Chapter 43 I Should Go
The final eruption of the black flame completely swallowed Lin Yu, and the shields where Teresa and Yae Sakura were located were also shattered.But just when the black flame was about to devour the two of them, the cross in Yae Sakura's hand erupted with the final strength to protect the two of them, allowing them to survive.It's just that the cross completely turned into powder and dissipated after protecting the two from the black flames.It seems that the power contained in it has been exhausted.

"Karen..." Yae Sakura looked at the powdered cross in her hand, not knowing what to say.

"Lin Yu? Where's Lin Yu?"

After the black flame dissipated, Teresa began to look for Lin Yu.However, on the battlefield just now, apart from the dissipating Higokumaru and Sakura Fubuki stuck on the ground, there was nothing else.

"No way? Lin Yu is gone?"

Teresa sat on the ground weakly, unable to believe what had happened.


After Lin Yu was swallowed by the black flame, he fell into a dark space.


Lin Yu tried to call Novalu with his mind, but did not get any response.The endless darkness made Lin Yu lose the concept of time.Wandering in this darkness, Lin Yu felt lonely alone.I don't know how long it has passed, but the situation has not changed.

The endless darkness and loneliness gradually blurred Lin Yu's consciousness...

"Xiaoyu, wake up!"

At some point, a voice came to Lin Yu s ears.The voice was familiar, but also a little strange.

But fortunately, after hearing this voice, Lin Yu gradually recovered his consciousness.


The person who appeared in front of Lin Yu was Yae Sakura with long cherry-colored hair.Yae Sakura smiled and opened the curtains of Lin Yu's room.The strong sunlight was very dazzling, and Lin Yu took a while to adapt to the dazzling sunlight.

"Get up quickly! Karen and Mei can't wait to eat!"

After urging Lin Yu, Yae Sakura dragged Lin Yu off the bed abruptly.

What's the situation?Lin Yu was stunned, completely unaware of what happened.Wasn't he just fighting Feiyuwan?Why are you back in the dormitory now?How did Yae Sakura appear in reality?And Karen is waiting for her to eat?

The more Lin Yu thought about it, the more he couldn't figure out the situation, so he could only walk out of the room under Yae Sakura's drag.

"Yo! Lin Yu, you finally woke up!"

As soon as he left the room and came to the living room, Lin Yu saw Kalian greeting him.

what's the situation?Kallen also recovered?Why didn't I know this happened!

"Lin Yu, why did you come out? Miss Ben is almost starved to death!"

"Stupid Qiyana, she said that she would wait for Brother Lin Yu to join her, so why did you steal it?"

"Okay! Bronya, now Lin Yu has come out, and he can eat!"

Under Lin Yu's astonished gaze, the three of Qiyana staged a very familiar scene.And Ji Zi, Teresa, and Fu Hua were all sitting at the dining table waiting for him!
"Lin Yu, what are you still doing in a daze? Sit down and eat!" Seeing Lin Yu standing still, Yae Sakura reminded.

"Oh oh oh!"

In this way, Lin Yu finished eating with everyone in astonishment.Until the end of the meal, Lin Yu still didn t figure out what was going on.

"Sakura, how did we get out of the stigmata space?" Really unable to bear the doubts in his heart, Lin Yu asked Yae Sakura.

"Did you forget? You rescued us from there!" Yae Sakura answered Lin Yu while helping Mei pack up.

"Yes! Lin Yu! It was you who saved the head of the academy!" Mei also replied in the same way.

Lin Yu fell into deep thought, he always felt that something was wrong!If what Yae Sakura and Mei said is true, why don't I have the slightest impression?And how did Karen and Yae Sakura appear in reality?He has no memory of these.

"Sakura, what's going on with Kallen?" Lin Yu pointed to Kallen who was playing games with Kiana, Bronya, and Fu Hua on the sofa and asked Yae Sakura.

"Kalen was rescued by you, and I don't know what's going on! You didn't tell me when I asked you!" Yae Sakura's answer made Lin Yu even more confused.

Isn't Kallen's consciousness incomplete?It will take a while to recover!How did it recover so quickly?And there are entities! ! !
No matter how Lin Yu recalled, he just couldn't remember what he had experienced.

"By the way!" Lin Yu thought of something suddenly, and asked Yae Sakura again, "Sakura, how long has it been since we came out of the stigmata space?"

"It only took a few days! And you fell into a coma after saving me, Karen, and Teresa! You scared us to death!" Yae Sakura finished packing and came to Lin Yu Sitting down next to him, he slowly explained to Lin Yu, "Fortunately, you woke up not long after and brought Karen out. You don't know how happy I was at that time!"

When Yae Sakura told this, her face was full of smiles, and she seemed to be very happy.

"Oh!" Lin Yu nodded half understanding.

Since you don't know what's going on now, let's find out first!

"By the way! Lin Yu, the person you asked the dean to find before has been found!" Fu Hua said to Lin Yu after just finishing a game sitting on the sofa.

