Chapter 42 Erosion
Lin Yu released all the restrictions of Xingyu, and was ready to go all out.

Normally, Lin Yu would not use the full output mode of Star Language, but the guy in front of him is a Herrscher level existence.If you don't do your best at this time, when are you waiting to use it?

Sword Qi helped Lin Yu isolate the flame of Feiyuwan, giving Lin Yu a chance to attack.

"Sky Feather Style—Flying Feather!"

This can be said to be Lin Yu's first battle after learning the Tianyu Nine Styles. As for why it was useless in performing tasks?That's because Novalu thought that Lin Yu was not proficient enough, so he forbade Lin Yu from using the Tianyu Nine Styles.But it is different now. Months of practice have allowed Lin Yu to master the known moves of Tianyu swordsmanship.

Lin Yu held Xingyu tightly, dodged the fireball quickly, and hit Feiyuwan more than a dozen times in a row.It's just that the wound was very shallow and healed quickly.

"Damn! What's with that weapon? Why does it hurt me in my domain?"

Fei Yuwan, who was hit by Lin Yu, was very angry, turned around and swept five tails towards Lin Yu.The terrifying force blew away all the surrounding flames.

"Absolutely cannot be hit!"

"Sky Feather Four Forms—Broken Feather!"

Looking at the sweeping tail, Lin Yu felt that if he was hit, it would be the result of either death or disability!So he didn't hesitate, and immediately used the moves against heavy blows in Tian Yu's nine moves.

A silver-white sword energy was swung out by Lin Yu forcefully, and at the same time he himself was rushing back.


The sword qi and the tail collided fiercely, and the terrifying aftermath even blew away Lin Yu who had retreated a long time ago.Teresa and Yae Sakura were also blown and rolled by this force.

"It hurts, it hurts!" Teresa rolled several times before stopping, and she still cried out the pain after she stopped.

Yae Sakura was fine, she stuck Sakura Fubuki to the ground and forced herself to stop.

"Hello! Lin Yu, are you okay?" Only then did Teresa realize, and hurriedly shouted in the direction where Lin Yu was blown away.

"Don't worry! I'm fine!" A figure jumped over from the place where he fought with Feiyuwan.It was Lin Yu, but Lin Yu looked a little embarrassed at this time, which was caused by the impact just now.

"Hey!" As if sensing Lin Yu's situation, Sakura Fukixue in Yae Sakura's hand uttered an anxious sword cry.

"Huh?" Yae Sakura looked at Sakura Fubuki in her hand, and seemed to understand what Sakura Fuki wanted to do.Then he threw Sakura Chuixue to Lin Yu.

"Xiaoyu, continue!"

Lin Yu caught Sakura Fubuxue with a look of astonishment, and then looked at Yae Sakura.

"Sakura, do you remember me?"

"I vaguely remembered something when I got Sakura Fubuki, I only remembered your name!"

When Lin Yu handed Sakura Fukixue to Yae Sakura, there were many vague scenes in her mind. Although she was not clear, the name Xiao Yu was the only one that impressed her deeply.

"That's good!"

Seeing that Yae Sakura remembered her name, Lin Yu smiled happily.Then, he pulled out Sakura Fubuki, ready to face Higoromaru again.

"Lulu, can you deal with this fox now?" Lin Yu began to seek help from Novalu.

"It feels that its power is far worse than that of the Eroding Herrscher! It's just a little stronger than the previous Ganesha!" Novalu can pay attention to Lin Yu's actions through star language anytime, anywhere in this stigmata space. It's just that if it's the real world, it won't work, which makes Novalu very speechless.

From the battle between Lin Yu and Feiyuwan just now, Novalu thinks that its power does not match its title of Herrscher at all!When Novalu fought against Herrscher, they were all at the level of destroying heaven and earth.And the combat level just now can only be said to have disappointed her too much!If it's her now, it shouldn't be a big problem to solve it.

"Certainly! But not absolutely!"

"That's enough! Get rid of it!"

In Lin Yu's opinion, as long as Novalu is sure!At best, he could hold back Feiyuwan, and it was impossible to kill it, so he still had to rely on Novalu.

"All right!"

Here, Novalu does not need to be possessed by Lin Yu, she can come out by herself and fight against Feiyuwan with Lin Yu.Then, she appeared next to Lin Yu, but she looked a little different.

"Huh? Lulu, why did your appearance change?"

The Novalu who appeared in front of Lin Yu was completely different from before.Previously, Novalu looked like black double ponytails and a black and white skirt, but now it has changed into hair and black casual clothes.

"How is it? Doesn't it look good!"

"Now is not the time to discuss this! Continue with the astronomical language!"

Novalu seems to have misunderstood the occasion, now he is fighting!Lin Yu didn t have time to admire her current appearance, so he directly threw Xingyu to Novalu, leaving Sakura Chuixue behind.

"By the way! I almost forgot! Now I'm fighting the Herrscher!"

After receiving the star language thrown by Lin Yu, Novalu was also ready to face the battle.

"No matter how many of you there are, you must die!"

Higokumaru didn't change at all when he saw the sudden appearance of Novalu, he directly controlled the flames to form a few fire dragons and charged towards the two of them.

"Lin Yu, follow me and use Broken Feather!"

Seeing several fire dragons rushing here, Nova Lu immediately signaled to Lin Yu.And Lin Yu also made the same preparation posture as Novalu after receiving it.

"Tian Yu's four moves - Broken Feather, five combos!"

Lin Yu followed Novalu and made the same attack.Different from the previous Duan Yu move, this time Duan Yu swung five sword qi in a row.Although the power will be a little smaller, the attack of Feiyuwan is also not as powerful as the previous sweep.

