

"Lin Yu, it seems that you don't need to come here. I have already discussed with Wendy, and she agreed to stay here temporarily to recuperate."

"You've already dealt with it, what do you want me to do?"

Lin Yu was very puzzled about Novalu's contact this time.

"It's nothing! It's just to tell you."

Novalu indicated the purpose of the communication.

"Lulu, do you know that I've been busy all the time! You've disturbed me twice, I won't punish you when you come back."

Lin Yu decided to add this punishment to the heavy punishment just now for Novalu's action of disturbing her building a warship despite nothing, and she must let her know the consequences of disturbing her.

"What can you punish me for? The power of consciousness is useless to me."

Nuovalu didn't care at all about the so-called punishment in Lin Yu's mouth, because in her opinion, Lin Yu basically never punished people, and almost always used the power of consciousness to construct illusions to punish.It's just that the power of consciousness is not very useful to her now, so she didn't take Lin Yu's punishment seriously at all.

"Lulu doesn't seem to take the punishment I said seriously? She doesn't think the power of consciousness I used before is my limit?"

Lin Yu was taken aback after Nuovalu hung up the communication.

The power of consciousness he used to punish Cangxuan, Danzhu and Nuovalu for trying the "real dream" was not even one-tenth of his limit.Thinking of Novalu's amazing willpower, Lin Yu planned to use at least half of his consciousness to "teach" her once this time.


A few hours ago, the orphanage.

Shortly after Novalu contacted Lin Yu to make the battleship explode, Wenwen ran over to inform her that Wendy was awake.Novalu came to Wendy's room without saying a word to check on her situation.

"Who are you? Where is this place? Why am I here?"

Wendy immediately became vigilant when she saw Novalu walking in, but the question in her heart still made her ask Novalu three times.

She still has a little memory of her experience before she fell into a coma, but she doesn't have any memory after the "Gem of Desire" was taken out.

"You don't need to be wary of me. My name is Nuovalu, and I'm a member of Feather Blade. I think you should be familiar with the name Feather Blade, right?"

As soon as Novalu entered, she noticed that Wendy was wary of herself, but she didn't pay much attention to it, after all, this reaction seemed normal to her.Then she sat on the chair beside the bed and "identified" herself.

"You are from Yuren? So this is Yuren's base?"

Wendy was startled when she heard Novalu's words.

Feather Blade, this name is no stranger to the Destiny Headquarters and various branches. After all, this is the news that Bishop Otto personally sent to each branch, which shows how mysterious the Feather Blade is.

"You think too much, this is just an ordinary orphanage. In the process of carrying out the mission, Master Chi Yuan discovered that you were on the verge of death after the "Desire Gem" was taken away, so he rescued you from anti-entropy. Then leave it to me to arrange it myself. "

Nuo Valu roughly explained the process of saving her, but replaced the rescuer with Chi Yuan.Anyway, these things happened for real, and Novalu is not afraid of Wendy going to investigate in the future.

"Since the base does not allow strangers to enter, I have no place to arrange for you, so I brought you here."

"So what are you going to do with me?"

Wendy wondered what would happen to her afterward.

"It's not enough to deal with you, but now you have two choices: one is to rest here for a period of time, and don't think about returning to the destiny, because the report to you there is 'dead'."

Novalu was talking to Wendy while showing her the information he got from "Arsius", and then continued:

"But you can rest assured that I have stayed in St. Freya Academy for a while, and I have a good relationship with the head of the school, Teresa. If there is a chance, I can send you to her. I believe she should be capable Protect yours."

"What about the second option?"

After listening to Novalu's first choice, Wendy was silent for a moment, and then asked her what the second choice was.

"The second option is very simple. I will report the situation to several adults at the base, and let them delete your memory about Feather Blade, and then return you to Destiny."


Wendy fell silent after hearing the second choice.

Any fool would know that he should choose the first one. After all, choosing the second one would almost be courting death.

"Then how long am I going to stay here?"

Wendy wants to know how soon she can go to St. Freya Academy to meet Teresa and Bronya.

"It depends on your recovery. After all, your body has been severely eroded by the "Gem of Desire", and it may take a lot of time to fully recover. "

When Novalu rescued Wendy, not only did she have injuries on the surface of her body, but she also suffered serious injuries in her body due to the erosion of the "Gem of Desire".

When Lin Yu treated her, he only completely healed her external injuries, but the internal injuries were not treated at all because he did not check carefully.


Wendy felt her body, and then fell into silence.

Of course she knew her own body.Now his body is riddled with holes from being corroded by Honkai Energy, and his combat power has plummeted.Now she is at most a little bit stronger than ordinary people, and I am afraid that she is not even as good as a D-rank logistics Valkyrie of Destiny.

If this situation is in the destiny, there is basically no way to recover, and retirement is the only option.

"The erosion in your body is a bit serious. It is estimated that the possibility of self-recovery is not high, but I will help you later and strive to fully recover within a year."

In fact, if Novalu asked Lin Yu to help, Wendy would be able to recover immediately. After all, the power of death is not only powerful in destructive power, but also very powerful in recovery.

However, considering that making Wendy recover too quickly would make her suspicious, Novalu limited the recovery time to within one year.

"Full recovery within a year?"

Wendy was a little surprised.

How could he still have a chance to fully recover after being so severely eroded?I am afraid that such a technology may not even have a destiny, right?

Now she understood why Feather Blade attracted Bishop Otto's attention.

"However, let me state in advance that your strength will slowly recover during the recovery process. Don't think about leaving here privately, or you will bear the consequences."

When Novalu said this, her tone was very serious, as if she was warning Wendy.

"I know what I should do."

Wendy responded immediately after sensing the hidden meaning in Novalu's words.

Originally, after she became a Herrscher, she should have been captured by destiny or anti-entropy if nothing else happened, thus losing her freedom and being used as an experimental material for research.

But now she got rid of that ending, and all this is because she was saved by Feather Blade.Wendy would not be so stupid as to fight against an organization of unknown strength alone.

It would be great if she could slowly recuperate and recover here, not to mention that Novalu promised that she would send her to St. Freya Academy to meet Head Teresa and Bronya after she recovered.

 Wendy's ending should satisfy everyone, right?Let me tell you a little bit, Wendy will have a chance to play in the future. PS: Due to my personal affairs to deal with recently, it is estimated that I will not be able to update for two weeks.But please rest assured, double compensation will be given to everyone after the update, I hope you will forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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