The Guardian Herrscher in the Broken World

Chapter 418 Cooperation of "Star Language"

"Sumi mustard" feather blade base, command room.

"What happened to Novalu just now? She seemed to say that she was going to 'retreat for a while, let's not bother?'"

Cangxuan and Danzhu looked at each other in confusion, completely unaware of what Nuovalu meant.

"It is estimated that Nuova Lu has some important things to do, and it is inconvenient to be disturbed by us. And she said that we don't need to worry about Lin Yu, so we just need to concentrate on the collapse that broke out outside."

Kallen sat at the table and threw some snacks from the plate above into her mouth from time to time, looking very leisurely.

"Don't be idle there, it just so happens that "Arseus" detected a small-scale Honkai outbreak in a remote area, so you rush over to solve it. "

Ji Lin, Cecilia, Yae Rin and others have all been sent out to eliminate Houkai. At present, apart from Cangxuan and Danzhu who are in command and mobilization, and the daily Yae Sakura in the base, there is only one in this base. Karen, who had things to do, and Higokumaru, who was in charge of emergency situations.

"It's just a small-scale collapse. Tell me the specific location, and it will be resolved in minutes after it passes."

Before leaving the command room, Karen threw another piece of snack into her mouth, and then waved the communicator in her hand to signal Cang Xuan to send the detected Honkai information.

It is probably because the Herrscher of the Sky has not been using it for a long time. Although the scale of the collapse of the outside world is not large in the past few days, the number is quite a lot. Therefore, there are basically people dispatched from Yuren's side every day. The way to take into account all the collapse.

"These frequent small-scale collapses should not last for a few days, but I don't know how long it will take for Lin Yu to end."

Danzhu had already analyzed the number and scale of the global outbreak of Honkai through "Arsius", and finally came to a conclusion:
The current Honkai outbreaks are the aftermath of the fifth Honkai outbreak, just like aftershocks after an earthquake. Although the intensity is not too great, the number is a bit large.

"Okay, before Lin Yu recovers, let's do what we should do with peace of mind."

While Cang Xuan was saying these words, he was also constantly manipulating "Arsius" to conduct a detailed analysis of the collapse of various places.


"Chu, how are you going to help me recover my memory?"

Although Chu has promised to help Nuo Valu recover her memory, Nuo Valu really can't imagine what method Chu will use to help her retrieve her lost memory.

"Little Lulu, the missing part of your consciousness is lost in the space of the "Stone of Eternity", so you only need to enter there, and then use your existing consciousness as the main body, with my power to assist you. It is said that all the memories can be retrieved, at least [-]% to [-]% can be retrieved. "

Chu took Nova Lu to the space barrier where Lin Yu was, while explaining the general method to retrieve the memory.

"Need to rely on your strength? Isn't it enough with my current strength?"

Novalu believes that her current strength is already very strong, and she should not need to rely on the strength of others.

"This time to help you retrieve your memory, you need to use the power above "Power". Fortunately, the place to use it is in the space of "Stone of Eternity". Otherwise, I really dare not use the power of "Order" level, after all" "Order" level power is easily perceived by that guy. "

Chu very calmly said something that Novalu couldn't understand at all.

Power above "power"?

"Order" level power?
Novalu couldn't understand these things at all.

"I don't need to explain these things, because I have explained them to you before, and you will naturally know what's going on after you retrieve your memory."

At the beginning, she didn't plan to explain anything to Nuova, because in her opinion, doing so was unnecessary.

After entering the space barrier, Chu still seemed to have nothing to do, as if the rich energy in the barrier had no effect on her.But Nuo Valu is different, she directly transformed into the form of Herrscher in order to keep up with Chu's footsteps.

"She can absorb the energy here, presumably her strength will be greatly improved after she wakes up, and she may even reach the peak of "power". "

At the beginning, he noticed Phil who was in a deep sleep state on the edge of the barrier to absorb energy and recover from his injuries. At the same time, he also predicted the ultimate strength that Phil could achieve after waking up.

"As Lin Yu's family member, Phil does have great privileges in this enchantment."

No way, this is an opportunity that Novalu can't envy. After all, even if she is in the form of Herrscher, she can hardly absorb the energy in this enchantment, and Phil has the privilege to do so.

"You mean this girl is the family member named Lin Yu?"

At the beginning, she didn't notice the relationship between Phil and Lin Yu. She just guessed that Phil could absorb these special energies in the barrier, and she should be a very powerful existence in this era, but she didn't expect that she would be Lin Yu's family .


Novalu replied.

"Is that so... a family member? As a family member of the successor of "Civilization and Order", she may not be able to take that step to reach the "Order" level in the future. "

Chu glanced at Phil again, and then silently guessed in his heart.

Soon, Novalu and Chu came to the central area of ​​the enchantment where "Star Language" was located.

"The more I look at this sword, the more I don't understand how the "Stone of Eternity" was forged into this shape! ! "

As soon as I saw "Star Language", I remembered that such a big piece of "Stone of Eternity" was missing, and then I couldn't understand what was going on.

It's just that Lin Yu didn t finish the trial for a day, and she couldn t figure out the situation for a day, so she could only wait for Lin Yu to wake up before asking him for clarification.

"Okay, little Lulu, then you and I will enter the space of the "Stone of Eternity" with your consciousness.There I will try to help you retrieve your memory. "

The next moment, Chu was ready to put the strand of consciousness attached to Chi Yuan into the "Star Language".However, something unexpected happened at the beginning...

"Star Language" actually refused to let her strand of consciousness enter the inner space! !
"What's the situation? This sword won't let me in?"

Without entering the inner space of "Star Language", how can she help Nuova regain her memory?
When I first saw it, I was speechless.

This situation is really beyond her expectation!

"Would you like me to try it?"

Seeing this, Novalu quickly walked towards "Star Language" to try it out.

"This sword won't let me in, I guess you're fine, little Lulu..."

At the beginning, I thought I couldn't handle the matter, and Nuovalu probably couldn't do anything about it.It's just that before she finished speaking, the power of "Star Language" to deny her entry disappeared immediately.

"Huh? What's the situation? How did you do it, little Lulu?"

At first, he looked at Novalu who was holding the "Star Language" sword hilt in shock, and couldn't believe what happened before his eyes.

"Uh... I didn't do anything, I just held the "Star Language" and thought about the meaning of consciousness entering. "

Letting go of the hand holding "Star Language", Nuova scratched her little face a few times in embarrassment.

She also didn't expect "Star Language" to cooperate with her so much.

Finally, I almost finished writing the plot of the new characters, and I will immediately enter the plot of the sky.Let me explain: Novalu's memory recovery process will be arranged separately, so there will be a big jump in the plot, please forgive me. PS: Guess what changes will happen to Novalu who restores her memory?What will happen to the protagonist after waking up?How will the protagonist treat the new character Chu?

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