A total of ten sword qis waved towards Feiyuwan, but the fire dragon of Feiyuwan only blocked six sword qis, and the rest of the sword qis all hit it.

"Damn it! I'm going to tear you apart!"

Anger made the flames around Higokumaru more intense, and it seemed to turn black.

"Not good! Lin Yu, quickly break with Qian Yu!"

Those flames turning to black brought a lot of uneasiness to Novalu, and Lin Yu also felt threatened from those flames.If it continues to change, he and Novalu may not be able to deal with it.But the recovery ability of Feiyuwan is too abnormal, so they decided to use the fastest speed to cause damage to Feiyuwan, and then get rid of it.

"Six Forms—Thousand Feather Break!"

Just when the flames of Feiyuwan began to change, the figures of Lin Yu and Novalu disappeared directly.Immediately afterwards, two combos of hundreds of hits slashed towards Feiyuwan.

No matter how powerful the recovery ability of Feiyuwan is, there is no way to heal so many wounds in a few seconds.So in the past twenty seconds, the wounds on its body have been increasing.

"Damn! Damn!"

Hiyumaru was completely insane at this time, and the surrounding flames basically turned black.

"Lulu, the last blow!"

"Roger that!"

Through the exchange of thoughts, the two directly used the seventh move of Tianyu swordsmanship - Cangyu Duankong slashed at Feiyuwan.In the next second, two sword glows more than ten meters long slashed towards Feiyuwan.


The terrifying explosion sounded through the area, far more powerful than the previous collision between Lin Yu and Feiyuwan.

"Lulu, protect Teresa and Yae Sakura!"

This time Lin Yu's first thought was to protect Teresa and Yae Sakura, so he let Nova Lu pass by.

"Understood!" Novalu didn't hesitate, and came directly to the two of them.

"Eight Feather Styles—Guardian with Sword Feather!"

While waving the star language, Nuova formed a shield around her, covering all three of them.And Lin Yu also used this trick to protect himself.

Terrifying black flames swept over, completely covering the four of them.

"Don't worry, this shield is safe!" Novalu said to Teresa and Yae Sakura behind her.

Looking at the girl who appeared suddenly, Teresa and Yae Sakura were very puzzled because they didn't know Novalu.

"Oh! That... I am Lin Yu's companion in this space! You don't have to worry!"

Novalu guessed that the two of them must be doubting their identities, so they simply started to make up things like they did in the Destiny database.Is there any way, she doesn't want to reveal her identity.

"Oh!" Teresa and Yae Sakura nodded half-understanding.Anyway, regardless of whether what Novalu said is true or not, the important thing is that Novalu saved them now.

"Lin Yu, are you okay!" Nuova Lu passed a read to Lin Yu and asked him about the situation.

"Not good!" Lin Yu's tone was a bit wrong, it seemed that the situation was not good!
"What's wrong?" Novalu asked immediately.

"The impact is too strong!"

Lin Yu's location was closer to Feiyuwan than the three of them, and the shock wave he endured was far from comparable to the location of the three of them.More importantly, Lin Yu's sword feather guardian is not very skilled yet!This is the worst!
"Oops! I forgot that this is the flame of erosion, ordinary people can't resist it!"

It was only then that Novalu remembered that the black flame was not an ordinary flame, but a flame containing the power of erosion.But this is not a big problem for Nuovalu, because as a former herrscher of the void, she can control the space.Even though it has been a long time in the past, Novalu can still control a small amount of Space Honkai to isolate the erosive power in the flames.Of course, this is mainly due to the fact that Higokumaru's power is running low, otherwise, even Novalu would not be able to stop the power of erosion.

"Lin Yu, retreat quickly! You can't stop the power of erosion!" Novalu's anxious voice came from Lin Yu's mind.

"I may really be unable to stop it!"

While passing the message to Novalu, Lin Yu looked at the shield in front of him that had cracks.

"Don't worry, I'll go right away!"

After leaving a stronger shield for Teresa and Yae Sakura, Novalu said to the two: "This sword squat can help you survive the erosion of this black flame, so I will leave first!"

"Got it!" Teresa and Yae Sakura knew that Novalu was going to save Lin Yu, so they didn't say anything more.

"It's not like this is the end of the game!"

Lin Yu looked at more and more cracks on the shield in front of him, and felt that he was about to end the game.

"Don't worry, you won't finish the game!"

Just when Lin Yu thought he was done playing, Nova Lu came to Lin Yu against the erosion of black flames.

"Lulu, why are you here?"

Lin Yu was surprised by Novalu's arrival, shouldn't she be protecting Teresa and Yae Sakura?

"I'm not worried about you!" Nuova Lu pointed to Lin Yu's head, and said angrily, "But it's okay! Leave the rest to me!"

Then Novalu formed another shield behind Lin Yu's shield.It's just that as soon as the shield was formed, Novalu fell down powerlessly.

"Lulu, what's wrong with you?" Lin Yu panicked seeing Nuova Lu fall down.

"It's okay! It's just that the consumption is too much! Just go back to the Star Language to recover!" Nuovalu explained feebly and then turned into a light spot and entered the Star Language.

Indeed, this battle consumed Novalu a lot.After all, Novalu is only conscious, and she cannot last long in such a battle.

"Lulu, have a good rest!" Lin Yu picked up the star language and said to himself.


Just when Novalu returned to Star Language, a more terrifying impact hit Lin Yu's shield.

The next moment, the shield shattered.The overwhelming black flames swallowed Lin Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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