Just when "Red Kite" was about to run in front of Nova Lu, Noir immediately raised the "Black Sky White Feather" that was about to be put away just now, and pointed it straight at the "Red Kite" who was running towards him.

"Hey hey hey—"

Seeing Novalu pointing "Hei Tian Bai Yu" at him, "Red Kite" stopped for the first time, and then stopped steadily.

It's just that the spear tip of "Heitian Baiyu" is only a few centimeters away from her head.

"Which of you is controlling Chiyuan? Cangxuan, Danzhu or Kalian?"

Novalu looked at "Red Kite" with a very calm expression, as if she was already familiar with this situation.

When Lin Yu didn't take Chi Yuan out before, they usually liked to control Chi Yuan to play with other people in the base, so Nuo Valu immediately felt that one of them was controlling Chi Yuan.

"Little Lulu, you misunderstood. I'm not any of them, I'm here to find you."

"Red Kite" carefully moved the tip of "Black Sky White Feather" away from her face, while expressing that Novalu guessed wrong.


Nuova Lu was startled when she heard what "Red Kite" said.

Just now she didn't pay much attention to what "Chiyuan" called her, but now she noticed that no one in the entire base would call her "Little Lulu".

Even Lin Yu just called her "Lulu", Fei Yuwan and Dan Zhu were either "Sister Lulu" or "Novalu", indeed no one would call her that.

"Hey! Who the hell are you?"

The next moment, Nuovalu, who came back to his senses, pointed the tip of the spear that "Red Kite" had just moved away to her again, and at the same time, his eyes gradually became sharper.

"That...Little Lulu, can you move "Hei Tian Bai Yu" away from me first?The energy it emits makes me very uneasy! "

When "Chi Yuan" wanted to move the spear point away from her face again, she found that no matter how hard she tried, "Hei Tian Bai Yu" just didn't move. It can be seen that Novalu also became serious at this time.At the same time, "Chi Yuan" was also staring closely at "Hei Tian Bai Yu" in front of her eyes, and she was very puzzled and said:
"Is it my illusion? Why do I feel that "Black Sky White Feather" has become stronger than before? "

Facing "Red Kite"'s request, Novalu didn't say anything, and the tip of "Hei Tian Bai Yu" was even a little closer to her.

"Don't! Little Lulu, don't you have memory loss? Even if I tell you my name now, you won't remember me."

Seeing that "Hei Tian Bai Yu" was getting closer to him, "Chi Yuan" suddenly panicked, and hurriedly explained to Nuo Valu.


When she heard "Chi Yuan" mentioned memory loss, Novalu was also surprised, because although she didn't know who the guy controlling Chi Yuan was, she really didn't mean to regard her as an enemy subconsciously.

"I came out of the sword inside. I originally wanted to save your consciousness, but it turned out that you have no major problems other than the loss of consciousness, and you have regained your body."

"Red Kite" put one hand against the tip of "Hei Tian Bai Yu" spear, and explained with the other finger pointing into the barrier.

"You came out of "Star Language"? "

Because there is no other sword in the space barrier except "Star Language", Novalu immediately thought of it.

"That sword is called "Star Language"? "

"Chi Yuan" was very puzzled when he heard the name.

Because she didn't know that "star language" was the name of the sword, this kind of reaction seemed normal to Novalu.

But at the next moment, "Chi Yuan" seemed to remember something important, and exclaimed:
"No! I remember that I was in the "Stone of Eternity" before. Where did my big "Stone of Eternity" go? "

"The Stone of Eternity?"Are you referring to the special piece of soul steel that is the raw material for "Star Language"?I remember that Lin Yu had already forged that stone into a weapon when I first woke up. "

Novalu is right, because the first time she and Lin Yu met was in the "Star Language" space after forging.

"How is it possible? The "Stone of Eternity" cannot be melted even if it is thrown into a star, and no attack can leave a trace on its surface. How can it be forged into a weapon?If the "Stone of Eternity" could be forged into a weapon, I would have already forged it into your weapon. In that case, we wouldn't lose so badly in the face of "The End"! "

At this time, "Red Kite" seemed a little unbelievable after hearing that the "Stone of Eternity" was forged into "Star Language".

"Wait! Your sentence contains a lot of information, and I can't digest it all at once."

Now it was Novalu's turn to panic.

"Stone of Eternity"?Facing "the end"?
Judging from the words of "Chi Yuan", these things seem to have been experienced by the two of them a long time ago, but she seems to have no impression of those things because of memory loss.

"The guy inside now... His name is Lin Yu, right? He is undergoing the test of "civilized order", and I can't disturb him at this time.After he finishes, I must ask him to clarify. "

"Chi Yuan", who gradually calmed down, also returned to normal. After glancing at the depths of the enchantment, he began to think about the solutions to a lot of problems that puzzled him.

"That...you know me?"

Novalu believed in her intuition more. From the performance and words of "Chi Yuan", plus she knew herself and came out of "Star Language", so the guy in front of her who controlled Chi Yuan should not be an enemy.

"Of course I know you! We've been fighting side by side since the Fourth Herrscher, and we've even faced "The End" together! "

Upon hearing that Novalu was confused about whether she recognized her, "Red Kite" seemed a little overwhelmed.

"Then can you tell me what your name is? Let me see if there are any scattered pictures about you in my existing memories."

Although Novalu has lost a lot of memories, there are still some sporadic memory pictures in the remaining memories.It's just that those pictures are just pictures, and there is no help for Nuova to recall the memory at all.

"For some reason, I can't say my real name. I explained this to you before, and you probably don't remember it, but you can call me Chu like before. Of course, I will be more comfortable if you call me Xiaochu. happy."

Judging from the reaction of "Red Kite", she seems to prefer Novalu to call her Xiaochu.

"I still call you Chu Hao."

I don't know why, Nuovalu has some conflicts with the title "Xiao Chu" from the bottom of her heart, so she chose the title "Chu" directly.

"Sure enough, you still don't want to call me Xiaochu."

Chu Chu seemed to have expected how Nuova would call her. Although she was a little disappointed, it was within the acceptable range.

"Then I should consider how to help you recover your memory. After all, you can recall the method of dealing with "Herserscher" after recovering your memory. The recovery process is really a bit tricky. "

After mentioning the restoration of Novalu's memory on the first day of the junior high school, he fell into deep thought, and seemed to be seriously thinking about how to restore Novalu's memory.

"What? Can I recover my memory?"

The words at the beginning shocked Novalu like a bolt from the blue.

After the new characters appear on the stage, there will definitely be a new plot, but the update method of the new plot will be a bit special. For now, we will follow the main line of the game, so we will soon enter the plot of Tianqiong City (finally here). PS: Everyone, I am back, and the update will resume as a daily chapter starting today.At the same time, I would also like to thank those book friends who have been insisting on recommending (because it has not been updated for a long time and disappeared), and I am deeply sorry for this.

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