"Really?" Upon hearing the news, Lin Yu directly put all his previous doubts behind his head, and exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes! It took a lot of time for the head of the academy! But since you saved her, you didn't care!" Fu Hua pushed his glasses.

Teresa, is this true Lin Yu ran to the other side of the sofa to ask Teresa who was reading comics.

"Yes!" Theresa gave an affirmative answer, "I used a lot of relationships to find that girl! Remember to thank me!"

"Thank you so much!" Lin Yu was very happy, because he finally found Nana's clue.

How many years has it been since you left the orphanage?About seven or eight years now!Haven't seen each other for so long, can she still recognize me?

Lin Yu was very excited when he thought that he would be able to meet Nana soon.

"Huh?" Just when Lin Yu was happy, a mysterious force suddenly came from behind him, which surprised him.

"This is... the mysterious stigmata that has never been awakened?" Under this mysterious force, Lin Yu remembered the three stigmata he once had in Changkong City: Cangxuan, Danzhu and the mysterious stigmata behind him .

However, the stigmata on the back did not absorb enough Houkai energy, so there was no movement, and Lin Yu almost forgot about it after a long time passed.Now the sudden power coming from behind reminded him of it again.

After the influx of mysterious stigmata power, a little golden light appeared in Lin Yu s eyes.

Could it be that this stigmata was activated unintentionally After feeling the power coming, Lin Yu did not respond no matter how he tried to activate the stigmata behind him.So Lin Yu can only attribute it to the fact that the stigmata unintentionally revealed a trace of strength.

"It doesn't matter..." Just when Lin Yu thought that that trace of power had little effect on him, the next moment he looked around, he suddenly found something different.

"I see!"

Lin Yu seemed to know something, but he didn't show it.

Teresa, when can I see her Lin Yu asked Teresa.

"It won't be long, Jizi has asked her adjutant to pick it up! It is estimated to be there at one or two o'clock in the afternoon!" Teresa was still reading the comic book, but she still answered Lin Yu's question.

"That's good!" Lin Yu nodded silently.

At noon, Lin Yu and Yai worked hard and cooked a big meal for everyone.

After lunch,
"It's delicious! It feels like I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time!" Qiyana collapsed on the sofa after eating.

"Yes! I feel that Lin Yu's cooking is even better today!" Ji Zi also leaned on the sofa on the other side regardless of his image.

"Lin Yu, didn't your friend arrive in the afternoon, shouldn't delicious food be cooked at night?" Teresa rarely had the strength to think about it after eating.

Lin Yu silently cleaned up the things on the table with Yae Sakura, and after hearing Teresa's voice, he replied: "It's nothing, I'm just so happy!"

No one noticed that when Lin Yu said this, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"Yeah!" Mei also said to Teresa while cleaning up, "I didn't understand Lin Yu's cooking at the beginning, and I answered the same way when I asked him!"

"Xiao Yu, it seems that your friend is very important to you! It can make you so happy!" Yae Sakura also thought that the reason Lin Yu was happy was that he was about to meet his friend.

"Of course! We haven't seen each other for a long time!" Lin Yu smiled when he thought that he was about to see Nana.It's just that I always feel that there are different emotions hidden under the smile.

After one o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Yu and everyone came to the tarmac of St. Freya College, ready to welcome Nana's arrival.

Then a transport ship stopped, and under the leadership of Lieutenant Ji Zi, a girl with long pale blond hair and wearing black casual clothes came out.

"Classmate Lin Yu, this is Miss Bianca Atagena!" Ji Zi's adjutant introduced to Lin Yu.

"Long time no see! Nana!" Lin Yu walked to the girl's side and stretched out his hand to her.

"Xiaoyu, I finally found you!"

Although Lin Yu stretched out her hand, Nana had no intention of holding it.Instead, he hugged Lin Yu directly, and shouted happily.This surprised Lin Yu, he didn't expect Nana to be so excited.

"If it wasn't for that power, I would probably be more excited than her! 』

Lin Yu also hugged Nana, and then said: "Okay! Nana! My friends are still here!"

"Sorry! Sorry!" After being reminded by Lin Yu, Nana realized that there were people doing this around her, so she immediately pushed Lin Yu away, and bowed to everyone embarrassingly.

"It's okay! Everyone won't care!" Lin Yu said to Nana.

"Since Lin Yu's friend is here, let's go back and prepare quickly! We have to celebrate at night!" Teresa suggested.

"Yeah! There's something delicious tonight again!" Qiyana also jumped up happily.

Just when everyone took Nana happily to go back, they found Lin Yu standing there, with no intention of leaving.

Lin Yu, come here quickly Yai waved to Lin Yu.

"Xiaoyu, let's go together!"

Nana ran over and took Lin Yu's hand, wanting to walk with him.

"Nana!" Lin Yu seemed to be very entangled, but finally spoke.

"Xiaoyu, what's wrong?"

Nana looked at Lin Yu with a puzzled expression, as if wondering why Lin Yu called her.

"Sorry! Nana! Although I am very happy to meet you, but... I should go!"


Lin Yu's words surprised Nana, and she clenched her hands unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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